Zonal spherical harmonics explained

In the mathematical study of rotational symmetry, the zonal spherical harmonics are special spherical harmonics that are invariant under the rotation through a particular fixed axis. The zonal spherical functions are a broad extension of the notion of zonal spherical harmonics to allow for a more general symmetry group.

On the two-dimensional sphere, the unique zonal spherical harmonic of degree ℓ invariant under rotations fixing the north pole is represented in spherical coordinates byZ^(\theta,\phi) = \frac P_\ell(\cos\theta)where is the normalized Legendre polynomial of degree,


. The generic zonal spherical harmonic of degree ℓ is denoted by


, where x is a point on the sphere representing the fixed axis, and y is the variable of the function. This can be obtained by rotation of the basic zonal harmonic


In n-dimensional Euclidean space, zonal spherical harmonics are defined as follows. Let x be a point on the (n−1)-sphere. Define

to be the dual representation of the linear functionalP\mapsto P(\mathbf)in the finite-dimensional Hilbert space H of spherical harmonics of degree ℓ with respect to the Haar measure on the sphere


with total mass


(see Unit sphere). In other words, the following reproducing property holds:Y(\mathbf) = \int_ Z^_(\mathbf)Y(\mathbf)\,d\Omega(y)for all where


is the Haar measure from above.

Relationship with harmonic potentials

The zonal harmonics appear naturally as coefficients of the Poisson kernel for the unit ball in Rn: for x and y unit vectors,\frac\frac

= \sum_^\infty r^k Z^_(\mathbf),where


is the surface area of the (n-1)-dimensional sphere. They are also related to the Newton kernel via\frac
= \sum_^\infty c_ \frac
Z_^(\mathbf/|\mathbf|)where and the constants are given byc_ = \frac\frac.

The coefficients of the Taylor series of the Newton kernel (with suitable normalization) are precisely the ultraspherical polynomials. Thus, the zonal spherical harmonics can be expressed as follows. If, thenZ^_(\mathbf) = \fracC_\ell^(\mathbf\cdot\mathbf)where are the constants above and

is the ultraspherical polynomial of degree ℓ.

