List of poultry feathers explained

Some terms used for the feathers of poultry are identical to those used for feathers of other birds, while others are specific to poultry. They include:

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BeardFeathers projecting below the beakonly in bearded breeds
CrestFeathers projecting upwards from the headonly in crested breeds
Ear tuftsFeathers projecting from the ear
Flight covertsShort feathers covering the base of the primaries and secondaries
FluffThe soft feathers on the underside of the bird
Lesser sicklesLong curved feathers of the tail, below the sicklesonly in cock birds
Main tail feathersThe long straight feathers forming the tail, under the tail coverts
MuffFeathers projecting below and around the eyesonly in bearded breeds
Neck hacklesThe long feathers of the neck
The longest and outermost feathers of the wing
Saddle feathersFeathers covering the back or saddle before the tail coverts; in cocks they are long and pointeddivided into upper and lower saddles
ScapularsShort feathers on the upper side of the wing near the body
SecondariesThe long flight feathers of the inner part of the wing
SicklesThe two longest curved feathers of the tailonly in cock birds
Tail covertsShort feathers covering the base of the main tail feathers in cocks, and most of the tail in hens
Vulture hocksStiff feathers projecting downwards behind the legonly in some breeds
Wing barShort feathers covering the base of the secondaries and of the flight coverts
Wing bow covertsShort feathers covering the upper part of the wing between the scapulars and the wing bar