Treebank Explained

In linguistics, a treebank is a parsed text corpus that annotates syntactic or semantic sentence structure. The construction of parsed corpora in the early 1990s revolutionized computational linguistics, which benefitted from large-scale empirical data.[1]


The term treebank was coined by linguist Geoffrey Leech in the 1980s, by analogy to other repositories such as a seedbank or bloodbank.[2] This is because both syntactic and semantic structure are commonly represented compositionally as a tree structure. The term parsed corpus is often used interchangeably with the term treebank, with the emphasis on the primacy of sentences rather than trees.


Treebanks are often created on top of a corpus that has already been annotated with part-of-speech tags. In turn, treebanks are sometimes enhanced with semantic or other linguistic information. Treebanks can be created completely manually, where linguists annotate each sentence with syntactic structure, or semi-automatically, where a parser assigns some syntactic structure which linguists then check and, if necessary, correct. In practice, fully checking and completing the parsing of natural language corpora is a labour-intensive project that can take teams of graduate linguists several years. The level of annotation detail and the breadth of the linguistic sample determine the difficulty of the task and the length of time required to build a treebank.

Some treebanks follow a specific linguistic theory in their syntactic annotation (e.g. the BulTreeBank follows HPSG) but most try to be less theory-specific. However, two main groups can be distinguished: treebanks that annotate phrase structure (for example the Penn Treebank or ICE-GB) and those that annotate dependency structure (for example the Prague Dependency Treebank or the Quranic Arabic Dependency Treebank).

It is important to clarify the distinction between the formal representation and the file format used to store the annotated data. Treebanks are necessarily constructed according to a particular grammar. The same grammar may be implemented by different file formats. For example, the syntactic analysis for John loves Mary, shown in the figure on the right, may be represented by simple labelled brackets in a text file, like this (following the Penn Treebank notation):

(S (NP (NNP John)) (VP (VPZ loves) (NP (NNP Mary))) (. .))

This type of representation is popular because it is light on resources, and the tree structure is relatively easy to read without software tools. However, as corpora become increasingly complex, other file formats may be preferred. Alternatives include treebank-specific XML schemes, numbered indentation and various types of standoff notation.


From a computational linguistics[3] perspective, treebanks have been used to engineer state-of-the-art natural language processing systems such as part-of-speech taggers, parsers, semantic analyzers and machine translation systems.[4] Most computational systems utilize gold-standard treebank data. However, an automatically parsed corpus that is not corrected by human linguists can still be useful. It can provide evidence of rule frequency for a parser. A parser may be improved by applying it to large amounts of text and gathering rule frequencies. However, it should be obvious that only by a process of correcting and completing a corpus by hand is it possible then to identify rules absent from the parser knowledge base. In addition, frequencies are likely to be more accurate.

In corpus linguistics, treebanks are used to study syntactic phenomena (for example, diachronic corpora can be used to study the time course of syntactic change). Once parsed, a corpus will contain frequency evidence showing how common different grammatical structures are in use. Treebanks also provide evidence of coverage and support the discovery of new, unanticipated, grammatical phenomena.

Another use of treebanks in theoretical linguistics and psycholinguistics is interaction evidence. A completed treebank can help linguists carry out experiments as to how the decision to use one grammatical construction tends to influence the decision to form others, and to try to understand how speakers and writers make decisions as they form sentences. Interaction research is particularly fruitful as further layers of annotation, e.g. semantic, pragmatic, are added to a corpus. It is then possible to evaluate the impact of non-syntactic phenomena on grammatical choices.

In linguistics research, annotated treebank data has been used in syntactic research to test linguistic theories of sentence structure against large quantities of naturally occurring examples.

Semantic treebanks

A semantic treebank is a collection of natural language sentences annotated with a meaning representation. These resources use a formal representation of each sentence's semantic structure. Semantic treebanks vary in the depth of their semantic representation. A notable example of deep semantic annotation is the Groningen Meaning Bank, developed at the University of Groningen and annotated using Discourse Representation Theory. An example of a shallow semantic treebank is PropBank, which provides annotation of verbal propositions and their arguments, without attempting to represent every word in the corpus in logical form.

LanguageTreebankSemantic FormalismDistribution / License
ChineseChinese Universal PropositionsPropBank semantics
EnglishAbstract Meaning Representation (AMR) BankDeep semantics
EnglishFrameNetShallow semantics
EnglishUniversal Conceptual Cognitive Annotation (UCCA)Deep semantics
EnglishRobot Commands Treebank [5] Deep semantics
EnglishGroningen Meaning BankDeep semantics
EnglishParallel Meaning BankDeep semantics
DutchParallel Meaning BankDeep semantics
GermanParallel Meaning BankDeep semantics
ItalianParallel Meaning BankDeep semantics
EnglishDeepBank projectDeep semantics
EnglishTreebank Semantics Parsed CorpusDeep semantics
EnglishRoboCup CorpusDeep semantics
EnglishGeoqueryDeep semantics
EnglishPropBankPropBank semantics
FinnishFinnish Universal PropositionsPropBank semantics
FinnishFinnish PropBankPropBank semantics
FrenchFrench Universal PropositionsPropBank semantics
GermanGerman Universal PropositionsPropBank semantics
ItalianItalian Universal PropositionsPropBank semantics
PortuguesePortuguese PortLexPropBank semantics
PortuguesePortuguese Universal PropositionsPropBank semantics
SpanishSpanish Universal PropositionsPropBank semantics
TurkishTurkish PropBankPropBank semantics

Syntactic treebanks

Many syntactic treebanks have been developed for a wide variety of languages:

LanguageTreebankSyntactic FormalismDistribution / License
AbazaUniversal Dependencies, ATBDependency
AfrikaansUniversal Dependencies, AfriBoomsDependency
AkkadianUniversal Dependencies, PISANDUBDependency
AlbanianUniversal Dependencies, TSADependency
AmharicUniversal Dependencies, ATTDependency
Ancient GreekUniversal Dependencies, PerseusDependency
Ancient GreekUniversal Dependencies, PROIELDependency
Greek (ancient)Ancient Greek Dependency Treebank[6] [7] Dependency
Greek (ancient)PROIEL Treebank[8] Dependency
ArabicColumbia Arabic Treebank (CATiB)Dependency
ArabicPrague Arabic Dependency Treebank (PADT)Dependency
ArabicUniversal Dependencies, NYUADDependency
ArabicUniversal Dependencies, PADTDependency
ArabicUniversal Dependencies, PUDDependency
ArabicPenn Arabic TreebankPhrase structure
ArmenianUniversal Dependencies, ArmTDPDependency
Assyrian (Neo-Aramaic)Universal Dependencies, ASDependency
BambaraUniversal Dependencies, CRBDependency
BasqueUniversal Dependencies, BDTDependency
BelarusianUniversal Dependencies, HSEDependency
BhojpuriUniversal Dependencies, BhEnDependency
BhojpuriUniversal Dependencies, BHTBDependency
BretonUniversal Dependencies, KEBDependency
BulgarianUniversal Dependencies, BTBDependency
BuryatUniversal Dependencies, BDTDependency
CantoneseUniversal Dependencies, HKDependency
CatalanCat3LBPhrase structure
CatalanUniversal Dependencies, AnCoraDependency
ChineseSinica TreebankCase grammar
ChineseUniversal Dependencies, CFLDependency
ChineseUniversal Dependencies, GSDDependency
ChineseUniversal Dependencies, GSDSimpDependency
ChineseUniversal Dependencies, HKDependency
ChineseUniversal Dependencies, PUDDependency
ChinesePenn Chinese TreebankPhrase structure
ChineseChinese Dependency TreebankDependency
Arabic (classical)Quranic Arabic Dependency Treebank (QADT) (Quranic Arabic Corpus)Dependency
Classical ArmenianPROIEL TreebankDependency
CopticUniversal Dependencies, Coptic ScriptoriumDependency
CroatianCroatian Dependency TreebankDependency
CroatianUniversal Dependencies, SETDependency
CzechPrague Dependency TreebankDependency
CzechUniversal Dependencies, CACDependency
CzechUniversal Dependencies, CLTTDependency
CzechUniversal Dependencies, FicTreeDependency
CzechUniversal Dependencies, PDTDependency
CzechUniversal Dependencies, PUDDependency
DanishDanish Dependency TreebankDependency
DanishArboretum: A syntactic tree corpus of DanishPhrase structure
DanishUniversal Dependencies, DDTDependency
DanishUniversal Dependencies, DTBDependency
Dutch Spoken Dutch Corpus (CGN)Phrase structure
DutchUniversal Dependencies, AlpinoDependency
DutchUniversal Dependencies, LassySmallDependency
Dutch LASSY Small and LargeDependency
DutchAlpino TreebankDependency
EgyptianUniversal Dependencies, UJaenDependency
EnglishCCGbankCombinatory categorial grammar
EnglishLinGO RedwoodsHPSG
EnglishLancaster Parsed CorpusPhrase structure
EnglishPrague English Dependency TreebankDependency
EnglishUniversal Dependencies, BhEnDependency
EnglishUniversal Dependencies, ESLDependency
EnglishUniversal Dependencies, EWTDependency
EnglishUniversal Dependencies, GUMDependency
EnglishUniversal Dependencies, GUMRedditDependency
EnglishUniversal Dependencies, LinESDependency
EnglishUniversal Dependencies, ParTUTDependency
EnglishUniversal Dependencies, PronounsDependency
EnglishUniversal Dependencies, PUDDependency
EnglishTreebank Semantics Parsed CorpusPhrase structure
EnglishChristine CorpusPhrase structure
EnglishLucy CorpusPhrase structure
EnglishSusanne CorpusPhrase structure
EnglishBLLIP WSJ corpusPhrase structure
EnglishTübingen Treebank of English / Spontaneous Speech (TüBa-E/S)HPSG
EnglishDiachronic Corpus of Present-Day Spoken English (DCPSE)Phrase structure
EnglishBritish Component of the International Corpus of English (ICE-GB)Phrase structure
EnglishThe PARC 700 Dependency BankDependency
EnglishYahoo Query TreebankDependency
EnglishPenn TreebankPhrase structure
EnglishMulti-TreebankPhrase structure
EnglishCHILDES Brown Eve corpus with dependency annotationDependency
EnglishSMULTRON - Parallel Treebank EN-DE-SVPhrase structure
ErzyaUniversal Dependencies, JRDependency
EstonianArborestPhrase structure
EstonianSyntactically analyzed and disambiguated text corpusDependency
EstonianUniversal Dependencies, EDTDependency
EstonianUniversal Dependencies, EWTDependency
FaroeseUniversal Dependencies, FarPaHCDependency
FaroeseUniversal Dependencies, OFTDependency
FinnishTurku Dependency Treebank (TDT)Dependency
FinnishUniversal Dependencies, FTBDependency
FinnishUniversal Dependencies, PUDDependency
FinnishUniversal Dependencies, TDTDependency
French (spoken)RhapsodieDependency and macrosyntactic annotation
FrenchL'ArboratoirePhrase structure
FrenchUniversal Dependencies, CrapBankDependency
FrenchUniversal Dependencies, FQBDependency
FrenchUniversal Dependencies, FTBDependency
FrenchUniversal Dependencies, GSDDependency
FrenchUniversal Dependencies, ParTUTDependency
FrenchUniversal Dependencies, PUDDependency
FrenchUniversal Dependencies, SequoiaDependency
FrenchUniversal Dependencies, SpokenDependency
FrenchFrench TreebankPhrase structure
FrenchFree French Treebank
FrenchSequoia TreebankPhrase structure & Dependency
GalicianUniversal Dependencies, CTGDependency
GalicianUniversal Dependencies, TreeGalDependency
GermanHamburg Dependency Treebank (HDT)Dependency
GermanUniversal Dependencies, GSDDependency
GermanUniversal Dependencies, LITDependency
GermanUniversal Dependencies, PUDDependency
GermanSMULTRON - Parallel Treebank EN-DE-SVPhrase structure
GermanNEGRAPhrase structure
GermanTIGERPhrase structure
GermanTübingen Treebank of German / Spontaneous Speech (TüBa-D/S)Phrase structure
GermanTübingen Treebank of Written German (TüBa-D/Z)Phrase structure
GermanTübingen Partially Parsed Corpus of Written German (TüPP-D/Z)Phrase structure
GothicPROIEL TreebankDependency
GothicUniversal Dependencies, PROIELDependency
GreekGreek Dependency TreebankDependency
GreekUniversal Dependencies, GDTDependency
HebrewUniversal Dependencies, HTBDependency
HebrewHebrew Dependency TreebankDependency
Hindi EnglishUniversal Dependencies, HIENCSDependency
HindiUniversal Dependencies, HDTBDependency
HindiUniversal Dependencies, PUDDependency
English (historical)Penn Parsed Corpora of Historical EnglishPhrase structure
English (historical)York-Toronto-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Old English Prose (YCOE)Phrase structure
French (historical)Corpus MCVFPhrase structure
Portuguese (historical)Tycho Brahe corpusPhrase structure
HungarianUniversal Dependencies, SzegedDependency
HungarianHungarian TreebankPhrase structure
IcelandicIcePaHC - Icelandic Parsed Historical CorpusPhrase structure
IcelandicUniversal Dependencies, IcePaHCDependency
IcelandicUniversal Dependencies, PUDDependency
IndonesianUniversal Dependencies, GSDDependency
IndonesianUniversal Dependencies, PUDDependency
IndonesianICONPhrase structure
IrishUniversal Dependencies, IDTDependency
ItalianISST - Italian Syntactic-Semantic TreebankPhrase structure and dependency
ItalianMIDT (Merged Italian Dependency Treebank) resulting from the merging and harmonization of the TUT and ISST-CoNLL/TANL treebanksdependency
ItalianVIT - Venice Italian TreebankPhrase structure and dependency
ItalianUniversal Dependencies, ISDTDependency
ItalianUniversal Dependencies, ParTUTDependency
ItalianUniversal Dependencies, PoSTWITADependency
ItalianUniversal Dependencies, PUDDependency
ItalianUniversal Dependencies, TWITTIRODependency
ItalianUniversal Dependencies, VITDependency
ItalianItalian Syntactic-Semantic Treebank for the CoNLL-2007 Shared Task (ISST-CoNLL)dependency
ItalianSUT - Siena University Treebank
ItalianTUT - Turin University TreebankDependency
ItalianISDT (Italian Stanford Dependency Treebank)dependency
JapaneseKyoto Text Corpus
JapaneseUniversal Dependencies, BCCWJDependency
JapaneseUniversal Dependencies, GSDDependency
JapaneseUniversal Dependencies, KTCDependency
JapaneseUniversal Dependencies, ModernDependency
JapaneseUniversal Dependencies, PUDDependency
JapaneseKeyaki TreebankPhrase structure
JapaneseTübingen Treebank of Japanese / Spontaneous Speech (TüBa-J/S)Phrase structure
JapaneseATR Dependency corpusDependency
KarelianUniversal Dependencies, KKPPDependency
KazakhUniversal Dependencies, KTBDependency
Komi PermyakUniversal Dependencies, UHDependency
Komi ZyrianUniversal Dependencies, IKDPDependency
Komi ZyrianUniversal Dependencies, LatticeDependency
KoreanUniversal Dependencies, GSDDependency
KoreanUniversal Dependencies, KaistDependency
KoreanUniversal Dependencies, PennDependency
KoreanUniversal Dependencies, PUDDependency
KoreanUniversal Dependencies, SejongDependency
KoreanKorean TreebankPhrase structure
KurmanjiUniversal Dependencies, MGDependency
LatinUniversal Dependencies, ITTBDependency
LatinUniversal Dependencies, LLCTDependency
LatinUniversal Dependencies, PerseusDependency
LatinUniversal Dependencies, PROIELDependency
LatinIndex Thomisticus TreebankDependency
LatinPROIEL TreebankDependency
LatinLatin Dependency Treebank[9] Dependency
LatvianUniversal Dependencies, LVTBDependency
LithuanianUniversal Dependencies, ALKSNISDependency
LithuanianUniversal Dependencies, HSEDependency
LivviUniversal Dependencies, KKPPDependency
MagahiUniversal Dependencies, MGTBDependency
MalteseUniversal Dependencies, MUDTDependency
MarathiUniversal Dependencies, UFALDependency
Mbya GuaraniUniversal Dependencies, DooleyDependency
Mbya GuaraniUniversal Dependencies, ThomasDependency
Middle IrishUniversal Dependencies, CritMITBDependency
Middle IrishUniversal Dependencies, DipMITBDependency
MokshaUniversal Dependencies, JRDependency
NaijaUniversal Dependencies, NSCDependency
North SamiUniversal Dependencies, GiellaDependency
NorwegianINESS treebanking infrastructureLFG
NorwegianUniversal Dependencies, BokmaalDependency
NorwegianUniversal Dependencies, NynorskDependency
NorwegianUniversal Dependencies, NynorskLIADependency
Old Church SlavonicUniversal Dependencies, PROIELDependency
Old Church SlavonicTOROT TreebankDependency
Old FrenchUniversal Dependencies, SRCMFDependency
Old RussianUniversal Dependencies, RNCDependency
Old RussianUniversal Dependencies, TOROTDependency
Old RussianTOROT TreebankDependency
PersianPersian Dependency Treebank (PerDT)Dependency
PersianUniversal Dependencies, SerajiDependency
PolishA Treebank / Test Suite for PolishHPSG
PolishUniversal Dependencies, LFGDependency
PolishUniversal Dependencies, PDBDependency
PolishUniversal Dependencies, PUDDependency
PolishSkładnicaPhrase structure and Dependency
PortugueseUniversal Dependencies, BosqueDependency
PortugueseUniversal Dependencies, GSDDependency
PortugueseUniversal Dependencies, PUDDependency
PortugueseProjecto Floresta Sintá(c)ticaDependency, Phrase structure
RomanianRomanian Dependency TreebankDependency
RomanianUniversal Dependencies, NonstandardDependency
RomanianUniversal Dependencies, RRTDependency
RomanianUniversal Dependencies, SiMoNERoDependency
RussianUniversal Dependencies, GSDDependency
RussianUniversal Dependencies, PUDDependency
RussianUniversal Dependencies, SynTagRusDependency
RussianUniversal Dependencies, TaigaDependency
RussianSynTagRus Dependency Treebank (Russian National Corpus)Dependency
SanskritUniversal Dependencies, UFALDependency
SanskritUniversal Dependencies, VedicDependency
Scottish GaelicUniversal Dependencies, ARCOSGDependency
SerbianUniversal Dependencies, SETDependency
SindhiUniversal Dependencies, MazharDootioDependency
Skolt SamiUniversal Dependencies, GiellagasDependency
SlovakUniversal Dependencies, SNKDependency
SloveneSlovene Dependency TreebankDependency
SlovenianUniversal Dependencies, SSJDependency
SlovenianUniversal Dependencies, SSTDependency
SpanishCast3LBPhrase structure and dependency
SpanishUniversal Dependencies, AnCoraDependency
SpanishUniversal Dependencies, GSDDependency
SpanishUniversal Dependencies, PUDDependency
SpanishUAM Treebank of SpanishPhrase structure
SwedishTalbanken05Phrase structure and dependency
SwedishSwedish TreebankPhrase structure
SwedishUniversal Dependencies, LinESDependency
SwedishUniversal Dependencies, PUDDependency
SwedishUniversal Dependencies, TalbankenDependency
SwedishSMULTRON - Parallel Treebank EN-DE-SVPhrase structure
Swedish Sign LanguageUniversal Dependencies, SSLCDependency
Swiss GermanUniversal Dependencies, UZHDependency
TagalogUniversal Dependencies, TRGDependency
TagalogUniversal Dependencies, UgnayanDependency
TamilUniversal Dependencies, TTBDependency
TeluguUniversal Dependencies, MTGDependency
ThaiNAiST Thai TreebankDependency
ThaiUniversal Dependencies, PUDDependency
ThaiTHTBPhrase structure
TurkishMETU-Sabanci Turkish TreebankDependency
TurkishUniversal Dependencies, BOUNDependency
TurkishUniversal Dependencies, GBDependency
TurkishUniversal Dependencies, IMSTDependency
TurkishUniversal Dependencies, PUDDependency
UkrainianInstitute for Ukrainian, NGO Gold StandardDependency
UkrainianUniversal Dependencies, IUDependency
Upper SorbianUniversal Dependencies, UFALDependency
UrduNU-FAST TreebankPhrase structure
UrduThe URDU.KON-TB TreebankPhrase and Hyper Dependency Structure
UrduUniversal Dependencies, UDTBDependency
UyghurUniversal Dependencies, UDTDependency
VietnameseUniversal Dependencies, VTBDependency
VietnameseVietnamese TreebankPhrase structure
VietnameseVietnamese Dependency TreebankDependency
WarlpiriUniversal Dependencies, UFALDependency
WelshUniversal Dependencies, CCGDependency
WolofUniversal Dependencies, WTBDependency
YorubaUniversal Dependencies, YTBDependency

To facilitate the further researches between multilingual tasks, some researchers discussed the universal annotation scheme for cross-languages. In this way, people try to utilize or merge the advantages of different treebanks corpora. For instance, The universal annotation approach for dependency treebanks;[10] and the universal annotation approach for phrase structure treebanks.[11]

Search tools

One of the key ways to extract evidence from a treebank is through search tools. Search tools for parsed corpora typically depend on the annotation scheme that was applied to the corpus. User interfaces range in sophistication from expression-based query systems aimed at computer programmers to full exploration environments aimed at general linguists. Wallis (2008) discusses the principles of searching treebanks in detail and reviews the state of the art around that time.[12]

See also

Notes and References

  1. Alexander Clark, Chris Fox and Shalom Lappin (2010). The handbook of computational linguistics and natural language processing. Wiley.
  2. Sampson, G. (2003) ‘Reflections of a dendrographer.’ In A. Wilson, P. Rayson and T. McEnery (eds.) Corpus Linguistics by the Lune: A Festschrift for Geoffrey Leech, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 157-184
  3. Haitao Liu, Wei Huang — A Chinese Dependency Syntax for Treebanking, published by Communication University of China, published (online) by the Association for Computational Linguistics - accessed 2020-2-4
  4. Kübler. Sandra. McDonald. Ryan. Nivre. Joakim. 2008-12-18. Dependency Parsing. Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies. en. 2. 1. 1–127. 10.2200/s00169ed1v01y200901hlt002.
  5. Kais Dukes (2013) Semantic Annotation of Robotic Spatial Commands. Language and Technology Conference (LTC). Poznan, Poland.
  6. Celano, Giuseppe G. A. 2014. Guidelines for the annotation of the Ancient Greek Dependency Treebank 2.0.
  7. Mambrini, F. 2016. The Ancient Greek Dependency Treebank: Linguistic Annotation in a Teaching Environment. In: Bodard, G & Romanello, M (eds.) Digital Classics Outside the Echo-Chamber: Teaching, Knowledge Exchange & Public Engagement, Pp. 83–99. London: Ubiquity Press.
  8. Dag Haug. 2015. Treebanks in historical linguistic research. In Carlotta Viti (ed.), Perspectives on Historical Syntax, Benjamins, 188-202. A preprint is available at
  9. Bamman David & al. 2008. Guidelines for the Syntactic Annotation of Latin Treebanks (v. 1.3).
  10. McDonald, R. . Nivre, J., Quirmbach-Brundage, Y. . Universal Dependency Annotation for Multilingual Parsing.. Proceedings of the ACL 2013. . etal.
  11. Han, A.L.-F . Wong, D.F. . Chao, L.S. . Lu, Y. . He, L. . Tian, L. . amp . A Universal Phrase Tagset for Multilingual Treebanks. Proceedings of the CCL and NLP-NABD 2014, LNAI 8801, pp. 247– 258. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland . 2014. 10.1007/978-3-319-12277-9_22 .
  12. Wallis, Sean (2008). Searching treebanks and other structured corpora. Chapter 34 in Lüdeling, A. & Kytö, M. (ed.) Corpus Linguistics: An International Handbook. Handbücher zur Sprache und Kommunikationswissenschaft series. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.