Transliteration of Ancient Egyptian explained

As used for Egyptology, transliteration of Ancient Egyptian is the process of converting (or mapping) texts written as Egyptian language symbols to alphabetic symbols representing uniliteral hieroglyphs or their hieratic and demotic counterparts. This process facilitates the publication of texts where the inclusion of photographs or drawings of an actual Egyptian document is impractical.

Transliteration is not the same as transcription. Transliteration is the representation of written symbols in a consistent way in a different writing system, while transcription indicates the pronunciation of a text. For the case of Ancient Egyptian, precise details of the phonology are not known completely. Transcription systems for Ancient Egyptian do exist, but they rely on linguistic reconstruction (depending on evidence from the Coptic language and other details) and are thus theoretical in nature. Egyptologists rely on transliteration in scientific publications.


pronounced as /notice/Important as transliteration is for Egyptology, there is no one standard scheme in use for hieroglyphic and hieratic texts. However, there are a few closely related systems that can be regarded as conventional. Many non-German-speaking Egyptologists use the system described in Gardiner 1954, whereas many German-speaking scholars opt for that used in the Wörterbuch der ägyptischen Sprache (Erman and Grapow 1926–1953), the standard dictionary of the ancient Egyptian language. However, there is a growing trend, even among English-speaking scholars, to adopt a modified version of the method used in the Wörterbuch (e.g., Allen 2000).

Although these conventional methods of transliteration have been used since the second half of the nineteenth century to the present time, there have been some attempts to adopt a modified system that seeks to use the International Phonetic Alphabet to a certain extent. The most successful of these is that developed by Wolfgang Schenkel (1990), and it is being used fairly widely in Germany and other German-speaking countries. More recent is a proposal by Thomas Schneider (2003) that is even closer to the IPA, but its usage is not presently common. The major criticism of both of these systems is that they give an impression of being scientifically accurate with regard to the pronunciation of Egyptian, though the actual accuracy is debatable. Moreover, the systems represent only the theoretical pronunciation of Middle Egyptian and not the older and later phases of the language, which are themselves to be transliterated with the same system.

Table of transliteration schemes

Although the system of Egyptian hieroglyphs is very complicated, there are only 24 consonantal phonemes distinguished, according to Edel (1955)[1] transliterated and ordered alphabetically in the sequence:

A number of variant conventions are used interchangeably depending on the author.

The following table shows several transliteration schemes. The first column shows the uniliteral hieroglyph (see

  1. Uniliteral signs
below) corresponding to the sound.

Conventional Transliteration Schemes
GlyphBrugschErmanBudgeErman &<br/>GrapowGardinerEdelManuel de
HochSchneiderLeiden UnifiedConventional
aAɹpronounced as //ɑ, ɑː//
ʾı͗ȧı͗, jı͗jiʔı͗jı͗ı͗ı͗pronounced as //i, iː, j//
"ïijy(n.a.)[2] yyı͗jyı͗ïpronounced as //iː//
ʾʾyijyji*iyyyyyypronounced as //iː//
āaɗpronounced as //ɑː//
wwuwwwwwwwwwwpronounced as //w, uː//
bbbbbbbbbbbbbpronounced as //b//
ppppppppppppppronounced as //p//
fffffffffffffpronounced as //f//
mmmmmmmmmmmmmpronounced as //m//
nnnnnnnnnnnnnpronounced as //n//
r, lrr, lrrrrrrrrlrpronounced as //ɾ//
hhhhhhhhhhhhhpronounced as //h//
Hpronounced as //ħ, h//
χ, khxxpronounced as //x//
χ, khXpronounced as //ç//
sssss (z)zzzszsszpronounced as //z, s//
sssśs (ś)sssśssśspronounced as //s//
ššś, shšššSššššššpronounced as //ʃ//
qqqqqqqpronounced as //k, q//
kkkkkkkkkkkkkpronounced as //k//
ggggggggggggpronounced as //ɡ//
tttttttttttttpronounced as //t//
θ, thTččcpronounced as //tʃ//
ddddddddddpronounced as //d//
t', tchDǧč̣pronounced as //dʒ//
The vowel pronounced as /link/ is conventionally inserted between consonants to make Egyptian words pronounceable in English.


The following text is transliterated below in some of the more common schemes. Note that most of the hieroglyphs in this text are not uniliteral signs, but can be found in the List of Egyptian hieroglyphs.

M23-X1:R4-X8-Q2:D4-W17-R14-G4-R8-O29:V30-U23-N26-D58-O49:Z1-F13:N31-Z2ss-V30:N16:N21*Z1-D45:N25Unicode: Egyptian (Ancient);: {{font|text=|size=35px

(This text is conventionally translated into English as "an offering that the king gives; and Osiris, Foremost of Westerners [i.e., the Dead], the Great God, Lord of Abydos; and Wepwawet, Lord of the Sacred Land [i.e., the [[Necropolis]]]." It can also be translated "a royal offering of Osiris, Foremost of the Westerners, the Great God, Lord of Abydos; and of Wepwawet, Lord of the Sacred Land" [Allen 2000:§24.10].)

Erman and Grapow 1926–1953

Gardiner 1953

Buurman, Grimal, et al. 1988

A fully encoded, machine-readable version of the same text is:

Schenkel 1991

Allen 2000

Schneider 2003


See also: Demotic (Egyptian). As the latest stage of pre-Coptic Egyptian, demotic texts have long been transliterated using the same system(s) used for hieroglyphic and hieratic texts. However, in 1980, Demotists adopted a single, uniform, international standard based on the traditional system used for hieroglyphic, but with the addition of some extra symbols for vowels and other letters that were written in the demotic script. The Demotic Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago (or CDD) utilises this method. As this system is likely only of interest to specialists, for details see the references below.


In 1984 a standard, ASCII-based transliteration system was proposed by an international group of Egyptologists at the first Table ronde informatique et égyptologie and published in 1988 (see Buurman, Grimal, et al., 1988). This has come to be known as the Manuel de Codage (or MdC) system, based on the title of the publication, Inventaire des signes hiéroglyphiques en vue de leur saisie informatique: Manuel de codage des textes hiéroglyphiques en vue de leur saisie sur ordinateur. It is widely used in e-mail discussion lists and internet forums catering to professional Egyptologists and the interested public.

Although the Manuel de codage system allows for simple "alphabetic" transliterations, it also specifies a complex method for electronically encoding complete ancient Egyptian texts, indicating features such as the placement, orientation, and even size of individual hieroglyphs. This system is used (though frequently with modifications) by various computer programs developed for typesetting hieroglyphic texts (such as SignWriter, WinGlyph, MacScribe, InScribe, Glyphotext, WikiHiero, and others).


With the introduction of the Latin Extended Additional block to Unicode version 1.1 (1992), the addition of Egyptological alef and ayin to Unicode version 5.1 (2008) and the addition of Glottal I alias Egyptological yod to Unicode version 12.0 (2019), it is now possible to fully transliterate Egyptian texts using a Unicode typeface. The following table lists only the special characters used for various transliteration schemes (see above).

Transcription characters in Unicode
- ! Minuscule ʾ ï - ! Unicode U+A723 U+02BE U+A7BD U+0069
U+00EF U+A725 U+0075
U+1E25 U+1E2B U+1E96 U+0068
- ! Majuscule - ! Unicode U+A722 U+A7BC U+A724 U+1E24 U+1E2A U+0048
- ! Minuscule ś š č č̣ - ! Unicode U+015B U+0161 U+1E33 U+010D U+1E6F U+1E6D U+1E71 U+010D
U+1E0F - ! Majuscule Ś Š Č Č̣ - ! Unicode U+015A U+0160 U+1E32 U+010C U+1E6E U+1E6C U+1E70 U+010C
U+1E0E - ! Brackets/
- ! Unicode U+2E17 U+27E8 U+27E9 U+2E22 U+2E23

Egyptological alef, ayin, and yod

Three characters that are specific to the discipline are required for transliterating Egyptian:

Although three Egyptological and Ugariticist letters were proposed in August 2000,[5] it was not until 2008 (Unicode 5.1) two of the three letters were encoded: aleph and ayin (minor and capital). Another two proposals were made regarding the Egyptological yod,[6] [7] the eventual result of which was to accept the use of the Cyrillic psili pneumata as one of several possible diacritics for this purpose. The other options use the superscript comma (U+0313) and the right half ring above (U+0357). A new attempt for a sign called LETTER I WITH SPIRITUS LENIS was made in 2017.[8] Within the Egyptological community objections were made concerning this name.[9] The proposed name was changed to EGYPTOLOGICAL YOD[10] before finally becoming GLOTTAL I.[11] The sign was added in March 2019 with the release of Unicode 12.0. One of the first fonts that implemented the full set of signs is New Athena Unicode.[12]

Egyptological alef

Egyptological ayin

Egyptological yod


Before the usage of the above-mentioned Unicode signs, various workarounds were in practice, e.g.

Egyptological workarounds
Middle English yogh[13] ȝ
Reverse sicilicusʿ
Right half ring above [14]
U+0069 U+0357

U+0049 U+0357
U+0131 U+0357 [15]
I with hook above 

Cyrillic psili pneumata
U+0069 U+0486

U+0049 U+0486
Superscript comma
U+0069 U+0313

U+0049 U+0313

Uniliteral signs

Middle Egyptian is reconstructed as having had 24 consonantal phonemes. There is at least one hieroglyph with a phonetic value corresponding to each of these phonemes.

The table below gives a list of such "uniliteral signs" along with their conventional transcription and their conventional "Egyptological pronunciation" and probable phonetic value.

Many hieroglyphs are coloured, though the paint has worn off most stone inscriptions. Colors vary, but many glyphs are predominantly one colour or another, or a particular combination (such as red on the top and blue on the bottom). In some cases, two graphically similar glyphs may be distinguished solely by colour, though in other cases it's not known if the choice of colour had any meaning.

Uniliteral signs
SignEgyptological transliteration and pronunciationPhonetic values (IPA)[16] [17] [18] [19]
HieroglyphSign ColourDepictionTransliterationSay (modern)[20] NotesOld EgyptianMiddle Egyptian
PolychromeEgyptian vultureahCalled alef/aleph or hamza,
a glottal stop
some form of liquid;
proposed values include
pronounced as //ʀ//, pronounced as //r//, pronounced as //l//, pronounced as //ɫ//
variously pronounced as //ʀ//, pronounced as //ʔ//, and pronounced as //j//
GreenFlowering reed or jeeCalled yodpronounced as //j// or pronounced as //ʔ// (?)
GreenPair of reedsy or jy or eeCalled yod or ynot usedpronounced as //j//
BluePair of strokesy or j or ïnot usedpronounced as //j// or pronounced as //i// (?)
RedForearmahCalled ayinpronounced as /link/, or debatably pronounced as //d//[21] pronounced as //ʕ//

pronounced as //d// perhaps retained in
some words and dialects
YellowQuail chick or its
hieratic abbreviation
ww or ooCalled wau/waw
pronounced as //w//
RedLower legbb pronounced as //b//
GreenReed mat or stoolpp pronounced as //p//
YellowHorned viperff pronounced as //f//
YellowOwlmm pronounced as //m//
BlackRipple of waternn pronounced as //n//
RedHuman mouthrr pronounced as //ɾ//, sometimes pronounced as //l//
(dialectally always pronounced as //l//)
variously pronounced as //ɾ//, pronounced as //l//, pronounced as //j//, ∅
(dialectally pronounced as //l//, pronounced as //j//, ∅)
BlueReed shelterhh pronounced as //h//
GreenTwisted wickhAn emphatic h,
a voiceless pharyngeal fricative, called second H, dotted H
pronounced as //ħ//
GreenSieve or placentakhVoiceless velar fricative, called third Hpronounced as //χ// ~ pronounced as //x//, or speculatively pronounced as //​ɣ//(?)
Attested in multiple colorsAnimal belly and tailkh; hy as in humanA softer sound,
a voiceless palatal fricative, called fourth H
pronounced as //ç//, or speculatively pronounced as //x//(?)
RedDoor boltz or sz/svery unclear;
proposed values include
pronounced as //z//, pronounced as //t͡s//, pronounced as //sʼ//, pronounced as //θ//
pronounced as //s//
RedFolded cloths or śspronounced as //s//
BlueGarden poolšshCalled shinpronounced as //ʃ//
BlueHill slope or qqAn emphatic k,
a voiceless uvular plosive, called Q or dotted k
pronounced as //kʼ// or pronounced as //qʼ//(?)
(exact phonetic distinction from ⟨g⟩ unclear)
GreenBasket with handlekk pronounced as //k//
RedJar standgg pronounced as //kʼ// or pronounced as //g//(?)
(exact phonetic distinction from ⟨q⟩ unclear)
BlueBread loaftt pronounced as //t//pronounced as //t// ~ ∅
GreenTethering rope or hobble or čchCalled second Tpronounced as //c//pronounced as //c// ~ pronounced as //t// ~ ∅
RedHandd or d pronounced as //tʼ//
YellowCobra or č̣jCalled second Dpronounced as //cʼ//pronounced as //cʼ// ~ pronounced as //tʼ//

See also



External links

Notes and References

  1. E. Edel, Altägyptische Grammatik, Analecta Orientalia 34, 39, Rome (1955, 1964).
  2. In Old Egyptian, is used as dual classifier only (cf. E. Edel: Altägyptische Grammatik).
  3. Carsten Peust, Egyptian Phonology: Introduction to the Phonology of a Dead Language (Göttingen, 1999), 127.
  4. Peust, Egyptian Phonology, p. 50, 99ff.
  5. [Michael Everson|Everson, Michael]
  6. [Michael Everson|Everson, Michael]
  7. [Michael Everson|Everson, Michael]
  8. Michel Suignard, Proposal to encode Egyptological Yod and similar characters in the UCS, 2017-05-09 (cf. the later 2008 proposal).
  9. Web site: The Egyptian June 2017 Archive by thread. Dec 29, 2022.
  10. Web site: L2/17-362: UTC #153 Minutes. 2018-02-02. Lisa. Moore.
  11. Web site: L2/18-183: UTC #156 Minutes. 2018-11-20. Lisa. Moore.
  12. Web site: New Athena Unicode Font Download. Dec 29, 2022.
  13. See IFAO - Polices de caractères
  14. Web site: New Athena Unicode Font Download. Dec 29, 2022.
  15. Web site: Unicode - Glossing Ancient Languages. Dec 29, 2022.
  16. Loprieno, Antonio (2001) "From Ancient Egyptian to Coptic" in Haspelmath, Martin et al. (eds.), Language Typology and Language Universals
  17. Peust, Carsten (1999) Egyptian Phonology: An Introduction to the Phonology of a Dead Language, Göttingen: Peust und Gutschmidt Verlag GbR
  18. Allen, James P. (2013) The Ancient Egyptian Language: An Historical Study, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  19. Book: Kammerzell, Frank. Frank Kammerzell

    . Old Egyptian and Pre-Old Egyptian : Tracing Linguistic Diversity in Archaic Egypt and the Creation of the Egyptian Language. 2005 . Achet . 9783933684202 . Frank Kammerzell. Dec 29, 2022.

  20. Allen, James Paul. 2000. Middle Egyptian: An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, chapter 2.6.
  21. Gensler, Orin D. (2014) "A typological look at Egyptian *d > ʕ" in Grossman, Eitan; Haspelmath, Martin; and Richter, Tonio Sebastian (eds.), Egyptian-Coptic Linguistics in Typological Perspective