Pharomachrus Explained

Pharomachrus is a genus of birds in the family Trogonidae. Pharomachrus is from Ancient Greek pharos, "mantle", and makros, "long", referring to the wing and tail coverts of the resplendent quetzal (the second h is unexplained).

The five species of this genus and the eared quetzal, the only living member of the genus Euptilotis, together make up a group of colourful birds called quetzals.


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Image Scientific name Common Name Distribution
Pharomachrus antisianus Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela
Pharomachrus auriceps eastern Panama to northern Bolivia.
Pharomachrus fulgidus Venezuela, Colombia, and Guyana
Pharomachrus mocinno Chiapas, Mexico to western Panama
Pharomachrus pavoninus Brazil and Venezuela, southeastern Colombia, eastern Ecuador and Peru, and northern Bolivia