Country | Award | Sponsor | Recipients/Achievement |
Brazil | | | Expository articles |
Canada | | | Mathematics education in Canada |
Canada | | | Younger Canadian mathematicians |
Canada | | | Younger Canadian mathematicians |
Canada | | | Research |
Canada | CRM-SSC Prize in Statistics[1] | | Younger statisticians |
Canada | | Canadian Operator Symposium | Research in operator theory or operator algebras |
Canada | | | Research |
Canada | | | Research |
Canada | | | Women in mathematics |
Canada | | | Research in number theory |
Canada | SSC Gold Medal[2] | | Career award for outstanding contributions to statistics, or to probability, in either theoretical or applied work |
Chile | | | |
United States | | | Notable paper from an AIM activity |
United States | | | Mathematicians who received their doctorates 3-12 years ago |
United States | | | Research within the past five years |
United States | | | Volunteer service |
United States | | | Women in mathematics or in mathematics education |
United States | | | Women who have made significant contributions to applied or computational mathematics. |
United States | | | Young female researcher in algebra or number theory |
United States | | | Notable exposition and exceptional scholarship in the mathematics history |
United States | | | Undergraduate women |
United States | | | Young scientist for promising contributions in applied mathematics or informatics related to earth sciences |
United States | | | Distinguished, innovative books published by the Mathematical Association of America |
United States | | | Significant research contributions in their field, and who has worked to address under-representation of minority groups in mathematics |
United States | | | Substantial contribution to research in pure mathematics (No longer awarded) |
United States | | | Notable research memoir in analysis |
United States | COPSS Distinguished Achievement Award and Lectureship (formerly R. A. Fisher Lectureship) | | Achievement and scholarship in statistical science |
United States | | | Outstanding contributions to the profession of statistics |
United States | | | Expository excellence published in Mathematics Magazine |
United States | | | Outstanding expository article on a mathematical topic |
United States | | | Two prizes: Outstanding contribution to algebra, outstanding contribution to number theory |
United States | | | Mathematical physics |
United States | | | Research has a major impact on the field of mathematical programming |
United States | | | Novel research in algebra, combinatorics, or discrete mathematics |
United States | | | College or university teachers whose success has had far-reaching influence |
United States | | | Outstanding research article which appeared in one of the AMS primary research journals |
United States | | | High school teachers whose students performed well on the AMC 12 |
United States | | | Individual who has helped foster opportunities in statistics for women |
United States | | | Outstanding book in mathematics that is likely to improve the public view of the field |
United States | | | Female statistician who exemplifies the contributions of Florence Nightingale David and proven herself to be an outstanding role model |
United States | | | Excellence in the execution of operations research on the organizational level |
United States | | | Best contribution to operations research and the management sciences published in English |
United States | | | Outstanding papers in discrete mathematics |
United States | | | Outstanding contribution to applied mathematics |
United States | | | Articles of expository excellence published in the College Mathematics Journal |
United States | | | For a notable application of combinatorial theory; or for a notable contribution in another area of interest to George Pólya such as approximation theory, complex analysis, number theory, etc. |
United States | | | Outstanding and lasting contributions to the field of vital and health statistics at the national, state, or local level |
United States | | | Distinguished career contributions to combinatorics by an active member of the institute |
United States | | | Outstanding achievements by members under age 40 |
United States | | | Outstanding achievements by members who are within four years past their Ph.D. |
United States | | | Achievements in dynamical systems |
United States | | | Outstanding contributions in numerical software |
United States | | | Research in, or other contributions to, numerical analysis and scientific computing |
United States | | | Outstanding young female researcher in topology or geometry |
United States | | | Outstanding contributions to applied mathematical sciences and effective communication of those ideas to the community |
United States | | | Contributions to theory in operations research and management sciences |
United States | | | Outstanding achievement in applied mathematics |
United States | | | Outstanding paper or book on symbolic logic |
United States | | | Use of Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) data in analysis |
United States | | | Mathematics |
United States | | | Outstanding expository papers published in the Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society or the Notices of the American Mathematical Society |
United States | | | Contributions as a math educator |
United States | | | Outstanding contributions in mathematical probability for those under age 45 |
United States | | | Mathematics educators who have exhibited outstanding mentorship |
United States | | | Special work or service to mathematics or the broader mathematics community |
United States | | | Exceptional expository paper appearing in an MAA publication, at least one of whose authors is a younger mathematician |
United States | | Michael Brin | Mathematicians who have made outstanding advances in dynamical systems and are within 14 years of their PhD |
United States | | | Solution to any of the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, Hodge conjecture, Navier–Stokes existence and smoothness, P versus NP problem, Poincaré conjecture, Riemann hypothesis, and Yang–Mills existence and mass gap. |
United States | | | Outstanding paper in applied mathematics, including numerical analysis, by a young researcher |
United States | | | Undergraduate student in North America who demonstrates superior mathematics research |
United States | | | Excellence of research in the mathematical sciences |
United States | | | Mathematics |
United States | | | Women who have made fundamental and sustained contributions to the mathematical sciences |
United States | | | Outstanding contribution to applied mathematics |
United States | | | Notable research in geometry or topology |
United States | | | Authors of articles of expository excellence published in The American Mathematical Monthly or Mathematics Magazine |
United States | | | Kindergarten through 12th-grade mathematics or science teacher |
United States | | | Innovations and contributions in cryptography and related mathematics |
United States | | | Computer-assisted proof |
United States | | | Early career researcher who has done outstanding research in applied mathematics |
United States | | | Outstanding research by a female mathematician who has recently earned tenure |
United States | | | Outstanding contribution to mathematics research by a woman |
United States | | | Outstanding members of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics |
United States | | | Outstanding young female researcher in mathematical analysis |
United States | | | Young mathematicians, for outstanding work in Raphaël Salem's field of interest |
United States | | | Outstanding technical leadership in modern quality control |
United States | | | Support and recognition to early-career scientists and scholars |
United States | | | Statistician for contribution to biometry |
United States | | | Mathematical research in the theory and applications of the kernel function and its applications, or function-theoretic methods for elliptic partial differential equations |
United States | | | Distinction in mathematical logic and series of lectures |
United States | | | Outstanding mathematics graduate student |
United States | | | Notable application of mathematics to mechanics and/or the engineering sciences |
United States | | | Mathematics student at Columbia College deemed most proficient in the mathematical subjects |
United States | | | Outstanding research in, or other contributions to, differential equations and control theory |
United States | | | Outstanding contributions to statistics |
United States | | | Distinction in application of mathematics or informatics to the earth sciences, service to the IAMG, and support to professions involved in the earth sciences |
United States | | | Undergraduates at institutions of higher learning in the United States and Canada | |
Country | Award | Sponsor | Notes |
Europe | European Mathematical Society Prizes[4] | | Excellent contributions in Mathematics by researchers younger than age 35 |
Europe | | European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics | Researcher in computer science and applied mathematics |
Europe | | | Outstanding contribution to the field of operations research |
Europe | | | Research in combinatorics |
Europe | | European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics | Outstanding work in the development and the application of statistical methods in European business and industry |
Europe | | European Set Theory Society | Impactful work in set theory |
Europe | | | Exceptional contributions to mathematical modelling in finance, insurance, risk management and/or scientific computing applied to finance and insurance |
Armenia | | | Former student of an Armenian university, who is under the age of thirty-five, for outstanding contributions in algebra, geometry, topology, and number theory |
Austria | | | Promising young mathematician for outstanding achievements |
Belgium | | | Best mathematical or experimental work contributing to the progress of mathematical knowledge |
Belgium | | | Progress in pure mathematics |
Belgium | | | Progress in synthetic or analytic superior geometry |
Belgium | | | Progress in mathematical analysis |
France | | | Outstanding research work in mathematics or physics |
France | | | Outstanding PhD theses in logic, language, and information |
France | | | Mathematician who has introduced new ideas or solved a difficult problem |
France | | | Research into statements of variational principles, foundations of probability and analytic geometry, or Number theory. |
France | | | Young researchers under age 35 in non-military applied mathematics and physics |
France | | | Important discoveries in mathematics, physics, and biology |
France | | | Mathematician under 30 years old |
France | | Institut de France etc. | Eminent mathematician. Established in 1914 and eliminated in 1997 in favor of the Grande Médaille |
France | | | Work contributing to the progress of pure or (mostly) applied mathematics |
France | | | Authors of works useful to the progress of pure and applied mathematics (discontinued) |
France | | | Mathematics prize |
France | | | Outstanding mathematician |
Germany | | | Work in mathematical analysis (awarded 1912 to 1941) |
Germany | | | Mathematicians who are associated with the German language |
Germany | | | Outstanding mathematical contributions that have found significant applications outside of mathematics |
Germany | | | Current developments in mathematics, aimed at the interested public |
Germany | Oberwolfach Prize[5] | | Young European mathematician for excellent achievements in changing fields of mathematics |
Germany | | | Young scientist (not older than 36) for outstanding scientific achievements in applied mathematics and mechanics |
Hungary | | | Outstanding performance in mathematics research |
Hungary | | | Mathematicians having published their monograph describing their own highly important new results |
Hungary | | | Hungarian mathematicians not older than 40 |
Italy | | | Italian mathematician not exceeding the age of 38 who established a wide international reputation |
Italy | | | Original contributions to the field of numerical methods for partial differential equations |
Italy | | Riemann International School of Mathematics | Outstanding mathematicians between 40 and 65 years of age |
Italy | | | Outstanding contributions to the field of calculus of variations and related applications |
Italy | | | Italian mathematician not exceeding the age of 40, in recognition of his/her contributions to the field of Mathematical Analysis |
Italy | | | Female Italian mathematicians below the age of 40 |
Norway | | | Outstanding scientific work in the field of mathematics |
Poland | | | Achievements to mathematics |
Romania | | | Achievements in mathematics |
Russia | | | Outstanding achievements in natural sciences and humanities |
Russia | | | Outstanding contributions to geometry |
Russia | | | Award in honor of Nikolai Lobachevsky |
Spain | | Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer Foundation | Outstanding expository monograph, presenting the latest developments in an active area of research |
Sweden | | | Mathematics |
Sweden | | | Research by a Swedish mathematician that has a Ph.D. but no permanent research position |
Switzerland | | | Outstanding scientific work in pure mathematics |
Switzerland | | Ostrowski Foundation | Outstanding achievements in pure mathematics and in the foundations of numerical mathematics |
United Kingdom | | | Distinguished research in the mathematical sciences |
United Kingdom | | | Work in, influence on or service to mathematics, particularly in relation to advancing the careers of women in mathematics |
United Kingdom | | | Recognition of an outstanding piece of mathematical research |
United Kingdom | | | Major breakthroughs in mathematical research |
United Kingdom | | | Honorific medal awarded to mathematicians |
United Kingdom | | | Contributions to mathematics |
United Kingdom | | | Research mathematician from the United Kingdom who has made an eminent contribution to mathematics and can communicate ideas effectively to a broader audience |
United Kingdom | | | Original and extremely innovative work in any branch of mathematics |
United Kingdom | | | Original work done by scientists resident in or connected with Scotland |
United Kingdom | | | Distinction in statistics |
United Kingdom | | | Individual or group for excellence and innovation in using technology to enhance the teaching and learning of mathematics |
United Kingdom | | | Outstanding contributions to mathematics and its applications over a period of years |
United Kingdom | | | Scientific paper published in the society's scientific journals, preference being given to a paper containing a discovery, either in mathematics or earth sciences (No longer awarded) |
United Kingdom | | | Distinguished researchers with life-long contributions to one of the fields initiated by Andrey Kolmogorov |
United Kingdom | | | Young numerical analysts worldwide |
United Kingdom | Lighthill-Thwaites Prize for Applied Mathematics | Institute of Mathematics and its Applications | Early career applied mathematicians worldwide. |
United Kingdom | | | Student showing the greatest distinction in applied mathematics |
United Kingdom | | | Work in applied mathematics and/or the applications of mathematics, and lecturing gifts |
United Kingdom | | | Book in English (including books in translation) dealing with the history of mathematics and aimed at a broad audience |
United Kingdom | | | Outstanding creativity in, imaginative exposition of, or distinguished contribution to, mathematics within the United Kingdom |
United Kingdom | | Rollo Davidson Trust | Early-career probabilists |
United Kingdom | | | Work in, influence on or service to mathematics, or recognition of lecturing gifts in the field of mathematics |
United Kingdom | | | Making a contribution to mathematics with a strong intuitive component |
United Kingdom | | | Outstanding young mathematician having a specified connection with Scotland |
United Kingdom | | | Research students in mathematics and theoretical physics at the University of Cambridge |
United Kingdom | | | Early- to mid-career stage scientist rather than an established mathematician |
United Kingdom | | | Greatest distinction in actuarial science, finance, insurance, mathematics of operational research, probability, risk and statistics in the Master of Mathematics/Master of Advanced Studies examinations |
United Kingdom | | | Best performance in subjects relating to astronomy |
United Kingdom | | | Mathematicians working in the United Kingdom who are at an early stage of their career |
United Kingdom | | | Student who gains first-class honours in the third year of the University's undergraduate degree in mathematics |
United Kingdom | | | Outstanding achievements in research in any branch of science. | |