List of mathematics awards explained

This list of mathematics awards contains articles about notable awards for mathematics. The list is organized by the region and country of the organization that sponsors the award, but awards may be open to mathematicians from around the world. Some of the awards are limited to work in a particular field, such as topology or analysis, while others are given for any type of mathematical contribution.


Award Sponsor Recipients/Achievement
Outstanding lifelong achievement
Outstanding achievement
World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions Development of mathematics worldwide
Research in mathematical petrology
Young mathematicians
Research in spatial statistics or mathematical morphology
International Linear Algebra SocietyResearch in linear algebra
Researchers from developing countries less than 45 years old
Research in mathematical aspects of information sciences-
Research in statistics
Teaching about the intersection of mathematics or informatics and the Earth's nonrenewable natural resources or sedimentary geology
Promoting the history of mathematics internationally
World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions Developing mathematics competitions
Rousseeuw Foundation Research in statistics
International Linear Algebra SocietyResearch in linear algebra and matrix theory


Country Award Sponsor Recipients/Achievement
Brazil Expository articles
Canada Mathematics education in Canada
Canada Younger Canadian mathematicians
Canada Younger Canadian mathematicians
Canada Research
Canada CRM-SSC Prize in Statistics[1] Younger statisticians
Canada Canadian Operator Symposium Research in operator theory or operator algebras
Canada Research
Canada Research
Canada Women in mathematics
Canada Research in number theory
Canada SSC Gold Medal[2] Career award for outstanding contributions to statistics, or to probability, in either theoretical or applied work
United States Notable paper from an AIM activity
United States Mathematicians who received their doctorates 3-12 years ago
United States Research within the past five years
United States Volunteer service
United States Women in mathematics or in mathematics education
United States Women who have made significant contributions to applied or computational mathematics.
United States Young female researcher in algebra or number theory
United States Notable exposition and exceptional scholarship in the mathematics history
United States Undergraduate women
United States Young scientist for promising contributions in applied mathematics or informatics related to earth sciences
United States Distinguished, innovative books published by the Mathematical Association of America
United States Significant research contributions in their field, and who has worked to address under-representation of minority groups in mathematics
United States Substantial contribution to research in pure mathematics (No longer awarded)
United States Notable research memoir in analysis
United States COPSS Distinguished Achievement Award and Lectureship (formerly R. A. Fisher Lectureship) Achievement and scholarship in statistical science
United States Outstanding contributions to the profession of statistics
United States Expository excellence published in Mathematics Magazine
United States Outstanding expository article on a mathematical topic
United States Two prizes: Outstanding contribution to algebra, outstanding contribution to number theory
United States Mathematical physics
United States Research has a major impact on the field of mathematical programming
United States Novel research in algebra, combinatorics, or discrete mathematics
United States College or university teachers whose success has had far-reaching influence
United States Outstanding research article which appeared in one of the AMS primary research journals
United States High school teachers whose students performed well on the AMC 12
United States Individual who has helped foster opportunities in statistics for women
United States Outstanding book in mathematics that is likely to improve the public view of the field
United States Female statistician who exemplifies the contributions of Florence Nightingale David and proven herself to be an outstanding role model
United States Excellence in the execution of operations research on the organizational level
United States Best contribution to operations research and the management sciences published in English
United States Outstanding papers in discrete mathematics
United States Outstanding contribution to applied mathematics
United States Articles of expository excellence published in the College Mathematics Journal
United States For a notable application of combinatorial theory; or for a notable contribution in another area of interest to George Pólya such as approximation theory, complex analysis, number theory, etc.
United States Outstanding and lasting contributions to the field of vital and health statistics at the national, state, or local level
United States Distinguished career contributions to combinatorics by an active member of the institute
United States Outstanding achievements by members under age 40
United States Outstanding achievements by members who are within four years past their Ph.D.
United States Achievements in dynamical systems
United States Outstanding contributions in numerical software
United States Research in, or other contributions to, numerical analysis and scientific computing
United States Outstanding young female researcher in topology or geometry
United States Outstanding contributions to applied mathematical sciences and effective communication of those ideas to the community
United States Contributions to theory in operations research and management sciences
United States Outstanding achievement in applied mathematics
United States Outstanding paper or book on symbolic logic
United States Use of Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) data in analysis
United States Mathematics
United States Outstanding expository papers published in the Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society or the Notices of the American Mathematical Society
United States Contributions as a math educator
United States Outstanding contributions in mathematical probability for those under age 45
United States Mathematics educators who have exhibited outstanding mentorship
United States Special work or service to mathematics or the broader mathematics community
United States Exceptional expository paper appearing in an MAA publication, at least one of whose authors is a younger mathematician
United States Michael Brin Mathematicians who have made outstanding advances in dynamical systems and are within 14 years of their PhD
United States Solution to any of the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, Hodge conjecture, Navier–Stokes existence and smoothness, P versus NP problem, Poincaré conjecture, Riemann hypothesis, and Yang–Mills existence and mass gap.
United States Outstanding paper in applied mathematics, including numerical analysis, by a young researcher
United States Undergraduate student in North America who demonstrates superior mathematics research
United States Excellence of research in the mathematical sciences
United States Mathematics
United States Women who have made fundamental and sustained contributions to the mathematical sciences
United States Outstanding contribution to applied mathematics
United States Notable research in geometry or topology
United States Authors of articles of expository excellence published in The American Mathematical Monthly or Mathematics Magazine
United States Kindergarten through 12th-grade mathematics or science teacher
United States Innovations and contributions in cryptography and related mathematics
United States Computer-assisted proof
United States Early career researcher who has done outstanding research in applied mathematics
United States Outstanding research by a female mathematician who has recently earned tenure
United States Outstanding contribution to mathematics research by a woman
United States Outstanding members of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
United States Outstanding young female researcher in mathematical analysis
United States Young mathematicians, for outstanding work in Raphaël Salem's field of interest
United States Outstanding technical leadership in modern quality control
United States Support and recognition to early-career scientists and scholars
United States Statistician for contribution to biometry
United States Mathematical research in the theory and applications of the kernel function and its applications, or function-theoretic methods for elliptic partial differential equations
United States Distinction in mathematical logic and series of lectures
United States Outstanding mathematics graduate student
United States Notable application of mathematics to mechanics and/or the engineering sciences
United States Mathematics student at Columbia College deemed most proficient in the mathematical subjects
United States Outstanding research in, or other contributions to, differential equations and control theory
United States Outstanding contributions to statistics
United States Distinction in application of mathematics or informatics to the earth sciences, service to the IAMG, and support to professions involved in the earth sciences
United States Undergraduates at institutions of higher learning in the United States and Canada


Country Award Sponsor Achievement/Recipients
China Chinese mathematicians and those of Chinese descent for exceptional contributions to mathematical research or to public service activities in support of mathematics
China Exceptional mathematicians of Chinese descent under age of 45 for achievements in mathematics and applied mathematics
Hong Kong Shaw Prize Foundation Outstanding contributions in astronomy, life science and medicine, and mathematical sciences
India Outstanding achievements of contemporary researchers and scientists across six categories, including Mathematical Sciences
India Young mathematician, for outstanding work in Ramanujan's fields of interest
India Work in the mathematical sciences
Israel Israeli mathematician in any field of mathematics and computer science
Israel Israel Brain Technologies Significantly advanced the understanding of the neural mechanisms of perception, behavior and thought through the application of mathematical analysis and modeling
Israel Mathematicians
Japan Significant or long-time research works in the field of geometry, including differential geometry, topology, and algebraic geometry
Japan Global achievement in basic sciences
South KoreaKorea Science AwardMinistry of Science and ICT, National Research Foundation of KoreaPrizes in various categories of science, including one for math.[3]
Pakistan International Centre for Theoretical Physics Pakistan chapter Pakistani nationals in the field of chemistry, mathematics, physics, biology


Country Award Sponsor Notes
Europe European Mathematical Society Prizes[4] Excellent contributions in Mathematics by researchers younger than age 35
Europe European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics Researcher in computer science and applied mathematics
Europe Outstanding contribution to the field of operations research
Europe Research in combinatorics
Europe European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics Outstanding work in the development and the application of statistical methods in European business and industry
Europe European Set Theory Society Impactful work in set theory
Europe Exceptional contributions to mathematical modelling in finance, insurance, risk management and/or scientific computing applied to finance and insurance
Armenia Former student of an Armenian university, who is under the age of thirty-five, for outstanding contributions in algebra, geometry, topology, and number theory
Austria Promising young mathematician for outstanding achievements
Belgium Best mathematical or experimental work contributing to the progress of mathematical knowledge
Belgium Progress in pure mathematics
Belgium Progress in synthetic or analytic superior geometry
Belgium Progress in mathematical analysis
France Outstanding research work in mathematics or physics
France Outstanding PhD theses in logic, language, and information
France Mathematician who has introduced new ideas or solved a difficult problem
France Research into statements of variational principles, foundations of probability and analytic geometry, or Number theory.
France Young researchers under age 35 in non-military applied mathematics and physics
France Important discoveries in mathematics, physics, and biology
France Mathematician under 30 years old
France Institut de France etc. Eminent mathematician. Established in 1914 and eliminated in 1997 in favor of the Grande Médaille
France Work contributing to the progress of pure or (mostly) applied mathematics
France Authors of works useful to the progress of pure and applied mathematics (discontinued)
France Mathematics prize
France Outstanding mathematician
Germany Work in mathematical analysis (awarded 1912 to 1941)
Germany Mathematicians who are associated with the German language
Germany Outstanding mathematical contributions that have found significant applications outside of mathematics
Germany Current developments in mathematics, aimed at the interested public
Germany Oberwolfach Prize[5] Young European mathematician for excellent achievements in changing fields of mathematics
Germany Young scientist (not older than 36) for outstanding scientific achievements in applied mathematics and mechanics
Hungary Outstanding performance in mathematics research
Hungary Mathematicians having published their monograph describing their own highly important new results
Hungary Hungarian mathematicians not older than 40
Italy Italian mathematician not exceeding the age of 38 who established a wide international reputation
Italy Original contributions to the field of numerical methods for partial differential equations
Italy Riemann International School of Mathematics Outstanding mathematicians between 40 and 65 years of age
Italy Outstanding contributions to the field of calculus of variations and related applications
Italy Italian mathematician not exceeding the age of 40, in recognition of his/her contributions to the field of Mathematical Analysis
ItalyFemale Italian mathematicians below the age of 40
Norway Outstanding scientific work in the field of mathematics
Poland Achievements to mathematics
Romania Achievements in mathematics
Russia Outstanding achievements in natural sciences and humanities
Russia Outstanding contributions to geometry
Russia Award in honor of Nikolai Lobachevsky
Spain Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer Foundation Outstanding expository monograph, presenting the latest developments in an active area of research
Sweden Mathematics
Sweden Research by a Swedish mathematician that has a Ph.D. but no permanent research position
Switzerland Outstanding scientific work in pure mathematics
Switzerland Ostrowski Foundation Outstanding achievements in pure mathematics and in the foundations of numerical mathematics
United Kingdom Distinguished research in the mathematical sciences
United Kingdom Work in, influence on or service to mathematics, particularly in relation to advancing the careers of women in mathematics
United Kingdom Recognition of an outstanding piece of mathematical research
United Kingdom Major breakthroughs in mathematical research
United Kingdom Honorific medal awarded to mathematicians
United Kingdom Contributions to mathematics
United Kingdom Research mathematician from the United Kingdom who has made an eminent contribution to mathematics and can communicate ideas effectively to a broader audience
United Kingdom Original and extremely innovative work in any branch of mathematics
United Kingdom Original work done by scientists resident in or connected with Scotland
United Kingdom Distinction in statistics
United Kingdom Individual or group for excellence and innovation in using technology to enhance the teaching and learning of mathematics
United Kingdom Outstanding contributions to mathematics and its applications over a period of years
United Kingdom Scientific paper published in the society's scientific journals, preference being given to a paper containing a discovery, either in mathematics or earth sciences (No longer awarded)
United Kingdom Distinguished researchers with life-long contributions to one of the fields initiated by Andrey Kolmogorov
United Kingdom Young numerical analysts worldwide
United KingdomLighthill-Thwaites Prize for Applied MathematicsInstitute of Mathematics and its ApplicationsEarly career applied mathematicians worldwide.
United Kingdom Student showing the greatest distinction in applied mathematics
United Kingdom Work in applied mathematics and/or the applications of mathematics, and lecturing gifts
United Kingdom Book in English (including books in translation) dealing with the history of mathematics and aimed at a broad audience
United Kingdom Outstanding creativity in, imaginative exposition of, or distinguished contribution to, mathematics within the United Kingdom
United Kingdom Rollo Davidson Trust Early-career probabilists
United Kingdom Work in, influence on or service to mathematics, or recognition of lecturing gifts in the field of mathematics
United Kingdom Making a contribution to mathematics with a strong intuitive component
United Kingdom Outstanding young mathematician having a specified connection with Scotland
United Kingdom Research students in mathematics and theoretical physics at the University of Cambridge
United Kingdom Early- to mid-career stage scientist rather than an established mathematician
United Kingdom Greatest distinction in actuarial science, finance, insurance, mathematics of operational research, probability, risk and statistics in the Master of Mathematics/Master of Advanced Studies examinations
United Kingdom Best performance in subjects relating to astronomy
United Kingdom Mathematicians working in the United Kingdom who are at an early stage of their career
United Kingdom Student who gains first-class honours in the third year of the University's undergraduate degree in mathematics
United KingdomOutstanding achievements in research in any branch of science.


Country Award Sponsor Notes
Australia Distinguished mathematical sciences research by members of the Australian Mathematical Society
Australia Outstanding research contributions over a fifteen-year period
Australia Achievements by Australians in the fields of pure mathematics, applied and computational mathematics, and statistical science
Australia Outstanding research by Australian scientists under 40 years of age in applied probability, biometrics, mathematical genetics, psychometrics, and statistics
Australia Early career research
Australia Mathematician or physicist
New Zealand Researcher who has undertaken work of great scientific or technological merit and has made an outstanding contribution to the advancement of the particular branch of science
New ZealandAitken LectureshipNew Zealand Mathematical SocietyTo complete a lecture tour of UK universities, awarded alternately with the Forder Lectureship.[6]

See also

Notes and References

  1. Web site: CRM-SSC Prize in Statistics Statistical Society of Canada . 2023-06-08 .
  2. Web site: SSC Gold Medalist Statistical Society of Canada . 2023-06-08 .
  3. Web site: 저 . 작권 . 9 February 2004 . 노태원 교수등 3명 ‘한국과학상’: 10일 청와대서 시상식 . 23 December 2019 . The Science Times . Korean .
  4. Web site: European Mathematical Society Prize . 2023-06-08 . Maths History . en.
  5. Web site: Oberwolfach Prize . 2023-06-08 . MFO . en.
  6. Web site: LMS-NZMS Forder and Aitken Lectureships London Mathematical Society . 2023-12-13 .