Group homomorphism explained

In mathematics, given two groups, (G,∗) and (H, ·), a group homomorphism from (G,∗) to (H, ·) is a function h : GH such that for all u and v in G it holds that


where the group operation on the left side of the equation is that of G and on the right side that of H.

From this property, one can deduce that h maps the identity element eG of G to the identity element eH of H,


and it also maps inverses to inverses in the sense that


Hence one can say that h "is compatible with the group structure".

In areas of mathematics where one considers groups endowed with additional structure, a homomorphism sometimes means a map which respects not only the group structure (as above) but also the extra structure. For example, a homomorphism of topological groups is often required to be continuous.




be the identity element of the (H, ·) group and


, then


Now by multiplying for the inverse of


(or applying the cancellation rule) we obtain




Therefore for the uniqueness of the inverse:




  • A group homomorphism that is injective (or, one-to-one); i.e., preserves distinctness.
  • A group homomorphism that is surjective (or, onto); i.e., reaches every point in the codomain.
  • A group homomorphism that is bijective; i.e., injective and surjective. Its inverse is also a group homomorphism. In this case, the groups G and H are called isomorphic; they differ only in the notation of their elements (except of identity element) and are identical for all practical purposes. I.e. we re-label all elements except identity.
  • A group homomorphism, h: GG; the domain and codomain are the same. Also called an endomorphism of G.
  • A group endomorphism that is bijective, and hence an isomorphism. The set of all automorphisms of a group G, with functional composition as operation, itself forms a group, the automorphism group of G. It is denoted by Aut(G). As an example, the automorphism group of (Z, +) contains only two elements, the identity transformation and multiplication with −1; it is isomorphic to (Z/2Z, +).

    Image and kernel

    See main article: article, Image (mathematics) and kernel (algebra). We define the kernel of h to be the set of elements in G which are mapped to the identity in H


    and the image of h to be


    The kernel and image of a homomorphism can be interpreted as measuring how close it is to being an isomorphism. The first isomorphism theorem states that the image of a group homomorphism, h(G) is isomorphic to the quotient group G/ker h.

    The kernel of h is a normal subgroup of G. Assume


    and show


    for arbitrary



    \begin{align} h\left(g-1\circu\circg\right)&=h(g)-1h(u)h(g)\\ &=h(g)-1eHh(g)\\ &=h(g)-1h(g)=eH, \end{align}

    The image of h is a subgroup of H.

    The homomorphism, h, is a group monomorphism; i.e., h is injective (one-to-one) if and only if . Injection directly gives that there is a unique element in the kernel, and, conversely, a unique element in the kernel gives injection:

    \begin{align} &&h(g1)&=h(g2)\\ \Leftrightarrow&&h(g1)


    &=eH\\ \Leftrightarrow&&h\left(g1\circ


    \right)&=eH,\operatorname{ker}(h)=\{eG\}\\ &&g1\circ


    &=eG\\ \Leftrightarrow&&g1&=g2\end{align}



    , defined by


    is a homomorphism.




    , represented respectively by




    , where


    is the positive real numbers. Then, the function


    defined by the logarithm function is a homomorphism.

    Category of groups

    If and are group homomorphisms, then so is . This shows that the class of all groups, together with group homomorphisms as morphisms, forms a category (specifically the category of groups).

    Homomorphisms of abelian groups

    If G and H are abelian (i.e., commutative) groups, then the set of all group homomorphisms from G to H is itself an abelian group: the sum of two homomorphisms is defined by

    (h + k)(u) = h(u) + k(u)    for all u in G.The commutativity of H is needed to prove that is again a group homomorphism.

    The addition of homomorphisms is compatible with the composition of homomorphisms in the following sense: if f is in, h, k are elements of, and g is in, then

       and    .Since the composition is associative, this shows that the set End(G) of all endomorphisms of an abelian group forms a ring, the endomorphism ring of G. For example, the endomorphism ring of the abelian group consisting of the direct sum of m copies of Z/nZ is isomorphic to the ring of m-by-m matrices with entries in Z/nZ. The above compatibility also shows that the category of all abelian groups with group homomorphisms forms a preadditive category; the existence of direct sums and well-behaved kernels makes this category the prototypical example of an abelian category.

    See also
