Education in Greece explained

Education in Greece is centralized and governed by the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs, and Sports (Greek: Greek, Modern (1453-);: Υπουργείο Παιδείας, Θρησκευμάτων και Αθλητισμού, Υ.ΠΑΙ.Θ.Α.) at all grade levels in elementary, middle school, and high school.[1] [2] [3] The Ministry exercises control over public schools, formulates and implements legislation, administers the budget, coordinates national level university entrance examinations, sets up the national curriculum, appoints public school teaching staff, and coordinates other services.

The Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs[4] is also in charge of which classes are necessary for general education. They have implemented mandatory courses such as religion in required grade levels (1st-9th grades). Students can only be exempt if their guardians fill out a declaration excluding them from religious lessons.[5]

The national supervisory role of the Ministry is exercised through Regional Unit Public Education Offices, which are named Regional Directorates of Primary and Secondary School Education.[6] [7] [8] [9] [10] Public schools and their supply of textbooks are funded by the government. Public schools in Greece are tuition-free and students on a state approved list are provided textbooks at no cost.

About 25% of postgraduate programmes are tuition-fee, while about 30% of students are eligible to attend programmes tuition-free based on individual criteria.

Formal education in Greece comprises three educational stages. The first stage of formal education is the primary stage, which lasts for six years starting aged six and ending at the age of 12, followed by the secondary stage, which is separated into two sub-stages: the compulsory middle school, which lasts three years starting at age 12, and non-compulsory Lyceum, which lasts three years starting at 15.[11] The third stage involves higher education.

School holidays in Greece include Christmas, Greek Independence Day, Easter, National Anniversary Day, a three-month summer holiday, National Public Holidays, and local holidays, which vary by region such as the local patron saint's day.

In addition to schooling, the majority of students attend extracurricular private classes at private tutoring centres called "frontistiria" (Greek, Modern (1453-);: φροντιστήρια, frontistirio), or one-to-one tuition. These centres prepare students for higher education admissions, like the Pan-Hellenic Examinations, and/or provide foreign language education.

It is forbidden by law for students to use mobile phones while on the school premises. Taking or making phone calls, texting, or the use of other camera, video or other recording devices or medium that have image and audio processing ability like smartwatches is forbidden. Students must switch off their mobile phones or set them to silent mode and keep them in their bags while on the school premises.[12] [13] [14] However, especially at high schools, the use of mobile phones is widespread, especially at breaks and sometimes in the class.


Greece Framework
Year in SchoolingAgeGreek Designation Educational Stage
4–5Pre-kindergartenPreschool (Pronipium, Nipiagogeium))
6–71st GradePrimary School(Dimotiko)
7–82nd Grade
8–93rd Grade
9–104th Grade
10–115th Grade
11–126th Grade
12–131st Grade(Gymnasium)Gymnasium
(Lower Secondary School)
(U.S. equivalent: Middle School)
13–142nd Grade(Gymnasium)
14–153rd Grade(Gymnasium)
15–161st Grade(Lyceum)Lyceum
(Upper Secondary School)
(U.S. equivalent: High School)
16–172nd Grade(Lyceum)
17–183rd Grade(Lyceum)


Most preschools, also known as pre-primary, are attached to and share buildings with a primary school. Preschool is compulsory and lasts 2 years, split into 1 year of Pre-kindergarten (Προνηπιαγωγείο) and 1 year of Kindergarten (Νηπιαγωγείο; Nipiagogeio).[15] Since the school year 2018–2019, children who would be four years of age by December 31 are required to begin attending preschool on September 11 of the same year. Applications for registration and enrolment are usually carried out annually during fifteen consecutive days in May. After this period expires, students are neither allowed to register nor enroll.

There are also the public Special Preschools[17] [18] and public Experimental Preschools (Greek, Modern (1453-);: Πειραματικά Νηπιαγωγεία)

In these school years, students are given descriptive assessments instead of number/letter grades.

Foreign Language

Students begin taking English as part of their core curriculum in kindergarten. It has been scientifically proven that until the age of 11 it is more likely to successfully become proficient in a foreign language than any older age. This may be the reason many countries in the European Union begin learning a foreign language, specifically English, at the age of 5.[19]

Primary education

Primary school (Greek, Modern (1453-);: Δημοτικό σχολείο, Dimotiko scholeio) is compulsory for 6 years.[20] [21] [22] There is also the public Special Primary[17] and public Experimental Primary (Greek, Modern (1453-);: Πειραματικό Δημοτικό).

The school year starts on September 11 and ends on June 15. The standard school day starts at 08:15 and finishes at 13:15. It comprises six academic years of schooling named τάξεις (grades), numbered 1 through to 6. Enrollment to the next tier of compulsory education, the Gymnasium, is automatic. The classes for a subject vary with the teacher who teaches. Students are awarded an "Greek, Modern (1453-);: Απολυτήριο Δημοτικού" (Apolytirio Dimotikou, primary school leaving certificate) which gives automatic admission to the lower secondary education (gymnasium).

In Year 1 and Year 2, students are not officially graded. Beginning with years 3 and 4, grades are ranked alphabetically from A to D. From year 5, when written exams are introduced, to year 6 it changes to numbers, going from 4, the lowest, to 10 the highest (best).

Αges are typical and can vary with the most common ages approximately:

Grades of Primary SchoolGrade 1–6
Grading System

See main article: Academic grading in Greece.

Primary School National Curriculum

Subjects of Primary SchoolWeekly Hours of Grades
(school year 2020–2021)[23] 1st 2nd 3rd 4th5th6th
Modern Greek Language998877
Mathematics 554444
History style="text-align:center;"-style="text-align:center;"-2222
Physics style="text-align:center;"-style="text-align:center;"-style="text-align:center;"-style="text-align:center;"-33
Geography style="text-align:center;"-style="text-align:center;"-style="text-align:center;"-style="text-align:center;"-22
Flexible Zone 3322style="text-align:center;"-style="text-align:center;"-
Physical Education 333322
Environmental Studies 3322style="text-align:center;"-style="text-align:center;"-
Social and Political Studies style="text-align:center;"-style="text-align:center;"-style="text-align:center;"-style="text-align:center;"-11
English Language (Modern) 223333
Aesthetic Education - Art221111
Aesthetic Education - Music 111111
Computer and Communication Studies 111111
Aesthetic Education - Theatrical Education 1111style="text-align:center;"-style="text-align:center;"-
2nd Foreign Language (French or German)style="text-align:center;"-style="text-align:center;"-style="text-align:center;"-style="text-align:center;"-22
Primary School Total Weekly Hours of Grades:3030 30 30 30 30

Secondary education

Lower Secondary Education

Gymnasium (Greek, Modern (1453-);: Γυμνάσιο, Gymnasio, Lower Secondary Education School, middle school) is compulsory until the age of 15.

Article 16, Paragraph 3 of the Constitution of 1975 mandates that compulsory education must be at least nine years in length. This constitutional provision, which applies to all Greek children, was established in Law 309/1976, which also replaced classical Greek (katharevousa) with modern Greek (dimotiki) as the official language for teaching at all levels of education, and ceased to be a one-tier non-compulsory six years lower and upper secondary school, middle schools (pupils aged 12–18), and was converted to compulsory three-year lower secondary school for students aged 12–15 (middle school) and three-year non-compulsory upper secondary schools for students aged 15–18 (high school).

Admitted students can be up to 16-years-old, and they must have Primary Education School Certificate or its international equivalent. No entry exams are required. Schooling starts on September 11 and ends on early June before the first day of the Pan-Hellenic Examinations. The lessons end on May 31 so that the students will be able to study for their examinations in early June. The gymnasium school-awarded qualification "Greek, Modern (1453-);: Απολυτήριο Γυμνασίου" (Apolytirio Gymnasium, gymnasium school leaving certificate, referred to simply as gymnasium certificate) at HQF (NQF) level 3, gives admission to the upper secondary education (lyceum). Gymnasium has three academic years of schooling known as "Greek, Modern (1453-);: τάξη" (grade), numbered 1 through to 3. Ages are typical and can vary with the most common being between:[24] [21] [22]

The types of gymnasium in Greece are:

Gymnasium National Curriculum 2022‒2023[25]

Subjects of GymnasiumWeekly Hours of Grades
(School Year 2022-2023) 1st 2nd 3rd
Modern Greek Language322
Modern Greek Literature222
Ancient Greek Language 222
Ancient Greek Literature 222
Mathematics 444
Physics 122
Chemistry style="text-align:center;"- 1 1
Geology and Geography12-
Religious Studies222
English Language (Modern) 2 2 2
2nd Foreign Language (Modern; French or German) 222
Social and Political Studies--3
Home Economics 1--
Physical Education 222
Technology 111
Computer Studies 211
Music 111
Art 111
Skills Development111
Middle School Total Weekly Hours of Grades:3333 34
In middle school English is mandatory all three years, while students can choose between French or German as the second foreign language that's required.[26]

Second Chance Adult School

Second Chance Adult School (SDE; Greek, Modern (1453-);: Σχολείο Δεύτερης Ευκαιρίας; Σ.Δ.Ε.) is a Gymnasium level equivalent evening school[27] [28] [29] administered by the Ministry of Education, for adults who did not complete their lower secondary education (gymnasium) lasts two years with 25 hours per week.

Upper Secondary Education

Upper secondary school (Greek, Modern (1453-);: Λύκειο, Lykeio, Upper Secondary Education School, Lyceum, High School: the US term for upper secondary school) is non-compulsory education lasting 3 years.

High schools starts on September 11 and ends on June 15. Lessons end in late May so that the students will be able to study for their examinations in June. Admitted students can be up to 20-year-old, while they must have Gymnasium Certificate or Lower Secondary Education School Certificate or its international equivalent. The Evening Lyceum (Greek, Modern (1453-);: Εσπερινό) is for both adult students and underage working students lasts 3 years.[30] [31] After having completed the 3rd grade, the graduates of the Lyceum are awarded the "Greek, Modern (1453-);: Απολυτήριο Λυκείου" qualification (Apolytirio Lykeiou, Lyceum Apolytirio, upper secondary leaving certificate, high school diploma, referred to simply as lyceum certificate) at HQF(NQF) / EQF level 4, at ISCED level 3.[32] [33] The marking scale on the Apolytirio Lykeiou (GPA) is set to a 20-point grading system, law 4610/2019.[34] The Lyceum Apolytirio is required for admission to Higher Education and to continue studies, and is an equivalent in level to the GCE Advanced Level.[35] [36]

Students wishing to access study programmes in Higher Education must be both secondary education school graduates (lyceum or its equivalent) holding Apolytirio Lykeiou (lyceum certificate or its equivalent) and must take nationally set examinations officially entitled "Πανελλαδικές Εξετάσεις" (Pan-Hellenic Examinations, Panelladikes Eksetaseis) which is an externally assessed national standardized test (university matriculation examinations) given one time in any given school year, which also accept all adult ages for candidates. Apolytirio certificate grants the right to pursue entry to higher education at a later date by participating at the Pan-Hellenic Examinations. Ministry of Education bears the responsibility for the central organization of these matriculation examinations. Candidates exam in 4 subjects that have selected from the 3rd grade of lyceum, while different numerical value titled "συντελεστής βαρύτητας" (coefficient weight) has assigned to each of those subjects contributes differently towards the overall score.

Successful admission is determined through the combination of a) "Greek, Modern (1453-);: Βαθμός Πρόσβασης", literally "the access score", that is the candidate's weighted average of the grades achieved in examinations, b) the candidate's "Greek, Modern (1453-);: Βαθμός Προαγωγής και Απόλυσης" Β.Π.Α. represents the student's sum of all three Grade Point Average (GPA) earned in 1st, 2nd, 3rd Grade of lyceum each of these is multiplied by a given coefficient weight where the result is divided by two, Β.Π.Α. = (1st Grade GPA × 0.4 + 2nd Grade GPA × 0.7 + 3rd Grade GPA × 0.9) / 2, c) the candidate's "Greek, Modern (1453-);: μηχανογραφικό δελτίο" (michanografiko deltio, application form) in which it states its preferences for the higher education institutions by priority order, d) the available number of places allocated in each academic department. The number of students that are admitted for each programme is determined annually by the Ministry of Education. As there are usually more applicants than places available in certain fields of study, students with the highest average exam results are selected, e) For admission to programmes requiring specialized knowledge or skills, special admission examinations are require in one or more certain subjects (such as fine arts, architecture, music studies, foreign languages, and others) or compulsory preparatory tests (such as medical assessment, fitness, sports, psychometric). "Greek, Modern (1453-);: Βεβαίωση Πρόσβασης" (Vevaiosi Prosvasis, Access to Higher Education Certificate) is a document given to students soon after Pan-Hellenic Examinations results are released.

With the Law 2725/15-6-1999, article 34, paragraph 10, Government Gazette 121/A/17-6-1999,[37] [38] high school graduate athletes from 17 to 30-year-old who have specific sport achievements they are admitted without Panhellenic Examinations entrance to anyone of their choice undergraduate department of the public Higher Education Institutions of Greece.

High schools in Greece designate school class levels based on the years of schooling of the student cohort, using 3 academic year levels, known as "Greek, Modern (1453-);: τάξη" (grade), numbered 1 through to 3. Ages are typical and can vary with the most common being are between:

In high school English is also required all three years as part of general education courses, whereas secondary foreign languages like French or German are optional.[26]

The grading system in upper secondary schools is extended from 1 to 20 as opposed to 10 in middle school. The score of 20 is the equivalent to an A or 100 in the U.S.

The types of high schools (Λύκειο) in Greece are:

General High Schools

General High Schools (Greek, Modern (1453-);: Γενικό Λύκειο; ΓΕ.Λ.; Geniko Lykeio).[42] [43] [44] [45] General High Schools Award the "Greek, Modern (1453-);: Απολυτήριο Γενικού Λυκείου" (Apolytirio Genikou Lykeiou, General High School Apolytirio, General High School Certificate, Upper Secondary Leaving Certificate, General High School Diploma). It can be awarded in Orientation Groups requiring three different subjects. The second-grade students must choose one out of the two academic tracks named "Greek, Modern (1453-);: Ομάδες Προσανατολισμού" (Orientation Groups), and the third-grade students one out of the three Orientation Groups. An Orientation Group is also known as a "Stream". Once a student has selected a Stream, they need to follow a sequence of subjects to complete their studies at the High School. If they wish, graduating students are eligible to exam in Pan-Hellenic Examinations on the three subjects of their chosen third-grade Orientation Group and Modern Greek Language and Literature.

Subjects of General High School! colspan="3"
Weekly Hours of Grades
Modern Greek Language and Literature4 4 6
Ancient Greek Language and Literature5 2 -
Mathematics (Geometry)2 2 -
Mathematics (Algebra)3 3-
Mathematics (Group I only) - - 2
Chemistry2 2 -
Physics 2 2 -
Biology2 2 -
History2 2 -
History (Group II and Group III only)- - 2
Philosophy- 2 -
Political Studies2 - -
Religious Studies2 2 1
Physical Education223
Computer Science Applications2--
English Language (Modern)322
Foreign Language (Modern; French, or German)21 -
Introduction to the Principles of Computer Science-2-
Orientation Group (Elective) of Second Grade-5 -
(One Orientation Group is chosen out of two)
Humanities  - Group ΙWeekly Hours
Latin 2
Ancient Greek Language and Literature3
Sciences  - Group ΙΙWeekly Hours
Mathematics 3
Orientation Group (Elective Academic Track) of Third Grade--18
(One Orientation Group is chosen out of three)
Humanities Studies  - Group I
Science and Health Studies  - Group II
Economic and Computer Studies  - Group III
Total Weekly Hours of Grades35 35 32
!Orientation Groups of the Third Grade!Weekly Hours
Humanities StudiesGroup I
Ancient Greek6
Science and Health StudiesGroup II
Mathematics (for Science Studies Option)6
Biology (for Health Studies Option)
Economic and Computer StudiesGroup III
Computer Science6

Vocational High Schools (EPAL)

Vocational High School (EPAL; Greek, Modern (1453-);: Επαγγελματικό Λύκειο; ΕΠΑ.Λ.; Epagelmatiko Lykeio).[46] [43] [42] [47] [48] [31] [49] [50] [51] [22] EPAL programme of study is designed in relation to the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) and International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO).[52] [53] [54] [55] [56] [57] [58] [59] [60] [61] [62]

The EPAL has dual-diploma (also known as double-diploma)[45] [63] [64] studies comprises two separate programmes taken in parallel earning, both, two separate qualifications in their own right, a "Greek, Modern (1453-);: Απολυτήριο Επαγγελματικού Λυκείου" (Apolytirio Epagelmatikou Lykeiou; Vocational High School Apolytirio; Vocational High School Diploma; i.e. High School Diploma; Upper Secondary Leaving Certificate) and a Greek, Modern (1453-);: "Πτυχίο Επαγγελματικής Εκπαίδευσης και Κατάρτισης, Επιπέδου 4" (Ptychio of Vocational Education and Training at HQF (NQF) level 4; i.e. Diploma of Vocational Education and Training at HQF (NQF) level 4; also is called Specialization Diploma or Specialized Diploma). EPAL High School Diploma can be awarded in Orientation Groups (specializations or streams) requiring an advanced level in a number of four different subjects (advanced level subjects, or also known as high level subjects), depending on the group.[65] [66] [67] [68] [69]

The Grade 2 students must choose one of nine Orientation Groups, also known as "Greek, Modern (1453-);: τομείς" sectors (penultimate year). The Grade 3 students must choose one of varying specializations (or specialties) titled "Greek, Modern (1453-);: ειδικότητες" (final year, specialties corresponding those orientation groups offered in Grade 2). The chosen orientation group at the Grade 2 it is cannot switch at Grade 3. The Grade 2 subjects contributes only to the half of a full Grade 3 Specialty, and do not constitute a separate qualification. Until a maximum age up to 20-year-old lyceum graduates are exempted from all core subjects from Grades 2 and 3 of the EPAL High School and they can be directly admitted to EPAL Grade 2, meaning these students when will graduate, it will only be awarded EPAL Specialization Diploma.

EPAL High School Diploma is required for admission to Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) and to continue studies, and is an equivalent in level to the GCE Advanced Level.[35] Students normally select their chosen Specialty in fields relevant to intended study at the higher education, and in Pan-Hellenic Examinations, if they wish, exam in 4 advanced level subjects of the Grade 3.[70]

Greek, Modern (1453-);: "Πτυχίο" is transliterated to "Ptychio" (Greek: Greek, Modern (1453-);: Πτυχίο; Ptychio in dhimotiki from 1976–present; or defunct Greek, Modern (1453-);: Πτυχίον; Ptychion in polytonic, katharevousa up until 1976). The Greek word "Greek, Modern (1453-);: Πτυχίο" has translation into English as "Degree", it is a qualification term has common meaning in Greece. It signifies that it is a direct translation from the terminology in Greek as it appears in the Greek legislation. In Greece, the word "Greek, Modern (1453-);: Πτυχίο" is commonly used for titles of study from different education levels (secondary, higher etc.). It must not confuse with its usage in the English language, whereby the word Degree refers to Higher Education qualification title only. Greece Universities' Degree is titled "Greek, Modern (1453-);: Πτυχίο", transliterated to "Ptychio", signifies that it is a University Ptychio, Higher Education Ptychio, Level 6 Ptychio. EPAL Diploma of Vocational Education and Training at HQF level 4 standalone parchment is an Upper Secondary Education Ptychio, Level 4 Ptychio. EPAL graduates have the option to choose Post-High School Year Apprenticeship Class ("Mathitia") by which it can upgrade the EPAL Diploma of Vocational Education and Training at HQF level 4 (Level 4 Ptychio) to Level 5. During the year, the students are working for 4 days in a workplace receiving stipend and attend 1 day at school classes. Since 2021–2022 academic year, the Post-High School Year Apprenticeship Class graduates having Diploma of Vocational Education and Training at level 5, after successful specific entrance examinations (Greek, Modern (1453-);: κατατακτήριες εξετάσεις),[71] allows to them admission into the Higher Education (level 6) to an undergraduate programme relevant to their Post-High School Year Apprenticeship Class specialty.

Subjects of Vocational Lyceum! colspan="3"
Weekly Hours of GradesSpecialties of the Third Grade
Modern Greek 4 3 3 Specialties of Structural Works, Environment and Architectural Design

1. Structural Engineer and Geoinformatics

Specialties of Αgriculture, Food and Environment

1. Crop Production Technician

2. Animal Production Technician

3. Food and Beverage Technology Technician

4. Floriculture and Landscape Architecture Technician

Specialties of Business Administration and Economics

1. Tourism Businesses Clerk

2. Marketing and Advertising Specialist

3. Clerk of Administration and Financial Services

4. Warehouse and Supply Systems Clerk (logistics)

Specialties of Applied Arts

1. Graphic Arts

2. Design-Interior Decorations

3. Furnishings and Wood Sculpture

4. Design and Production of Clothing

5. Restoration and Conservation of Works of Art

6. Silver-Gold-Smithing (Jewellery Designer-Maker)

Specialties of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation

1. Technician of Electronics and Computer Systems,
Installations, Networks and Telecommunications

2. Technician of Electrical Systems, Installations and Networks

Specialties of Mechanical Engineering

1. Automotive Technician

2. Aircraft Assembly Technician (aviation)

3. Technician of Thermal and Hydraulic Installations
and Technology of Oil and Natural Gas

4. Mechanical Engineering and Construction Technician

5. Technician of Refrigeration, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

Specialties of Maritime Professionals

1. Merchant Navy Engineer

2. Merchant Navy Master (Captain)

Specialties of Information Technology

1. Information Technology Applications Technician

2. Computer Engineer and Computer Networks Technician

Specialties of Health, Welfare and Wellbeing

1. Nursing Assistant

2. Pharmacy Assistant

3. Physiotherapy Assistant

4. Aesthetic Art (cosmetology)

5. Hairdressing Art (Hairdresser and Barber)

6. Assistant of Medical-Biological Laboratories

7. Assistant of Radiological Laboratories (radiography)

8. Infant Care Assistant (also referred to as Nursery Assistant)

9. Dental Assistant (also referred to as Dental Nursing Assistant)

Mathematics (Algebra) 3 2 2
Mathematics (Geometry) 1 1 1
History 1 - -
Biology 1 - -
Physics 2 1 2
Chemistry 1 1 1
Political Studies 2 1 1
Religious Studies 1 1 -
Physical Education 2 1 1
Creative Activities Zone 3 1 1
English Language (Modern) 2 1 1
Research Project in Technology 2 - -
School Occupational Orientation 2 - -
Applications of Computer Science 2 - -
Introduction to the Principles of Computer Science - 1 1
Three Elective Subjects

(each subject is 2 hours/week)

(A total of three subjects must be selected)

  1. Nautical Art
  2. Health Education
  3. Principles of Economics
  4. Principles of Mechanical Engineering
  5. Agriculture and Sustainable Development
  6. Principles of Linear and Architectural Design
  7. Basic Principles of Composition (Applied Arts)
  8. Principles of Electrical Engineering and Electronics
6- -
Orientation Group (Elective Academic Track)

(Orientation Group Subjects in total are 23 hours/week. One Orientation Group is chosen out of nine)

  1. Αgriculture, Food and Environment
  2. Business Administration and Economics
  3. Structural Works, Environment and Architectural Design
  4. Applied Arts
  5. Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation
  6. Mechanical Engineering
  7. Maritime Professionals (shipping)
  8. Information Technology (IT)
  9. Health, Welfare and Wellbeing
- 23 -
Specialty (Elective Academic Track)

(Specialty Subjects in total are 23 hours/week. One Specialty is chosen based on the Orientation Group has already been studied previously at Second Grade.)

- - 23

Each Grade has 32 Weeks and 35 Total Weekly Hours

35 35 35
Subjects of Pan-Hellenic Examinations:

(Four Advanced Level Subjects of the Third Grade) Modern Greek, Mathematics (Algebra), Two Specialty Subjects

Vocational School (EPAS) of DYPA

The Vocational School (EPAS) (Greek, Modern (1453-);: Επαγγελματική Σχολή; ΕΠΑ.Σ.; 1952–Present) of Public Employment Service (DYPA)[72] [73] [74] [75] [76] [77] [78] [79] [80] is 2 years' duration. Also known as Apprenticeship Vocational School (Greek, Modern (1453-);: Επαγγελματική Σχολή Μαθητείας, Epaggelmatiki Sxoli Mathitias), shortened to EPAS Apprenticeship. Since 2021, EPAS Apprenticeship is a lower secondary two-track education system, Dual VET (Greek, Modern (1453-);: δυικό σύστημα επαγγελματικής εκπαίδευσης και κατάρτισης), having alternating periods in a school with theory classroom and at the workplace with work-(traineeship) practice experience (Greek, Modern (1453-);: πρόγραμμα μάθησης σε εργασιακό χώρο), with terms are contractually regulated by law and labour agreement. Balance between school-and work-based training: in-company (ca. 70%) + school (ca. 30%). Student insurance and two-part agreement (Greek, Modern (1453-);: σύμβαση μαθητείας) between the student and apprenticeship company are applied. Generally, the maximum number of students that can register in a given education programme is up to 20. Apprenticeship (Greek, Modern (1453-);: Μαθητεία) is based on the German dual learning system which combines classroom education with paid practical work in a business. EPAS Apprenticeship is operated by Public Employment Service (DYPA).[81] [82] The EPAS Apprenticeship provides its students in having an apprenticeship term work placement by finding and coordinating it. Students are entitled to receive at least the national minimum wage for their age. The majority of these students are classed as unskilled workers (entry-level). Admitted students are aged from 15 to 23-year-old maximum who must have completed the gymnasium school. The EPAS Apprenticeship awarded "Greek, Modern (1453-);: Πτυχίο Επαγγελματικής Εκπαιδευσης και Κατάρτισης, Επιπέδου 3" (Ptychio of Vocational Education and Training, Level 3; i.e. Diploma of Vocational Education and Training at Level 3)[83] [84] [85] [86] [87] after qualifying examinations of the National Accreditation Examinations (Greek, Modern (1453-);: Εξετάσεις Πιστοποίησης) will be held at EOPPEP examination centers.

style="vertical-align: bottom;"
  • Social Carers
  • Fur Processing
  • Structural Works
  • Textile and Apparel
  • Silver-Gold-Smithing
  • Watchmaking (horology)
  • Artistic Processing of Marble
  • Aircraft Assembly Technician (aviation)
  • Technician of Automotive Body (coachwork)
  • Technician of Gaseous Fuels (physical gas)
  • Supply Chain Management Clerk (Logistics)
  • Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Machine Tool
  • Technician of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Works
  • Technician of Smart Electronic Devices and Installations
  • Phytotechnology Business and Landscaping Architecture
  • Technician of Thermal and Hydraulic Installations-Facilities
  • Graphic Arts ‒ Digital Design for Print Media (print publications)
  • Technician of Electrical Systems of Conventional and Electric Car
  • Technician of Engines & Systems of Conventional and Electric Car
  • Pharmacy Aide
  • Hotel Businesses
  • Bakery and Pastry
  • General Nursing Aide
  • Culinary Art (cookery)
  • Carpentry and Joinery
  • Infant General Care Aide
  • Aesthetic Art (cosmetology)
  • Technician of Shipping Industry
  • Technician of Metal Constructions
  • Milk Processing and Cheese Making
  • Cybersecurity Systems Support Clerk
  • Hairdressing (hairdresser and barber)
  • Technician of Energy Storage Systems
  • Technician of Support Computer Systems
  • Financial and Administrate Operations Clerk
  • Technician of Electrical Works and Elevators
  • Technician of Digital Recording and Social Media

Experimental Vocational School (PEPAS) of DYPA

The Experimental Vocational School (PEPAS; Greek: Greek, Modern (1453-);: Πειραματική Επαγγελματική Σχολή; Π.ΕΠΑ.Σ.; 2021–Present),[88] [89] [90] [91] [92] [93] [94] is also known as Experimental Vocational Apprenticeship School, founded in 2021 by Public Employment Service (DYPA) in collaboration with German-Hellenic Chamber of Industry and Commerce and Institute of the Greek Tourism Confederation (INSETE). Eligible to apply are those aged 18 years old and over, holders of at least a lower secondary school leaving certificate (gymnasium) and have a verified knowledge of a foreign language (English or French or German) at level B2 in both written and spoken by holding a valid formal certificate.[95] [96] As of 2021–2022 school year, there are provide the specialities Culinary Art Technician (cook), Food & Beverage Service,[97] Customer Service in the Tourism Business.

The grading system in upper secondary schools is extended from 1 to 20 as opposed to 10 in middle school. The score of 20 is the equivalent to an A or 100 in the U.S. (see grading systems by country).

Post-lyceum Year Apprenticeship Class of EPAL

Post-lyceum Year Apprenticeship Class (Greek, Modern (1453-);: Μεταλυκειακό Έτος Τάξη Μαθητείας; 2016–Present) is provided by Vocational Lyceum (ΕPΑL).[98] [99] [100] Only EPAL graduates and Lyceum graduates hold EPAL Diploma of Vocational Education and Training at HQF level 4 are admitted to Post-lyceum Year Apprenticeship Class being regarded as a separate and distinctive stage of post-secondary education (i.e. Greek, Modern (1453-);: Μετα-δευτεροβάθμιου Κύκλου Σπουδών). It includes 1 year post-secondary apprenticeship dual programme (non-tertiary; Dual VET two-track education system) having alternating periods in an EPAL school unit with classroom instruction (theory 1 day/week, 7 hrs per day) and at the workplace with work practice training (4 days/week, 7 hrs per day). All apprenticeships schemes should include a contract (i.e. Greek, Modern (1453-);: Σύμβαση Μαθητείας), wage and social security rights/benefits to student which is a trainee referred to simply as "apprentice". EPAL Apprenticeship Class programmes are based on Public Employment Service (DYPA) at its dual learning principle and follow the same quality framework for apprenticeships. Graduates of the apprenticeship class will receive "Greek, Modern (1453-);: Βεβαίωση Πιστοποίησης Μεταλυκειακού Έτους Τάξης Μαθητείας" (Certificate of Post-High School Year Apprenticeship Class).[101]

If they wish the Apprenticeship Class graduates are therefore eligible to take the National Accreditation Examinations (i.e. Greek, Modern (1453-);: Εξετάσεις Πιστοποίησης) will be held at EOPPEP examination centers.[102] [103] [104] [84] Once, they have been passed all examinations then are awarded "Greek, Modern (1453-);: Πτυχίο Επαγγελματικής Ειδικότητας, Εκπαίδευσης και Κατάρτισης, Επιπέδου 5" (Ptychio of Vocational Education and Training, Level 5; i.e. Diploma of Vocational Education and Training at Level 5). With the law 4763/2020[100] the Post-High School Year Apprenticeship Class graduates having Diploma of Vocational Education and Training at Level 5, after successful specific entrance examinations (Greek, Modern (1453-);: κατατακτήριες εξετάσεις),[71] allows to them admission into the Higher Education (level 6) to an undergraduate programme relevant to their Post-High School Year Apprenticeship Class specialty.

Specialties of Post-High School Year Apprenticeship Class[105] [106] [107]
  • Crop Production Technician
  • Aircraft Assembly Technician (aviation)
  • Medical - Biological Laboratories Assistant
  • Food and Beverage Technology Technician
  • Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art
  • Clerk of Administration and Financial Services
  • Warehouse and Supply System Clerk (logistics)
  • Information Technology Applications Technician
  • Technician of Computers and Computer Networks
  • Technician of Structural Works and Geoinformatics
  • Floriculture and Landscape Architecture Technician
  • Mechanical Installations and Constructions Technician
  • Technician of Electrical Systems, Installations and Networks
  • Dental Assistant (also referred to as Dental Nursing Assistant)
  • Graphic Arts
  • Hairdressing Art
  • Nursing Assistant
  • Pharmacy Assistant
  • Infant Care Assistant
  • Automotive Technician
  • Physiotherapy Assistant
  • Tourism Businesses Clerk
  • Aesthetic Art (cosmetology)
  • Technician of HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) Installations
  • Technician of Electronics and Computer Systems, Installations, Networks and Telecommunications
  • Technician of Thermal and Hydraulic Installations-Facilities, Petroleum Technology and Physical Gas

Vocational Lyceum (EPAL)

Vocational Lyceum 3 years (EPAL; Greek, Modern (1453-);: Επαγγελματικό Λύκειο; ΕΠΑ.Λ.; 2006–Present)

Model Vocational Lyceum (PEPAL) of TEENS

The Model Vocational Lyceum (PEPAL) of TSAKOS Enhanced Education Nautical School (TEENS) (Greek, Modern (1453-);: Πρότυπο Επαγγελματικό Λύκειο Τσάκος Ελληνικά Εκπαιδευτήρια Ναυτικών Σπουδών; Π.ΕΠΑ.Λ. ΤΕΕΝΣ; PEPAL TEENS; 2023–Present)[108] [109] is the first in Greece non-profit, free of charge (without tuition), private Model Vocational Lyceum (PEPAL) located in the island of Chios with specialties of Maritime Professionals, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation, owned and operated by company Tsakos Group of Companies[110] founded by shipowner Nikolas Tsakos.

Laboratory of Special Vocational Education (ΕΕΕΕΚ)

Laboratory of Special Vocational Education (Greek, Modern (1453-);: Εργαστήριο Ειδικής Επαγγελματικής Εκπαίδευσης; Ε.Ε.Ε.ΕΚ.), 6 years special education at HQF Level 2

Public Schools of Tourism Education

Public Schools of Tourism Education (Greek, Modern (1453-);: ΔΣΤΕ; Δημόσιες Σχολές Τουριστικής Εκπαίδευσης) are operated by Ministry of Tourism. Types are the 1.) Schools of Tourist Guides, 2.) Further-training Programmes of Employees in Tourism Sector (non-formal education), 3.) Schools of Advanced Vocational Training (SAEKs). The SAEKs comprise the specialties of: Culinary Art (cookery); Bakery and Pastry (baker and pâtissier); Tourism Units and Hospitality Businesses (front office / reception, floor service / housekeeping, commodity education); Specialist of Business Administration and Economics in the Tourism Field.[111]

School of Meat Professions (SEK)

Α School of Meat Professions (SEK; Greek, Modern (1453-);: Σχολή Επαγγελμάτων Κρέατος; Σ.Ε.Κ.; 1977–Present) is accredited by the Ministry of Rural Development and Food. There are public and private schools of meat professions. The 300 hours programme has 85 hours theory classes at school and 100 hours laboratory classes (ca. 61.6%), 15 hours educational visits (ca. 5%), 100 hours in-company work-based training (internship, ca. 33.3%). The term is 5 hours per day, 5 days per week, for 12 consecutive weeks. The specialties of the School of Meat Professions are, Meat Processing Technician (meat cutter, butcher, Greek: κρεοπώλης), Animal Slaughter (Greek: εκδοροσφαγέας).[112] [113]

Vocational Training Schools (ESK)

Vocational Training Schools (ESK; Greek: Greek, Modern (1453-);: Επαγγελματικές Σχολές Κατάρτισης; Ε.Σ.Κ.; 2020–Present)[75] [114] is 2-year post-gymnasium vocational education and training school at HQF level 3. Admitted students must have completed the gymnasium school. It can be public, private, day or evening school. It awarded "Greek, Modern (1453-);: Πτυχίο Επαγγελματικής Εκπαιδευσης και Κατάρτισης, Επιπέδου 3" (Ptychio of Vocational Education and Training, Level 3; i.e. Diploma of Vocational Education and Training at HQF level 3) after qualifying examinations of the National Accreditation Examinations will be held at EOPPEP examination centers.

Laboratory Centre (ΕΚ)

Laboratory Centre (Greek, Modern (1453-);: Εργαστηριακό Κέντρο; Ε.Κ.; 2013–Present), 3 years secondary education. Admitted students must have completed at least the lower secondary education school (gymnasium or its equivalent). Awarded "Greek, Modern (1453-);: Βεβαίωση Επαγγελματικής Εκπαίδευσης" (literally "Certificate of Vocational Training"). Awarded "Greek, Modern (1453-);: Πτυχίο Επαγγελματικής Ειδικότητας και Κατάρτισης, Επιπέδου 3" (Ptychio of Vocational Education and Training, Level 3; i.e. Diploma of Vocational Education and Training at HQF level 3) after qualifying examinations of the National Accreditation Examinations will be held at EOPPEP examination centers.

School of Advanced Vocational Training (SAEK)

See main article: Institute of Vocational Training (IEK). School of Advanced Vocational Training (S.A.E.K.; Greek, Modern (1453-);: Σχολή Ανώτερης Επαγγελματικής Κατάρτισης; 2024–Present) (former Institute of Vocational Training (I.E.K.); Greek, Modern (1453-);: Ινστιτούτο Επαγγελματικής Κατάρτισης; 1992–2024),[115] [116] [117] [118] is 2 years adult post-secondary vocational education and training and 960 hours at a work placement (experiential learning, practicum). Admitted students must have completed at least the upper secondary education (lyceum). EOPPEP organization is the statutory body for the SAEKs.[119] The SAEK awarded "Greek, Modern (1453-);: Δίπλωμα Επαγγελματικής Εκπαιδευσης και Κατάρτισης, Επιπέδου 5" (Diploma of Vocational Education and Training, Level 5) after qualifying examinations of the National Accreditation Examinations (Greek, Modern (1453-);: Εξετάσεις Πιστοποίησης) will be held at EOPPEP examination centers. See a list of SAEK study programmes set out below, click on the "[show]":[120] [121] [122] [123]

School of Advanced Vocational Training (SAEK)
SAEK Specialties DepartmentsFields
Forestry protection specialist ‒ Beekeeping ‒ Poultry farming ‒ Greenhouse specialist ‒ Organic and ecological farming ‒ Technological applications and installations for floriculture and landscape architecture ‒ Mechatronics specialist for agricultural machinery repair and maintenance AgricultureAgriculture,
Food Technology, Nutrition
Nutrition and dietetics ‒ Food and beverage technology Food Technology, Nutrition
Management secretary ‒ Distribution specialist ‒ Customer service specialist ‒ Secretary of legal professions ‒ Teiresias/Individuals with vision problems/call centre operatorsBusiness AdministrationBusiness Administration
and Economics
Sales clerk ‒ Warehouse and supply system clerk (logistics) ‒ Supplies and warehouse manager ‒ Insurance services clerk ‒ Bookstore clerk ‒ Computerized accounting office clerk (accountancy) ‒ Small business clerk ‒ Bank operations clerk ‒ Accounting office clerk ‒ Publishing house clerk ‒ Real estate agent / manager ‒ International commerce specialist ‒ Stock exchange operations clerk ‒ Industry - small business cost specialist ‒ Marketing and product promotion specialist ‒ Administrative and financial business specialist ‒ Statistical market research and polling specialist Economics
Internet technician ‒ Information Technology (IT) applications specialist (multimedia, web design and development, video games) ‒ Computer systems technician ‒ Computer networks technician ‒ Multimedia applications technician ‒ Medical Information Technology (IT) applications technician ‒ Computer and office electronic machines technician ‒ System management and intranet / internet services technician ‒ Telecommunications and information transmission systems technicianInformation Technology (IT)
and Computing
Technology Applications
Material control technician ‒ Technician of medicines, cosmetics and similar products Chemical Applications
Clothing styling ‒ Clerical tailor ‒ Costume and fashion designer ‒ Technician of shoemaking, leatherwear and leather accessories Apparel and Footwear
Structural projects ‒ Plastering ‒ Dry lining ‒ Painter ‒ Welder ‒ Masonry and bricklaying ‒ Geographical Information Systems (GIS) specialist ‒ Topographical applicationsStructural Projects
Gaseous fuels technician ‒ Automotive technician ‒ Mechatronics technician ‒ Heating facilities technician ‒ HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) installations technician ‒ Moped and motorcycle technician ‒ Work machinery technician ‒ Thermal and hydraulic facilities technician ‒ Water supply and sewage facilities technician ‒ Automotive paint and body (coachwork) repair technician ‒ Marine engines and recreational boats technician ‒ Computer numerical control (CNC) machine tool technicianMechanical
Elevator technician ‒ Automation technician ‒ Medical instruments technician ‒ Automotive electrical technician ‒ Household appliances electrician ‒ Power engines winding technician ‒ Technician of measuring instruments ‒ Technician of internal electrical installations-facilities ‒ Assembly technician of small electronic devices ‒ Computer and office electronic machines technician ‒ Mobile telephony and telecommunications technician ‒ Electronic engineering technician for industrial applications ‒ Radio-Television and electro-acoustic arrangements technician ‒ Telecommunications and information transmission systems technician Electrical,
Merchant navy master (captain) for recreational vessels (leisure)Maritime Professions
Sports journalism ‒ Journalism editor and reporter ‒ Radio station programme producer ‒ Film-camera operator/videographerCommunication
and Mass Media
Bartending ‒ Culinary art (cookery) ‒ Bakery and pastry ‒ Catering units services ‒ Hospitality animator ‒ Hospitality event management ‒ Tourism units and hospitality businesses (front office / reception, floor service / housekeeping, commodity education)Hospitality
and Tourism Businesses
Pharmacy aide ‒ Midwifery aide ‒ Ergotherapy aide ‒ Physiotherapy aide ‒ Nursing surgery aide ‒ General nursing aide ‒ Dental technician aide ‒ Medical laboratory aide ‒ Nursing traumatology aide ‒ Aide of actinology and radiology ‒ Special diseases nursing aide ‒ Oncology disease nursing aide ‒ Infant and child carer aide ‒ General nursing aide of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) ‒ Rescuer of ambulance crew Health and Welfare
Mosaic and stained glass ‒ Ceramics and pottery ‒ Watchmaking (horology) ‒ Acting in theatre and cinematography ‒ Drama arts direction ‒ Dance applied arts ‒ Music and song ‒ Music technology ‒ Sound recording ‒ Photography ‒ Painting art ‒ Art of sketch, illustration, graphics ‒ Metalworking ‒ Hagiography painting (Byzantine icons and mural) ‒ Jewellery design and handmade jewellery (designer and maker) ‒ Conservation of antiquities and works of art ‒ Painting conservation woodcraft and furniture making ‒ 3D Animation and graphic electronic design ‒ Graphic designer of print and electronic media ‒ Interior architectural decoration and objects designApplied Arts
and Art Studies
Aromatherapy ‒ Hairdressing (hairdresser and barber) ‒ Cosmetologist, aesthetics and make-up (make-up beautician) ‒ Podology, nail beauty (manicure, pedicure) and onychoplasty ‒ Balneotherapy hydrotherapy and spa ‒ Balneotherapy thalassotherapy and spa ‒ Sport coach ‒ Oenology and winegrowing ‒ Milk processing ‒ Mount tourist guide ‒ Carnival constructions ‒ Persons (close protection officer) and sites security specialist ‒ Guard of museums and archaeological sites ‒ Trainer of candidade drivers of car and motocycle ‒ Air transoprt service specialist (flight dispatcher) ‒ Technical operator for personal computer and call centers, customer information and service for blind and visually impaired ‒ Preschool education activities of creation and expressionSeparate Fields
and Schools

Tertiary education in Greece

See main article: Universities in Greece. Higher education, also called tertiary, third stage, provided by Higher Educational Institutes (HEIs; Greek: Greek, Modern (1453-);: Ανώτατα Εκπαιδευτικά Ιδρύματα; Α.E.I.)[124] and consist of Universities and specialist Academies, which primarily cater to the military.

There are public Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and private Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) with the law 5094/2024, Government Gazette 39/A/13-3-2024,[125] [126] [127] which permits in Greece the establishment and operation of private Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). A fully-recognized private Higher Education Institution must obtain a Higher Education Accreditation by the National (Hellenic) Authority for Higher Education (HAHE)[128] and an official establishment and operating license by the Greek Ministry of Education. The public HEIs are mostly autonomous, but the government is responsible for their funding and the distribution of students to undergraduate programmes. The public HEIs[129] can be attended without charge of a tuition fee, textbooks, and for the majority of students meals are also provided for free. About 25% of postgraduate programmes of public HEIs have free tuition, while about 30% of students are eligible to attend programmes tuition-free based on individual criteria.[130] [131] Each academic year is 32 weeks study programme, divided into two semesters of 16 weeks each.[132] [133] [134]

Some of the Greek public universities offer English-taught full-time programmes with tuition are: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) 4-year undergraduate programme in Archaeology, History, and Literature of Ancient Greece,[135] [136] [137] Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) School of Medicine 6-year undergraduate programme for foreign citizens,[138] [139] [140] University of Piraeus, School of Economics, Business and International Studies, Department of International and European Studies, postgraduate programme titled Master of Science (MSc) American Studies: Politics, Strategy and Economics,[141] [142] also the University Center of International Programmes of Studies (UCIPS) of the public International Hellenic University (IHU) offers English-taught postgraduate programmes.

There are also private colleges most usually have been authorised to offer foreign undergraduate and postgraduate programmes following franchise or validation agreements with collaborating universities established in other countries, primarily in the UK, leading to degrees awarded directly by those foreign universities.[143] [144]

Non-formal education

The formal education system includes the primary, secondary and higher education. The formal private education schools in Greece includes the primary, secondary and higher education. The bodies of "non-typical education" term (φορείς μη τυπικής εκπαίδευσης) are outside the formal education system, referred to as non-formal education, the well-known include:[145] [146] [147]

Other education

HQF levels

The National Qualification Framework (NQF) of Greece is officially named Hellenic Qualification Framework (HQF; Greek: Greek, Modern (1453-);: Ελληνικό Πλαίσιο Προσόντων)[179] [180] has an 8-level framework that unites non-formal and formal qualifications aligned to the appropriate levels from the National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP; Greek: Greek, Modern (1453-);: Εθνικός Οργανισμός Πιστοποίησης Προσόντων και Επαγγελματικού Προσανατολισμού; Ε.Ο.Π.Π.Ε.Π.) and for qualifications granted by Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) in according to the Hellenic (National) Authority for Higher Education (HAHE; Greek: Greek, Modern (1453-);: Εθνική Αρχή Ανώτατης Εκπαίδευσης; ΕΘ.Α.Α.Ε.).[181] [182] The HQF is linked to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and to the Qualifications Framework in the European Higher Education Area (QF-EHEA). The HQF is the Greek Register of Regulated Qualifications (Greek, Modern (1453-);: Μητρώο Ρυθμιζόμενων Τίτλων) provides information for the accredited awarding bodies and the regulated qualifications of study (officially recognized) in Greece. The learning-outcomes-based qualification frameworks level systems of HQF, EQF, ISCED have reference levels classify the learning outcomes into reflection of study load (the number of credit points), knowledge, skills, grant equal professional rights of level,[183] attainment covering formal and non-formal education recognized programmes which are designed within a national context and to make grades more comparable in an international context. See a list of HQF levels which is set out below, click on the "[show]":

Hellenic Qualification Framework (HQF)
HQF LevelQualificationsAwarding Bodies EQF Level ISCED Level
1Greek, Modern (1453-);: Απολυτήριο Δημοτικού

(literally "Apolytirio Primary";

i.e. Primary School Leaving Certificate)

  • Primary School
  • Special Primary School
  • Experimental Primary School
2Greek, Modern (1453-);: Απολυτήριο Γυμνασίου

(literally "Apolytirio Gumnasium";

i.e. Lower Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

  • Gymnasium
  • Art Gymnasium
  • Music Gymnasium
  • Model Gymnasium
  • Special Gymnasium
  • Evening Gymnasium
  • Experimental Gymnasium
  • Ecclesiastical Gymnasium
  • Gymnasium of Cross-Cultural Education
  • Integrated Special Vocational Gymnasium-Lyceum (Greek, Modern (1453-);: ΕΝ.Ε.Ε.ΓΥ-Λ)
  • Second Chance Adult School (SDE; 2-year; equivalent; evening school)

Greek, Modern (1453-);: Απολυτήριο Εργαστηρίου Ειδικής Επαγγελματικής Εκπαίδευσης

(Apolytirio Laboratory of Special Vocational Education)

  • Laboratory of Special Vocational Education (Ε.Ε.Ε.ΕΚ.)
3 Greek, Modern (1453-);: Βεβαίωση Επαγγελματικής Εκπαίδευσης

(literally "Certificate of Vocational Training"; i.e. Vocational Training School Specialty Certificate)

  • Laboratory Centre (ΕΚ)
Greek, Modern (1453-);: Πτυχίο Επαγγελματικής Ειδικότητας και Κατάρτισης

(for Laboratory Centre (ΕΚ) graduates only after examinations; literally "Ptychio of Vocational Education and Training"; Level 3 Ptychio; i.e. Diploma of Vocational Education and Training)

National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP; shortened to EOPPEP Organization)

Greek, Modern (1453-);: Βεβαίωση Επαγγελματικής Εκπαίδευσης

(discontinued; 1992–2014) (literally "Certificate of Vocational Training"; i.e. Vocational Training School Specialty Certificate; one year post lower secondary education programme; students are entitled to apply for admission until an age limit; lower secondary education (gymnasium) graduates only accepted)

  • Institute of Vocational Training (IEK; discontinued; 1992–2024)
Greek, Modern (1453-);: Πτυχίο (discontinued)

(literally "Ptychio"; Level 3 Ptychio; i.e. Secondary Education Diploma)

  • Technical Vocational School (TES; discontinued; 1977–1998)
  • Technical Vocational Training Centre, Cycle-A (TEE; discontinued)
Greek, Modern (1453-);: Πτυχίο Επαγγελματικής Ειδικότητας και Κατάρτισης

(for Vocational School (EPAS) of the Public Employment Service (DYPA) graduates only after examinations; Level 3 Ptychio; literally "Ptychio of Vocational Education and Training"; i.e. Diploma of Vocational Education and Training;two year post lower secondary education programme; students are entitled to apply for admission until an age limit; lower secondary education (gymnasium) graduates only accepted)

  • EOPPEP Organization
4Greek, Modern (1453-);: Απολυτήριο Λυκείου

(literally "Apolytirio Lyceum"; i.e. High School Diploma; Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate)


  • Art Lyceum
  • Music Lyceum
  • Model Lyceum
  • Special Lyceum
  • Experimental Lyceum
  • General Lyceum (GEL)
  • Evening General Lyceum
  • Vocational Lyceum (EPAL)
  • Evening Vocational Lyceum
  • Athletic Lyceum (discontinued)
  • Ecclesiastical General Lyceum
  • Integrated Lyceum (discontinued)
  • General Lyceum of Cross-Cultural Education
  • Integrated Multifarious Lyceum (EPL; discontinued)
  • Technical Lyceum (equivalent; discontinued; 1977–1985)
  • Vocational Lyceum (equivalent; discontinued; 1977–1985)
  • Gymnasium (i.e. integrated gymnasium-lyceum; discontinued)
  • Integrated Special Vocational Gymnasium-Lyceum (Greek, Modern (1453-);: ΕΝ.Ε.Ε.ΓΥ-Λ)
  • Technical Vocational Lyceum (TEL; equivalent; discontinued; 1985–1998)
  • Technical Vocational Training Centre, Cycle-B (TEE; equivalent; discontinued)
Greek, Modern (1453-);: Πτυχίο Επαγγελματικής Ειδικότητας και Κατάρτισης

(literally "Ptychio of Vocational Education and Training"; i.e. Diploma of Vocational Education and Training; Level 4 Ptychio)

  • Vocational Lyceum (EPAL)

Greek, Modern (1453-);: Πτυχίο Λυκείου Ενιαίου Ειδικού Επαγγελματικού Γυμνασίου-Λυκείου

(literally "Ptychio Lyceum of Integrated Special Vocational Gymnaisum-Lyceum"; Level 4 Ptychio)

  • Integrated Special Vocational Gymnasium-Lyceum (ΕΝ.Ε.Ε.ΓΥ-Λ)
Greek, Modern (1453-);: Πτυχίο (discontinued)

(Apolytirio Lyceum equivalent; Literally "Ptychio"; Level 4 Ptychio; i.e. Double Diploma has: Apolytirio Lyceum and Diploma of Vocational Education and Training)

  • Technical Lyceum (discontinued; 1977–1985)
  • Vocational Lyceum (discontinued; 1977–1985)
  • Technical Vocational Lyceum (TEL; discontinued; 1985–1998)
  • Technical Vocational Training Centre, Cycle-B (TEE; discontinued)
Greek, Modern (1453-);: Πτυχίο Επαγγελματικής Σχολής (discontinued)

(1985–2020; literally "Ptychio of Vocational School"; Level 4 Ptychio)

Vocational School (EPAS) of the Public Employment Service (DYPA); DYPA organization belongs to the Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs

Greek, Modern (1453-);: Πτυχίο (discontinued)

(literally "Ptychio"; Level 4 Ptychio; i.e. Vocational School Diploma)

Vocational School (EPAS) of Organization of Tourism Education and Training (EPAS of OTEK; discontinued; 2003–2013)

Vocational School (EPAS) of the Ministry of Education (discontinued; 2006–2013)

Specialist Programme, Integrated Multifarious Lyceum (EPL; discontinued)

5Greek, Modern (1453-);: Βεβαίωση Επαγγελματικής Εκπαίδευσης

(literally "Certificate of Vocational Training"; i.e. Vocational Training School Specialty Certificate; for EPAL Post-lyceum Year Apprenticeship Class graduates)

Ministry of Education in cooperation with Public Employment Service (DYPA)

Greek, Modern (1453-);: Πτυχίο Επαγγελματικής Ειδικότητας και Κατάρτισης

(literally "Ptychio of Vocational Education and Training"; Level 5 Ptychio; i.e. Diploma of Vocational Education and Training; for EPAL Post-lyceum Year Apprenticeship Class graduates only after examinations)

  • EOPPEP Organization
Greek, Modern (1453-);: Βεβαίωση Επαγγελματικής Εκπαίδευσης

(literally "Certificate of Vocational Training"; i.e. Vocational Training School Specialty Certificate)

  • School of Advanced Vocational Training (SAEK)
  • Institute of Vocational Training (IEK; discontinued; 1992–2024)
Greek, Modern (1453-);: Δίπλωμα Επαγγελματικής Εκπαίδευσης και Κατάρτισης

(literally "Diploma of Vocational Education and Training"; for SAEK graduates only after examinations)

  • EOPPEP Organization
Greek, Modern (1453-);: Πτυχίο

(literally "Ptychio"; non-tertiary education; Level 5 Ptychio; i.e. Level 5 Diploma; Level 5 Post-secondary Diploma)

  • Advanced School of Tourism Education of Rhodes (ASTER)
  • Advanced School of Tourism Education of Crete (ASTEK)
  • Hellenic Police Constable School
  • Fire Service Academy:
    • a. School of Junior Fire Officers.
    • b. School of Senior Fire Officers.
    • c. School of Fire Officers.
    • d. Training and Further Education School.
    • e. National Civil Protection School.
6Greek, Modern (1453-);: Πτυχίο

(literally "Ptychio"; first-cycle tertiary education; Level 6 Ptychio; i.e. First University Degree; Level 6 Higher Education Degree; Bachelor's degree; also known as "Greek, Modern (1453-);: Πτυχίο Ανώτατης Εκπαίδευσης" literally "Ptychio Higher Education")

  • Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
  • Technological Educational Institutes

(TEIs; discontinued; a type of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs); 1983–2019; TEI undergraduate programmes consisted of four years 1995–2019 and 240 ECTS, previously a three and a half years 1983–1995 and 210 ECTS law 1404/1983)

7Greek, Modern (1453-);: Δίπλωμα

(literally "Diploma"; second-cycle tertiary education; Level 7 Diploma; at least 5 years duration; i.e. Integrated master's degree; Long First Degree; Double Degree has Bachelor's and Master's)

  • Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
Greek, Modern (1453-);: Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης

(literally "Postgraduate Specialized Diploma"; second-cycle tertiary education; Level 7 Postgraduate Diploma; Level 7 Diploma; i.e. Level 7 Higher Education Degree; Second University Degree; Master's degree)

  • Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
  • Technological Educational Institutes

(TEIs; discontinued; a type of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) of Ministry of Education; 1983–2019; TEI Level 7 postgraduate programmes 2008–2019 law 3685/2008)

8Greek, Modern (1453-);: Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα

(literally "Doctoral Diploma"; third-cycle tertiary education; Level 8 Diploma; Level 8 Postgraduate Diploma; i.e. Level 8 Higher Education Degree; Third University Degree; Doctoral degree)

  • Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
  • The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) levels and the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) levels are levels equivalent to the Hellenic Qualification Framework (HQF).
  • In Greece, the use of Higher Education legally protected academic term "Degree", either first, second, third cycle, has an equivalent to Greek Higher Education. Any assertion or use the term either degree, or bachelor's degree, associate degree, doctoral degree, from a Greece located school (non-Higher Education) at HQF level less than 6, is a criminal offence and prohibited by law.
  • The accredited Private Colleges, which belong to the Post-secondary Education Centres (ΚΕΜΕ), are non-formal and not have relation with HQF as their qualifications are from foreign countries.
  • Equivalent qualification is a qualification declared by the relevant Course Authority to have a sufficient similarity of content to another qualification, despite having a different title or different level.
  • Database index herein may not reflect recent changes and is not an exhaustive list of existing qualifications, awarding bodies, discontinued or defunct qualifications and awarding bodies.
  • An education programme when it was offered it was from-to academic years, e.g. 1983–1995 means this programme was from 1983–1984 to 1994–1995 academic year.
  • Officially, the discontinued qualifications abide by the particular laws in which first defined, are currently still retaining their initial value and HQF level.
  • All TEIs in Greece were reformed between 2013 and 2019 and their departments incorporated into existing Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).
  • Not all discontinued qualifications have a legitimately corresponding equivalent qualification (the newly adapted version) at present time.
  • Double Diploma is a Double Award; by award, it means any awarded qualification e.g. Certificate, Diploma, Degree, and others.
  • Discontinued qualification is no longer offering, being withdrawn, being reformed qualification, or transition to new qualification.
  • Discontinued awarding body is no longer a stand-alone entity due to either has been phased out, closure, or replacement.
  • An equivalent qualification of study is recognised on par with a qualification, and carries value at same level and purpose.
  • The awarding bodies are private and public type, where applicable. All the Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) are public.
  • Data as at August 2021. The latest and up to date HQF levels information are published in the HQF's website.

Former education schools

Education schools are defunct after either closure or replacement, for example:[184] Secondary Vocational Schools of Ministry of Education (Υ.ΠΑΙ.Θ.):

Higher Education Institutes of Ministry of Education:

Varied Schools:

Lyceums of Ministry of Education:

Technical Vocational Lyceum Specialties (19851998)
Technical Lyceum Specialties (19771985) Vocational Lyceum Specialties (19771985)
Specialties of Electrical Engineering and Electronic Sector
  • Industry Electrical Installations-Facilities and External Networks
  • Electronic Installations-Facilities and Automation
  • Internal Electrical Installations-Facilities
  • Electric and Electronics Design
  • Technicians and Computers
Specialists of Chemical and Metallurgical Sector
  • Chemical Laboratories
  • Chemical Industries
  • Mines
Specialties of Weaving and Textile Sector
  • Weaving-Textile
  • Plaiting
  • Dyeing
  • Textile
Specialties of Structural Sector
  • Designer of Works of the Structural Engineers and Architects
  • Transportation and Hydraulic Engineering
  • Buildings Projects
Mechanical Engineering Sector
  • Industry Installations and Industry Manufactory
  • Thermal and Cooling Installations
  • Precision Instruments
  • Mechanical Design
Information Technology Sector
  • Computer Software Programmer
Specialties of Applied Arts Sector
  • Conservator of Antiquities and Works of Art
  • Ceramics and Artistic Processing of Glass
  • Freehand Drawing and Painting
  • Mosaic and Stained Glass
  • Interior Designer
  • Graphic Arts
  • Furnishings
  • Printing
  • Music
Specialties of Business Administration and Economics Sector
  • Warehouse and Supply System Clerk
    (former Nautical and Transportation Business)
  • Accounting Office Clerk (accountancy)
  • Commercial Businesses
  • Hospitality Businesses
  • Business Office Clerk
Specialties of Agriculture and Livestock Sector
  • Agri-food Societies and Agricultural Holdings
  • Fish Production and Fishery
  • Agricultural Machinery
  • Forestry Production
  • Animal Production
  • Crop Production
  • Floriculture
Specialties of Social Services Sector
  • Dental Assistant (or Dental Nursing Assistant)
  • Assistant of Medical-Biological Laboratories
  • Assistant of Infant Carers and Child Carers
  • Medical Devices Operator
  • Physiotherapy Assistant
  • Medical Representative
  • Pharmacy Assistant
  • Nursing Assistant
  • Dietetic
Specialties of Maritime Sector
  • Merchant Navy Master (Captain)
  • Merchant Navy Engineer
  • The second grade students must be chosen one sector
  • The third grade students must be chosen one specialty based on the sector has already been studied previously at second grade
Integrated Multifarious Lyceum (EPL) (19851997)
First Grade (Year 1)Second Grade (Year 2)
Core Subjects and Elective Subjects
NoThird Grade (Year 3) – Fields of StudyCyclesOptional Fourth Grade (Year 4) – Specialist ProgrammesCode
1C Desmi (Four Advanced Level Subjects)1 non-offerings -
2Business Administrative Services - Secretaries1, 3Administrative ClerksTE2
3 Librarianship (Library Operations)1, 3non-offerings -
4Information Technology (IT)1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6Computer Programmers (of Secondary Education)TE4
5Β Desmi (Four Advanced Level Subjects)2, 4, 5, 6non-offerings -
6Medical Laboratories2, 6Assistant Technicians of Biological and Medical Laboratories TE6
7Social Welfare1, 2, 3 Social Welfare Guardian TE7
8D Desmi (Four Advanced Level Subjects)2, 3, 4, 5, 6 non-offerings -
9Economics3Financial Services ClerkTE9
10 Applied Arts1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6Graphic Designer TE10
11A Desmi (Four Advanced Level Subjects) 2, 4, 5, 6non-offerings-
12Structural Works4non-offerings-
13Mechanical4 Automotive TechnicianTE13
14Electrical5Electricians of General Electrical ApplicationsTE14
15Electronics5Technicians of Electronic ApplicationsTE15
16Chemistry2, 4, 5, 6 Sheet Metal TechniciansTE16
17Agriculture6Technician of Agri-food Societies and Agricultural HoldingsTE17
Technician of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture
Technician of Arboriculture and Horticulture
  • A student may choose to lengthen its period of study for an optional (additional) secondary education year of a Specialist Programme (Specialty), also known as Fourth Grade.
  • Approximate equivalence for Greek names are the Cycles (Greek: Greek, Modern (1453-);: Κύκλοι), Fields (Greek: Greek, Modern (1453-);: Κλάδοι), Specialist Programmes (Greek, Modern (1453-);: Τμήματα Ειδίκευσης) or shortened to Specialties.
  • Specialist Programme (Fourth Grade, Year 4) has only specialist courses (subjects) and is only for Integrated Multifarious Lyceum (EPL) graduates.
  • The Integrated Multifarious Lyceum (EPL) (1985–1997) was a selective school only.

Criticism and controversies

See also

Further reading

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Legislations for the Greek Education – latest updates. Ministry of Education. el.
  2. Web site: Greece Education Legislation Listing Since 1830 Until Present. el. ADIPPDE. Authority of Quality Assurance in Primary and Secondary Education.
  3. Web site: Education Services via Greek Government Portal el.
  4. Web site: Greece: Voluntary National Review 2022 - On the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. live. 30 July 2023.
  5. Web site: Parents' basic guide to Greek schools - Greece. 14 March 2023.
  6. Web site: Greece Administration and Governance at Central and/or Regional Level. 6 December 2021. dead. 12 June 2022.
  7. Web site: Greece Education System Legislation and Official Policy Documents. 15 March 2022. dead. 9 June 2022.
  8. Web site: Bodies and Institutions Supervised by Greek Ministry of Education. 10 April 2020. dead. 12 June 2022.
  9. Web site: Greece inclusion of learners with special educational needs and/or disabilities. European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education. Information for Greece, Legislation and policy. live. 18 September 2022.
  10. Web site: Authority for Quality Assurance in Primary and Secondary Education (ADIPPDE). el. ADIPPDE.
  11. Web site: Greece Geodata Government Maps. el, en. Information Management Systems Institute (IMSI). Research and Innovation Center "Athena".
  12. Web site: Personal Data, Laws, Hellenic Data Protection Authority (HDPA). Hellenic Data Protection Authority (HDPA). Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data.
  13. Web site: Law 3471/2006 Government Gazette 133/A/28-6-2006. Hellenic Authority for Communication Security and Privacy (ADAE). Protection of personal data and privacy in the electronic telecommunications sector and amendment of law 2472/1997 Government Gazette 50/10-4-1997. live. 10 September 2022.
  14. News: Greece cyber security laws and regulations – latest updates. Global Legal Group.
  15. Web site: Law 4521/2018, Article 33(3), Government Gazette 38/A/2-3-2018. el. Hellenic Parliament.
  16. Typical ages refer to the ages that normally correspond to the age at entry and ending of a cycle of education. These ages relate to the theoretical duration of a cycle assuming full-time attendance and no repetition of a year. The assumption is made that, at least in the ordinary education system, a student can proceed through the educational programme in a standard number of years, which is referred to as the theoretical duration of the programme.
  17. Web site: Ministry of Education: Special Education. Ministry of Education. el.
  18. Web site: Greece: Separate special education needs provision in early childhood and school education. dead. 2 February 2022. el, en. 24 May 2022.
  19. Web site: What is the proper age for a child to start learning English language?. live. 15 July 2019. Psychagogein. el.μαθησιακές-δυσκολίες/π-καταλληλη-ηλικια-για-αγγλικά/. 19 March 2023.
  20. Web site: School Guide for Primary and Preschool Education. 11 February 2019. el. Ministry of Education. Computer Technology Institute and Press (CTI) "Diophantus". live. 31 May 2022.
  21. Web site: School E-Books of Primary, Gymnasium, General Lyceum, EPAL Lyceum. el. CTI "Diophantus".
  22. News: Institute of Educational Policy (IEP) Book Collection. Institute of Educational Policy (IEP). The digital historical collection of school textbooks.
  23. Web site: Law 4692/2020 Government Gazette 111/A/12-6-2020. el. Hellenic Parliament. Advancement of school education and other provisions.
  24. Web site: Joint Ministerial Decree 79942/ΓΔ4/2019 Government Gazette 2005/Β/31-5-2019. el. Ministry of Education. Admissions, transfers, studying and organization subjects of schooled life in the secondary education schools.
  25. Web site: Timetable of Gymnasium school courses. live. 4 August 2021. . el. 20 September 2021.
  26. Web site: 2023 . Foreign Language Teachings in Greece .
  27. Web site: Law 4763/2020, Part I, Chapter I, Article 2(10)(10), Government Gazette 254/A/21-12-2020. el. Hellenic Parliament. Second Chance Adult School (SDE) is classified typical education system ‒ formal education.
  28. Web site: Law 4763/2020, Chapter IX, Government Gazette 254/A/21-12-2020. el. Hellenic Parliament. Chapter IX, Second Chance Adult School (SDE).
  29. Web site: List of Second Chance Schools in Greece. el, en. Youth and Lifelong Learning Foundation.
  30. Web site: Law 4547/2018 Government Gazette 102/Α/12-6-2018. live. el. Ministry of Education. 10 April 2021.
  31. Web site: Joint Ministerial Decree Φ2/107972/Δ4 Government Gazette 2636/B/5-7-2018. live. el. Ministry of Education. 6 November 2021.
  32. Web site: International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011. Unesco.
  33. Web site: ISCED-F 2013 Fields of education and training – Detailed field descriptions. Unesco.
  34. Web site: Law 4610/2019, Chapter B, Article 101, Government Gazette 70/A/7-5-2019. el. Hellenic Parliament. Synergies between Universities and TEIs, Admission to Higher Education (tertiary), Experimental secondary education schools, General archive of state and other provisions.
  35. News: UK University League Tables. The Guardian. UK Universities by Subject Area, Programme, HEI, Region.
  36. News: International University Degree Equivalents. Graduate Recruitment Bureau UK.
  37. Web site: Law 2725/15-6-1999 Government Gazette 121/A/17-6-1999. el. live. 22 October 2021.
  38. Web site: Government Gazette 121/A/17-6-1999. el. live. 6 March 2023.
  39. Web site: The 2021‒2022 academic year submission of online applications for the admission of students to public Model Schools (PS) and public Experimental Schools (PEIS) has started through the Single Digital Portal of Public Administration ( live. el. Ministry of Education. 28 May 2021. 2 December 2021. Listing of public model schools and public experimental schools across Greece (a total of 112) include, preschool, primary, lower secondary (gymnasium), upper secondary (lyceum).
  40. Web site: Law 4327 Government Gazette 50/A/14-5-2015, Urgent measures for the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Education and other provisions. el. Hellenic Parliament.
  41. Web site: Model schools (PS) and experimental schools (PEIS): dates for admission applications, written entrance examinations, lottery. live. el. Ethnos. 27 May 2021. 2 December 2021.
  42. Web site: Law 4186/2013 Government Gazette 193/Α/13-9-2013. el. Ministry of Education. live. 18 August 2022.
  43. Web site: Law 4186/2013 Government Gazette 193/Α/13-9-2013 (B). el. Hellenic Parliament.
  44. Web site: Law 4186/2013, Subjects of Orientation Groups of the General Lyceum. el. Hellenic Parliament.
  45. Web site: GEL Lyceum and EPAL Lyceum Online Enrollment. el. Ministry of Education.
  46. Web site: Laws for Vocational Lyceum (EPAL). el. Ministry of Education.
  47. Law 4386/2016, Article 66, Government Gazette 83/A/11-5-2016. el. Hellenic Parliament.
  48. Web site: Education of Vocational Lyceum (EPAL). el. Ministry of Education.
  49. Vocational Lyceums (EPALs) of Greece, Orientation Groups, Specialties. el. Ministry of Education. live.Καθορισμός_ΤΟΜΕΩΝ-ΕΙΔΙΚΟΤ_ανά_ΕΠΑΛ_2019-20_ΦΕΚ_1515Β_07.05.2019.pdf. 18 September 2022.
  50. Web site: Presidential Decree 40/2018 Government Gazette 76/Α/30-4-2018. el. Hellenic Parliament. live.ΠΔ_40_2018_Αξιολόγ_Μαθητών_ΕΠΑΛ__Μαθητείας_ΦΕΚ_76Α_30.04.2018.pdf. 23 January 2022.
  51. Web site: Vocational Lyceum (EPAL) Textbooks (eBooks, Zip format, PDF). el. Ministry of Education.
  52. Establishment of the European Credit system for VET (ECVET). Official Journal of European Union.
  53. Establishment of the European Credit system for VET (ECVET) (GR). el. Official Journal of European Union.
  54. EU ECVET Official Website. 5 September 2018.
  55. Web site: EU ECVET FAQs and Terminology Definitions. ECVET Projects EU. dead. 23 January 2022.
  56. European Skills/Competences, qualifications, and Occupations (ESCO). el, en.
  57. ESCO Occupations. el, en.
  58. ESCO Qualifications – In Greek. el.
  59. ESCO Qualifications – In English.
  60. EU – Professions falling under specific legislation. 5 July 2016.
  61. Web site: Refernet Greece – Refernet Greece. el, en. EOPPEP.
  62. ReferNet national partners. 6 November 2009. CEDEFOP.
  63. A double qualification or dual qualification (dual diploma, or dual degree, or other) is two separate qualifications, each for a specific field of study, that a student can obtain simultaneously. The possible combinations for the two qualifications are two certificates or two diplomas or two master's, or even a blend of a bachelor's and a master's, or other. This depends on the education unit you are attending and its available programmes. A double major is a term that refers to a single qualification with majors in two different fields. The two fields a student chooses for its double major should be under the same department or faculty in an educational unit, and they must result in the same type of qualification, it takes almost the same time as a single major qualification.
  64. In Greece, Single Award or Single Subject is the combined study in school of two or three assessment subjects (units) collectively that results in one subject achieves one grade overall from completing the subject. e.g. lyceum Maths Algebra and Manths Geometry results in Maths subject that is called Maths Single Award. The Double Award or Double Subject is the combined study in school of two or three assessment subjects collectively that results in two subject achieves two grade overall from completing the subjects. By award, it means any awarded qualification e.g. Certificate, Diploma. Double major qualification is one qualification in two academic disciplines.
  65. Web site: Professional Rights and Specialties of Vocational Lyceum (EPAL) 2006(A). el. EOPPEP. live. 18 September 2022.
  66. Web site: Professional Rights and Specialties of Vocational Lyceum (EPAL) 2006(B). el. EOPPEP. live. 18 September 2022.
  67. Web site: Professional Rights and Specialties of Vocational Lyceum (EPAL) 2013. el. EOPPEP. live. 18 September 2022.
  68. Web site: Professional Rights and Specialties of Vocational Lyceum (EPAL) 2016. el. EOPPEP. live. 18 September 2022.
  69. Web site: Professional Rights and Merchant Navy Specialties. el. EOPPEP. live. 18 September 2022.
  70. Joint Ministerial Decree 153/79899/Α5 Government Gazette 1904/Β/28-5-2019 Subjects of the Pan-hellenic Examinations for EPAL. live. el. Ministry of Education. 18 September 2022.
  71. Web site: Law 4763/2020, Chapter VII, Article 43 and 44, Government Gazette 254/A/21-12-2020. el. Hellenic Parliament. 21 December 2020. Chapter VII, Guides of Training and Certification of the Graduates, Article 43 and 44, Admission to the Higher Education at Level 6 of the Hellenic Qualification Framework.
  72. Web site: DYPA Apprenticeship Vocational School (EPAS). el. DYPA. 17 September 2022. 16 September 2022. live.
  73. Web site: DYPA Vocational School (EPAS). DYPA. el. live. 10 September 2024.
  74. Royal Decision 3/1952 Government Gazette 157/A/6-6-1952; With the law 1566/1985 Government Gazette 167/A/30-9-1985 the Vocational School (EPAS) of Workforce Employment Organization – OAED (with the law 49/2022 has renamed to Public Employment Service – DYPA) has been upgraded to secondary education level; With the law 4763/2020, Chapter III, Government Gazette 254/A/21-12-2020 it has been moved to lower secondary education level.
  75. Web site: Law 4763/2020, Chapter III, Government Gazette 254/A/21-12-2020. el. Hellenic Parliament. 21 December 2020. Chapter III, Post-Gymnasium Vocational Education and Training, Vocational Training Schools (ESK; Greek: Greek, Modern (1453-);: Επαγγελματικών Σχολών Κατάρτισης - Ε.Σ.Κ.) and Vocational Schools (EPAS; Greek: Greek, Modern (1453-);: Επαγγελματικές Σχολές - ΕΠΑ.Σ.) of the Apprenticeship Workforce Employment Organization – OAED (with the law 49/2022 has renamed to Public Employment Service – DYPA).
  76. Web site: Law 49/2022 Government Gazette 75/A/18-4-2022. el. Hellenic Parliament. With the Law 49/2022, Part II, Chapter I, Article 3(1)(2), Government Gazette 75/A/18-4-2022, hitherto known as OAED – Workforce (or Manpower) Employment Organization (Greek, Modern (1453-);: ΟΑΕΔ – Οργανισμός Απασχόλησης Εργατικού Δυναμικού) has changed its name to DYPA – Public Employment Service (Greek, Modern (1453-);: ΔΥΠΑ – Δημόσια Υπηρεσία Απασχόλησης). DYPA Vocational School (EPAS) is also known as: DYPA Apprenticeship Vocational School (EPAS), shortened to DYPA EPAS Apprenticeship or DYPA EPAS; DYPA Professional School; DYPA Trade School..
  77. Web site: Law 49/2022 Government Gazette 75/A/18-4-2022 (PDF). el. Hellenic Parliament.
  78. Web site: Recognition of Professional Qualifications – Vocational Education and Training.
  79. Web site: WorldSkills Europe. WorldSkills Europe.
  80. Web site: State platform matching tourism and food service vacancies with unemployed goes live. live. 13 May 2024. 13 May 2024.
  81. Web site: Database on financing apprenticeships in the EU – Cross-country comparison. Cedefop.
  82. Web site: Institute of Educational Policy (IEP) Government Gazette Collection. el, en. Institute of Educational Policy (IEP).
  83. Web site: DYPA Apprenticeship Vocational School (EPAS) – Professional Rights of Specialties. el. EOPPEP.
  84. Web site: Database for the Professions and Professional Rights ‒ Labour Institute of GSEE (INE/GSEE). el. General Confederation of Greek Workers (GSEE). live. 25 January 2023.
  85. Web site: Labour Institute of General Confederation of Greek Workers (INE/GSEE). el.
  86. Web site: Labour Institute of General Confederation of Greek Workers (INE/GSEE) ‒ Thessaloniki Branch. el.
  87. Web site: Platform of INE/GSEE for professions and their rights. el. New Money. 25 January 2023. live. 25 January 2023.
  88. Web site: DYPA Experimental Vocational School (PEPAS). DYPA. el. live. 6 September 2024.
  89. Web site: DYPA Schools. DYPA Schools. el. live. 6 September 2024.
  90. Web site: DYPA Experimental Vocational Apprenticeship School (PEPAS). el. DYPA. DYPA Experimental Vocational School (PEPAS) is also known as: DYPA Experimental Vocational Apprenticeship School (PEPAS), DYPA Experimental EPAS, DYPA Experimental Apprenticeship EPAS, DYPA PEPAS, DYPA Apprenticeship PEPAS..
  91. Web site: Article 118 of Law 4387/2016 Government Gazette 85/A/12-5-2016. el. Hellenic Parliament. DYPA Experimental Vocational Apprenticeship School (PEPAS) specialties include Culinary Art Technician (cook, Greek, Modern (1453-);: Τεχνίτης Μαγειρικής Τέχνης), Food & Beverage Technician (Food & Beverage Service, Greek, Modern (1453-);: Τεχνίτης Επισιτισμού), Customer Service in the Tourism Business (Greek, Modern (1453-);: Υπαλλήλος Εξυπηρέτησης Πελατών Τουριστικών Επιχειρήσεων), the DYPA Experimental Vocational Apprenticeship School (PEPAS) operates in Athens, Thessaloniki, Corfu, Crete, Mytilene, Patras and Rhodes.
  92. Web site: Employment and Education Announcements of the Operational Programme: Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning. Ministry of Development and Investment. el.
  93. Web site: DYPA Experimental Vocational Apprenticeship School (PEPAS) 2021‒2022. live. el. Economistas. 16 November 2021. 22 November 2021.
  94. Web site: OAED Experimental Vocational Apprenticeship Schools – dead. 22 September 2022.
  95. Web site: Language Competency Qualification Titles and Methods of Proof. dead. 25 August 2020. Ministry of Education. el. 22 July 2022.
  96. Web site: Ministry of Education: Language Competency Qualification Titles and Methods of Proof. Ministry of Education. dead. 18 September 2022. The good language level is at level B2. A formal foreign language competency certificate, at the time of submission attached to an application, it must to be issued not more than twelve (12) consecutive months before the date of submission. The formal foreign language competency certificate has a twelve consecutive months validity limit for use from the completion of the time has issued. After its last day of validity this competency certificate expires loses its validity and is void..
  97. The Food and Beverage service staff, commonly referred to as F&B staff, in restaurant or room service or banquet, are: 1.) Entry-level: apprentice waiter/waitress or trainee waiter/waitress, 2.) Operational level: assistant waiter/waitress, waiter/waitress, assistant captain (demi-chef de rang), captain (chef de rang), 3.) Supervisory level: headwaiter/headwaitress (maître d'hôtel or maître d' or maitre d), 4.) Management/Executive level: assistant F&B manager, F&B manager.
  98. Web site: Statute Framework of Post-Lyceum Year Apprenticeship Class. el. Ministry of Education. Post-Lyceum Year Apprenticeship is only for Vocational Lyceum (EPAL) graduates.
  99. Web site: Establishment of Post-lyceum Year Apprenticeship Class. el. Ministry of Education. Post-Lyceum Year Apprenticeship is only for Vocational Lyceum (EPAL) graduates. live. 18 September 2022.
  100. Web site: Law 4763/2020, Chapter VI, Government Gazette 254/A/21-12-2020. el. Hellenic Parliament. 21 December 2020. Chapter VI, Post-secondary Vocational Education and Training – Post-lyceum Apprenticeship Class.
  101. Web site: Certificate Supplements for Post-Secondary – Apprenticeship Year Graduates of the Vocational High School (EPAL). live. EOPPEP. 10 June 2021.
  102. Web site: EPAL Post-Lyceum Year Apprenticeship Class. el, en. EOPPEP.
  103. Web site: Post-Lyceum Year Apprenticeship Class 2019–2020. dead. el. Ministry of Education. 17 January 2021.
  104. Web site: Professional Rights of the Specialties of EPAL Apprenticeship Class. el. EOPPEP. live. 18 September 2022.
  105. Web site: Post-lyceum Year Apprenticeship Class of EPAL – Specialties. Ministry of Education. el.
  106. Web site: Information System for Administrating the Post-lyceum Year Apprenticeship Class of EPAL. Ministry of Education. el.
  107. Web site: Vocational Education – Apprenticeship – Latest Announcements. Ministry of Education. el.
  108. Web site: TSAKOS Enhanced Education Nautical School (TEENS). el. live. 3 August 2023.
  109. Web site: TSAKOS Enhanced Education Nautical School (TEENS) has done Model Vocational Lyceum (PEPAL). el. New Money. live. 6 March 2023. 3 August 2023.
  110. Web site: Tsakos Group. live. 3 August 2023.
  111. Web site: Public Schools of Tourism Education. el. Ministry of Tourism.
  112. Web site: Private and Public Schools of Meat Professions (SEK). el. Ministry of Rural Development and Food.
  113. Web site: Certificate of Meat Processing Technician – Certificate of Animal Slaughter. el. WIKI of Public Sector Services and Procedures.
  114. Web site: Vocational Education and Training (EEK). Ministry of Education. el. live. 10 January 2024.
  115. Web site: Government Gazette 9/A/19-1-2024: Strengthening of the National System of Vocational Education and Training and other urgent provisions. live. Hellenic Parliament. . 29 March 2024.
  116. Web site: Law 5082/2024, Government Gazette 9/A/19-1-2024. live . Hellenic Parliament. . 29 March 2024.
  117. Web site: Government Gazette 9/A/19-1-2024. live. . 29 March 2024.
  118. Web site: Law 4763/2020, Chapter V, Government Gazette 254/A/21-12-2020. el. Hellenic Parliament. 21 December 2020. Chapter V, Post-secondary Vocational Education and Training – Institute of Vocational Training (IEK).
  119. Web site: EOPPEP Ognanization. el, en. EOPPEP.
  120. Web site: Law 4186/2013, Article 23, Government Gazette 193/Α/13-9-2013, IEK Course Offerings. el. Ministry of Education. live. 18 August 2022.
  121. Web site: Guides for IEK Specialties – All the courses for each specialty – Latest Updates. 1 September 2023. GGEEKDBM&N. live. 1 September 2023.
  122. Web site: HQF ‒ IEKs Course Offerings (page 9 to 24). el, en. EOPPEP.
  123. Web site: Students’ internship at tourism industry: ongoing positions. Hellenic Hoteliers Federation. el.
  124. Web site: Search Machine for Master's Programmes of the Greek HEIs ‒ Universities. Ministry of Education.
  125. Web site: 5094/13-3-2024 Government Gazette 39/A/13-3-2024. el. live. . 27 April 2024.
  126. Web site: Law 5094/2024 Government Gazette 39/A/13-3-2024. el. Hellenic Parliament. live. 27 April 2024.
  127. Web site: Law 5094/2024 Government Gazette 39/A/13-3-2024, Strengthening the Public University - Framework for the operation of non-profit branches of foreign universities and other provisions . el. Hellenic Parliament. live. . 27 April 2024.
  128. Web site: Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE). live. el, en. HAHE. . 27 April 2024.
  129. Web site: University Rankings and comparison by country and by subject. University Multi Rank Organization.
  130. Web site: Law 4485/2017 Government Gazette 114/Α/4-8-2017. Hellenic Parliament.
  131. Web site: Law 3685/2008 Government Gazette 148/Α/16-7-2008. el. Hellenic Parliament. Framework and regulations for postgraduate studies.
  132. Web site: Academic Identity Card – Application Submission via Online Service. el. Ministry of Education. As of 24/09/2012, undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students of all Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) of the Greece country can apply online for a new academic identity card.
  133. Web site: Academic Identity Card – Useful Info: Student Greek Manuals for Online Service – latest updates. Ministry of Education. el.
  134. Web site: Academic Identity Card – Student English Manual for Online Service (2020). dead. Ministry of Education. 9 October 2020. 1–48. 22 February 2021.
  135. Web site: NKUA – School of Philosophy BA Programme in the Archaeology, History, and Literature of Ancient Greece. live. NKUA. 11 March 2021. 11 March 2021.
  136. Web site: Greece getting its first English undergraduate programme. live. Apostolos. Lakasas. Kathimerini. 1 May 2018. 17 April 2021.
  137. Web site: Greece: First English-taught UG (undergraduate) programme at a public university. Viggo. Stacey. The Pie News. 2 October 2019. 13 August 2020.
  138. Web site: 22 December 2021 . Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) School of Medicine 6-year English language undergraduate programme for foreign citizens . 22 December 2021 . Medicine in Greece.
  139. Web site: Aristotle University set to launch English language programme. live. 1 April 2021. Apostolos. Lakasas. Kathimerini. 15 April 2021.
  140. Web site: AUTh School of Medicine English language undergraduate programme. live. Apostolos. Lakasas. 28 September 2021. Kathimerini. 28 September 2021.
  141. Web site: University of Piraeus: English-taught Μaster of Science (MSc) American Studies: Politics, Strategy and Economics. live. el. Protothema. 27 June 2021. 29 June 2021.
  142. Web site: University of Piraeus Decision 20212086 Government Gazette 1403/B/8-4-2021. live. el. University of Piraeus. 29 June 2021.
  143. Web site: Specific Legislations for the Greek Higher Education – latest updates. Ministry of Education. el.
  144. Web site: General Legislations for the Greek Higher Education – latest updates. Ministry of Education. el.
  145. Web site: Law 3879/2010 Government Gazette 163/A/21-9-2010. el. Hellenic Parliament. Non-typical education providers, Development of Lifelong Learning and other provisions.
  146. Web site: Law 4547/2018, Article 89, Government Gazette 102/A/12-6-2018. Hellenic Parliament. Amendments for non-typical education providers.
  147. Web site: Law 4763/2020 Government Gazette 254/A/21-12-2020, Part I, Chapter I, Article 2(8) for Formal Education, 2(9) for Non-Formal Education, 2(10) for Formal Education System. el. Hellenic Parliament. 21 December 2020.
  148. Web site: Open Courses of the Greek Public Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). el, en. live. 23 December 2023.
  149. Web site: Greek Universities Network (Gunet) . el, en. live. 22 December 2023.
  150. Web site: Greek Public Higher Education Institutions (HEIs): Open Courses (old website). live. 23 December 2023.
  151. Web site: Greek Universities Network (GUnet). el, en. live. 22 December 2023.
  152. Web site: Open Education Global (OE Global). live. 22 December 2023.
  153. Web site: Open Education Global (OE Global) (old website). live. 23 December 2023.
  154. Web site: Biomedical Research and Education Special Unit (BRESU). Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
  155. Web site: Network of Accredited Skills Centres in Europe (NASCE).
  156. Web site: Courses. el. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
  157. Web site: BRESU: Clinical Studies. el. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. 3 January 2023.
  158. Web site: National Digital Academy by the Ministry of Digital Governance. National Digital Academy.
  159. Web site: Greek National Coalition for Digital Skills and Jobs . el.
  160. Web site: Citizens' Digital Academy Available via live. The National Herald. 5 June 2020. 23 April 2021.
  161. Web site: Digital Education Action Plan (2021–2027) – Commission Staff Working Document. live. EUR-Lex. 30 September 2020. 20 April 2021. 23 April 2021.
  162. Web site: Digital Education Action Plan (2021–2027).
  163. Web site: DigComp 2.1: The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens with eight proficiency levels and examples of use. live. 20 April 2021. 20 April 2021.
  164. Web site: The Digital News and Last Updates from the National Documentation Centre in Greece. National Documentation Centre & Electronic Content (EKT). el, en.
  165. Web site: Webinar Series of the Institute of the Greek Tourism Confederation (INSETE). INSETE.
  166. Web site: Educational Seminars of the Institute of the Greek Tourism Confederation (INSETE). INSETE.
  167. Web site: Centre of Lifelong Learning (KDVM). el.
  168. Web site: KDVM of Municipalities. el. 2022-09-21. 2023-12-06. dead.
  169. Web site: KDVM of the Hellenic Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen & Merchants (GSEVEE). el. GSEVEE in Athens (main), GSEVEE Branches: Thessaloniki, Patra, Heralkion, Larissa, Ioannina. Seminars: Plumber, Insulator, Locksmith, Lift Technician, Olive Technician, Furniture Makers, Butcher – Meat Cutter, Hygiene and Safety of Food (EFET), Electric Charges of Electric Vehicles, Aluminum and Iron Construction Technicians, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Technician, Technical Training of Professional Dry Cleaning, Technician of Biologic and Ecological Cultivation, Technical Training of Glass Handling Technician, Replacement for Air Conditioning Unit Coolant of Automobile, Basic Training for Real Estate Agents and Building Administrators, Chemical Cleaning and Disinfection of Air Conditioning Units (A/C), Procedures and Applications for Disinfection of Domestic and Commercial Establishment, Others.
  170. Web site: Law 4763/2020, Part I, Chapter IX, Article 1 and 2, Government Gazette 254/A/21-12-2020. el. Hellenic Parliament. Chapter IX, Article 63: Centre of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning (KEDIVIM), Greek: Greek, Modern (1453-);: Κέντρο Επιμόρφωσης και Δια Βίου Μάθησης (Κ.Ε.Δι.Βι.Μ.), of the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) belong to the Centres of Lifelong Learning (KDBM).
  171. Web site: National Digital Academy of Greek Ministry of Digital Governance's Free e-Learning Short Courses from Centre of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning (KEDIVIM) at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA). live. 22 April 2021. el. Protothema. 22 April 2021.
  172. Web site: National Digital Academy of Greek Ministry of Digital Governance. el. National Digital Academy.
  173. Web site: E-Learning Short Courses from Centre of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning (KEDIVIM) at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA). NKUA.
  174. Web site: NKUA E-Learning Short Courses from Centre of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning (KEDIVIM). el.
  175. Web site: Centre of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning (KEDIVIM) of the University of Aegean: Wood-Shipbuilding trade program from the Ministry of Education. el. 11 December 2023. live. 11 December 2023.
  176. Web site: Legal Framework of Post-secondary Education Centre (ΚΕ.Μ.Ε). el. EOPPEP.
  177. Web site: National Centre for Public Administration & Local Government (EKDDA). EKDDA.
  178. Web site: State upgrade with specialized executives. 25 January 2023. Kathimerini. live. 25 January 2023.
  179. Web site: Law 4763/2020, Chapter VIII, Government Gazette 254/A/21-12-2020. el. Hellenic Parliament. 21 December 2020. Chapter VIII, Hellenic Qualification Framework.
  180. Web site: Hellenic Qualification Framework (HQF) of Greece. el, en. The National Qualification Framework (NQF) of Greece is named Hellenic Qualification Framework (HQF), Greek: Greek, Modern (1453-);: Εθνικό Πλαίσιο Προσόντων.
  181. Web site: Law 4653/2020 Government Gazette 12/A/24-1-2020. el. Hellenic Parliament. Greek, Modern (1453-);: Εθνική Αρχή Ανώτατης Εκπαίδευσης (ΕΘ.Α.Α.Ε.) / Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (H.A.H.E.), special accounts for research funds of High Education Institutes (HEIs), research and technological bodies and other provisions.
  182. Web site: Note – Law 4653/2020 Government Gazette 12/A/24-1-2020. el. Hellenic Parliament.
  183. Descriptors defining levels in the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
  184. Definition of the educational type Year1–Year2: for example the 1995–2019 means from 1995–1996 academic year until the 2018–2019 academic year.
  185. Web site: Professional Rights and Specialties of Vocational School (EPAS). el. EOPPEP.
  186. Web site: Professional Rights and Specialties of Technical Vocational School (TES). el. EOPPEP.
  187. Web site: Schools of Tourism Professions. el. live. . 16 August 2024.
  188. Web site: Law 4093/2012 Government Gazette 222/A/12-11-2012. el. Hellenic Parliament.
  189. Web site: Technical Lyceum Professional Rights of Specialties. live. el. EOPPEP. 6 November 2021.
  190. Web site: Nautical Lyceum Professional Rights of Specialties. live. el. EOPPEP. 6 November 2021.
  191. Web site: Professional Rights and Specialties of Technical Vocational Training Centre, Cycle A. el. EOPPEP.
  192. Web site: Professional Rights and Specialties of Technical Vocational Training Centre, Cycle B. el. EOPPEP.
  193. Web site: Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP): Greece. Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project.
  194. News: Greece 'most corrupt' European Unit's country, new survey reveals. dead. 5 December 2012. BBC News. 14 August 2020.
  195. News: Corruption still alive and well in post-bailout Greece. live. Smith. Helena. 3 December 2014. The Guardian. 16 January 2020.
  196. News: In Greece, corruption pervades every corner of life. live. Henley. Jon. 20 October 2011. The Guardian. 11 April 2021.
  197. Web site: Greece Corruption Report. live. GAN Integrity. 2 March 2021.
  198. Web site: National Integrity System Assessment Greece. live. Transparency International. 12 February 2013. 7 April 2015.
  199. Corruption Perceptions Worldwide Index 2020. live. Transparency International. 1 June 2020. 28 January 2021.
  200. Transparency International for Greece. Transparency International. 9 January 2020.
  201. Transparency International – Greece. Διεθνής Διαφάνεια – Ελλάδας (ΔΔ-Ε). Transparency International – Greece. 9 January 2020.
  202. Web site: Basel AML Index: 9th Public Edition 2020, Ranking money laundering and terrorist financing risks around the world. live. Basel Governance. 1–42. 10 May 2021.
  203. Web site: Greece National Transparency Authority (EAD). EAD.
  204. News: The list of perjurers of public authorities. el. Newsit. 10 March 2013.
  205. Web site: The shame market: With 1200 euros buys university dissertation/thesis. Protothema. el. 18 September 2019. live. 18 April 2021.
  206. Greece lawfulness of corporal punishment. dead. End-Corporal Punishment Organization. 8 September 2008.
  207. Web site: Global Initiative End All Corporal Punishment of Children – Country Report for Greece.
  208. Book: Abolishing corporal punishment of children: questions and answers. live. Council of Europe. 2007. 978-9-287-16310-3. 14 August 2023.
  209. Web site: Greece 26 January 2021 – First Kindergarten School of Agios Nikolaos in Chalkida teacher Soultana Iordanopoulou expelled 4-year-old girl pupil in the cold of winter for punishment. live. 31 January 2021. el. Ethnos. Greece, Chalkida Association of Primary and Kindergarten Teachers agrees and supports the kindergarten teacher (Greek, Modern (1453-);: νηπιαγωγός) Soultana Iordanopoulou (Greek, Modern (1453-);: Σουλτάνα Ιορδανοπούλου) of the First Kindergarten School of Agios Nikolaos in Chalkida, Evia (Greek, Modern (1453-);: 1ου Νηπιαγωγείου Αγίου Νικολάου Χαλκίδας) who brought outside a 4-year-old girl pupil without her coat in the cold to punish her refused the access into the classroom on 26 January 2021. 1 February 2021.
  210. Web site: In Greece, Chalkida kindergarten teacher Soultana Iordanopoulou brought out in the cold a 4-year-old girl pupil prohibited her the access into the classroom – Video. live. 31 January 2021. el. Protothema. 16 February 2021.
  211. Web site: Chalkida kindergarten teacher Soultana Iordanopoulou punishes a 4-year-old girl pupil sets in cold outdoor. live. 30 January 2021. el. Mega Channel. 30 January 2021.
  212. Web site: Soultana Iordanopoulou teacher of the First Kindergarten School, Agios Nikolaos district in Chalkida city, Evia, Greece, on 26 January 2021 punishes a 4-year-old girl pupil. live. 29 January 2021. el. Zougla. 31 January 2021. Greek, Modern (1453-);: Τρίτη 26 Ιανουαρίου 2021, απάνθρωπη συμπεριφορά σε τεσσάρων ετών κοριτσάκι από την νηπιαγωγό Σουλτάνα Ιορδανοπούλου του Πρώτου Νηπιαγωγείου Αγίου Νικολάου Χαλκίδας, Εύβοια.
  213. News: The 6.000.000€ theft of ΟΕΕΚ Greek government agency. live. el. Zougla News. 10 December 2010. 4 November 2020.
  214. EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. live. EUR-Lex. 8 January 2021.
  215. European Convention on Human Rights. European Court of Human Rights.
  216. Web site: Greece fourth place in school bullying amongst European countries. el, en. European Antibullying Network (EAN).
  217. News: Bullying and Cyberbullying across Europe - Proceedings of the 1st Scientific Conference of the European Anti-bullying Network on 11th-12th June 2015. live. el, en. The Smile of the Child. 1–727. Salichos. P. Alevizos. S. 2015. 978-618-81589-1-7. 19 March 2020.
  218. Web site: Bill on school violence and bullying passes in Parliament. live. Kathimerini. 8 March 2023. 9 March 2023.
  219. Web site: School bullying: New Ministry of Education bill in Greek Parliament. live. Pagenews. 24 February 2023. 13 March 2023.
  220. Web site: Law 5029 Government Gazette 55/Α/10-3-2023: Arrangements for the prevention and treatment of violence and bullying in schools and other provisions. live. Hellenic Parliament. 13 March 2023.
  221. Web site: Law 5029 Government Gazette 55/Α/10-3-2023. live. Hellenic Parliament. 13 March 2023.
  222. Web site: The Constitution of Greece – The Eighth Revisionary Parliament of the Hellenes Resolves, PART II Individual and social rights – Article 16 (Education, Art, Science). el. Hellenic Parliament. As revised by the parliamentary resolution of 27 May 2008 of the Eighth Revisionary Parliament.
  223. Web site: The Constitution of Greece – The Eighth Revisionary Parliament of the Hellenes Resolves. en, fr, de. Hellenic Parliament.
  224. Web site: The Constitution of Greece: Article 16 (Education, Art, Science). el. Hellenic Parliament.
  225. Web site: The Constitution of Greece: Part I, Part II, Part III. el. Hellenic Parliament.
  226. Web site: The Constitution of Greece. el. Wikisource.
  227. Web site: Article 16 of the Part ΙΙ, Individual and Social Rights, Constitution of Greece. el. Hellenic Parliament.
  228. Web site: Government Gazette 211/A/24-12-2019. The Constitution of Greece – The Ninth Revisionary Parliament of the Hellenes Resolves on 25 November 2019. 24 December 2019. Hellenic Parliament. el.
  229. Web site: Rapes, drugs, robberies: How National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) became a centre of offenders. 29 September 2022. Protothema. live. el. 3 October 2022.
  230. Web site: National Technical University of Athens: Images of shame from the dormitories ‒ «Lawlessness out of control», says the NTUA rector. 28 September 2022. Protothema. live. el. 28 September 2022.
  231. Web site: Audio document from the gun shooting in National Technical University of Athens student dormitories. 28 September 2022. Protothema. live. el. 3 October 2022.
  232. Web site: National Technical University of Athens campus of Zografou: The Albanian offender receives first aid ‒ Photo-document. 28 September 2022. Protothema. live. el. 1 October 2022.
  233. Web site: National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) campus of Zografou: Guns, drugs, bullets found in the dormitories occupied by the three gangs. 28 September 2022. Protothema. live. el. 1 October 2022.
  234. Web site: Athens's Zografou suburb: A gang «based» in National Technical University of Athens robs a store in 22 sec (video). 29 September 2022. Protothema. live. el. 4 October 2022.
  235. Web site: Police operation in a warehouse of the National Technical University of Athens: Molotov cocktails, rods and sledgehammers found (video). 2 November 2022. Protothema. live. el. 2 November 2022.
  236. Web site: National Technical University of Athens campus: Document photographs of the action of the «Esko» gang. 29 September 2022. Protothema. live. el. 29 September 2022.
  237. Web site: National Technical University of Athens campus: These are the 14 members of the «Esco» gang. 26 November 2022. Protothema. live. el. 26 November 2022.
  238. Web site: Funeral takes place of schoolboy killed in school boiler room blast. 6 December 2022. Kathimerini. live. 6 December 2022.
  239. Web site: Serres: Untold sadness at the funeral of 11-year-old Vasilis ‒ Crowd at the last «goodbye». live. 6 December 2022. Protothema. el. 6 December 2022.
  240. Web site: Boy aged 11 dies in boiler blast in Serres. 5 December 2012. Kathimerini. live. 5 December 2022.
  241. Web site: 11-year-old boy pupil was killed at 9th Primary School of Serres: They closed the valves of boiler and did not secure the burner. 5 December 2022. Protothema. live. el. 5 December 2022.
  242. Web site: 9th Primary School of Serres: From heavy head injuries the death of 11-year-old pupil due to the boiler blast. 5 December 2022. Protothema. live. el. 5 December 2022.
  243. Web site: 9th Primary School of Serres: «We heard a noise, stones and iron fell on us» ‒ The testimony of a classmate of the unfortunate 11-year-old. 6 December 2022. Protothema. live. el. 6 December 2022.
  244. Web site: 9th Primary School of Serres: Father of 11-year-old killed in school blast calls for those responsible to be brought to justice. 6 December 2022. Protothema. live. el. 6 December 2022.
  245. Web site: More violent incidents outside Thessaloniki vocational school. 29 September 2021. Kathimerini. live. 1 October 2022.
  246. Web site: 8 remain in custody following trouble at Thessaloniki vocational school. 1 October 2021. Kathimerini. live. 1 October 2021.
  247. Web site: Attica school principal accused of bullying students and staff. 19 April 2022. Kathimerini. live. 19 April 2022.
  248. Web site: Three arrests in scuffles at Aristotle University. 11 May 2022. Protothema. live. 12 May 2022.
  249. Web site: Aristotle rector pushing for probe into sexual harassment. 29 January 2021. Kathimerini. live. 19 April 2021.
  250. Web site: Protesters march in Thessaloniki over student's window fall. 20 October 2022. Kathimerini. live. 20 October 2022.
  251. Web site: Society for Promoting Education and Learning Arsakeia – Tositseia Schools in Psychiko campus where six students bullied and tied up a 15-year-old student classmate with fishing line on 31 March 2023. live. el. Protothema. 3 April 2023. 3 April 2023.
  252. Web site: Prosecutor launches probe into school sexual harassment, verbal abuse and other forms of abuse during a period stretching from 1994 to 2018 from specific teachers of the Arsakeia – Tositseia Schools in Athens. live. Kathimerini. 27 February 2021. 1 March 2021.
  253. Web site: Ex-theatre director ordered jailed over rape allegations as inquiry widens. live. Kathimerini. 26 February 2021. 26 February 2021. On 26 February 2021 prosecutor ordered a preliminary investigation into allegations of abuse at the private school Arsakeio, made by a group of former students against teachers. In a letter signed by 285 alumni who were at the school between 1994-2018, they said teachers "systematically exploited and insulted the sexual dignity of students with their unethical behaviour", and called for them to be removed..
  254. Web site: Thessaloniki: Video document from the wild scuffle of students at private school. 3 November 2022. Protothema. live. el. 4 November 2022.
  255. Web site: Thessaloniki: Terror for gang of minors beating up students at private school. 3 November 2022. Protothema. live. el. 4 November 2022.
  256. Web site: Thessaloniki: They recorded on video the beating of the 17-year-old ‒ The four students expelled from the college. 3 November 2022. Protothema. live. el. 3 November 2022.
  257. Web site: Thessaloniki: A look and threats preceded the clash at the private school. 4 November 2022. Protothema. live. el. 4 November 2022.
  258. Web site: Prosecutor to investigate attack on student in Thessaloniki's private school. 7 November 2022. Kathimerini. live. 7 November 2022.
  259. Web site: Thessaloniki: Problems are not solved by raising a hand ‒ What parents say about the fight at the private school (college). 4 November 2022. Protothema. live. el. 4 November 2022.