Delphinoidea is the largest group of toothed whales, including 66 genera in 6 families. The largest living member of the superfamily is the killer whale, which can reach 6 tons, while the smallest is the vaquita.
“The Delphinoidea has a diverse taxonomy, with over 35 mammalia taxas. This includes the species of genus Odobenocetops and Odobenus rosmarus[1] . While also having two types of genus, they also have individual genomes with about 9 species across the three main families of the Delphinoidea. The three main families of the whale are the Delphinidae, Monodontidae and Phocoenidae.[2] ”
Based on McGowen et al., 2019[3]
Superfamily Delphinoidea
Family †Albireonidae
Genus Albireo
Family Delphinidae
Subfamily Delphininae
Genus Delphinus
Genus Lagenodelphis
Genus Sotalia
Genus Sousa
Genus Stenella
Genus Tursiops
Subfamily Globicephalinae
Genus †Astadelphis
Genus Feresa
Genus Globicephala
Genus Grampus
Genus Orcaella
Genus Peponocephala
Genus Pseudorca
Genus Steno
Subfamily Lissodelphininae
Genus Cephalorhynchus
Genus Lissodelphis
Subfamily Orcininae
Genus †Arimidelphis
Genus †Eodelphinus
Genus †Hemisyntrachelus
Genus Orcinus
Subfamily incertae sedis
Genus †Australodelphis
Genus †Etruridelphis
Genus Lagenorhynchus
Genus †Sinanodelphis
Family †Kentriodontidae
Subfamily Kentriodontinae
Genus Belonodelphis
Genus Delphinodon
Genus Heterodelphis
Genus Incacetus?
Genus Kentriodon
Genus Lamprolithax
Genus Loxolithax
Genus Macrokentriodon
Genus Microphocaena
Genus Rudicetus
Genus Tagicetus
Subfamily Lophocetinae
Genus Hadrodelphis
Genus Liolithax
Genus Lophocetus
Genus Platyvercus[4]
Subfamily Pithanodelphininae?
Genus Atocetus?
Genus Leptodelphis?
Genus Pithanodelphis?
Genus Sarmatodelphis?
Genus Sophianacetus?
Subfamily Kampholophinae?
Genus Kampholophos?
Family Monodontidae
Subfamily Delphinapterinae
Genus †Bohaskaia
Genus Delphinapterus
Genus † Denebola
Subfamily Monodontinae
Genus Monodon
Family † Odobenocetopsidae
Genus Odobenocetops
Family Phocoenidae
Genus †Archaeophocaena
Genus †Australithax
Genus †Brabocetus
Genus †Haborophocoena
Genus †Lomacetus
Genus †Miophocaena
Genus Neophocaena
Genus †Numataphocoena
Genus Phocoena
Genus Phocoenoides
Genus †Piscolithax
Genus †Pterophocaena
Genus †Salumiphocaena
Genus †Semirostrum
Genus †Septemtriocetus
Familia incertae sedis
Genus †Graamocetus
Genus †Miodelphis
Genus †Nannolithax
Genus †Oedolithax
Genus †Palaeophocaena
Genus †Platylithax
Genus †Protodelphinus