In mathematics the nth central binomial coefficient is the particular binomial coefficient
(2n)! | |
(n!)2 |
They are called central since they show up exactly in the middle of the even-numbered rows in Pascal's triangle. The first few central binomial coefficients starting at n = 0 are:
,,,,,, 924, 3432, 12870, 48620, ...;
The central binomial coefficient
\binom{2 ⋅ 2}{2}
The same central binomial coefficient
The number of factors of 2 in
The ordinary generating function for the central binomial coefficients isThis can be proved using the binomial series and the relationwhere
The central binomial coefficients have exponential generating functionwhere I0 is a modified Bessel function of the first kind.[2]
The generating function of the squares of the central binomial coefficients can be written in terms of the complete elliptic integral of the first kind:
infty | |
\sum | |
n=0 |
2 | |
\pi |
The asymptotic behavior can be described quite accurately:[3]
The closely related Catalan numbers Cn are given by:
1 | |
n+1 |
{2n\choosen}={2n\choosen}- {2n\choosen+1}foralln\geq0.
A slight generalization of central binomial coefficients is to take them as
\Gamma(2n+1) | = | |
\Gamma(n+1)2 |
1 | |
n\Beta(n+1,n) |
The powers of two that divide the central binomial coefficients are given by Gould's sequence, whose nth element is the number of odd integers in row n of Pascal's triangle.
Squaring the generating function givesComparing the coefficients of
The number lattice paths of length 2n that start and end at the origin is .
Half the central binomial coefficient
By the Erdős squarefree conjecture, proved in 1996, no central binomial coefficient with n > 4 is squarefree.
n | |
n}=\sum | |
k=0 |
For example,
Erdős uses central binomial coefficients extensively in his proof of Bertrand's postulate.
Another noteworthy fact is that the power of 2 dividing
. Luke . Yudell L. . Yudell Luke . The Special Functions and their Approximations, Vol. 1 . 1969 . Academic Press, Inc. . New York, NY, USA . 35.