Yellow Turban Army Explained

The Yellow Turban Army, also known as the Yellow Turban Bandits, was a peasant rebel force led by the late Eastern Han dynasty mystic Zhang Jue from Julu Commandery. The Yellow Turbans launched an uprising against the central government in 184, the year of the Jiazi in the Sexagenary cycle. The Yellow Turban Rebellion became one of the biggest rebellions in Chinese history, but it was mostly quelled within a year by the Eastern Han government. As result, the Chinese historiography has always placed it as the progenitor of the Three Kingdoms Era. Some Yellow Turban factions continued their insurgency for decades, however, and the last known remnants of the movement were defeated in the first decade of the 3rd century.

Yellow Turban Army

The Yellow Turban Army was composed of commoners and other people of opportunity. Zhang Jue and his brothers Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang treated many of them, and thus were very popular. When Zhang Jue saw that followers of the Way of the Taiping grew more numerous by the day, he openly revolted in the large-scale Yellow Turban Rebellion. The scale of the Rebellion involved almost a million people, Zhang Jue died during the rebellion, with his brothers falling in battle. The Rebellion was put down within the year, but laid the foundations of the fall of the Eastern Han dynasty.


The Rebellion may have been put down within the year, but it laid the foundations of the fall of the Eastern Han dynasty. The central government handed local officials immense authority with regards to the recruitment of soldiers, which resulted in the warlordism of the late Eastern Han dynasty and the Three Kingdoms Era, undeniably a fatal blow to the Eastern Han. The Rebellion accelerated the demise of the Eastern Han, and even after the defeat of the rebellion, small scale conflicts continued under the Yellow Turban banner along the Yellow River. This is also why the Yellow Turban Rebellion is often documented in Chinese historiography as the beginning of the Three Kingdoms Era.


Notable Individuals

Beihai Commandery Yellow Turbans

White Wave Bandits

Self-Declared Yellow Turbans


See also

Notes and References

  1. ([中平五年二月, ...]黃巾餘賊郭太等起於西河白波谷,寇太原、河東。) Houhanshu vol. 8.
  2. (魏書曰:於夫羅者,南單于子也。中平中,發匈奴兵,於夫羅率以助漢。會本國反,殺南單于,於夫羅遂將其衆留中國。因天下撓亂,與西河白波賊合,破太原、河內,抄略諸郡為寇。) Wei Shu annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 1.
  3. (白波賊寇河東,董卓遣其將牛輔擊之。) Houhanshu vol. 9.
  4. (初,靈帝末,黃巾餘黨郭太等復起西河白波谷,轉寇太原,遂破河東,百姓流轉三輔,號為「白波賊」,眾十餘萬。卓遣中郎將牛輔擊之,不能卻。) Houhanshu vol. 72.
  5. (傕將楊奉本白波賊帥, ...) Houhanshu vol. 72.
  6. (李傕、郭汜既悔令天子東,乃來救段煨,因欲劫帝而西, ... 而張濟與楊奉、董承不相平,乃反合傕、汜,共追乘輿,大戰於弘農東澗。承、奉軍敗,百官士卒死者不可勝數,皆棄其婦女輜重,御物符策典籍,略無所遺。 ... 天子遂露次曹陽。承、奉乃譎傕等與連和,而密遣閒使至河東,招故白波帥李樂、韓暹、胡才及南匈奴右賢王去卑,並率其眾數千騎來,與承、奉共擊傕等,大破之,斬首數千級,乘輿乃得進。董承、李樂擁衛左右,胡才、楊奉、韓暹、去卑為後距。傕等復來戰,奉等大敗,死者甚於東澗。) Houhanshu vol. 72.