Yaul | |
Nativename: | Ulwa |
States: | Papua New Guinea |
Region: | East Sepik Province |
Date: | 2018 |
Ref: | e25 |
Familycolor: | Papuan |
Fam3: | Mongol–Langam |
Iso3: | yla |
Glotto: | yaul1241 |
Glottorefname: | Ulwa (Papua New Guinea) |
Yaul, also known as Ulwa, is a severely endangered Keram language of Papua New Guinea. It is spoken fluently by fewer than 700 people and semi-fluently by around 1,250 people in four villages of the Angoram District of the East Sepik Province: Manu, Maruat, Dimiri, and Yaul. Currently, no children are being taught Ulwa, which has led to the rapid decline of intergenerational transmission for this language.
According to Barlow (2018), speakers in Maruat, Dimiri, and Yaul villages speak similar versions of Ulwa, while those in Manu speak a considerably different version. Thus, he postulates that there are two different dialects of Ulwa.
The word order in Ulwa is generally fixed. There are two categories for word order, and this is based on if the clause is transitive or intransitive. In a transitive clause, the object follows the subject and precedes the verb, leading to a SOV word order. With intransitive clauses, the subject precedes the verb: SV.
Below is an example from Barlow (2018) which represents the SOV word order in a transitive clause:
Amun tïn mï mïnda mame.
amuntïn mï mïnda ma=ama-e
now dog 3sg.subj banana 3sg.obj=eat-ipfv
‘The dog is eating the banana now.’
Furthermore, these fixed categories should only be regarded for active voice clauses. If the construction is in the passive voice, the word order is simply inverted.
Here is another example, this one of the passive construction, showing the inverted word order of VS:
Ndïn asape lamndu.
ndï=n asa-p-e lamndu
3pl=obl hit-pfv-dep pig
‘The pig was killed by them.’ [elicited]
Ulwa seemingly only displays one SAP alignment; nominative-accusative. There is no known evidence of ergative-absolutive alignment. The evidence of this is based on the different forms of third person found. The third person form for both the S and A arguments is found as mï, while the form for third person P argument is ma=. Since this only occurs for third person markings, it appears that Ulwa besides this, Ulwa has neutral alignment.
Below is an example using the third person mï for the A argument, and the clitic ma= for the P argument:
Yana mï yata masap i.
yana mï yata ma=asa-p i
woman 3sg.subj man 3sg.obj=hit-pfv go.pfv
‘The woman hit the man [and] [the woman/*the man] left.’ [elicited]