"Went with the Wind!" is a comedy sketch featured on the eighth episode of the tenth season of The Carol Burnett Show. It originally aired in the United States on CBS on November 13, 1976, and is a parody of the 1939 American historical drama film Gone with the Wind. The sketch was written by two young writers, Rick Hawkins[1] and Liz Sage.[2] In 2009, TV Guide ranked the sketch #53 on its list of "Top 100 Episodes of All Time".[3]
Burnett introduces the sketch:
Everyone leaves, save for Melody, who announces that she is in labor. Outside, a fire breaks out after Sissy gives a Yankee soldier a match. As Melody gives birth, Starlett delivers her speech about how she will "never go hungry again".
Sissy stalls Ratt briefly, and Starlett descends in her handmade dress, complete with curtain rod, and Ratt professes his love. The Yankee soldier comes to, marries Ratt and Starlett, and is given the back taxes. After an altercation and realizing that Starlett is in love with Brashly, Melody dies but not before she pushes Starlett down the stairs. Brashly leaves, followed by Ratt, who begins to deliver the famous line but Starlett slams the door in his face. Defeated and aimless, Starlett asks Sissy what to do, whereas Sissy slaps her, stating "Frankly, Miss Starlett, I don’t give a damn".
The sketch made various cultural references including Bobbie Gentry's "Ode to Billie Joe", Tony Orlando and Dawn's "Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree", "Dixie", "Camptown Races", Chicken of the Sea, A Streetcar Named Desire, and tuna casserole.
The curtain dress was conceptualized and designed by The Carol Burnett Show costumer Bob Mackie. It parodies a scene in Gone With the Wind where an impoverished Scarlett refashions a set of green curtains into a dress to wear. The script called for the dress to be hanging off Burnett, but Mackie did not find it funny. He asked the art director for a real curtain rod and green fabric and made the dress on a mannequin.[4] Burnett said that she came into costume fittings and when she saw the curtain rod she said it was the most brilliant sight gag ever.[5]
When Ratt Butler first sees Starlett in her improvised garment, he calls it "gorgeous" and she replies, "Thank you. I saw it in a window, and I just couldn't resist it."
In 2009, Mackie and Burnett donated the dress to the national Museum of American History.[6]
Exactly nine years earlier to the day, November 13, 1967, The Carol Burnett Show aired a different spoof entitled "Gone with the Breeze". In that sketch, Burnett's character was named "Scarlett O'Fever". Guest star Richard Chamberlain played "Ratt Butler", and Korman appeared as "Uncle Ben".
On another occasion, during a tribute to the films of MGM, a quickie based on Gone With the Wind was performed by Lawrence as Scarlett and Lyle Waggoner as Rhett.
The curtain dress scene was named #2 in TV Guides January 23–29, 1999 list of "The 50 Funniest TV Moments of All Time". The laughter when Burnett descends the staircase was too long—indeed, it was the longest-length audience reaction in the series' entire eleven-year run—and had to be edited.[7]
The entire outfit, curtain rod and all, is in the collection of the Smithsonian Institution.[8] [9] Additionally, in 2009, Mattel released a Starlett doll under the Barbie Celebrity Doll line.[10]