Waterford Valley | |
Province: | Newfoundland and Labrador |
Prov-Status: | Active |
Prov-Created: | 2015 |
Prov-Election-First: | 2015 |
Prov-Election-Last: | 2024 by-election |
Prov-Rep: | Jamie Korab |
Prov-Rep-Party: | Liberal |
Demo-Census-Date: | 2011 |
Demo-Pop: | 14601 |
Demo-Electors: | 9907 |
Demo-Electors-Date: | 2015 |
Demo-Area: | 70 |
Demo-Cd: | Division No. 1 |
Demo-Csd: | St. John's (part) |
Waterford Valley is a provincial electoral district in Newfoundland and Labrador, which is represented by one member in the Newfoundland and Labrador House of Assembly. It was contested for the first time in the 2015 provincial election. It was created out of parts of St. John's South, Kilbride and Ferryland.
The riding is located in the southern part of St. John's, encompassing the neighbourhoods of Blackhead, Bowring Park, Freshwater Bay, Kilbride, Shea Heights, Southside, and part of Waterford Valley.
On July 5, 2024, Tom Osborne resigned. The by-election to replace him was scheduled for August 22,[1] and was won by Jamie Korab.[2]
The district has elected the following members of the House of Assembly:
Assembly | Years | Member | Party | |
St. John's South, Kilbride, and Ferryland prior to 2015 | ||||
48th | 2015–2019 | Tom Osborne | Liberal | |
49th | 2019–2021 | |||
50th | 2021–2024 | |||
2024-present | Jamie Korab |