Walt Disney's Classic Cartoon Favorites is a series of DVDs by Walt Disney Home Entertainment. Each release would feature around one hour of Disney animated short films, grouped by a starring character or a theme. It is based on the original Walt Disney Cartoon Classics line of videotapes of the 1980s. As opposed to the chronological nature of the Walt Disney Treasures line, each release would feature various cartoons in no particular order.[1] The series featured a total of four waves of releases, between January 11, 2005 and April 11, 2006. Another similar line was Walt Disney's Funny Factory.
The first wave of four releases came on January 11, 2005. Each release focuses on a particular character, or pair of characters.
All of the shorts on here feature Mickey Mouse.
All of the shorts on here feature Donald Duck.
All of the shorts on here feature Goofy.
All of the shorts on here feature Chip 'N' Dale.
The second wave of three releases came on May 31, 2005. Each release has a theme.
All of the shorts on here feature sports.
All of the shorts on here feature music.
All of the shorts on here feature adventure.
The third wave of two releases came on September 27, 2005. Each release has a holiday theme.
All of the shorts on here are holiday-themed.
All of the shorts on here are holiday-themed.
The fourth wave of three releases came on April 11, 2006. Each release focuses on a pair of characters.
All of the shorts on here feature Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse.
All of the shorts on here feature Donald Duck and Daisy Duck.
All of the shorts on here feature Mickey Mouse and Pluto.
A negative review of the Mickey subseries at DVD Talk criticised the selection, "The selection, to say the least, is baffling. No effort has been made, for instance, to present the shorts chronologically, offer a wider sampling of shorts covering Mickey's long career (e.g., start with Steamboat Willie, then Mickey's first color short, etc.), to present the best or most representative shorts, or even to compile those cartoons which provide Mickey his best showcases. "[2]
Another review wrote, "Classic Cartoon Favorites might be Disney's most aptly-titled DVD line yet. Each installment delivers one hour's worth of Disney animated short subjects tied together by a theme that can't always be considered cohesive. That theme generally involves the appearance of Disney's most marketable characters from the 1940s and '50s. Of course, the Walt Disney Treasures series still rules the roost when it comes to collecting Disney's classic shorts, but those are more expensive and difficult to find, which probably explains the CCF line's soaring popularity."[3]
Certain volumes received better reviews, the Chip N Dale volume was presented as follows: "Still, the group of shorts included in Disney's new compilation entitled Walt Disney's Classic Cartoon Favorites Volume 4 Starring Chip N Dale (phew!), while nothing inherently earth-shattering, remains moderately charming and entertaining throughout.."[4] while a review of the volume 7 of the second wave of the line wrote, "To the serious collectors, I'd say bite the bullet and drop the extra 12 bucks, because you just know you want the three cartoons that are exclusive to this collection. To casual fans, newcomers, and parents with good taste, I've no problem recommending this DVD whatsoever."[5]