W.A. Heritage Trails Network Explained

The W.A. Heritage Trails Network is a network of heritage trails and places in Western Australia that was initially funded by the Australian Commonwealth/State Bicentennial Commemorative Program for the 1988 Australian Bicentenary. In many cases local communities and councils collaborated with the National Trust of Australia (WA) to research and develop local trails.

The production of signage and literature for the 1988 celebrations set significant standards for heritage identification for the state of Western Australia.[1]

The network was overseen by the W.A. Heritage Committee at the time; the committee became the Heritage Council of Western Australia.

The trails included walk trails, and others that spanned distances requiring a vehicle to traverse.

The trails were grouped into regions - South Metropolitan and North Metropolitan in Perth, Midlands (including parts of the Wheatbelt region), South West and other regions of Western Australia.


See also

Notes and References

  1. a later publication on the subject of heritage walking tours
  2. two titles: Rugged mountains, jewelled sea : the south coast heritage trail network Explore the living history of the south coast from Eucla to Albany
  3. https://webarchive.nla.gov.au/awa/20060324130000/http://pandora.nla.gov.au/pan/34313/20060325-0000/trails.heritage.wa.gov.au/ht_pdf/SwanRiver.pdf