The VALOR number is a code which identifies listed securities and financial instruments in Switzerland, and serves a similar purpose to CUSIP or WKN in the North American or German markets respectively. The VALOR number is incorporated in the Swiss ISIN number.
The VALOR number is a numeric code that intrinsically has no meaning. When a new VALOR is needed, the next one from the list is simply allocated. An instrument's number indicates nothing about the instrument itself.
The VALOR number can be used for a number of purposes in identifying a financial instrument:
The word Valor is a Swiss German banking term for a "security", including coins and paper money. In Switzerland, when referring to the code, it is always referred to as the "VALOR Nummer" i.e. security number.[3] The plural of VALOR in Swiss German is Valoren.
In the English speaking world, the words "VALOR" and "VALOREN" are sometimes used interchangeably.
The VALOR number is issued by SIX Financial Information