The Usambara torrent frog (Arthroleptides martiensseni), also known as Martienssen's torrent frog or Tanzania rocky river frog, is a species of frog in the family Petropedetidae, endemic to the Usambara Mountains of Tanzania.[1] It is one of many, often taxonomically unrelated, frogs referred to as torrent frogs.
These frogs are associated with rocky streams in montane forests. Eggs are laid on rocks close to torrential streams and waterfalls. The tadpoles remain attached to the rocks, where they develop, not entering the water. The species is threatened by habitat loss.
The Usambara torrent frog was first discovered in 1909, when individuals of this species were collected by German military commander Georg Martienssen in Amani, Muheza. The specimens collected by Martienssen were sent to the Berlin Zoological Museum, where they were studied and described by German zoologist Fritz Nieden in 1911. Nieden noted that this species bears resemblance to frogs belonging in the genera Arthroleptis and Petropedetes, but also differs from both significantly and therefore cannot be placed in either genus. Therefore, he established the new genus Arthroleptides to contain this species, which he gave the scientific name Arthroleptides martiensseni. The generic name references the similarity of this species to members of Arthroleptis, while the specific name honors its discoverer. Though Martienssen did not list the exact location he found the specimens, Nieden believed it was in the Usambara Mountains.[2]
A paper published in 2005 concluded that the Usambara torrent frog was nested within a clade of Petropedetes species, thus placing it in the separate genus Arthroleptides would make Petropedetes a paraphyletic grouping, and therefore Arthroleptides was declared a junior synonym of Petropedetes, with this species being renamed as Petropedetes martiensseni.[3] However, a later study supported the resurrection of the genus Arthroleptides in 2014, and the original scientific name of this species has been reinstated.[4] Some frogs formerly thought to be members of this species have since been discovered to represent separate species. Fieldwork conducted from 1999 to 2001 has shown that the torrent frog populations in the Udzungwa and Uluguru mountains are a different species from the Usambara torrent frog, which was named in 2002 as the southern torrent frog (Arthroleptides yakusini).[5] Another population from the Nguru Mountains has been found to be a distinct, unnamed species of Arthroleptides in 2013 based on molecular evidence.[6]