The Unger Model is an empirical standard model for near-end crosstalk (NEXT) power spectra as experienced by communication systems over unshielded twisted pair (UTP).
Twisted pair cables are usually grouped together in a binder where they experience crosstalk. Based on empirical observations, Unger [1] proposed that, at the 1% worst case, the NEXT power spectra
10log(|HNEXT(f)|2)=\begin{cases}-66+6log(f)dB&f<20kHz\ -50.5+15log(f)dB&f\geq20kHz\end{cases}
10log(|HNEXT(f)|2)=\begin{cases}-59.2+4log(f)dB&f<20kHz\ -42.2+14log(f)dB&f\geq20kHz\end{cases}