USS Hartford grounding explained

On 25 October 2003,, a United States Navy nuclear-powered ran aground while leaving the harbor of the NATO Naval Base at the Santo Stefano island in La Maddalena archipelago, Sardinia.[1] Approximately nine million dollars' worth of damage was done to the submarine, and it was out of service for seven months. An investigation into the accident revealed that basic navigational errors combined with equipment failures were to blame for the submarine running into the rocky shallows.

Timeline of events leading up to the accident

The US Navy investigation into the incident revealed a pattern of navigation, procedural and equipment errors leading up to the accident.


Navy divers from USS Emory S. Land inspected Hartford the next day and found large areas of the hull scraped down to bare metal. Sound damping anechoic tiles had been ripped away, metal grates over the ballast tanks had been badly distorted and the passive sonar hydrophone system damaged in three separate locations. The worst damage was at the aft end of the boat, where the rocks had torn off the bottom part of the rudder. So severe was the damage, that there was some question as to the structural integrity of the hull; however, temporary repairs were conducted at La Maddalena. And on 19 November 2003 Hartford proceeded back to Naval Station Norfolk in Virginia under her own power, but at half speed—arriving on 17 December 2003. Hartford then underwent repairs for seven months. It finally returned to Groton in March.

After the accident Commander Christopher R. Van Metre, captain of Hartford, and Captain Greg Parker, Commodore of Submarine Squadron 22, were relieved of command and sent back to the United States. Six other crewmen were also charged with dereliction of duty.

The U.S. Navy report into the incident made several recommendations, one of which is to ensure that no transfers of key personnel occur prior to, or during a deployment. Hartfords captain and navigator had reported aboard only weeks before the boat left for the Mediterranean and their unfamiliarity with the crew and the boat were contributing factors. The lessons learned about the failures in navigation have been incorporated into the Submarine On-Board Training Syllabus. The Navy has also asked the government of Italy to place more navigational buoys warning of shallow water near Sardinia.

Environmental impact

There was some concern after the accident, especially given the fact the incident was not reported to the public until 12 November, three weeks after the accident. There was some outcry in the Italian press, especially since a nuclear submarine was involved.[2] Subsequent investigations have shown that there was no leak from the submarine.[3] [4]

External links

Notes and References

  1. Report Details How USS Hartford Failed To Steer Clear Of Danger . Robert . Hamilton . . . 27 June 2004 . . 15 April 2012 . dead . 1.
  2. Web site: Italy furious after US Navy tried to cover up sub accident . 13 November 2003 . . . 29 September 2023 . live.
  3. Web site: Results of radioactivity analyses performed in Corsica further to the USS HARTFORD submarine navigation incident. . 9 December 2006 . 28 November 2003 . . en.
  4. Web site: Résultats complémentaires des analyses de radioactivité effectuées en Corse suite à l'incident de navigation du sous-marin USS Hartford . . 5 December 2006 . 29 January 2004. Institut de radioprotection et de sûreté nucléaire . it.