Type-2 fuzzy sets and systems explained

Type-2 fuzzy sets and systems generalize standard Type-1 fuzzy sets and systems so that more uncertainty can be handled. From the beginning of fuzzy sets, criticism was made about the fact that the membership function of a type-1 fuzzy set has no uncertainty associated with it, something that seems to contradict the word fuzzy, since that word has the connotation of much uncertainty. So, what does one do when there is uncertainty about the value of the membership function? The answer to this question was provided in 1975 by the inventor of fuzzy sets, Lotfi A. Zadeh,[1] when he proposed more sophisticated kinds of fuzzy sets, the first of which he called a "type-2 fuzzy set". A type-2 fuzzy set lets us incorporate uncertainty about the membership function into fuzzy set theory, and is a way to address the above criticism of type-1 fuzzy sets head-on. And, if there is no uncertainty, then a type-2 fuzzy set reduces to a type-1 fuzzy set, which is analogous to probability reducing to determinism when unpredictability vanishes.

Type1 fuzzy systems are working with a fixed membership function, while in type-2 fuzzy systems the membership function is fluctuating. A fuzzy set determines how input values are converted into fuzzy variables.[2]


In order to symbolically distinguish between a type-1 fuzzy set and a type-2 fuzzy set, a tilde symbol is put over the symbol for the fuzzy set; so, A denotes a type-1 fuzzy set, whereas à denotes the comparable type-2 fuzzy set. When the latter is done, the resulting type-2 fuzzy set is called a "general type-2 fuzzy set" (to distinguish it from the special interval type-2 fuzzy set).

Zadeh didn't stop with type-2 fuzzy sets, because in that 1976 paper he also generalized all of this to type-n fuzzy sets. The present article focuses only on type-2 fuzzy sets because they are the next step in the logical progression from type-1 to type-n fuzzy sets, where n = 1, 2, ... . Although some researchers are beginning to explore higher than type-2 fuzzy sets, as of early 2009, this work is in its infancy.

The membership function of a general type-2 fuzzy set, Ã, is three-dimensional (Fig. 1), where the third dimension is the value of the membership function at each point on its two-dimensional domain that is called its "footprint of uncertainty"(FOU).

For an interval type-2 fuzzy set that third-dimension value is the same (e.g., 1) everywhere, which means that no new information is contained in the third dimension of an interval type-2 fuzzy set. So, for such a set, the third dimension is ignored, and only the FOU is used to describe it. It is for this reason that an interval type-2 fuzzy set is sometimes called a first-order uncertainty fuzzy set model, whereas a general type-2 fuzzy set (with its useful third-dimension) is sometimes referred to as a second-order uncertainty fuzzy set model.

The FOU represents the blurring of a type-1 membership function, and is completely described by its two bounding functions (Fig. 2), a lower membership function (LMF) and an upper membership function (UMF), both of which are type-1 fuzzy sets! Consequently, it is possible to use type-1 fuzzy set mathematics to characterize and work with interval type-2 fuzzy sets. This means that engineers and scientists who already know type-1 fuzzy sets will not have to invest a lot of time learning about general type-2 fuzzy set mathematics in order to understand and use interval type-2 fuzzy sets.

Work on type-2 fuzzy sets languished during the 1980s and early-to-mid 1990s, although a small number of articles were published about them. People were still trying to figure out what to do with type-1 fuzzy sets, so even though Zadeh proposed type-2 fuzzy sets in 1976, the time was not right for researchers to drop what they were doing with type-1 fuzzy sets to focus on type-2 fuzzy sets. This changed in the latter part of the 1990s as a result of Jerry Mendel and his student's works on type-2 fuzzy sets and systems.[3] Since then, more and more researchers around the world are writing articles about type-2 fuzzy sets and systems.

Interval type-2 fuzzy sets

Interval type-2 fuzzy sets have received the most attention because the mathematics that is needed for such sets—primarily Interval arithmetic—is much simpler than the mathematics that is needed for general type-2 fuzzy sets. So, the literature about interval type-2 fuzzy sets is large, whereas the literature about general type-2 fuzzy sets is much smaller. Both kinds of fuzzy sets are being actively researched by an ever-growing number of researchers around the world and have resulted in successful employment in a variety of domains such as robot control.[4]

Formally, the following have already been worked out for interval type-2 fuzzy sets:

Notes and References

  1. L. A. Zadeh, "The Concept of a Linguistic Variable and Its Application to Approximate Reasoning–1," Information Sciences, vol. 8, pp. 199–249, 1975.
  2. Book: Jerry Mendel. Hani Hagras. Woei-Wan Tan. Introduction To Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Control: Theory and Applications. 16 June 2014. Wiley. 978-1-118-90144-1.
  3. J. M. Mendel, Uncertain Rule-Based Fuzzy Logic Systems: Introduction and New Directions, Prentice-Hall, Upper-Saddle River, NJ, 2001.
  4. Hassanzadeh, Hamid Reza, et al. "An interval-valued fuzzy controller for complex dynamical systems with application to a 3-PSP parallel robot." Fuzzy sets and systems 235 (2014): 83-100.
  5. N. N. Karnik and J. M. Mendel, "Operations on Type-2 Fuzzy Sets," Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 122, pp. 327–348, 2001.
  6. N. N. Karnik and J. M. Mendel, "Centroid of a type-2 fuzzy set," Information Sciences, vol. 132, pp. 195–220, 2001.
  7. O. Salazar, J. Soriano, and H. Serrano, "A short note on the centroid of an interval type-2 fuzzy set," in Proceedings of IEEE 2012 Workshop on Engineering Applications (WEA), Bogota, Colombia, May 2012, pp. 1–4
  8. D. Wu and J. M. Mendel, "Uncertainty measures for interval type-2 fuzzy sets," Information Sciences, vol. 177, pp. 5378–5393, 2007.
  9. H. Wu and J. M. Mendel, "Uncertainty Bounds and Their Use in the Design of Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems," IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 10, pp. 622–639, Oct. 2002.
  10. H. Bustince, "Indicator of inclusion grade for interval-valued fuzzy sets: Application to approximate reasoning based on interval-valued fuzzy sets," International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, vol. 23, pp. 137–209, 2000.