In mathematical logic, true arithmetic is the set of all true first-order statements about the arithmetic of natural numbers. This is the theory associated with the standard model of the Peano axioms in the language of the first-order Peano axioms.True arithmetic is occasionally called Skolem arithmetic, though this term usually refers to the different theory of natural numbers with multiplication.
The signature of Peano arithmetic includes the addition, multiplication, and successor function symbols, the equality and less-than relation symbols, and a constant symbol for 0. The (well-formed) formulas of the language of first-order arithmetic are built up from these symbols together with the logical symbols in the usual manner of first-order logic.
A sentence in the language of first-order arithmetic is said to be true in
True arithmetic is defined to be the set of all sentences in the language of first-order arithmetic that are true in
The central result on true arithmetic is the undefinability theorem of Alfred Tarski (1936). It states that the set is not arithmetically definable. This means that there is no formula
l{N}\models\theta ifandonlyif l{N}\models\varphi(\underline{\#(\theta)}).
Post's theorem is a sharper version of the undefinability theorem that shows a relationship between the definability of and the Turing degrees, using the arithmetical hierarchy. For each natural number n, let be the subset of consisting of only sentences that are
0 | |
\Sigma | |
n |
0 | |
\Sigma | |
n |
As discussed above, is not arithmetically definable, by Tarski's theorem. A corollary of Post's theorem establishes that the Turing degree of is 0(ω), and so is not decidable nor recursively enumerable.
is closely related to the theory of the recursively enumerable Turing degrees, in the signature of partial orders. In particular, there are computable functions S and T such that:
True arithmetic is an unstable theory, and so has
\aleph0 | |
2 |
The true theory of second-order arithmetic consists of all the sentences in the language of second-order arithmetic that are satisfied by the standard model of second-order arithmetic, whose first-order part is the structure
The true theory of first-order arithmetic,, is a subset of the true theory of second-order arithmetic, and is definable in second-order arithmetic. However, the generalization of Post's theorem to the analytical hierarchy shows that the true theory of second-order arithmetic is not definable by any single formula in second-order arithmetic.
has shown that the true theory of second-order arithmetic is computably interpretable with the theory of the partial order of all Turing degrees, in the signature of partial orders, and vice versa.