The following list focuses on the routes taken by trains traveling on railway lines in the Netherlands. A list including all stops on the train routes can be found at Dutch Railway Services.
Below are the train routes in the Netherlands (as of 2011) with the number of the train series. It is typically a multiple of 100, while the train numbers add a number in the range 1 through 99 to it (where odd numbers are for trains in one direction, and even numbers for trains in the opposite, except for some international services). These numbers should not be confused with the numbers of locomotives, railcars or train-sets, or with the table numbers of railway lines in the Spoorboekje.
For details of these types of train service, and for listings of more stations on the routes, see Dutch railway services.
Train routes with reversal of direction on the way (all with multiple units or push-pull trains), with station: