See main article: Code of Federal Regulations. Title 41 of the Code of Federal Regulations ("CFR"), titled Public Contracts and Property Management, is the portion of the CFR that governs federal government public contracts within the United States. It is available in digital or printed form.
Title 41 comprises four volumes, and is divided into six Subtitles. Only three of the Subtitles are currently in use, the others being either obsolesced (Subtitle A) or reserved for future use (Subtitles D and E).
Subtitle A, which previously covered the Federal Procurement Regulations System, was replaced in 1983 by the Federal Acquisition Regulation now set out in Title 48 of the Code of Federal Regulations.[1]
Subtitle B is titled Other Provisions Relating to Public Contracts. It comprises Chapters 50, 51, 60 and 61, and occupies substantially all of Volume 1.
Volume | Chapter | Sections | Regulatory entity |
1 | 50 | 50-1–50-999 | Public Contracts, Department of Labor |
51 | 51-1–51-99 | Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled | |
60 | 60-1–60-999 | Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Equal Employment Opportunity, Department of Labor | |
61 | 61-1–61-999 | Office of the Assistant Secretary for Veterans' Employment and Training Service, Department of Labor |
Subtitle C is titled Federal Property Management Regulations System. It comprises Chapters 101, 105, 109, 114, 115 and 128, and occupies all of Volume 2 and substantially all of Volume 3.
Volume | Chapter | Sections | Regulatory entity |
2 | 101 | 101-1–101-99 | Federal Property Management Regulations |
3 | 102 | 102-1–102-220 | Federal Management Regulation |
105 | 105-1–105-999 | General Services Administration | |
109 | 109-1–109-99 | Department of Energy Property Management Regulations | |
114 | 114-1–114-99 | Department of the Interior | |
115 | 115-1–115-99 | Environmental Protection Agency | |
128 | 128-1–128-99 | Department of Justice |
Subtitle D is not in use and is reserved for other provisions relating to property management.[2]
Subtitle E is not in use and is reserved for provisions relating to the Federal Information Resources Management Regulations System.[3]
Subtitle F is titled Federal Travel Regulation System. It comprises Chapters 300 through 304 and occupies substantially all of Volume 4.
Volume | Chapter | Sections | Regulatory entity |
4 | 300 | 300-1--300-99 | Federal Information Resources Management Regulation |
301 | 301-1–301-99 | Temporary Duty (TDY) Travel Allowances | |
302 | 302-1–302-99 | Relocation Allowances | |
303 | 303-1–303-99 | Payment of Expenses Connected with the Death of Certain Employees | |
304 | 304-1–304-99 | Payment of Travel Expenses from a Non-Federal Source |