Timeline of piracy in the Bay of Honduras explained

17.5283°N -86.621°WPirates, privateers, corsairs, and buccaneers were active in the Bay of Honduras from the 1540s to the 1860s. This is an annotated, chronological list of such events, with sortable tables provided.






sine datum











sine datum





16th century























17th century
















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sine datum










sine datum






sine datum























18th century




















































19th century


















16th century

Timeline of 16th century piracy in the Bay of Honduras.
CruiseBraqueswith 22 French corsairs in a patax
Raidvarious French corsairs
CaballosRaid200 French corsairs in two ships
Raidvarious French corsairs
CruiseChuetotwith 50 men in ship from Honfleut
CaballosRaidvarious Lutherans in three ships and a chalupa
GuanaxaCruiseDrake or OxenhamLópez Vaezin Minion or Bear
Raidvarious French corsairs in two zabras
TrujilloRaidBarkerwith Coxe, Roche, and 70 men in Ragged Staffe and Beare
Acleswith 60 men in two ships
CruiseCoxewith 35 men
Cruisevarious English or French men
RaidNewportwith 200 men in the Golden Dragon, Prudence, Margaret, and Virgin
CaballosRaidCumberlandwith some 125 men in the Anthony and Discovery
CaballosRaidCumberlandwith some 125 men in the Anthony and Discovery
Caballos or TruxilloRaidin nine vessels
TruxilloRaidvarious English and French men
various English and French men
in six or seven vessels
Raymondin five vessels

17th century

Timeline of 17th century piracy in the Bay of Honduras.
Cruisevarious men in four vessels
Raidsix English men in a frigate
Sto TomasRaidvarious Dutch men
Raidvarious Dutch men
CaballosRaidvarious Dutch men
TruxilloRaidvarious English, Dutch, or French men
BacalarRaidvarious English men
HagueCharterWest India Covarious Dutch men
Smugglingby Spanish vecinos with Dutch and English ships
Slavingof Amerindians by various English, Dutch, or French men
TruxilloRaidvarious English, Dutch, or French men
LondonCharterProvidence Island Covarious English men
LondonCharterProvidence Island Cocharter territory expanded to Bay of Honduras
TruxilloRaidvarious English, Dutch, or French men
TortugaLoggingof dye-woods
TruxilloRaidwith Mulato and Jol, for the West India Co
Cruisevarious English or Dutch men
LondonCharterProvidence Island Cogranted letters of reprisal against Spanish
MadridCharterArmada de Barloventovarious Spanish men
ProvidenceCharterProvidence Island Covarious men commissioned as privateers
TruxilloNacre or Nackerewith (initially) 60 English and 100 Miskitu men, and (later) 25 to 30 men in a frigate
MeridaLoggingGovernorforbids laying logwood in open beaches
CruiseNewmanin three vessels
TipuRevoltincluding possible piratical aid
Bennett's LagoonRaidof Maya hamlets by various English or Dutch men
Cruisevarious English or Dutch men in seven vessels
ProvidenceCharterProvidence Island Cogrant settlement charter for Roatan to Claiborne
GuanaxaRaidMulatoin two ships
TruxilloRaidwith 200 English and various Miskitu men, for Providence Island Co
RoatanRaidvarious English or Dutch men, with Gaitan and various Amerindian residents of Guanaxa
Cruisevarious English or Dutch men in four ships
RoatanCampvarious English men or Baymen
Raidvarious English or Dutch men in eight vessels
Belize or Sittee RiverRaidFuensalidavarious Dutch men with Canche
RaidMulatowith 70 men
RaidJacksonwith Rous, Axe, Cromwell, and 1,200 men in six vessels
Raidvarious English or Dutch men
Lake IzabalCharterGovernorSpanish fort built
TruxilloRaid1,600 English or Dutch men in sixteen ships
GuanaxaRaidvarious English or Dutch men
TruxilloRaidvarious English or Dutch men
BarcadaresLoggingof logwood by various Baymen
Slavingof Amerindians and Spaniards by Miskitu men with Baymen and Shoremen
RoatanRaidvarious Spanish men against English men, Baymen, or Shoremen
New RiverRaidof Maya hamlets by English or Dutch men
Belize RiverCruisePérezvarious English or Dutch men
Hondo RiverRaidof Maya hamlets by English or Dutch men
PachaRaidvarious Englishmen or Baymen
Spanish TownSmugglingCouncil of Jamaicaresolve to force trade with Spaniards
MadridCharterArmada de Barloventoreformed
where other means various Spanish or Amerindian coastal settlements in the Bay of Honduras
Olonnaiswith Klijn
Raidvarious English, French, or Dutch men
MadridCharterCrownreal cédula deems logging by non-Spaniards piracy
TruxilloRaidvarious French men
Belize RiverSharpeDelgado
Raidvarious English, French, or Dutch men
CruiseCoxoncaptures indigo-laden Spanish merchant vessel
CruiseCastrowith Corso and Nicolo, against English shipping
CruiseHamlinagainst English shipping
Lake IzabalRaidvarious Dutch men
Lake IzabalRaidvarious Dutch men
Cruisewith Willems, Andrieszoon, Bannister, and Bot
Lake IzabalRaidvarious English, Dutch, or French men
Ascension BayGraafof Maya hamlets
Raidvarious English, Dutch, or French men
Cruiseagainst Spanish shipping
Amatique BayRaidvarious English, Dutch, or French men
Belize RiverRaidvarious Spanish men against English shipping

18th century

Timeline of 18th century piracy in the Bay of Honduras.
Chetumal BayCruisewith 30 men in two goletas
TipuRaidvarious Baymen
RoatanCruiseBlackbeardWadewith some 180 English and 70 Afro-Caribbean men in three vessels
Turneffe AtollCruiseBlackbeardwith Bonnet, Richards, and Hands in two vessels
CruiseVanewith Deal, against English shipping
CruiseVernonVaneincluding arrest of Vane for piracy
Belize RiverCruiseLowtherwith Walkers and 80 to 90 men in two vessels, against English shipping
Belize RiverCruiseAnstisDurseywith Fenn in the Morning Star
Belize RiverCruiseBarcawith 50 men in two periaguas
Belize Riverwith Lewis and some 50 men, against 50 to 60 Spanish privateers in one vessel
GuanaxaCruiseSpriggswith some 40 men in the Bachelor's Delight
Cruisevarious Spanish privateers
CruiseWindhamwith 85 men, against HMS Diamond
Cruisewith Simmons, Barlow, 10 English and three or four Afro-Caribbean men in a periagua
CruiseSpriggsagainst English shipping
Belize RiverCruiseDíaz de la RabiaBridgewith 90 Spanish privateers in a frigate, against HMS Diamond
Ascension BayRaidvarious Baymen with some 100 Miskitu men in several small craft
BacalarCharterGovernorvarious Spanish vecinos re-settle as military post
CruiseRicketsvarious Spanish privateers in two periaguas
Cruisevarious Spanish privateers
BacalarCharterGovernorSpanish fort built
CaballosRaidvarious English, French, or Dutch men
Cruisevarious Spanish privateers

19th century

Notes and references



  1. anon.. 29 July 1718. LONDON, July 29. subscription. St. James's Evening Post. London. Printed for T. Warner, at the Black-Boy in Pater-Noster-Row. 496. 2. .
  2. anon.. 24 May 1722a. LONDON. subscription. Compleat Set of St. James's Journals. London. Printed for S. Popping, at the Black-Raven, in Pater-noster-Row. 4. 5.
  3. anon.. 3 July 1722b. London, July 3. subscription. Evening Post. London. Printed by E. Berington in Silver-street Bloomsbury, and Sold by E. Murphey near Stationers-Hall. 2017. 1–2.
  4. anon.. 7 July 1722c. The following Account is taken from the Bozton Gazettee of May 7, viz. .... subscription. Weekly Journal or British Gazetteer. London. Printed and Sold by J. Read, in White-Fryers near Fleet-Street. 4.
  5. anon.. 16 May 1723a. Rhode Island, May 9th. subscription. Boston News-Letter. Boston, MA. Printed and Sold by B. Green, at his Printing-House in Newbury-Street. 1007. 4.
  6. anon.. 27 June 1723b. Boston, May 6. subscription. Daily Post. London. Printed by H. Meere in the Old Baily near Ludgate. 1169. 1.
  7. anon.. 27 July 1723c. There is Advice from Rhode Island, dated May the 9th, that Captain Edward Lloyd .... subscription. Weekly Journal or Saturday's Post. London. Printed by N. Mist, in Great-Carter-Lane. 248. 9.
  8. anon.. 31 August 1723d. New York, June 10. subscription. British Journal. London. Printed for T. Warner, at the Black Boy in Pater-Noster-Row. 50. 3.
  9. anon.. 9 November 1723e. LONDON, November 9. subscription. Weekly Journal or Saturday's Post. London. Printed by N. Mist, in Great-Carter-Lane. 263. 2.
  10. anon.. 9 November 1723f. LONDON, November 9. subscription. Weekly Journal or Saturday's Post. London. Printed by N. Mist, in Great-Carter-Lane. 263. 14.
  11. anon.. 12 June 1724a. St. Christopher's, March 24. subscription. Daily Courant. London. 7065. 1.
  12. anon.. 13 July 1724b. London, July 13. subscription. Daily Post. London. Printed by H. Meere in the Old Baily near Ludgate. 1496. 1.
  13. anon.. 23 July 1724c. New Port, July 17th. subscription. Boston News-Letter. Boston, MA. Printed and Sold by B. Green, at his Printing-House in Newbury-Street. 1069. 2.
  14. anon.. 10 August 1724d. New-York, June 10. subscription. Daily Post. London. Printed by H. Meere in the Old Baily near Ludgate. 1520. 1.
  15. anon.. 1 October 1724e. London, June 13. subscription. Boston News-Letter. Boston, MA. Printed and Sold by B. Green, at his Printing-House in Newbury-Street. 1079. 1.
  16. anon.. 10 December 1724f. Rhode-Island, Decemb. 4. subscription. Boston News-Letter. Boston, MA. Printed and Sold by B. Green, at his Printing-House in Newbury-Street. 1089. 2.
  17. anon.. 12 January 1725a. Philadelphia, January 12. subscription. American Weekly Mercury. Philadelphia. Printed and Sold by Andrew Bradford, at the Bible in the Second Street; and also by William Bradford in New-York. 265. 3.
  18. anon.. 11 February 1725b. New-Port, Feb. 5. subscription. Boston News-Letter. Boston, MA. Printed and Sold by B. Green, at his Printing-House in Newbury-Street. 1098. 2.
  19. anon.. 29 April 1725c. New-Port, April 22. subscription. Boston News-Letter. Boston, MA. Printed and Sold by B. Green, at his Printing-House in Newbury-Street. 1109. 2.
  20. anon.. 8 May 1725d. LONDON, May 8. subscription. Mist's Weekly Journal. London. Printed by N. Mist, in Great-Carter-Lane. 2. 2.
  21. anon.. 13 May 1725e. Paris, Sept. 30. subscription. Boston News-Letter. Boston, MA. Printed and Sold by B. Green, at his Printing-House in Newbury-Street. 1111. 1–2.
  22. anon.. 21 October 1725f. Extract of a Letter from Jamaica, to a Merchant in London, dated May 21st. 1725. subscription. American Weekly Mercury. Philadelphia. Printed and Sold by Andrew Bradford, at the Bible in the Second Street; and also by William Bradford in New-York. 305. 3.
  23. anon.. 27 November 1727. London, October 18. 1727. subscription. Boston Gazette. Boston, MA. Printed by B. Green, jun. for Henry Marshall Post-Master, and Sold at the Post Office, in Cornhill. 418. 4.
  24. anon.. 16 January 1729a. LONDON, January 16. subscription. Daily Journal. London. Printed by J. Purser in Salisbury-Court, Fleetstreet. 2504. 1.
  25. anon.. 8 May 1729b. Boston in New England, March 20. subscription. Daily Journal. London. Printed by J. Purser in Salisbury-Court, Fleetstreet. 2600. 1.
  26. anon.. 13 August 1730. Philadelphia in Pensilvania, June 18. subscription. Daily Journal. London. Printed by J. Purser in Salisbury-Court, Fleetstreet. 2996. 2.
  27. anon.. 3 May 1731a. LONDON. subscription. Daily Journal. London. Printed by J. Purser in Salisbury-Court, Fleetstreet. 3221. 1.
  28. anon.. 12 May 1731b. LONDON. subscription. Daily Journal. London. Printed by J. Purser in Salisbury-Court, Fleetstreet. 3229. 1.
  29. anon.. 26 July 1731c. New-York, July 22. subscription. New-England Weekly Journal. Boston, MA. Printed by S. Kneeland & T. Green, at the Printing-House in Queen Street. 227. 2.
  30. anon.. 29 July 1731d. New York, July 12. subscription. Boston News-Letter. Boston, MA. Printed and Sold by B. Green, at his Printing-House in Newbury-Street. 1435. 2.
  31. anon.. 24 September 1731e. LONDON. subscription. Daily Journal. London. Printed by J. Purser in Salisbury-Court, Fleetstreet. 3345. 3.
  32. anon.. 23 October 1731f. LONDON, October 23. subscription. Country Journal or the Craftsman. London. By Caleb D'Anvers, of Gray's-Inn. 277. 2.
  33. anon.. 6 November 1731g. LONDON. subscription. London Evening Post. London. Printed by S. Nevill, in the Old-Baily near Ludgate. 614. 1.
  34. anon.. 24 February 1732a. Boston, Feb. 24. subscription. Boston News-Letter. Boston, MA. Printed and Sold by B. Green, at his Printing-House in Newbury-Street. 1465. 2.
  35. anon.. 22 July 1732b. LONDON. subscription. Universal Spectator and Weekly Journal. London. Printed by S. Nevill, in the Old Baily near Ludgate; and Sold by J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane. 198. 2–3.
  36. anon.. 3 October 1732c. LONDON. subscription. Daily Journal. London. Printed by J. Purser in Salisbury-Court, Fleetstreet. 3666. 2.
  37. anon.. 27 May 1732d. Extract of a Letter from Campeche in the Province of Yucatan, dated Nov. 24. subscription. Read's Weekly Journal or British Gazetteer. London. Printed for E. Nunneley, at the Printing Office the Corner House in White Friars, Fleet-Street. 375. 3.
  38. anon.. 1733a. Boston in New-England, April 16. Bee or Universal Weekly Pamphlet. London. Printed for M. Harris, at the Sign of the Bee-Hive, in High-Holborn. 2. 21. 902.
  39. anon.. 16 April 1733b. Boston, April 16. subscription. Weekly Rehearsal. Boston, MA. Printed by T. Fleet, at the Heart & Crown in Cornhill. 81. 1–2.
  40. anon.. 23 May 1733c. LONDON, May 23. subscription. Parker's Penny Post. London. Printed by George Parker, at the Star in Salisbury-Court Fleet. 1262. 2–3.
  41. anon.. 6 August 1733d. LONDON, August the 6th.. subscription. Parker's Penny Post. London. Printed by George Parker, at the Star in Salisbury-Court Fleet. 1294. 2–3.
  42. anon.. 8 August 1733e. LONDON, August the 8th. subscription. Parker's Penny Post. London. Printed by George Parker, at the Star in Salisbury-Court Fleet. 1295. 2–3.
  43. anon.. 24 February 1734a. Newport, Jan. 1734-5. subscription. New-York Weekly Journal. New York. Printed and Sold by John Peter Zenger. 68. 4.
  44. anon.. 11 November 1734b. BOSTON, October 14. subscription. New-York Weekly Journal. New York. Printed and Sold by John Peter Zenger. 54. 3.
  45. anon.. 18 January 1735a. LONDON, January 18. subscription. General Evening Post. London. Printed for and Sold by J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane. 203. 1–2.
  46. anon.. 30 January 1735b. Boston, Jan. 30. subscription. Boston News-Letter. Boston, MA. Printed and Sold by B. Green, at his Printing-House in Newbury-Street. 1615. 2.
  47. anon.. 28 February 1735c. LONDON, February 17, 19, and 21. subscription. Dublin Evening Post. Dublin. Printed by and for Theophilus Jones in Clarendon-street, opposite to Copinger's-lane. 4. 67. 50.
  48. anon.. 22 December 1735d. Boston, December 15. subscription. New-York Weekly Journal. New York. Printed and Sold by John Peter Zenger. 111. 3.
  49. anon.. 15 June 1736. LONDON. subscription. London Evening Post. London. Printed by S. Nevill, in the Old-Baily near Ludgate. 1338. 2.
  50. anon.. 28 February 1737a. Newport, Rhode-Island, Feb. 21. subscription. Boston Evening-Post. Boston, MA. Printed by T. Fleet, at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill. 81. 2.
  51. anon.. 10 March 1737b. London, November 22. subscription. Virginia Gazette. Williamsburg, VA. Printed by W. Parks. 84. 3–4.
  52. anon.. 10 March 1737c. Williamsburg, March 10. subscription. Virginia Gazette. Williamsburg, VA. Printed by W. Parks. 84. 4.
  53. anon.. 26 September 1737d. Boston, September 12. subscription. New-York Weekly Journal. New York. Printed and Sold by John Peter Zenger. 203. 3.
  54. anon.. 10 October 1737e. Boston, August 29. subscription. New-York Weekly Journal. New York. Printed and Sold by John Peter Zenger. 205. 2.
  55. anon.. 16 February 1738a. Charlstown, South-Carolina, Nov. 17. subscription. Boston News-Letter. Boston, MA. Printed and Sold by B. Green, at his Printing-House in Newbury-Street. 1769. 2.
  56. anon.. 23 March 1738b. Newport, Rhode-Island, March 17. subscription. Boston News-Letter. Boston, MA. Printed and Sold by B. Green, at his Printing-House in Newbury-Street. 1774. 2.
  57. anon.. 17 June 1738c. NEW ENGLAND. Boston, May 8. subscription. Daily Gazetteer. London. Printed for T. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater-noster-Row. 922. 1.
  58. anon.. 21 October 1738d. From the New England Weekly Journal, dated Aug. 29. New York, Aug. 21. subscription. Daily Gazetteer. London. Printed for T. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater-noster-Row. 1030. 1.
  59. anon.. 16 April 1739a. BOSTON. March 12. subscription. New-York Weekly Journal. New York. Printed and Sold by John Peter Zenger. 279. 3.
  60. anon.. 17 May 1739b. Newport, Rhode-Island, May 11. subscription. Boston News-Letter. Boston, MA. Printed and Sold by B. Green, at his Printing-House in Newbury-Street. 1834. 2.
  61. anon.. 24 May 1739c. Charles-Town South-Carolina, March 6. subscription. American Weekly Mercury. Philadelphia, PA. Printed and Sold by Andrew Bradford, at the Sign of the Bible in Front-street. 1012. 2.
  62. anon.. 23 June 1739d. LONDON. subscription. Universal Spectator and Weekly Journal. London. Printed by S. Nevill, in the Old Baily near Ludgate; and Sold by J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane. 559. 3.
  63. anon.. 17 July 1739e. LONDON, July 17. subscription. General Evening Post. London. Printed for and Sold by J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane. 906. 2.
  64. anon.. 22 September 1739f. Newport, Rhode-Island, May 11. subscription. Virginia Gazette. Williamsburg, VA. Printed by W. Parks. 151. 2.
  65. anon.. 22 November 1739g. LONDON, November 22. subscription. General Evening Post. London. Printed for and Sold by J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane. 961. 2.
  66. anon.. 24 November 1739h. LONDON, November 24, 1739. subscription. Old Common Sense or the Englishman's Journal. Printed by J. Purser in White-Fryars, near Fleet-Street. 147. 287.
  67. anon.. 8 December 1739i. LONDON, December 8. subscription. General Evening Post. London. Printed for and Sold by J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane. 968. 2.
  68. anon.. 14 April 1740a. Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman of Distinction in Antigua, to His Friend in Boston, Dated March 8th, 1739,40. subscription. Boston Evening-Post. Boston, MA. Printed by T. Fleet, at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill. 245. 2.
  69. anon.. 29 May 1740b. LONDON, May 29. subscription. General Evening Post. London. Printed for and Sold by J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane. 1042. 2.
  70. anon.. 10 June 1740c. LONDON. subscription. London and Country Journal. London. Printed by R. Walker in Fleet Lane. Tuesday. 76. 2–3.
  71. anon.. 14 August 1740d. Boston. subscription. Boston News-Letter. Boston, MA. Printed and Sold by B. Green, at his Printing-House in Newbury-Street. 1899. 2.
  72. anon.. 29 September 1740e. New-York. subscription. New-York Weekly Journal. New York. Printed and Sold by John Peter Zenger. 356. 3.
  73. anon.. 2 October 1740f. Rhode-Island, Sept. 26. subscription. Boston News-Letter. Boston, MA. Printed and Sold by B. Green, at his Printing-House in Newbury-Street. 1906. 2.
  74. anon.. 7 October 1740g. New-York, September 29. subscription. New-England Weekly Journal. Boston, MA. Printed by S. Kneeland & T. Green, at the Printing-House in Queen Street. 703. 1–2.
  75. anon.. 19 March 1741a. NEW-YORK, February 23d. subscription. Boston News-Letter. Boston, MA. Printed and Sold by B. Green, at his Printing-House in Newbury-Street. 1930. 1.
  76. anon.. 15 June 1741b. Boston. subscription. Boston Evening-Post. Boston, MA. Printed by T. Fleet, at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill. 306. 1.
  77. anon.. 16 October 1741c. America. Boston, July 20. subscription. Daily Gazetteer. London. Printed for T. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater-noster-Row. 1975. 3.
  78. anon.. 12 April 1742a. Boston. subscription. Boston Evening-Post. Boston, MA. Printed by T. Fleet, at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill. 349. 1–2.
  79. anon.. 29 April 1742b. Charles-Town, South-Carolina, March 27. subscription. American Weekly Mercury. Philadelphia. Printed and Sold by Andrew Bradford, at the Bible in the Second Street; and also by William Bradford in New-York. 1165. 3.
  80. anon.. 2 July 1742c. Ships taken by the Britons. subscription. Scots Magazine. Edinburgh. Printed by Sands, Brymer, Murray and Cochran. 4. 338. 2027/hvd.32044092547249.
  81. anon.. 4 October 1742d. Newport, October 1. subscription. Boston Post-Boy. Boston, MA. Printed for E. Huske, Post-Master. 407. 2.
  82. anon.. 26 April 1744a. Boston. subscription. Boston News-Letter. Boston, MA. Printed and Sold by B. Green, at his Printing-House in Newbury-Street. 2091. 2.
  83. anon.. 3 July 1744b. PLANTATION NEWS. Boston, April 30. subscription. London Evening Post. London. Printed by S. Nevill, in the Old-Baily near Ludgate. 2598. 7.
  84. anon.. 13 March 1746a. LONDON. subscription. St. James's Evening Post. London. Printed for T. Warner, at the Black-Boy in Pater-Noster-Row. 5639. 3.
  85. anon.. 29 May 1746b. LONDON. subscription. General London Evening Mercury. London. Printed for A. McCulloh, at the Lamb and Bible, near Devreux-Court, without Temple-Bar. 482. 3.
  86. anon.. 31 May 1746c. We have Advice that Capt. Small, of New England, from Honduras, .... subscription. National Journal or Country Gazette. London. Printed for J. Purser in Red-Lyon Court, Fleetstreet. 31. 61.
  87. anon.. 13 August 1747. LONDON, August 13. subscription. General Evening Post. London. Printed for and Sold by J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane. 2159. 2.
  88. anon.. 10 March 1748a. Last Tuesday Night arrived here a small Scooner from the Bay .... subscription. Boston News-Letter. Boston, MA. Printed and Sold by B. Green, at his Printing-House in Newbury-Street. 2395. 4.
  89. anon.. 5 November 1748b. A Brigantine from Boston, Dupree Master, is taken .... subscription. General Advertiser. London. Printed by W. Egelsham, at Mr. Woodfall's, the Corner of Ivy-Lane, Pater-noster-Row. 4378. 1.
  90. anon.. 16 July 1750a. New-York. subscription. New-York Evening Post. New York. Printed by Henry De Foreest, in Wall-Street. 269. 3.
  91. anon.. 23 July 1750b. New-York, July 16. subscription. Boston Evening-Post. Boston, MA. Printed by T. Fleet, at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill. 780. 1.
  92. anon.. 3 August 1750c. According to advices from MADRID, one of the motives .... subscription. Scots Magazine. Edinburgh. Printed by Sands, Brymer, Murray and Cochran. 12. 391. 2027/hvd.32044092547116.
  93. anon.. 22 September 1750d. PLANTATION NEWS. New York, July 16. subscription. Whitehall Evening Post or London Intelligencer. London. Sold by C. Corbett, opposite St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-Street. 720. 1.
  94. anon.. 22 October 1750e. New-York, October 15. subscription. Boston Evening-Post. Boston, MA. Printed by T. Fleet, at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill. 793. 4.
  95. anon.. 2 March 1752a. Boston. subscription. Boston Evening-Post. Boston, MA. Printed by T. Fleet, at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill. 863. 1.
  96. anon.. 9 March 1752b. Charles-Town, in South-Carolina, February 22. subscription. New-York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy. New York. Printed by James Parker, at the New Printing Office in Beaver-Street. 477. 2.
  97. anon.. 10 August 1752c. New York, Aug. 3. subscription. Boston Evening-Post. Boston, MA. Printed by T. Fleet, at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill. 886. 1.
  98. anon.. 18 August 1752d. LONDON, August 20. subscription. Harrop's Manchester Mercury. Manchester. Printed by Joseph Harrop, at the Sign of the Printing Press, opposite the Exchange. 25. 99.
  99. anon.. 27 August 1752e. CANTERBURY PACES. subscription. London Evening Post. London. Printed by S. Nevill, in the Old-Baily near Ludgate. 3878. 1.
  100. anon.. 1 September 1752f. LONDON, August 27. subscription. Harrop's Manchester Mercury. Manchester. Printed by Joseph Harrop, at the Sign of the Printing Press, opposite the Exchange. 27. 103.
  101. anon.. 25 September 1752g. New-York September 18. subscription. Boston Post-Boy. Boston, MA. Printed for E. Huske, Post-Master. 925. 1.
  102. anon.. 27 September 1752h. LONDON. subscription. London Daily Advertiser. London. Printed for J. Dixwell, at J. Moore's, in Bartholomew-Lane; and sold at the Dunciad in St. Paul's Church yard. 483. 2.
  103. anon.. 2 October 1752i. Newport, Rhode-Island, Sept. 28. subscription. Boston Post-Boy. Boston, MA. Printed for E. Huske, Post-Master. 926. 2.
  104. anon.. 10 October 1752j. PLANTATION NEWS. Rhode-Island, July 24. subscription. Harrop's Manchester Mercury. Manchester. Printed by Joseph Harrop, at the Sign of the Printing Press, opposite the Exchange. 31. 119.
  105. anon.. 27 November 1752k. Copy of a Letter from Capt. M'Namara, of the Friendship, Arrived at Falmouth, from the Bay of Honduras, Dated Sept. 22. subscription. New-York Mercury. New York. Printed by Hugh Gaine, at the Printing-Office on Hunter's-Key, next Door to Mr. Walton's Storehouse. 16. 2.
  106. anon.. 27 November 1752l. New-York, November 20. subscription. Boston Post-Boy. Boston, MA. Printed for E. Huske, Post-Master. 934. 2.
  107. anon.. 10 August 1752m. New York, Aug. 3. subscription. Boston Evening-Post. Boston, MA. Printed by T. Fleet, at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill. 886. 1.
  108. anon.. 2 October 1752n. Newport, Rhode-Island, Sept. 28. subscription. Boston Post-Boy. Boston, MA. Printed for E. Huske, Post-Master. 926. 2.
  109. anon.. 6 January 1753a. PLANTATION NEWS. ... Boston, Nov. 6. subscription. Read's Weekly Journal or British Gazetteer. London. Printed for E. Nunneley, at the Printing Office the Corner House in White Friars, Fleet-Street. 1478. 1.
  110. anon.. 20 January 1753b. LONDON. subscription. Read's Weekly Journal or British Gazetteer. London. Printed for E. Nunneley, at the Printing Office the Corner House in White Friars, Fleet-Street. 1480. 3–4.
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Notes and References

  1. Puerto de Caballos was abandoned in late 1524, resettled in 1525, abandoned shortly thereafter, and finally (permanently) settled sometime prior to 1544, per .
  2. It has been suggested that French corsairs were seeking to advance their country's cause during the Habsburg–Valois Wars .
  3. Dated 1589 by and, though dates the first Flemish arrivals to the Caribbean Sea to the latter half of the 1590s, upon the arrival of an urca captained by Abraham of Madialbur. By 1616, a Flemish urca (which attacked Spanish Jamaica), was observed repeatedly watering near the San Adres Island and Cape Gracias a Dios, suggesting this area was by then a pirate haven, per and .
  4. Possibly in consort with Diego el Mulato and Cornelis Jol, per, or in consort with a French corsair, per .
  5. These further abduct Pedro Rojo, Antonio Gómez, and three other vecinos of Bacalar, per .
  6. This practice is thought to have lasted until, per .
  7. Dated 1634 by .
  8. Dated 1598 by . On 1 November 1591, a real cédula instructs the Viceroy of Guatemala to raise taxes for an armada, per .
  9. Providence Island's first privateers (the Blessing, the Expectation, and the Hopewell) were despatched in May 1636, per . Their last privateers (the Swallow and the Spy) were despatched in July 1638, per .
  10. Onset of resistance to Bacalar dated 1630 by .
  11. This date is traditionally given for the first English settlement in present-day Belize (further see). A variety of alternative dates, however, have been proposed. These range from 1603 (by) to 1717 (by).
  12. The use of logwood dyes in England was prohibited sometime during 21 March 158020 March 1581, per 23 Eliz. 1 ch. 9 (in). The prohibition was strengthened in 1597, per 39 Eliz. 1 ch. 11 (in). It was loosened on 29 February 1620, per, and finally lifted sometime during 7 January 16623 May 1662, per 14 Chas. 2 ch. 11 (in) and .
  13. Surprised captains included Benjamin Edwards of Boston, Ayre of Connecticut, Hamilton of Jamaica, Christopher Atwel of England, Charles Harris of London, Henry Smith of Boston, Joseph Willis of London, and David Lindsey of Scotland, per,,,, .
  14. Surprised captains included Benjamin Norton, John Medberry, Jeremiah Clark, and Benjamin Wickham, all of Rhode Island, per .