Timber railway lines of Western Australia explained

The network of railway lines in Western Australia associated with the timber and firewood industries is as old as the mainline railway system of the former Western Australian Government Railways system.

Timber railways

There is a range of terminology related to the timber railways - they have been known as logging railways, timber trams, and other names. The dominant feature is the mobility or ease of moving the lines from one area of forest to another - and in the early years the relatively primitive state of the lines. The dominant features are the narrow gauge and lightness of the locomotives, relative to permanent railways. In Western Australia, to allow for interchangeability of rail stock with the government rail system, a lot of the lines were gauge, however the weight of the rails was usually much less than mainline steel.

Timber industry

The timber industry relied mostly upon the jarrah forests of the Darling Range and the karri forests of the Southwest Australia region.[1] [2] [3] It had stages of development, depending upon government policy and support. The 1980s and the development of government railways assisted the industry, as did various levels of demand for jarrah and the other timbers.[4] various labour issues in the industry, and external forces, required re-thinking of the industry[5] long before concern for over-logging and forest destruction in the later 21st century.[6]

In many cases, timber/sawmilling/logging companies were family businesses, and as a consequence operations continued over time through family relationships, which in turn had effect on timber railway operations.[7]

Timber companies

Millars empire

Firewood industry (Goldfields woodlines)

Kalgoorlie woodlines[15] [16] [17] [18] [19] were lines that spread throughout the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia - in all directions from the centre of the Kalgoorlie-Boulder region. Commonly known as the woodlines they sustained a population of railway and timber workers in mainly temporary railway networks that moved regularly from the early twentieth century to the 1960s.


The main companies were:

Woodline strike

A significant event in the woodlines history that affected the region was the industrial action that became the Woodline strike between 1 July through to 14 August 1919 over the attempt at post war reduction of wages for workers.[25] The strike brought the goldmines of Kalgoorlie to a standstill as a result.[26] [27] [28]


The comprehensive coverage of the timber and firewood tramways in Western Australia is the publication in two editions:

See also

Further reading

Notes and References

  1. Robertson, John R. A history of the timber industry of Western Australia Thesis (B.A.,Hons.) - University of Western Australia.
  2. Zafer, Peter (1957) History of the timber industry of Western Australia. Thesis - Claremont Teachers' College.
  3. Nicholas, Marilyn (1984-12). An historical outline of the timber industry in Western Australia. In Social Sciences Forum. 10 (2), 22-29.
  4. Ednie-Brown, J (1996). In Report on the forests of Western Australia, their description, utilisation and proposed further management. Government Printer, Perth, W.A
  5. Report of Board of Inquiry into the Timber Industry of Western Australia. Perth : Govt. Printer, 1906.
  6. [Campaign to Save Native Forests]
  7. Dargavel, John (editor) (1988) Sawing, selling & sons : histories of Australian timber firms Canberra : Centre for Resource & Environmental Studies, Australian National University.
  8. Thomas, W.C. (1929) Outlines of the Timber Industry in W.A The Journal and proceedings of the Western Australian Historical Society, Vol.1, Part V, page 36:- Names of the Timber Companies that joined in the Amalgamation Scheme of 1902 - original title being Millars' Karri & Jarrah Forests (1902) Limited - later changed to Millars Timber & Trading Co. Ltd.
  9. State Saw Mills Nos. 2 & 3 [cartographic material] : locality plan of mills. [W.A.] State Saw Mills, [1915] Scale [ca. 1:600]. 50 ft.= 1 in. Oriented with north-northwest to bottom of map. Shows location of Sawmills 2 & 3 at Pemberton, W.A. and the workers housing, types of buildings and layout, including railway tracks. in Battye Library
  10. Austin, Jeff.(1980) Adelaide Timber Company tramways. Wilga. Witchcliffe.Light railways, No. 107, Jan. 1980, p. 23-24,
    • Watson, Lindsay. "Notes on The Adelaide Timber Company Ltd, Wilga and Witchcliffe, Western Australia", Light Railways No.95, January 1987
  11. Whittakers Limited.(1979) The Whittaker story. Perth - pamphlet in Battye Library
    • Woodland, E.W. "Whittakers Private Timber Railway", ARHS Bulletin No.331, May 1965
  12. Buckingham Brothers and also mention of the Whittaker Brothers, and the Shepherdson Brothers in the article News: PART 14 . . 54 . 2,774 . Western Australia . 27 April 1939 . 21 July 2024 . 12 . National Library of Australia.
  13. Winfield, Cliff (1987-03). Gimlets and gold: the story of Kalgoorlie's woodlines. In Landscope. 2 (3), 34-40.
  14. Saunders, S.J. (1956) The history of the woodlines and their association with the gold mining industry - address to members of the W.A. Historical Society
  15. Bunbury, Bill (2002) Timber for gold : life on the Goldfields woodlinesNorth Fremantle, W.A. : Fremantle Arts Centre Press,
  16. Gunzburg, Adrian (1999) In search of the woodlines. Account of 1999 expedition to locate remains of various firewood company railways in the Eastern Goldfields.Lakewood Firewood Company. West Australian Goldfields Firewood Supply Co. Pty. Ltd. Kalgoorlie & Boulder Firewood Co. Light railways No. 147 (June 1999), p. 10 - 13
  17. Phil Bianchi, Peter Bridge, Ray Tovey (eds) (2008) Early woodlines of the Goldfields : the untold story of the woodlines to World War II Victoria Park, W.A. : Hesperian Press (Second edition)
  18. News: Goldfields Firewood Supply . . 25 . 6288 . Western Australia . 30 June 1919 . 2 November 2021 . 3 . National Library of Australia.
  19. News: Local Companies' dispute over water supplies . . 60 . 16915 . Western Australia . 28 September 1954 . 21 July 2024 . 12 . National Library of Australia.
  20. News: Kalgoorlie and Boulder Firewood Co. . . 8 . 18919 . Western Australia . 24 July 1903 . 2 November 2021 . 4 . National Library of Australia.
  21. News: Westralia Timber and Firewood Company. . . LXXI . 18,579 . South Australia . 31 May 1906 . 2 November 2021 . 7 . National Library of Australia.
  22. News: £3,000 INVOLVED . . XLIII . 15,274 . Western Australia . 3 April 1924 . 21 July 2024 . 8 (THIRD EDITION) . National Library of Australia.
  23. Murray, J (1982-12). The Kalgoorlie woodline strikes 1919-1920: a study of conflict within the working class [Paper in: Layman, Lenore (ed.). Bosses, Workers and Unemployed]. In Studies in Western Australian History. (5), 22-37.
  24. News: THE WOODLINE STRIKE . . 1123 . Western Australia . 13 July 1919 . 3 February 2021 . 1 (First Section) . National Library of Australia.
  25. News: THE WOODLINE STRIKE . . 1126 . Western Australia . 3 August 1919 . 3 February 2021 . 2 (First Section) . National Library of Australia.
  26. News: WOODLINE STRIKE SETTLED . . 25 . 8 . Western Australia . 16 August 1919 . 3 February 2021 . 3 . National Library of Australia.