The Last Daughter is a feature documentary film, directed by Brenda Matthews and Nathaniel Schmidt, and produced by Simon Williams and Brendon Skinner of Gravity Films.[1] The documentary first premiered on 30 October 2022 at the Adelaide Film Festival,[2] followed by a public theatrical release in Australia on 15 June 2023.[3]
The Last Daughter was produced by Gravity Films and was filmed in locations in Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia. The principal photography began on 28 February 2022 and concluded on 1 July 2022.
This documentary features interviews and accounts from:
The documentary made its debut on 30 October 2022 at the Adelaide Film Festival where it also received the Audience Award for Best Documentary.
"The Last Daughter" was met with positive reviews from critics. Luke Buckmaster from The Guardian said "The Last Daughter gracefully shows how old wounds can be healed and how distant memories can come back into colour and focus.".[4]
Since its release, "The Last Daughter" has been nominated for and won awards, including: