The Hunting Wives is an upcoming American drama television series on Starz based on the novel of the same name by May Cobb. It stars Malin Akerman, Brittany Snow, Dermot Mulroney, Evan Jonigkeit, Chrissy Metz, Jaime Ray Newman, Katie Lowes and George Ferrier.
Sophie O’Neil moves to a deep East Texas town with her family and becomes drawn to the charms of Margo Banks, a prominent socialite. Ingratiated into Margo's clique of wealthy housewives, Sophie soon falls into a rabbit hole of obsession, seduction and murder.
In October 2023, it was announced Starz had given the series an eight-episode order, with Rebecca Cutter set to adapt the novel of the same name by May Cobb, and serve as executive producer, and showrunner. Lionsgate Television and 3 Arts Entertainment will produce.[1]
In January 2024, Malin Akerman joined the cast of the series.[2] In February 2024, Brittany Snow, Dermot Mulroney, and Evan Jonigkeit joined the cast.[3] [4] [5] In March 2024, Chrissy Metz, Jaime Ray Newman, Katie Lowes, and George Ferrier joined the cast.[6]
Pre-production began on January 18, 2024 in North Charlotte, with 18 weeks of filming shortly following.
Principal photography began by March 2024, in North Carolina. Downtown Mooresville was turned into an East Texas city. Many surrounding locations were also used for principal photography. Production wrapped on July 1, 2024.[7] [6]