The Best American Poetry 2002, a volume in The Best American Poetry series, was edited by David Lehman, with poems chosen by guest editor Robert Creeley.
The first print run for the book was 30,000.[1]
Amy Bracken Sparks, reviewing the book in The Plain Dealer, wrote that Creeley's choices "are not poems accessible to all; they are innovative in both concept and structure, and therefore risk losing the reader. [...] Yes, it's a bit of work when not everything is explained. Pretension lurks about, but there's always Diane Di Prima keeping everything earthbound and Sharon Olds writing yet again about her father."[2]
Carmela Ciuraru, writing in The San Diego Union-Tribune, called Creeley's selection "bold and unconventional. Even his selections of more 'established' names prove to be those who have defied people's expectations - poets such as John Ashbery, Anne Carson, Alice Notley and John Yau." Ciuraru found Juliana Spahr's prose poem "frustratingly tedius" but called the poem by Donald Hall "beautiful".[3]
Poet | Poem | Where poem previously appeared |
"Up to Speed" | Chicago Review | |
"The Pearl Fishers" | Verse | |
"The Golgotha Local" | Skanky Possum | |
"12²" | Slope | |
from "Zero Star Hotel" | Bombay Gin | |
"Injunction" | Ploughshares | |
"The Body" | Seneca Review | |
"Ballad of the Comely Woman" | Beloit Poetry Journal | |
"What I Threw into the Grave" | jubilat | |
"Opposed Glimpse of Alice James, Garth James, Henry James, Robertson James and William James" | The Threepenny Review | |
"On the Screened Porch" | Poetry | |
"Lullaby for Cuckoo" | Skanky Possum | |
"Corpus Delicti" | Pleiades | |
"Traced Red Dot" | New American Writing | |
"Long after (Mallarmé)" | 3rd Bed | |
"Midsummer" | Barrow Street | |
"Moon Cornering" | Chicago Review | |
"O Patriarchy" | Skanky Possum | |
"Animals out of the Snow" | Skanky Possum | |
"Drones and Chants" | Hambone | |
"To a Student Who Reads 'The Second Coming' as Sexual Autobiography" | New England Review | |
"Independence Day" | Can We Have Our Ball Back? | |
"Surreal Love Life" | Hambone | |
"Carried Across" | The Kenyon Review | |
"Beginning with a Phrase from Simone Weil" | Boston Review | |
"Reunion" | Slate | |
"The Gold Star" | The Antioch Review | |
"Affirmation" | The New Yorker | |
"TCAT serenade: 4 4 98 (New Haven)" | Harvard Review | |
"you: should be shoo be" | Crux | |
"9/11/2001" | Can We Have Our Ball Back? | |
"Poem" ("across dark stream") | Hambone | |
"Flying" | Connecticut Review | |
"Great" | Boondoggle | |
"Broken World" (For James Assatly)" | Colorado Review | |
"Felix Culpa" | Ploughshares | |
"Trail" | jubilat | |
"And Even You Elephants? (Stein 139/Titles 35)" | Deluxe Rubber Chicken | |
"On Antiphon Island" | jubilat | |
"Perfect Front Door" | The Hat | |
"Address to Winnie in Paris" | jubilat | |
"Butter & Eggs" | Boston Review | |
"The quarry (1-13)" | Hambone | |
"To My Father's Houses" | The New York Review of Books | |
"Ashberries: Letters" | New England Review | |
"Behind the Orbits" | Pressed Wafer | |
"Sympathy" | American Poetry Review | |
"Sunday Night" | The Hat | |
"Sonnet" | Boston Review | |
"Haunt" | Pharos | |
"Snapshot from Niagara" | Barrow Street | |
"Frontis Nulla Fides" | Ploughshares | |
"Twenty-six Fragments" | Facture | |
"Starred Together" | Hambone | |
"Fretwork" | The Threepenny Review | |
"'A roof is no guarantee...'" | Chicago Review | |
"Ends of the Earth" | American Poetry Review | |
"Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" | Talisman: A Journal of Contemporary Poetry and Poetics | |
"Tenets of Roots and Trouble" | Hambone | |
"Self-Portrait with Critic" | AGNI | |
"I Do Not Know Myself" | Poetry | |
"You Also, Nightingale" | New England Review | |
"For Larry Eigner, Silent" | Facture | |
"Poem after Haniel Long" | Mungo vs. Ranger | |
"In Way of Introduction" | Hambone | |
"Some of We and the Land That Was Never Ours" | Chicago Review | |
"Call" | The Café Review | |
from "Raton Rex, Part I" | Boston Review | |
"Do flies remember us" | Colorado Review | |
"Eye Contact" | The Hat | |
"Return to Saint Odilienberg, Easter 2000" | Witness | |
"In Charge" | Hanging Loose | |
"Illumined with the Light of Fitfully Burning Censers" | Volt | |
"Nostalgia II" | Ploughshares | |
"A Sheath of Pleasant Voices" | Verse | |