The Best American Poetry 1998 Explained

The Best American Poetry 1998, a volume in The Best American Poetry series, was edited by David Lehman and by guest editor John Hollander.

Poets and poems included

Poet Poem Where poem previously appeared
"Mr. Moto's Confession" The New Republic
"The Floating Post Office" The Kenyon Review
"The Cove" The Hudson Review
"Now Then" Michigan Quarterly Review
"A Possum's Tale" Raritan
"Botanical Garden: The Coastal Plains" The Southern Review
"Hot" Poetry
from "Visits from the Seventh" The Paris Review
"Wakefulness"] The New Yorker
"The Second Hour of the Night" The Threepenny Review
"A Week of Poems at Bennington" AGNI
"In an Old Garden" The New Yorker
from "Just Let me Say This About That" Southwest Review
"TV Men: Antigone (Scripts 1 and 2)" The Paris Review
"Symbol of the Faith" Southwest Review
"Self-Portrait as Four Styles
of Pompeian Wall Painting"
The New Republic
"Lines Composed Over Three
Thousand Miles from Tintern Abbey"
"Jaffa" New England Review
"Echo" The Antioch Review
"What Else Is There" Poetry
"The Difference Between Pepsi and Pope" Salt Hill
"Like God" Boston Review
"Movietime" The Kenyon Review
"Apollo's Kiss" Chelsea (magazine)
"Mass in B Minor" New England Review
"Weird River" Partisan Review
"To Cupid" The New Yorker
"Again, The River" Ploughshares
"Pomegranate Variations" The Kenyon Review
"Letter with No Address" Ploughshares
"The Cretonnes of Penelope" The Paris Review
"Rara Avis in Terris" The New Republic
"The World Is Everything
That Is the Case"
"The Lectures on Love" The Paris Review
"The Job Interview" The New Republic
"The Hanging Gardens" River Styx
"The Word "Answer" Connecticut Review
"Stanzas on a Hidden Theme" The New Yorker
"The Orchard" New England Review
"Roman Hours" The Yale Review
"Second Time Around" Michigan Quarterly Review
"Ballade" The Yale Review
"The Secret Amplitude" Southwest Review
"About Her" Poetry
"Ontological" The New Criterion
"Drum" Michigan Quarterly Review
"Making Love" The Gettysburg Review
"Descartes's Dream" Southwest Review
"Past All Understanding" Denver Quarterly
"Chalk-Circle Compass" Poetry
"The Chinese Mountain Fox" The Yale Review
"Joe Simpson [1919-1996]" The New Yorker
"Artisan and Clerk" The Yale Review
"The Right Empowerment of Light" Michigan Quarterly Review
"Enchanted Rock" The Yale Review
"Flamingos" The Gettysburg Review
"Views of La Leggenda della Vera Croce" Western Humanities Review
"Ode to Meaning" The Threepenny Review
"The Closing, the Ecstasy" Poetry
"March" Connecticut Review
"Four Corners, Vermont" The New Republic
"The Coat" Ploughshares
"A Geode" The Hudson Review
"Ambiguity's Wedding" FIELD
"The View" The London Review of Books
"Dream On" American Poetry Review
"A Calm November. Sunday in the Fields." Denver Quarterly
"Signs" Conjunctions
"'Departure'" The New Republic
"from "Home and Away"" The Paris Review
"Shanked on the Red Bed" The New Yorker
"For C." The New Yorker
"The Bed" Ontario Review
"The Dark Days" The Yale Review
"Returned to the Yaak Cabin,
I Overhear an Old Greek Song"

See also

External links