Auckland Rugby League club trophies explained

The Auckland Rugby League competition has been competed for since 1909 when the first organised match was played between North Shore and City Rovers (won 44–22 by North Shore).[1] The following year an official champion was crowned for the first time, namely the City Rovers club who won the 1910 1st Grade title and were one of the 4 original teams at that time (City Rovers, Devonport United, Newton Rangers, and Ponsonby United). Over the following 110 years many team and individual trophies have been awarded. The following is a list of the clubs and individuals that they have been awarded to at the premier-grade level.


There are approximately 24 trophies which have been competed for in Auckland Rugby League history by clubs. These include the following for teams; Fox Memorial Shield, Rukutai Shield, Roope Rooster, Stormont Shield, Kiwi Shield, A.R.L. Trophy, Sharman Cup, Lawson Cup, Walmsley Shield, ARL Cup, Norton Cup, Gillett Cup and the Autex Award. Several have also been awarded to players including the Lipscombe Cup, Rothville Trophy, Bert Humphries Memorial, Tetley Trophy, Painter Trophy, Hyland Memorial Cup, Doug Price Memorial Medal, Jack Counihand Trophy, Harry Mackwood Trophy and the Simons Scroll.

Explanation of team trophies

Premier One titles

YearMyers Cup/Monteith Shield/Fox Memorial ShieldRukutai ShieldRoope RoosterStormont ShieldKiwi ShieldClub of the Year
1910City Rovers (1) [7]
1911City Rovers (2) [8]
1912Newton Rangers (1) [9]
1913North Shore Albions (1) [10]
1914North Shore Albions (2) [11]
1915Grafton Athletic (1) [12] North Shore (1) [13]
1916City Rovers (3) [14] City Rovers (1) [15]
1917Ponsonby United (1) [16] Ponsonby United (1) [17]
1918Ponsonby United (2) [18] City Rovers (2) [19]
1919Ponsonby United (3) [20] Newton Rangers (1) [21]
1920Maritime (1) [22] Newton Rangers (2) [23]
1921City Rovers (4) [24] City Rovers (3) [25]
1922City Rovers (5) [26] Ponsonby United (2) [27]
1923City Rovers (6) [28] Ponsonby United (3) [29]
1924Marist Old Boys (1) [30] City Rovers (4) [31]
1925City Rovers (7) [32] Ponsonby United (4) [33] Ponsonby United (1) [34]
1926Ponsonby United (4) [35] Richmond Rovers (1) [36] Ponsonby United (2) [37]
1927Newton Rangers (2) [38] Richmond Rovers (2) [39] Newton Rangers (1) [40]
1928Devonport United (3) [41] Marist Old Boys (1) [42] Marist Old Boys (1) [43]
1929Ponsonby United (5) [44] Marist Old Boys (2) [45] Marist Old Boys (2) [46]
1930Ponsonby United (6) [47] Ponsonby United (5) [48] Devonport United (1) [49]
1931Marist Old Boys (2) [50] Devonport United (1) [51] Devonport United (2) [52]
1932Devonport United (4) [53] Marist Old Boys (3) [54] Marist Old Boys (3) [55]
1933Devonport United (5) [56] Richmond Rovers (3) [57] Devonport United (3) [58]
1934Richmond Rovers (1) [59] Richmond Rovers (4) [60] Richmond Rovers (1) [61]
1935Richmond Rovers (2)[62] Newton Rangers (3)[63] Richmond Rovers (2)[64]
1936Manukau (1) [65] Manukau (1) [66] Richmond Rovers (3) [67]
1937Richmond Rovers (3) [68] Marist Old Boys (4) [69] Marist Old Boys (4) [70]
1938Marist Old Boys (3) [71] Richmond Rovers (5) [72] Richmond Rovers (4) [73]
1939Mt Albert United (1) [74] Marist Old Boys (5) [75] Mt Albert United (1) [76]
1940Richmond Rovers (4) [77] North Shore Albions (1) [78] Richmond Rovers (6) [79] North Shore Albions (4) [80]
1941North Shore Albions (6)North Shore Albions (2)Manukau (2) [81] Manukau (1) [82]
1942Manukau (2) [83] City-Otahuhu (merged side) (1) [84] Richmond Rovers (7) [85] Manukau (2) [86]
1943Manukau (3) [87] Manukau (1) [88] Manukau (3) [89] Manukau (2) [90]
1944City Rovers (8)City Rovers (2)Ponsonby United (6)City Rovers (1)
1945Otahuhu Rovers (1)Otahuhu Rovers (2)[91] North Shore Albions (2)North Shore Albions (5)
1946Richmond (5)North Shore Albions (3)Marist Old Boys (6)Richmond Rovers (5)
1947Mt Albert United (2)Marist Old Boys (1) & Richmond Rovers (1)Mount Albert United (1)Mount Albert United (2)
1948Marist Brothers (4)Marist Brothers (2) & Richmond (2)Mount Albert (2)Mount Albert (3)
1949Richmond Rovers (6)Richmond Rovers (3)Richmond Rovers (8)Richmond Rovers (6)
1950Mount Albert United (3)Mount Albert United (1)Mount Albert United (3)Marist Old Boys (5)
1951Richmond Rovers (7) & Mount Albert Lions (4)Mount Albert United (2) & Richmond Rovers (4)Point Chevalier Pirates (1)Point Chevalier Pirates (1)
1952Ponsonby United (7)Ponsonby United (1)Ponsonby United (7)Ponsonby United (3)
1953Pt Chevalier (1)Mt Albert (3)Ponsonby United (8)not played
1954Ponsonby (8)Ponsonby (2) & Mt Albert (4)North Shore Albions (3)North Shore Albions (6)
1955Richmond (8)Richmond (5) & North Shore Albions (4)Ellerslie United (1)Ellerslie United (2)
1956Richmond (9)Richmond Rovers (6) & Point ChevalierEllerslie United (2)Richmond Rovers (7)
1957Ellerslie United (1)Ellerslie United (1) & City Newton Dragons (1)Otahuhu Rovers (1)not played
1958Ponsonby United (9)Ponsonby United (3)Marist Old Boys (7)Marist Old Boys (6)
1959Western United (1)Western United (1)Ellerslie United (3)Ellerslie United (3)
1960Eastern United (1) & Southern Districts (1)Eastern United (1)Glenora (1)Eastern United (1) & Glenora (1)
1961Eastern United (2)Eastern United (2)Eastern United (1)Eastern United (2)
1962Eastern United (3) & Glenora (1)Eastern UnitedEastern UnitedGlenora
1963Eastern United (4)Southern DistrictsEastern UnitedEastern United
1964Otahuhu (2)OtahuhuMt AlbertMt Albert
1965Marist Brothers (5)PonsonbyOtahuhuMarist Brothers & Otahuhu
1966Marist Brothers (6)OtahuhuMarist BrothersMarist Brothers
1967Ponsonby (10)PonsonbyOtahuhuPonsonby
1968Mt Albert (5)PonsonbyEllerslieEllerslie
1969Mt Albert (6)OtahuhuRichmondMt AlbertOtahuhu
1970Otahuhu (3)Mt AlbertOtahuhuMt AlbertMt Albert
1971Otahuhu (4)OtahuhuMarist BrothersOtahuhuOtahuhu
1972Ponsonby (11)EllersliePonsonbyPonsonbyOtahuhu
1973Ponsonby (12)PonsonbyMt Wellington WarriorsPonsonbyOtahuhu
1974Ellerslie (2)EllerslieOtahuhuEllerslieMt Wellington Warriors & Ponsonby
1975Otahuhu (5)OtahuhuOtahuhuOtahuhuNorthcote
1976Mt Wellington Warriors (1)Mt Wellington WarriorsRichmondRichmondGlenora
1977Otahuhu (6)OtahuhuOtahuhuOtahuhuOtahuhu
1978Otahuhu (7)OtahuhuGlenoraOtahuhuOtahuhu
1979Richmond (10)OtahuhuManukauRichmondOtahuhu
1980Richmond (11)RichmondManukauManukau & RichmondRichmond
1981Mt Albert (7)[92] Mt AlbertOtahuhuMt AlbertMt Albert
1982Mt Albert (8)GlenoraOtahuhuOtahuhuOtahuhu
1983Otahuhu (8)Mt AlbertManukauManukauOtahuhu
1984Mt Albert (9)OtahuhuMt AlbertOtahuhu & ManukauOtahuhu
1985Mt Albert (10)ManukauManukauMt AlbertManukau
1986Mt Albert (11)Te AtatuManukauManukauTe Atatu
1987Northcote (1)Mangere EastOtahuhuMt AlbertOtahuhu
1988Te Atatu (1)[93] GlenoraNorthcoteOtahuhuTe Atatu
1989Northcote (2)NorthcoteMangere EastNorthcoteOtahuhu
1990Otahuhu (9)NorthcoteRichmondNorthcoteNorthcote
1991Northcote (3)NorthcoteNorthcoteNorthcoteNorthcote
1992Northcote (4)[94] [95] Mt AlbertNorthcoteNorthcoteNorthcote
1993Northcote (5)NorthcoteNorthcoteMt AlbertNorthcote
1994Northcote (6)OtahuhuOtahuhuOtahuhuNorthcote
1995Otahuhu (10)City-Pt Chevaliernot playedOtahuhuOtahuhu
1996Otara (1)OtahuhuManurewaOtahuhuOtahuhu
1997Glenora (2)Mangere EastMarist BrothersOtaraOtahuhu
1998Glenora (3)GlenoraMangere Eastnot played
1999Glenora (4)GlenoraGlenoranot played
2000Otahuhu (11)Richmondnot playednot playedOtahuhu
2001Northcote (7)Richmondnot playednot played
2002Hibiscus Coast (1)PapakuraHibiscus Coastnot played
2003Mangere East (1)Mangere EastHibiscus Coastnot played
2004Mt Albert (12)Mangere EastEllerslienot played
2005Manurewa (1)[96] PapakuraMt Albert[97] not played
2006Mt Albert (13)Mt AlbertMt Albert, Te Atatu, Richmond, East Coast Bays(*)Mangere EastMt Albert
2007Manurewa (2)PapakuraPapakura(*)Richmond
2008Mt Albert (14)OtahuhuRichmondRichmond
2009Mt Albert (15)OtahuhuMt Albert, Northcote, Otahuhu(*)Otahuhu
2010Otahuhu (12)OtahuhuOtahuhu (*)OtahuhuMt Albert
2011Howick (1)[98] HowickOtahuhu (*)GlenoraMt Albert
2012Mt Albert (16)[99] Mt AlbertHowick (*)Otahuhu
2013Pt Chevalier (2)Pt ChevalierMt Albert (*)HowickMt AlbertOtara
2014Pt Chevalier (3)[100] Pt ChevalierPt Chevalier (*)Pt ChevalierPt Chevalier
2015Pt Chevalier (4)[101] Mt AlbertPt ChevalierPt Chevalier, Mt Albert (shared after a 14–14 draw)[102] Mt AlbertNew Lynn Stags
2016Papakura (1)[103] PapakuraPapakuraPt ChevalierMt Albert
2017Glenora (5)[104] Pt ChevalierPt Chevalier, GlenoraPt Chevalier[105] Pt ChevalierNorthcote
2018Pt Chevalier (5)[106] [107] Glenora[108] Glenora, Pt ChevalierPt ChevalierGlenoraMangere East
2019Howick (2)Howick[109] Mt Albert, HowickGlenora[110]
2020Not AwardedNot AwardedMt AlbertMt Albert[111] [112] Not Awarded
2021Not AwardedPt ChevalierGlenora, Pt ChevalierPt ChevalierNot Awarded
2022Pt Chevalier (6) [113] [114] Pt Chevalier, GlenoraPt ChevalierPt Chevalier
2023Pt Chevalier (7) [115] Richmond Rovers (8)Pt ChevalierPt ChevalierPt Chevalier
2024Richmond (12)Richmond (11)Te AtatuRichmond (13)Richmond
YearFox MemorialRukutai ShieldRoope RoosterStormont ShieldKiwi ShieldClub of the Year

Total Fox Memorial First Grade Titles (includes Myers Cup and Monteith Shield)

Roope Rooster

2018Glenora (28-20 v Point Chevalier)
2019Mt Albert Lions, Howick Hornets
2020Point Chevalier Pirates
2021Glenora, Point Chevalier Pirates (20-? v Glenora)
2022Point Chevalier Pirates (4 successful defenses)
2023Point Chevalier Pirates (5 successful defenses)
2024Point Chevalier Pirates (3 successful defenses), Te Atatu Roosters (26-22 v Point Chevalier)

Premier two and three titles

YearSharman CupLawson CupNorton CupPhelan Shield/ARL TrophyStallard Cup
1925Ellerslie United (1)Otahuhu Rovers (1) [118]
Northcote & Birkenhead Ramblers (1)Kingsland Rovers(1) [119]
Ellerslie United (2) [120] Ellerslie United (1) [121]
1928Grafton Athletic (Maritime) (1)
1929Point Chevalier (1)
1930Otahuhu Rovers (1)
1931Devonport United (1)
1932Richmond Rovers (1)
1933Richmond Rovers (2)
1934Richmond Bulldogs (3) [122] Newton Rangers (1) [123]
1935Otahuhu Rovers (1) [124] Marist Old Boys (1) [125] Ponsonby United (1) Marist Old Boys (1)
1936Papakura (1) [126] Mount Albert United (1) [127] Ponsonby United (2) [128] Marist Old Boys (2) [129]
1937Papakura (2) [130] [131] Richmond Rovers (4)North Shore Albions (1) Marist Old Boys (3)
1938Otahuhu Rovers (2) [132] Richmond Rovers (5)Manukau (1) [133] Richmond Rovers (1) [134]
1939Otahuhu Rovers (3)Richmond Rovers (6)City Rovers (1) [135] Richmond Rovers (2)
1940Otahuhu Rovers (4) [136] Richmond Rovers (7) [137] Manukau (2) [138]
1941Otahuhu Rovers (5) [139] Not Played (due to war)Mount Albert United (1) [140]
1942No CompetitionNo CompetitionNo Competition
1943Not AwardedNot AwardedMount Albert United (2)
1944Not AwardedNot AwardedNo Competition
1945Not AwardedNot AwardedPonsonby United (3)
1946Not AwardedNot Awarded
1947Not AwardedNot Awarded
1948Newton (1)Not AwardedRichmond Rovers (1)
1949Ellerslie (1)Ponsonby
1950Otahuhu (6)Mt Albert
1951Pt Chevalier (1)Not Awarded
1952Pt Chevalier (2)Not Awarded
1953Richmond (1)Not Awarded
1954Not AwardedNot Awarded
1955Not AwardedNot Awarded
1956Not AwardedNot AwardedCity Newton
1957Not AwardedNot Awarded
1958Not AwardedNot Awarded
1959Not AwardedNot Awarded
1960Not AwardedNot Awarded
1961Not AwardedNot Awarded
1962Not AwardedNot Awarded
1963Not AwardedNot Awarded
1964Not AwardedNot AwardedMarist
1965Southern (1)Not Awarded
1966City Newton (1)Not Awarded
1967Southern (2)Not Awarded
1968Mt Wellington (1)Not Awarded
1969City Newton (2)Mangere East
1970Te Atatu (1) & Pt Chevalier (1)NorthcoteUniversity
1971Glenora (1)Marist & Pakuranga
1972Richmond (2)Mt Roskill
1973Te Atatu (2)North Shore
1974Te Atatu (3)Maritime & City Newton
1975Mangere East (1)Pt Chevalier
1976Te Atatu (4)City Newton
1977Manukau (1)Glenfield
1978Te Atatu (5)Pt Chevalier
1979Northcote (1)Glenora Corona
1980Mt Albert (1)Otara
1981Ellerslie (1)Richmond
1982Mangere East (2)Glenora
1983Richmond (3)Glenora/Kelston
1984City Newton (3)City NewtonRichmond
1985Glenora (2)GlenoraRichmond
1986Ellerslie (2)EllerslieRichmond
1987City-Pt Chevalier (1)City-Pt ChevalierMt Albert & Richmond
1988City-Pt Chevalier (2)OtaraOtahuhu Blue
1989City-Pt Chevalier (3)OtaraMt WellingtonMt Wellington
1990Ponsonby (1)City-Pt ChevalierNorth ShoreGlenfield
1991Ellerslie (4)EllerslieNorth ShoreWaitemata
1992Marist (1)EllerslieGlenfieldGlenfield
1993Marist Saints (2)Glenfield Greyhounds
1995Manurewa Marlins (1)
1998Hibiscus CoastMt Albert
1999Mt Albert
2000PonsonbyPonsonbyMt AlbertMt Albert
2001Hibiscus CoastHibiscus CoastMangere EastMangere East
2002EllerslieMt Wellington
2003NorthcoteEast Coast Bays
2006ManurewaHibiscus Coast
2007Northcote[141] Ponsonby
2008RichmondNew Lynn
2010East Coast BaysPt ChevalierPt Chevalier
2011Pt ChevalierNew Lynn
2012Mangere EastPapatoetoeHibiscus Coast
2013RichmondOtaraMt Wellington
2014Ōtara (1)Mt Wellington
2015RichmondTe Atatu
2016Te Atatu[142] Te Atatu
2018Bay RoskillBay Roskill
2020Not Awarded Not AwardedNot AwardedNot Awarded
2021Waitemata Seagulls (1)Manukau Magpies
2022Northcote Tigers (4) [143] [144] [145]
2023Ōtara (2) [146]
2024Northcote Tigers (4) [147]

Explanation of player trophies

Player trophies by year in premier one

YearFox Memorial Player of the YearJ.F.W. Dickson Medal/Lipscombe Cup (Sportsman)Rothville Trophy (Player of the Year)Bert Humphries Memorial (Most Improved Forward)Bert Humphries Memorial (Most Improved Back)Tetley Trophy (now named Masters Rugby League Cup) (Top Try Scorer)Lance Painter Rose Bowl (Top Goal Kicker)Hyland Memorial Cup (Coach of the Year)Doug Price Memorial Medal (Grand Final POTD)Women's Player of the Year
1935nonenonenonenoneRobert Morrissey (Mt Albert) [149] nonenone
1937Wally Tittleton (Richmond)[150] nonenonenonenone nonenone
1938Claude Dempsey (Newton) [151] nonenonenonenonenonenone
1941George Mitchell (Richmond) [152] nonenonenonenonenonenone
1942Owen Hughes (City Rovers) [153] nonenonenonenonenonenone
1943M. Ryan (Pt Chevalier) (Junior club)[154] nonenonenonenonenonenone
1944Horace Hunt (North Shore)nonenonenoneColin Riley (Otahuhu) [155] nonenone
1945Jim Fogarty (Ōtāhuhu)nonenonenoneColin Riley (Otahuhu)nonenone
1960noneRon Ackland (Eastern)nonenonenonenonenonenone
1961noneRon Ackland (Eastern)nonenonenonenonenonenone
1962noneBrian Reidy (Marist)nonenonenonenonenonenone
1963noneRay Sinel (Eastern)nonenonenonenonenonenone
1964Neville White (Richmond)Don Hammond (Eastern)nonenonenonenonenonenone
1965Tony Kriletich (Marist)Bill Harford (Marist)nonenonenonenonenonenone
1966Roy Christian (Otahuhu)Bruce Castle (Ellerslie)nonenonenoneB Gascoigne (Marist)nonenone
1967Doug Ellwood (City Newton)Doug Ellwood (City Newton)nonenoneRobert Mincham (Glenora)Ernie Wiggs (Otahuhu)nonenone
1968John Young (Ellerslie)Tony Kriletich (Marist)nonenonenoneErnie Wiggs (Otahuhu)nonenone
1969Gary Woollard (Mt Albert)Eric Carson (Glenora)nonenonenoneErnie Wiggs (Otahuhu)nonenone
1970Ray Williams (Richmond)Tony Kriletich (Marist)nonenoneMike McClennan (Ponsonby)Ernie Wiggs (Otahuhu)Simon Yates (Otahuhu)none
1971Eddie Wulf (Marist)Ken Stirling (Ellerslie)Eddie Heatley (Otahuhu)Ken Stirling (Ellerslie)Paul Matete (Otahuhu)Brian Tracey (Ponsonby)Morrie Robertson (Ellerslie)none
1972Bill Harford (Te Atatu)Murray Eade (Ellerslie)Peter Gurnick (Otahuhu)Len Hall (Ellerslie)Len Hall (Ellerslie)Bruce Rowe (Ellerslie)Don Mann (Ponsonby)none
1973Tom Conroy (Ponsonby)Don Mann (Ponsonby)Lyndsay Proctor (Ellerslie)Dave Sorensen (Mt Wellington)Ashley McEwen (Mt Albert)Ernie Wiggs (Mt Albert)Roger Bailey (Ponsonby)none
1974Bruce Rowe (Ellerslie)Graham Smith (Ellerslie)Tom Conroy (Ponsonby)Bob Jarvis (Otahuhu)Colin Wells (Ponsonby)Bruce Rowe (Ellerslie)Morrie Robertson (Ellerslie)none
1975Shane Dowsett (Otahuhu)Dane Sorensen (Mt Wellington)Tom Conroy (Ponsonby)Fred Ah Kuoi (Richmond)Mark Graham (Otahuhu)John Wilson (Northcote)Joe Gwynne (Otahuhu)none
1976Dane Sorensen (Mt Wellington)Kurt Sorensen (Mt Wellington)Murray Netzler (Ellerslie)Gary Kemble (Ellerslie)Gus Fepuleai (Richmond)Joe Karam (Glenora)Ron Ackland (Mt Wellington)none
1977John Wilson (Northcote)Denis Williams (Te Atatu)Lyndsay Proctor (Ellerslie)Olsen Filipaina (Mangere East)Nick Wright (Otahuhu)Joe Karam (Glenora)Graham Lowe (Otahuhu)none
1978Gene Swann (Marist)Olsen Filipaina (Mangere East)Owen Wright (Otahuhu)Warwick Freeman (Glenora)Brian Campbell (Richmond)Phil Dryland (Richmond)Graham Lowe (Otahuhu)none
1979Wayne Robertson Te Atatu RoostersPaul Bridges (Mt Albert)Fred Ah Kuoi (Richmond)Alan McCarthy (Ponsonby Mar.)James Leuluai (Mt Wellington)Olsen Filipaina (Mangere East)Olsen Filipaina (Mangere East)Joe Gwynne (Richmond)none
1980Darryl Morrison Otahuhu LeopardsJames Leuluai (Mt Wellington)Stan Martin (Richmond)Gary Evans (Manukau)Stephen Craike (Ellerslie)David Kerr (Mt Wellington)Denis Williams (Te Atatu)Mike McClennan (Mt Albert)none
1981Mark Tavai Mt Albert LionsJohn Ackland (Mt Albert)Ron O'Regan (City Newton)Kevin Schaumkel (Glenora)Marcus Pouesi (Mt Albert)Emil Vaafusuaga (Otahuhu) & Dean Bell (Manukau)Denis Williams (Glenora)Mike McClennan (Mt Albert)none
1982Paul Bridges City NewtonHugh McGahan (Otahuhu)Owen Wright (Otahuhu)Hugh McGahan (Otahuhu)Clayton Friend (Manukau)Fred Muller (Otahuhu)Billy Kem (Glenora)Ian Gorden (Otahuhu)none
1983Owen Wright Otahuhu LeopardsDarryl Morrison (Otahuhu)Ron O'Regan (City Newton)John Ackland (Mt Albert)Joe Ropati (Otahuhu)Paul Sorich (Ellerslie)Phil Harrison (Northcote)Ian Gorden (Otahuhu)none
1984Owen Wright (Otahuhu)Owen Wright (Otahuhu)Verne Wilson (Manukau)Clayton Friend (Manukau)Uiti Tui (Otahuhu)Cedric Lovett (Mt Albert)Mike McClennan (Mt Albert) & Brian Tracey (Te Atatu)none
1985Dean Lonergan City NewtonMike Patton (Mangere East)Shane Cooper (Mt Albert)James Goulding (Richmond)Kelly Shelford (Manukau)Joe Ropati (Otahuhu)Kevin Hughes (Te Atatu)Cameron Bell (Manukau)none
1986Terry O'Shea Te Atatu RoostersGeorge Mann (Mangere East)Patrick "Paddy" Burgoyne (Glenora)Dean Lonergan (City Newton)David Watson (Manukau)Shane Horo (Te Atatu)Kevin Teague (City Newton)Brian Tracey (Te Atatu)none
1987Neville Ramsay Manukau MagpiesMike Patton (Glenora)Gary Freeman (Northcote)Rene Nordmeyer (Mangere East)Kevin Iro (Mt Albert)Iva Ropati (Otahuhu), Gary Freeman (Northcote) & Peter Fue (Northcote)Dean Birch (Northcote)Wally Green (Mangere East)none
1988Arthur Clark Otahuhu LeopardsBrett Ward (Mangere East)Shane Hansen (Northcote)Se'e Solomona (Richmond)Dean Birch (Northcote)Kelly Shelford (Glenora)Phil Bancroft (Glenora)Ron O'Regan (Te Atatu)none
1989Tawera Nikau Otahuhu LeopardsDave Townsend (Mangere East)Kelly Shelford (Glenora)Jason Lowrie (Northcote)Stu Galbraith (Northcote)Dave Townsend (Mangere East)Phil Bancroft (Glenora)Neville Ramsey (Manukau)none
1990Mark Riley Otahuhu LeopardsIva Ropati (Mangere East)Tawera Nikau (Otahuhu)Tamie Tagaloa (Te Atatu)Stu Galbraith (Northcote)Iva Ropati (Mangere East)Phil Bancroft (Glenora)Russell Cole (Glenora)none
1991Aaron Palelei Otahuhu LeopardsBrian Laumatia (Mangere East)Se'e Solomona (Glenora)Phil Robards (Te Atatu)Logan Campbell (Northcote)Logan Campbell (Northcote)Dave McIntosh (Northcote)Dominic Clark (Mt Albert)Stu Galbraith (Northcote)
1992Tony Botica City-Point ChevalierEric McAllistar (Glenora)Mike Patton (Glenora)Jason Lowrie (Northcote)Mike Kini (Te Atatu)Vae Afoa (Northcote) & Richard Barnett (Otahuhu)Wayne Trainor (Mt Albert)Graeme Norton (Northcote)Fred Sapatu (Mt Albert)
1993Roy Tusa Mangere EastFrancis Leota (Otahuhu)
1994Sean Wilson NorthcoteLeroy Joe Otahuhu LeopardsMark Elder (Otahuhu)
1995Junior Pumipi Otara ScorpionsGavin Welsh (Otahuhu)Gavin Welsh (Otahuhu)Trevor McLeod (Otahuhu)Gavin Welsh (Otahuhu)
1996Jason Arama Manurewa MarlinsPeter Feau (Otahuhu)Matthew Sturm (Glenora)Milton Ross (Ellerslie)Lionel Periera (Manurewa)Ronald Kite Otara Scorpions
1997Tukere Barlow Mangere East HawksHare Te Rangi (Otahuhu)
1998Fred Robarts Te Atatu RoostersFred Robarts Te Atatu Roosters
1999Fred Robarts Te Atatu RoostersShane Edwards (?)Richard Barnett (Otahuhu)Ben Valeni (Glenora)
2000Daniel Vasau Richmond BulldogsPaul Teniseli (Otahuhu)
2001John Teina Manukau MagpiesTaetafa Taua'a Richmond BulldogsTaetafa Taua'a Richmond Bulldogs
2002Willie Bishop Hibiscus Coast RaidersShane Dance (Otahuhu)Junior Asiata (Otahuhu)Junior Asiata – Forward (Otahuhu)Willie Bishop – Back (Hibiscus Coast)Willie Bishop (Hibiscus Coast)
2003Corey Wetini Ellerslie Eagles
2004Clayton Rogers Papakura Sea Eagles
2005Eliakim Fononga Mangere East
2006Darren Himiona Northcote TigersTJ Aoese (Mt Albert)Simon Ieremia (Mt Albert)Fale Talaepa Mt Albert Lions
2007Eddie Leavai Marist SaintsFrancis Leger Richmond BulldogsVictor Field
2008Suaia Matagi Te Atatu Roosters
2009Phillip Kahui (Mt Albert)Brent Gemmell (Mt Albert)
2010James Blackwell (Otahuhu)James Blackwell (Otahuhu)Nickolas Lythgo (Marist)Richie Blackmore (Otahuhu)
2011Jeremiah Pai (Northcote)Rusty Bristow (Papakura)William Stowers (Papakura)Lee Weatherill (Howick)Tony Tuia (Howick)
2012Ralph Ah Van (Mt Albert)Simon Ieremia (Marist)Brendan Douglas (Glenora)
2013Zebastian Luisi (Pt Chevalier)James Blackwell (Mt Albert)James Blackwell (Mt Albert)Cody Walker (Mt Albert)
2014Dion Snell (Howick)Grant Pocklington (Pt Chevalier)
2015Raymond Talimalie (Mangere East)Dillon Rota (Mt Albert)Jonathan Carl (Pt Chevalier)Steve Buckingham (Mt Albert) Georgia Hale (Richmond)
2016Zacharia Tippins (Glenora)Saula Solomona (Pt Chevalier)Jonathan Carl (Pt Chevalier)Richie Blackmore (Papakura)Terence Phillips (Papakura)
2017Taylor Daniels (Northcote) & Dylan Moses (Pt Chevalier)Saula Solomona (Pt Chevalier)Drew Radich (Howick)Bernie Perenara (Glenora) Krystal Rota (Manurewa)
2018Phoenix Hunt (Papakura)James Waterson (Northcote)Drew Radich (Howick)Bernie Perenara (Glenora) Alice Vailea (Richmond)
2019Wyatt Rangi (Glenora)Mele Toki (Ponsonby)
2020No grand final
2021Jethro Friend (Howick Hornets)Patrick Sipley (Point Chevalier)Francis Leger (Point Chevalier) Sefo Fuimaono (Point Chevalier)No grand final
2022Brody Tamarua (Point Chevalier) [156]
2023Sione Feao (Ōtāhuhu)Ollie Tuimavave (Pt Chevalier)Lavinia Tauhalaliku (City)
2024Fine Vakautakakala (Te Atatu)Henri Nicholas (Richmond)Beau Cordtz (Richmond)
YearLion Red Fox Memorial Player of the YearLipscombe Cup (Sportsman)Rothville Trophy (Player of the Year)Bert Humphries Memorial (Most Improved Forward)Bert Humphries Memorial (Most Improved Back)Tetley Trophy (now named Masters Rugby League Cup) (Top Try Scorer)Lance Painter Rose Bowl (Top Goal Kicker)Hyland Memorial Cup (Coach of the Year)Doug Price Memorial Medal (Grand Final POTD)Women's Player of the Year

See also

Notes and References

  1. Book: Coffee . John . Wood . Bernie . 2009 . Auckland 100 Years of Rugby League . Huia . 24 . 978-1-86969-366-4 .
  2. News: A.R.L. Affairs/Fox Memorial Shield/The Games for Saturday. 18. Auckland Star. LXII. 100. 30 April 1931. 21 October 2019.
  3. News: New Trophies. 6. Auckland Star. XLVI. 83. 9 August 1915. 1 January 2019.
  4. Book: Coffee . John . Wood . Bernie . 2009 . Auckland 100 Years of Rugby League . Huia . 52 . 978-1-86969-366-4 .
  6. Web site: ARL. Auckland League. Auckland Rugby League. 12 August 2017.
  7. News: Northern Union Game. 9. Auckland Star. XLI. 198. 22 August 1910. 7 December 2019.
  8. News: Senior Championship/Won by City Rovers. 9. The New Zealand Herald. XLVIII. 14788. 18 September 1911. 9 December 2019.
  9. News: Newton's Easy Victory . 9 . The New Zealand Herald. XLIX. 15051 . 22 August 1912 . 11 August 2019.
  10. News: City V North Shore. 8. Auckland Star. XLIV. 142. 16 June 1913. 12 August 2019.
  11. News: The Championship Final/Won by North Shore/A Record Attendance. 4. The New Zealand Herald. LI. 15665. 20 July 1914. 11 August 2019.
  12. News: Grafton Wins Competition. 4. The New Zealand Herald. LII. 15985. 2 August 1915. 10 August 2019.
  13. News: Roope's Rooster/Won by North Shore. 3. The New Zealand Herald. LII. 16021. 13 September 1915. 13 August 2019.
  14. News: Won by City Rovers/City Defeats Grafton. 8. . LIII . 16289. 24 July 1916. 14 August 2019.
  15. News: Roope Rooster Competition/Won by City Rovers/City Defeats Ponsonby. 3. . LIII . 16313. 21 September 1916. 13 August 2019.
  16. News: City Defeats Ponsonby/City V Ponsonby/Newton V North Shore. 7. The New Zealand Herald. LIV. 16604. 30 July 1917. 15 August 2019.
  17. News: Roope Rooster Final/Ponsonby the Winners. 7. The New Zealand Herald. LIV. 16622. 20 August 1917. 13 August 2019.
  18. News: Ponsonby Beats Maritime/Well-Contested Game/Ponsonby V Maritime/Grafton V Newton. 7. The New Zealand Herald. LV. 16920. 5 August 1918. 18 August 2019.
  19. News: "Roope Rooster" Final/City Wins From Maritime. 7. Auckland Star. XLIX. 209. 2 September 1918. 10 August 2019.
  20. News: Under League Rules/Ponsonby 11, Marist Old Boys 2/A Well Contested Game. 5. The New Zealand Herald. LVI. 17218. 22 July 1919. 12 February 2020.
  21. News: Roope Rooster Competition/Final Won by Newton/Game Played in Downpour. 4. The New Zealand Herald. LVI. 17253. 1 September 1919. 20 August 2019.
  22. News: Maritime 26, Ponsonby 10/Maritime V Ponsonby. 7. The New Zealand Herald. LVII. 17556. 23 August 1920. 21 August 2019.
  23. News: Roope Rooster Final/Newton Defeat Maritime/Newton V Maritime. 7. The New Zealand Herald. LVII. 17580. 20 September 1920. 22 August 2019.
  24. News: First Game on Carlaw Park/City Defeats Maritime/An Exciting Contest. 9. The New Zealand Herald. LVIII. 17818. 27 June 1921. 25 August 2019.
  25. News: Roope Rooster Final/Victory For City Team/Fast and Exciting Game. 7. The New Zealand Herald. LVIII. 17902. 3 October 1921. 26 August 2019.
  26. News: City Defeats Newton. 4. The New Zealand Herald. LIX. 18168. 14 August 1922. 27 August 2019.
  27. News: Roope Rooster Final/Ponsonby Defeat Athletics/Closely Contested Game. 5. The New Zealand Herald. LIX. 18210. 2 September 1922. 29 August 2019.
  28. News: City Defeat Athletic. 4. The New Zealand Herald. LX. 18488. 27 August 1923. 3 September 2019.
  29. News: Roope Rooster Final/Ponsonby Defeat City/Fast, Exciting Game. 4. The New Zealand Herald. LX. 18506. 17 September 1923. 2 September 2019.
  30. News: Marist Win Final Replay. 5. The New Zealand Herald. LXI. 18826. 1924-10-20. 2020-10-02.
  31. News: City Defeat Ponsonby/A Strenuous Contest/Score Six Points to Five. 5. The New Zealand Herald. LXI. 18844. 1924-10-20. 2019-09-09.
  32. News: City Win Championship/Devonport Team Beaten. 12. . LXII . 19086. 1925-08-03. 2019-09-10.
  33. News: Final of Roope Rooster Knock-out Competition/Ponsonby's Good Win a Great Contest. 11. . LVI . 199. 1925-08-24. 2019-09-16.
  34. News: Stormont Memorial Shield/Ponsonby's Easy Win. 12. The New Zealand Herald. LXII. 19140. 1925-10-05. 2019-12-09.
  35. News: Dramatic Conclusion/Ponsonby Defeats City/Last-Minute Try Wins Game . 13 . . LXIII . 19431 . 13 September 1926 . 19 September 2019.
  36. News: Roope Rooster Finals/Richmond Secures Trophy. 11. Auckland Star. LVII. 247. 1935-10-18. 2020-10-17.
  37. News: Season's Last club Game/Stormont Shield to Ponsonby/Richmond Easily Beaten . 13 . . LXIII . 19467 . 25 October 1926 . 19 September 2019.
  38. News: The Championship Final/Newton Defeats Ponsonby/Goal-Kicking Wins Match. 13. The New Zealand Herald. LXIV. 19727. 1927-08-29. 2019-09-29.
  39. News: Roope Rooster Contest/Richmond Wins the Final/Devonport's One Point Defeat. 13. The New Zealand Herald. LXIV. 19745. 1927-09-19. 2019-09-29.
  40. News: Stormont Shield Match/Newton Defeats Richmond/Large Number of Injuries. 13. The New Zealand Herald. LXIV. 19757. 1927-10-25. 2019-09-29.
  41. News: The Senior Championship/Success of Devonport. 13. The New Zealand Herald. LXV. 20041. 1928-09-03. 2019-10-04.
  42. News: Roope Rooster Final/Marist Defeats Ponsonby/A Margin of Two Points. 14. The New Zealand Herald. LXV. 20071. 1928-10-08. 2019-10-04.
  43. News: Close of the Season/Match for Stormont Shield/Marist Defeats Devonport. 16. The New Zealand Herald. LXV. 20077. 1928-10-15. 2019-09-29.
  44. News: Championship to Ponsonby/Victory Over Devonport/Marist Gains Another Win. 13. The New Zealand Herald. LXVI. 20331. 1929-08-12. 2019-10-09.
  45. News: Final for Roope Rooster/Marist Defeats Ponsonby/Player Ordered Off Field. 15. The New Zealand Herald. LXVI. 20367. 1929-09-23. 2019-10-09.
  46. News: Champions of Champions/Marist Defeats Ponsonby/Twenty Eight Points to 14. 12. The New Zealand Herald. LXVI. 20373. 1929-09-30. 2019-10-09.
  47. News: The Senior Championship/Ponsonby Team's Success/Easy Win Against Devonport. 13. The New Zealand Herald. LXVII. 20657. 1930-09-01. 2019-10-15.
  48. News: Final of Roope Rooster/Ponsonby Defeats Richmond/Fifteen Points to Seven. 13. The New Zealand Herald. LXVII. 20675. 1930-09-22. 2019-10-16.
  49. News: League Champions/Stormont Shield/Surprise Win for Shore/Eclipse of Ponsonby. 13. Auckland Star. LXI. 236. 1929-10-06. 2019-10-15.
  50. News: Championship to Marist/Fast Match With Devonport/Doubtful Tries Awarded. 12. The New Zealand Herald. LXVIII. 20947. 10 August 1931. 26 October 2019.
  51. News: Devonport's Triumph/The Roope Rooster Final/Defeat of Ponsonby. 12. Auckland Star. LXII. 223. 21 September 1931. 28 October 2019.
  52. News: Champion of Champions/Devonport Defeats Marist/An Easy Victory Gained. 10. New Zealand Herald. LXVIII. 20995. 5 October 1931. 28 October 2019.
  53. News: Play in the Second Round. 12. The New Zealand Herald. LXIX. 21219. 1932-06-27. 2019-11-09.
  54. News: Roope Rooster Final/Won by Marist Team/City's Poor Display. 12. Auckland Star. LXIII. 216. 1932-09-12. 2019-11-11.
  55. News: Auckland Management Matters. 18. Auckland Star. LXIII. 225. 1932-09-22. 2019-11-11.
  56. News: Championship Decided/Success of Devonport/City Team Defeated . 12 . The New Zealand Herald. LXX. 21539 . 1933-07-10 . 2019-11-25.
  57. News: Roope Rooster Final/Win for Richmond/Challenge Round Started . 13 . Auckland Star. LXIV. 196 . 1933-08-21 . 2019-11-27.
  58. News: Epic Grand Final/Honours to Devonport/The Right to Meet St. George . 15 . Auckland Star. LXIV. 220 . 1933-09-18 . 2019-11-27.
  59. News: Richmond Beats Ponsonby/Wide Margin of Points/Losing Teams Fail to Score. 14. The New Zealand Herald. LXXI. 21871. 1933-08-06. 2019-12-28.
  60. News: The League Code/Final of Roope Rooster/Richmond Defeats Marist/Phelan Shield to Newton. 14. The New Zealand Herald. LXXI. 21901. 1934-09-10. 2020-01-19.
  61. News: Champion of Champions/Richmond Team's Success/Newton Easily Defeated. 15. The New Zealand Herald. LXXI. 21931. 1934-10-15. 2020-01-15.
  62. News: Championship Honours/Richmond Team Successful/Struggle Between Forwards. 14. The New Zealand Herald. LXXII. 22185. 1935-08-12. 2020-11-10.
  63. News: A Good Recovery/Five-Eighths Weakness. 13. The New Zealand Herald. LXXII. 22209. 1935-09-09. 2020-10-30.
  64. News: Defeat Avenged/Richmond Backs in Form. 13. The New Zealand Herald. LXXII. 22215. 1935-09-16. 2020-10-30.
  65. News: Superior Combination/Points to Manukau. 14. The New Zealand Herald. LXXIII. 22511. 1936-08-31. 2021-02-28.
  66. News: Manukau Defeats City/Winners' Fine Combination. 14. The New Zealand Herald. LXXIII. 22535. 1936-09-28. 2021-02-28.
  67. News: Richmond Beats Manukau/Wide Margin of Points. 13. The New Zealand Herald. LXXIII. 22541. 1936-10-05. 2021-02-28.
  68. News: Brilliant Combination/Richmond Backs Excel. 14. The New Zealand Herald. LXXIV. 22820. 1937-08-30. 2021-05-12.
  69. News: Marist's Success/Ponsonby Disappointing. 16. The New Zealand Herald. LXXIV. 22838. 1937-09-20. 2021-05-13.
  70. News: North Shore Success/Phelan Shield Final. 16. The New Zealand Herald. LXXIV. 22850. 1937-10-04. 2021-05-13.
  71. News: Championship final/Success Of Marist Team/Close Match With Newton/Chances Lost/An Even Contest. 14. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23122. 1938-08-22. 2021-07-14.
  72. News: Roope Rooster Final/Success of Richmond Team/Good Win Against City. 18. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23146 . 1938-09-19. 2021-07-15.
  73. News: Richmond's Success/Champion Of Champions/Narrow Win Over Marist. 17. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23164. 1938-10-10. 2021-07-15.
  74. News: An Easy Win/Mount Albert Not Pressed. 13. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVI, Issue 23430. 1939-08-21. 2021-09-01.
  75. News: Roope Rooster Won By Marist. 12. Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 220. 1939-09-18. 2021-09-03.
  76. News: Champion Of Champions/Mt Albert In Form. 11. Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 226. 1939-09-25. 2021-09-03.
  77. News: Richmond Champions. 12. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVII, Issue 23738. 1940-08-19. 2021-09-03.
  78. News: League Champion Of Champions. 10. Auckland Star, Volume LXXI, Issue 236. 1940-10-04. 2021-11-20.
  79. News: Ponsonby Backs Weak. 10. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVII, Issue 23774. 1940-09-30. 2021-10-22.
  80. News: Splendid Recovery Staged. 4. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVII, Issue 23780. 1940-10-07. 2021-10-23.
  81. News: Success Of Manukau Side/Superior Play By Rearguard. 3. New Zealand Herald, Volume 78, Issue 24094. 1941-10-13. 2022-01-13.
  82. News: Manukau Beats North Shore. 3. New Zealand Herald, Volume 78, Issue 24100. 1941-10-20. 2022-01-13.
  83. News: Manukau Wins The Auckland Rugby League Honours. 5. Auckland Star, Volume LXXIII, Issue 187. 1942-08-10. 2022-04-23.
  84. News: High Scoring Contest. 5. New Zealand Herald, Volume 79, Issue 24294. 1942-06-08. 2022-04-12.
  85. News: Roope Rooster Final/Richmond Team's Success. 5. New Zealand Herald, Volume 79, Issue 24384. 1942-09-21. 2022-04-23.
  86. News: Manukau Wins Again. 5. New Zealand Herald, Volume 79, Issue 24390. 1942-09-28. 2021-07-12.
  87. News: Chairman's Day. 5. Auckland Star, Volume LXXIV, Issue 205. 1943-08-30. 2022-07-20.
  88. News: The League Code/City Defeats Marist. 5. New Zealand Herald, Volume 80, Issue 24621. 1943-06-28. 2022-07-14.
  89. News: Manukau's Roope Rooster. 3. New Zealand Herald, Volume 80, Issue 24699. 1943-09-27. 2022-07-20.
  90. News: Another Manukau Success. 5. New Zealand Herald, Volume 80, Issue 24705. 1943-10-04. 2022-07-20.
  91. News: League Transfer/An Appeal Upheld. 8. Auckland Star, Volume LXXVI, Issue 163. 1945-07-12. 2023-07-28.
  92. Web site: Fox Memorial Final 1981 : Mt Albert vs Glenora. 2021-12-12 . live. 2 December 2013 .
  93. Web site: Fox Memoria Grand Final 1988. 2021-12-12 . live. 30 March 2017 .
  94. Web site: Fox Final : 1992 Mt Albert Vs Northcote 1st Half. 2021-12-12 . live. 8 December 2013 .
  95. Web site: Fox Final 1992 : Mt Albert Vs Northcote, 2nd half.. 2021-12-12 . live. 8 December 2013 .
  96. Web site: 2005 Fox Memorial final Manurewa Marlins vs Papakura 1st half. 2021-12-12 . live. 22 May 2016 .
  97. News: League Unlimited. 2020-10-17.
  98. Web site: Historic win for Hornets. 24 August 2011. Stuff.
  99. Web site: Mt Albert romps to Fox Memorial win. 21 August 2012. Stuff.
  100. Web site: Pt Chevalier captain Dylan Moses hoists the Fox Memorial Shield following their grand final victory.. 2021-12-12 . live. 31 August 2014 .
  101. Web site: Pt Chev Pirates dominate Fox Memorial grand final. Māori Television.
  102. Web site: Autex Pt Chevalier and Mt Albert to share Stormont Shield: Season opening results . 29 May 2019 . . 29 May 2019 . dead .
  103. Web site: Auckland Rugby League - Auckland Rugby League . 20 July 2018 . . 20 September 2016 . dead .
  104. Web site: Glenora power past Pt Chevalier to claim SAS Fox Memorial Premiership title . 20 July 2018 . . 20 July 2018 . dead .
  105. Web site: Pt Chevalier Pirates claim Stormont Shield with win over Fox Memorial champions. 10 April 2017. Stuff.
  106. Web site: Gritty Pt Chevalier overcome Glenora to win Fox title . 2 September 2018 . . 2 September 2018 . dead .
  107. Web site: ARL GRAND FINALS SAS Fox Memorial & Crown Lift Trucks Sharman Cup Sunday 2 September 2018. 2021-12-12 . live. September 2018 .
  108. Web site: Rd 17 SAS Fox Memorial Premiership match reports . 4 August 2018 . . 4 August 2018 . dead .
  109. Web site: Match reports: Rd 6 SAS Fox Memorial Premiership.
  110. Web site: Match report: Pt Chevalier v Glenora.
  111. Web site: Howick v Mt Albert (1st half), Rd 1 2020. 2021-12-12 . live. 20 June 2020 .
  112. News: Pirates vs Bears. Auckland Rugby League. 2022-08-06. 2022-08-06.
  113. News: MATCH REPORTS 2022 Fox Memorial Grand Finals. Auckland Rugby League. 2022-08-06.
  114. News: Glenora Bears v Pt Chevalier Pirates Grand Final SAS Fox Memorial Premiership ARL TV. Auckland League. 2022-08-06. 2022-08-06.
  115. News: Richmond Bulldogs v Pt Chevalier Pirates / Fox Memorial Premiership Grand Final / ARL Grand Final. Auckland Rugby League. 2023-08-19. 2023-08-19.
  116. News: Presentation of Cup. 14. The New Zealand Herald. LXXI. 21937. 1934-10-22. 2020-08-30.
  117. News: Phelan Shield to Newton. 14. The New Zealand Herald. LXXI. 21901. 10 September 1934. 19 January 2020.
  118. News: Stallard Cup Final. 9. Auckland Star. LVI. 211. 1925-09-07. 2021-03-13.
  119. News: The Stallard Cup. 11. Auckland Star. LVII. 247. 1926-10-18. 2021-03-13.
  120. News: Presentation of Trophies. 9. Auckland Star. LIX. 87. 1928-04-13. 2021-03-13.
  121. News: Stallard Cup to Ellerslie. 12. Auckland Star. LVIII. 215. 1927-09-12. 2021-03-13.
  122. News: Season's Trophy Winners/Richmond Prominent. 13. Auckland Star. LXV. 260. 1934-11-02. 2021-05-18.
  123. News: The League Code/Final of Roope Rooster/Richmond Defeats Marist/Phelan Shield to Newton. 14. The New Zealand Herald. LXXI. 21901. 10 September 1934. 19 January 2020.
  124. News: Junior Management/Senior B Honours to Otahuhu. 18. Auckland Star. LXVI. 161. 1935-07-10. 2020-10-07.
  125. News: Trophies for the Season. 21. Auckland Star. LXVI. 254. 1935-10-26. 2020-10-17.
  126. News: Papakura Defeats Waiuku. 8. Franklin Times. XXVI. 77. 1936-07-06. 2021-03-02.
  127. News: Lower Grade Results. 14. The New Zealand Herald. LXXIII. 22487. 1936-08-03. 2021-03-01.
  128. News: Phelan Shield Match/Ponsonby Backs Superior. 14. The New Zealand Herald. LXXIII. 22535. 1936-09-28. 2021-02-28.
  129. News: League Curtain. 13. Auckland Star. LXVII. 236. 1936-10-05. 2021-03-01.
  130. News: Lower Grade Winners. 19. Auckland Star. LXVIII. 213. 1937-09-08. 2021-05-15.
  131. News: Competition Winners. 8. Franklin Times. XXVI. 102. 1937-09-13. 2021-05-16.
  132. News: Otahuhu Win Senior B. 4. Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 169. 1938-07-20. 2021-07-16.
  133. News: Phelan Shield Final/Success Of Manukau. 18. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23158. 1938-10-03. 2021-07-15.
  134. News: Reserve Grade Match. 18. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23152. 1938-09-26. 2021-07-15.
  135. News: An Even Contest/Victory Deserved. 14. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVI, Issue 23466. 1939-10-02. 2021-09-02.
  136. News: Senior B Grade Championship Final. 3. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVII, Issue 23714. 1940-07-22. 2021-10-27.
  137. News: General Sports. 11. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVII, Issue 23760. 1940-09-13. 2021-10-27.
  138. News: Manukau Takes Phelan Shield. 13. Auckland Star, Volume LXXI, Issue 244. 1940-10-14. 2021-10-23.
  139. News: Senior B Grade. 3. New Zealand Herald, Volume 78, Issue 24052. 1941-08-25. 2022-01-14.
  140. News: Mount Albert v. Richmond. 3. New Zealand Herald, Volume 78, Issue 24100. 1941-10-20. 2022-01-13.
  141. Web site: League: Marlins land the Fox. 31 January 2009. Stuff.
  142. Web site: Te Atatu Roosters captain Kyle Neal talks Fox Memorial promotion. 2021-12-12 . live. 3 September 2016 .
  143. News: Tigers vs Jaguars. Auckland Rugby League. 2022-08-06. 2022-08-06.
  144. News: MATCH REPORTS 2022 Fox Memorial Grand Finals. Auckland Rugby League. 2022-08-06. 2022-08-06 .
  145. News: Northcote Tigers vs Pakuranga Jaguars SAS Fox Memorial Premiership ARL TV. Auckland Rugby League. 2022-08-06. 2022-08-06.
  146. News: Sharman Cup Grand Final / Otara Scorpions v Northcote Tigers / 2023 ARL Grand Final Series. Auckland Rugby League. 2023-08-12. 2023-08-12 .
  147. News: Premier Men vs Tigers. Auckland Rugby League. 2024-08-16. 2023-04-29.
  148. News: Saturday Matches. 7. Auckland Star, Volume LXXV, Issue 152. 29 June 1944. 20 November 2021.
  149. News: Trophies for the Season. 21. Auckland Star. LXVI. 254. 1935-10-26. 2020-10-17.
  150. News: Best Senior Player. 18. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIV, Issue 22853. 1937-10-07. 2023-05-11.
  151. News: Presentations Made. 15. Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 239. 1938-10-10. 2021-07-09.
  152. News: The Game in Auckland. 2. New Zealand Herald, Volume 79, Issue 24231. 1941-03-13. 2022-03-18.
  153. News: League Medals. 7. Auckland Star, Volume LXXIII, Issue 226. 1942-09-24. 2022-04-21.
  154. News: Saturday's Sport. 7. Auckland Star, Volume LXXIV, Issue 237. 1943-10-07. 2022-07-13.
  155. News: Points Shared. 7. Auckland Star, Volume LXXVI, Issue 100. 1945-04-30. 2021-07-18.
  156. News: MATCH REPORTS 2022 Fox Memorial Grand Finals. Auckland Rugby League. 2022-08-06.