TMEM247 explained

Transmembrane protein 247 (also known as TMEM247 or transmembrane protein ENSP00000343375) is a multi-pass transmembrane protein of unknown function found in Homo sapiens encoded by the TMEM247 gene. Notable in the protein are two transmembrane regions near the c-terminus of the translated polypeptide. Transmembrane protein 247 has been found to be expressed almost entirely in the testes.[1]

Gene attributes

General information

The TMEM247 gene is located on chromosome 2 at c2p21, nucleotide: 46,479,565-46,484,425. It has three exons and two introns. TMEM247 is 4,861 nucleotides (nt) long pre-mRNA processing, reduced to 661 nt after mRNA processing and its protein product is 219 amino acids (aa) long.[2] The gene does not include a stop codon as most genes do, but instead has a stop codon created by the process of polyadenylation during mRNA processing. Due to this, TMEM247 has no 3' UTR (untranslated region). TMEM247 codes only for one variant.

Promoter region

The promoter region of TMEM247 has a huge variety of predicted binding sites in the promoter region associated with the gene. Twenty potential interactions of interest have been collected below, though many more exist. Anchor base positions are based on distance from the start of the gene's promoter region, which itself is 1302 base pairs long.

There are a number of notable predicted binding sites on the TMEM247 promoter, as well as a notable omission. The promoter lacks a traditional TATA box, the typical binding site for proteins that recruit RNA Polymerase and begin the process of transcription. Instead, TMEM247 contains several predicted binding sites which are core promoter elements for TATA-less promoters.

TMEM247 has a promoter region that also contains a significant number of predicted development-related binding sites, such as pluripotent stem cell related factors (Oct4, Sox2, Nanog), sex-determining HMG box factors, and various homeobox/homeodomain binding sites.[3]

Matrix Detailed matrix information Anchor base Strand Matrix similarity Sequence
V$TBX5.01 Brachyury gene, mesoderm developmental factor 1040 (+) 1 ctacctcaaaGGTGtcacaccctccacca
V$EOMES.03 Brachyury gene, mesoderm developmental factor 1042 (-) 0.987 tttggtggagggTGTGacacctttgaggt
V$PDEF.01 Human and murine ETS1 factors (Prostate-derived Ets Factor) 998 (-) 0.974 gaactgcaGGATgggcctttg
V$RFX3.01 X-box binding factors 1064 (+) 0.974 aaggggccctagCAACttg
V$SPZ1.01 Testis-specific bHLH-Zip transcription factors (Spermatogenic Zip 1 transcription factor) 1046 (-) 0.966 tGGAGggtgtg
V$TBX20.02 Brachyury gene, mesoderm developmental factor 1149 (-) 0.939 catcatttgaggtgctGACAtttggcctc
V$HSF1.05 Heat shock factors 1198 (-) 0.938 ctgctgccatCCAGaaaaccagaac
V$MYOD.01 Myogenic regulatory factor MyoD (myf3) 1178 (-) 0.919 cgctGCCAggtggggtc
V$MTBF.01 Human muscle-specific Mt binding site 1128 (+) 0.906 tggaATCTg
V$RFX3.02 Regulatory factor X, 3 (secondary DNA binding preference) 1278 (+) 0.889 gatggtgcctgGTGActcc
V$OCT3_4.02 Motif composed of binding sites for pluripotency or stem cell factors 892 (+) 0.882 acaatctTCATttaaaaaa
V$HSF1.01 Heat shock factors 1190 (-) 0.845 atccagaaaaccAGAAcgctgccag
V$EN1.01 Homeobox transcription factors 897 (-) 0.832 gttcctttTTTAaatgaag
O$XCPE1.01 Activator-, mediator- and TBP-dependent core promoter element for RNA polymerase II transcription from TATA-less promoters 1243 (+) 0.831 gtGCGGgagaa
V$DICE.01 Downstream Immunoglobulin Control Element, critical for B cell activity and specificity 1091 (-) 0.827 tgtcGTCAtcatagc
V$ISL1.01 Lim homeodomain factors 1012 (+) 0.827 tgcagttctTAATgttagcatgt
V$RFX4.03 X-box binding factors 1064 (-) 0.814 caaGTTGctagggcccctt
V$EN1.01 Homeobox transcription factors 922 (+) 0.788 aaatggatTTCAaatggtg
V$SOX9.03 SOX/SRY-sex/testis determining and related HMG box factors 1061 (+) 0.786 caCCAAaggggccctagcaactt
V$OSNT.01 Composed binding site for Oct4, Sox2, Nanog, Tcf3 (Tcf7l1) and Sall4b in pluripotent cells 1151 (+) 0.784 aatgtcaGCACctcaaatg
V$PROX1.01 Prospero-related homeobox 1163 (+) 0.783 aatGATGtcttgt
V$SOX9.03 SOX/SRY-sex/testis determining and related HMG box factors 975 (+) 0.781 ttTCAAagccatccttatgggca
V$HSF2.03 Heat shock factors 1075 (+) 0.777 ctagcaacttgtAGAAtgtaggcta
V$HSF5.01 Heat shock factors 1074 (-) 0.764 agcctacatTCTAcaagttgctagg

Protein attributes

The TMEM247 gene codes for a single protein, transmembrane protein 247 (also referred to as TMEM247). TMEM247 has two transmembrane domains at the c-terminus of the protein as part of its multi-pass transmembrane protein structure. They are identical in length at 21 amino acids each, and are separated by a span of six amino acids. TMEM247 has a predicted molecular weight of 25 kilodaltons, and a predicted isoelectric point of 5.[4]

In composition, TMEM247 has a significantly higher amount of methionine when compared to the set of all human proteins. It also has slightly elevated levels of glutamic acid in the same analysis. The charge distribution of amino acids comprising TMEM247 is relatively uniform. Two predicted hydrophobic segments exist in the protein which match with the known two transmembrane regions.

Protein domains

Transmembrane protein 247 has two transmembrane domains. The three regions of the protein that remain are predicted to be outside of the membrane it resides in on the N- and C-terminus of the protein, while the segment between the protein's two transmembrane regions is predicted to reside inside of the membrane.[5] [6]

Analysis of TMEM247 predicts that it localizes in the cell at the endoplasmic reticulum. In this case, inner predicted domains would be inside the ER and outer predicted domains would reside in the cytoplasm.

Predicted post-translational modifications

Transmembrane protein 247 has a variety of predicted post-translational modifications that may affect protein function. Predicted modifications include O-beta-GlcNAc attachment, Glycation, and O-glycosylation.[7] [8] [9]

Predicted kinase interactions

Protein kinases may modify transmembrane protein 247, and a variety of sites along the translated protein have been predicted to be kinase binding sites. These are represented by red squares surrounding the potential bound amino acids in the conceptual translation and listed in the table below. Predicted kinase interactions are listed in the order of the score of their prediction (higher, lower).[10]

Amino acid position Kinases
17 CKI
20 PKC
29 unspecified
31 unspecified
43 unspecified, DNAPK, ATM
48 unspecified
49 CKII, unspecified, DNAPK
50 unspecified
72 unspecified, cdk5, p38MAPK
75 unspecified, PKC
79 PKC, unspecified
95 cdk5, p38MAPK, GSK3
98 unspecified
161 PKA
219 PKA

Protein structure

Transmembrane protein 247 has a predicted secondary structure which includes two major features in the form of beta sheets that reside near its determined transmembrane regions. This is slightly unusual for transmembrane proteins, whose transmembrane regions are often alpha helices.[11]

Evolutionary history


TMEM247 has several hundred orthologs, with its most distant fully sequenced available ortholog being Anolis carolinensis.[12] [13] These orthologs are exclusive to land-based animals, as clades with an evolutionary origin before reptiles are not represented. The fact that TMEM247 has no relatives before the green anole makes it likely that the gene was novel when it appeared in an ancestor of the species, and was nonexistent before the evolution of reptiles. Classes represented in the orthologs include mammalia, aves, and reptilia.

Most orthologs within mammalia are strongly conserved across the entire gene, including a very highly conserved region near the center of the translated protein. The highest evolutionary conservation is centered around the transmembrane regions of the protein, which are highly conserved in all orthologous species.[14]

Genus and species Common name Taxonomic group MYA Accession # Sequence length (aa) Sequence identity to humans Sequence similarity to humans
Homo sapiens Primates 0 NP_001138523.1 219 100% 100%
Tupaia chinensis Scandentia 82 XP_006159980.1 266 74% 81%
Urocitellus parryii Rodentia 90 XP_026241536.1 224 71% 77%
Cavia porcellus Rodentia 90 XP_003472978.1 262 69% 77%
Vulpes vulpes Carnivora 96 XP_025848559.1 231 76% 80%
Sus scrofa Artiodactyla 96 XP_003125218.3 257 74% 78%
Pteropus alecto Chiroptera 96 XP_015442982.1 280 69% 78%
Myotis lucifugus Chiroptera 96 XP_006083536.1 212 73% 78%
Lynx canadensis Carnivora 96 XP_030167645.1 214 74% 78%
Leptonychotes weddellii Carnivora 96 XP_006740668.1 214 76% 81%
Equus caballus Perissodactyla 96 XP_023474197.1 286 74% 78%
Enhydra lutris kenyoni Carnivora 96 XP_022371955.1 214 76% 80%
Canis lupus familiaris Carnivora 96 XP_005626294.1 231 76% 80%
Camelus ferus Artiodactyla 96 XP_032353339.1 276 73% 78%
Bos taurus Artiodactyla 96 NP_001070537.2 217 73% 78%
Bos indicus × Bos taurus Hybrid cattle Artiodactyla 96 XP_027410252.1 258 73% 78%
Loxodonta africana Proboscideans 105 XP_023413034.1 265 73% 78%
Echinops telfairi Afrosoricida 105 XP_004700102.1 217 70% 77%
Pelodiscus sinensis Testudines 312 XP_006125563.2 184 46% 60%
Columba livia Columbiformes 312 XP_021154517.1 195 44% 62%
Chelonia mydas Testudines 312 XP_027681026.1 213 38% 55%
Antrostomus carolinensis Caprimulgiformes 312 XP_028940116.1 154 38% 52%
Anolis carolinensis Squamata 312 XP_008115619.1 223 33% 50%


In humans, TMEM247 has a single paralog (hCG17037) that has a sequence which theoretically would translate into a protein which is identical to that produced by TMEM247 aside from seven positions constituting a 96.8% similarity, including two deletions that reduce the total amino acid count from 219 to 217.[15] The extreme similarity of the TMEM247 gene and its paralog make it a likely result of gene duplication.

Paralog alignment


TMEM247 has no major known effects or uses in a clinical setting. There are several studies that indicate TMEM247, despite being found almost exclusively in the testes, does not play a significant role in reproduction.[16] Further studies have revealed an association with variants in TMEM247 and coronary artery disease, though not of major significance.[17]

A mutation in TMEM247 has been noted to be unusually common in populations of Tibetan highlanders. The exact mutation is rs116983452, a change at nucleotide position 248 in the gene from cystine to tyrosine, which causes a missense in the protein product of alanine to valine.[18]

While the function of TMEM247 is unknown, it is notable for its polyadenylation-synthesized stop codon. Some research has shown that genes which rely on polyadenylation for the creation of stop codons are relatively common in a human parasite, Blastocystis.[19]

Notes and References

  1. Web site: TMEM247 transmembrane protein 247, Homo sapiens (human) . Gene—NCBI . 28 April 2020 .
  2. Homo sapiens transmembrane protein 247 (TMEM247), mRNA (345842501) . 2019 . NCBI Nucleotide Database .
  3. Web site: Genomatix . 29 March 2020 .
  4. ExPASy—Compute pI/Mw tool. (n.d.). Retrieved April 20, 2020, from
  5. TMHMM result. (n.d.). Retrieved April 20, 2020, from
  6. Phobius. (n.d.). Retrieved April 20, 2020, from
  7. NetGlycate 1.0 Server—Prediction results. (n.d.). Retrieved April 20, 2020, from
  8. NetOGlyc 4.0 Server—Prediction results. (n.d.). Retrieved April 20, 2020, from
  9. YinOYang 1.2 Server. (n.d.). Retrieved April 20, 2020, from
  10. NetPhos 3.1 Server—Prediction results. (n.d.). Retrieved April 20, 2020, from
  11. Web site: CFSSP: Chou & Fasman Secondary Structure Prediction Server. . 20 April 2020 .
  12. Web site: BLAST: Basic Local Alignment Search Tool. . 1 May 2020 .
  13. Web site: UCSC Genome Browser Gateway. . 1 May 2020 .
  14. EMBOSS Needle—Alignment. (n.d.). Retrieved February 9, 2020, from
  15. Web site: HCG17037, partial Homo sapiens . Protein—NCBI . 1 May 2020 .
  16. Miyata H, Castaneda JM, Fujihara Y, Yu Z, Archambeault DR, Isotani A, Kiyozumi D, Kriseman ML, Mashiko D, Matsumura T, Matzuk RM, Mori M, Noda T, Oji A, Okabe M, Prunskaite-Hyyrylainen R, Ramirez-Solis R, Satouh Y, Zhang Q, Ikawa M, Matzuk MM . 6 . Genome engineering uncovers 54 evolutionarily conserved and testis-enriched genes that are not required for male fertility in mice . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America . 113 . 28 . 7704–7710 . July 2016 . 27357688 . 10.1073/pnas.1608458113 . 4948324 . 2016PNAS..113.7704M . free .
  17. van der Harst P, Verweij N . Identification of 64 Novel Genetic Loci Provides an Expanded View on the Genetic Architecture of Coronary Artery Disease . Circulation Research . 122 . 3 . 433–443 . February 2018 . 29212778 . 5805277 . 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.117.312086 .
  18. Deng L, Zhang C, Yuan K, Gao Y, Pan Y, Ge X, He Y, Yuan Y, Lu Y, Zhang X, Chen H, Lou H, Wang X, Lu D, Liu J, Tian L, Feng Q, Khan A, Yang Y, Jin ZB, Yang J, Lu F, Qu J, Kang L, Su B, Xu S . 6 . Prioritizing natural-selection signals from the deep-sequencing genomic data suggests multi-variant adaptation in Tibetan highlanders . National Science Review . 6 . 6 . 1201–1222 . November 2019 . 34691999 . 8291452 . 10.1093/nsr/nwz108 .
  19. Venton D . Highlight: not like a textbook-nuclear genes in blastocystis use mRNA polyadenylation for stop codons . Genome Biology and Evolution . 6 . 8 . 1962–1963 . August 2014 . 25104295 . 4159010 . 10.1093/gbe/evu167 .