Surrey-Cloverdale | |
Province: | British Columbia |
Prov-Status: | active |
Prov-Election-First: | 1991 |
Prov-Election-Last: | 2024 |
Prov-Rep: | Elenore Sturko |
Prov-Rep-Party: | Conservative |
Demo-Census-Date: | 2001 |
Demo-Pop: | 49122 |
Demo-Area: | 144 |
Demo-Cd: | Metro Vancouver |
Demo-Csd: | Surrey |
Surrey-Cloverdale is a provincial electoral district for the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia, Canada.
Population, 2001 | 49,122 | |
Population Change, 1996–2001 | 19.2% | |
Area (km2) | 144 | |
Pop. Density (people per km2) | 341 |
Changes to Surrey-Cloverdale include
Further changes were made in the 2021 British Columbia electoral redistribution.
This riding has elected the following members of the Legislative Assembly:
Currently, its MLA is Elenore Sturko, who represents the Conservative Party of British Columbia.
^ Unity totals compared to FCP