State complexity explained
State complexity is an area of theoretical computer sciencedealing with the size of abstract automata,such as different kinds of finite automata.The classical result in the area is thatsimulating an
nondeterministic finite automatonby a
deterministic finite automatonrequires exactly
states in the worst case.
Transformation between variants of finite automata
Finite automata can bedeterministic andnondeterministic,one-way (DFA, NFA)and two-way(2DFA, 2NFA).Other related classes areunambiguous (UFA),self-verifying (SVFA)and alternating (AFA) finite automata.These automata can also be two-way (2UFA, 2SVFA, 2AFA).
All these machines can accept exactly the regular languages.However, the size of different types of automatanecessary to accept the same language(measured in the number of their states)may be different.For any two types of finite automata,the state complexity tradeoff between themis an integer function
is the least number of states in automata of the second typesufficient to recognize every languagerecognized by an
-state automaton of the first type.The following results are known.
states. This is the
subset construction by
Rabin and
[1] proved optimal by
states, see Leung,
[3] An earlier lower bound by Schmidt
[4] was smaller.
states, see Leung. There was an earlier smaller lower bound by Schmidt.
states, see Jirásková and
states, see Kapoutsis.
[6] Earlier construction by
Shepherdson[7] used more states, and an earlier lower bound by Moore
[8] was smaller.
}), see Kapoutsis. Earlier construction by Birget
[9] used more states.
, see Kapoutsis.
- 2NFA to NFA accepting the complement:
states, see
states, see
Kozen and
states, see Fellah, Jürgensen and Yu.
, see
Lipton and
, see
Geffert and Okhotin.
[14] The 2DFA vs. 2NFA problem and logarithmic space
It is an open problem whether all 2NFAs can be converted to 2DFAswith polynomially many states, i.e. whether there is a polynomial
such that for every
-state 2NFAthere exists a
-state 2DFA.The problem was raised by Sakoda and
[15] who compared it to the
P vs. NP problem in the
computational complexity theory.Berman and Lingas
[16] discovered a formal relation between this problemand the
L vs.
NL open problem.This relation was further elaborated by Kapoutsis.
[17] State complexity of operations for finite automata
Given a binary regularity-preserving operation on languages
and a family of automata X (DFA, NFA, etc.),the state complexity of
is an integer function
such that
- for each m-state X-automaton A and n-state X-automaton B there is an
-state X-automaton for
, and
- for all integers m, n there is an m-state X-automaton A and an n-state X-automaton B such that every X-automaton for
must have at least
Analogous definition applies for operations with any number of arguments.
The first results on state complexity of operations for DFAswere published by Maslov[18] and by Yu, Zhuang and Salomaa.[19] Holzer and Kutrib[20] pioneered the state complexity of operations on NFA.The known results for basic operations are listed below.
If language
requires m statesand language
requires n states,how many states does
states, see Maslov and Yu, Zhuang and Salomaa.
states, see Holzer and Kutrib.
; between
states, see Jirásek, Jirásková and Šebej.
states, see Jirásek, Jirásková and Szabari.
states, see Kunc and Okhotin.
states, see Kunc and Okhotin.
[24] Intersection
How many states does
states, see Maslov and Yu, Zhuang and Salomaa.
states, see Holzer and Kutrib.
states, see Jirásek, Jirásková and Šebej.
states, see Jirásek, Jirásková and Szabari.
states, see Kunc and Okhotin.
states, see Kunc and Okhotin.
If language L requires n statesthen how many states does its complement require?
states, by exchanging accepting and rejecting states.
states, see Birget.
[25] or Jirásková
states, see Göös, Kiefer and Yuan,
[27] (this follows an earlier bound by Raskin
[28]); and at most
states, see Indzhev and Kiefer.
states, by exchanging accepting and rejecting states.
and at most
states, see Geffert, Mereghetti and Pighizzini.
[30] Concatenation
How many states does
states, see Maslov and Yu, Zhuang and Salomaa.
states, see Holzer and Kutrib.
states, see Jirásek, Jirásková and Šebej.
states, see Jirásek, Jirásková and Szabari.
and at most
states, see Jirásková and Okhotin.
[31] Kleene star
states, see Maslov and Yu, Zhuang and Salomaa.
states, see Holzer and Kutrib.
states, see Jirásek, Jirásková and Šebej.
states, see Jirásek, Jirásková and Szabari.
and at most
states, see Jirásková and Okhotin.
states, see Mirkin,
[32] Leiss,
[33] and Yu, Zhuang and Salomaa.
states, see Holzer and Kutrib.
states, see Jirásek, Jirásková and Szabari.
states, see Jirásková and Okhotin.
Finite automata over a unary alphabet
State complexity of finite automata with a one-letter (unary) alphabet, pioneered by Chrobak,[34] is different from the multi-letter case.
Landau's function.
Transformation between models
For a one-letter alphabet, transformations between different types of finite automata are sometimes more efficient than in the general case.
states, see Chrobak.
states, see Chrobak and Kunc and Okhotin.
states, see Mereghetti and
[36] and
Geffert, Mereghetti and Pighizzini.
states, see Chrobak.
states, proved by implementing the method of
Savitch's theorem, see Geffert, Mereghetti and Pighizzini.
, see Okhotin.
, see Okhotin.
states, see Yu, Zhuang and Salomaa.
states, see Holzer and Kutrib.
states, see Kunc and Okhotin.
states, see Kunc and Okhotin.
states, see Yu, Zhuang and Salomaa.
states, see Holzer and Kutrib.
states, see Kunc and Okhotin.
states, see Kunc and Okhotin.
states, see Holzer and Kutrib.
states, see Raskin,
[39] and at most
states, see Okhotin.
and at most
states, see Kunc and Okhotin.
and at most
states. The upper bound is by implementing the method of the
Immerman–Szelepcsényi theorem, see Geffert, Mereghetti and Pighizzini.
[30] Concatenation
states, see Yu, Zhuang and Salomaa.
states, see Holzer and Kutrib.
states, see Kunc and Okhotin.
states, see Kunc and Okhotin.
Kleene star
states, see Yu, Zhuang and Salomaa.
states, see Holzer and Kutrib.
states, see Okhotin.
states, see Kunc and Okhotin.
states, see Kunc and Okhotin.
Further reading
Surveys of state complexitywere written by Holzer and Kutrib[40] [41] and by Gao et al.[42]
New research on state complexityis commonly presented at the annual workshops onDescriptional Complexity of Formal Systems (DCFS),at the Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata (CIAA),and at various conferences on theoretical computer science in general.
Notes and References
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