Sericinus Explained
Sericinus is a genus of swallowtail butterflies placed in the subfamily Parnassiinae. The genus has a complex history and a multiplicity of names have been applied to its single species.
Sericinus montela, the dragon swallowtail, is the only species, making the genus monotypic. It is found in the Russian Far East (south of Primorsky Krai), Korea, China and Japan.
See Notes below for abbreviations usedSericinus Westwood, 1851 (Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. NS I: 173), monobasictelamon Donovan (Sericinus Wood, 1877: Suicinus Draesecke, 1923) montela Gray, 1853.
- Subspecies manchurica (Bang-Haas (i.l.) van Rosen, 1929 (North China: South Manchuria)
- Form roseni Bryk, 1932 gen. vern.
- Form manschuricus van Rosen gen. aest.
- Form cellopura
- Form posterior exsubcostalis (!) Eisner, 1974
- Form binaria Bryk
- Form minusculus Eisner, 1962
- Form nigricans Eisner, 1962
- Form minima Eisner, 1962
- Subspecies amurensis Staudinger, 1892 (East U.S.S.R., Amurland-Ussuri)
- Form telemachus Staudinger, 1892 gen. vern.
- Form amurensis Staudingers gen. vest.
- Form minusculus Eisner, 1962
- Subspecies eisneri Bryk 1932 North East Korea (probably amurensis) gen. vern. not described.
- Form eisneri Bryk gen. aest.
- Form binaria Eisner, 1962
- Form unaria Eisner, 1962 !
- Subspecies koreana Fixsen, 1887 (melanogramma Bryk, 1846) Korea
- Form fixseni Staudinger, 1892 gen. vern.
- Form koreanus Fix. gen. aest.
- Form grayi Fixsen, 1887
- Form grundi Eisner, 1962
- Form binaria Eisner, 1962
- Form strandi Bryk 1913
- Form flavomaculata Eisner, 1962
- Form minusculus Eisner, 1962
- Form magna Eisner
- Form rubrocatenata Eisner
- Form posteriorsubmarginalisinterrupta (!) Eisner, 1974
- Subspecies montela Gray, 1852 (telamon Donovan, 1798: hoenei Hering), (Central and North China - Beijing, Nanjing, Zhenjiang, Shanghai)
- Form strandi Bryk, 1913
- Form telmona Gray 1852 gen. vern. (hoenei Bryk, 1932)
- Form telmononula Bryk
- Form ruth Eisner, 1962
- Form montela Gray, 1852 gen. aest.
- Form cellopura Eisner, 1954
- Form cellopurissima Eisner, 1954
- Form elegantissima Eisner, 1954
- Form flavomaculata Eisner, 1954
- Form miniuscula Eisner, 1962
- Form binaria Eisner, 1962
- Form nigricans Eisner, 1962
- Form eva Bryk and Eisner, 1935
- Form absurdus Bryk, 1913 (West China, South Shandong, Lau shan, Tianjin)
- Subspecies elegans Bryk, 1913 (leechi Rothschild, 1918) (West China)
- Form telmona Gray gen. vern.
- Form elegans Bryk gen. aest.
- Form strandi Bryk, 1913
- Form leechi Rothschild, 1918
- Form cressoni Reakirt
- Subspecies anderssoni Bryk, 1941 (Central China: Hubei anderssoni Bryk, gen. aest.
- Subspecies magnus Fruhstorfer, 1913 (South China: Jiangxi, Liujiang
- Subspecies kansuensis Eisner, 1962 (China: Gansu (i.e., Kansu), Qinling, Sichuan)
- Subspecies shantungensis Hering, 1935 (China: Shandong (i.e., Shantung))
- Form cellopurissima Eisner, 1954
- Form binaria Eisner, 1962
- Form rubrocatenata Eisner, 1962
- Form quadripicta Eisner, 1962
- Form elegantissima Eisner, 1954
- monobasic = founded containing a single species, same as "monotypic" if no more species are added
- gen. vern. = vernalis, genetically determined spring generation
- gen. aest. = aestivus, genetically determined summer generation
- gen. vest. = genetically determined vestigial form
- (!) = nomen collectivum, a nomenclatural/descriptive term used by Curt Eisner in a taxonomic sense (infrasubspecific)
- i.l. = in litteris, correspondence, not published
- Bryk, F. (1913) Neue Parnassiiden-Formen aus dem Zoologischen Museum zu Berlin.Archiv für Naturgeschichte (A) 79 (3): 1-3; pl. 1 [partim].
- Bryk, F. (1932) Neue Zerynthiinae Parnassiana 2 (6-8): 102-104.
- Donovan, E. (1798) An Epitome of the natural History of the Insects of China.E. Donovan, London.
- Eisner, C. 1954 (Parnassiana nova): III. Einige neue Formen in der Familie der Parnassiidae Zoologische Mededelingen 33 (8): 55-57
- Eisner, C. (1962) Parnassiana nova XXXII. Nachträgliche Betrachtungen zu der Revision der Subfamilie Parnassiinae (Fortsetzung 5).Zoologische Mededelingen 38 (7): 105-128.
- Fixsen, C. (1887) Lepidoptera aus Korea .Mémoires sur les Lépidoptères 3: 233-356, pls 13-15, 1 map
- Gray, G. R. (1852) On the Species of the Genus Sericinus. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1852: 70-73
- Hering, M. (1935) Neue Unterarten von Sericinus telamon (Donov.) Internationale Entomologische Zeitschrift 29 (17): 193-195
- von Rosen, K. (1929). Papilio. In (A. Seitz ed.) The Macrolepidoptera of the World. The Palearctic Butterflies. Alfred Kernen. Stuttgart. Suppl. 1 : 7-20.
- Rothschild, [W.] (1918) Catalogue of Zerynthiinae and allied genera in the Tring Museum, with critical notes., Novitates Zoologicae 25: 64-75.
- Staudinger, O. (1892) Die Macrolepidopteren des Amurgebietes. I. Theil. Rhopalocera, Sphinges, Bombyces, Sphinges Mémoires sur les Lépidoptères 6: 83-658
- Ackery, P.R., 1975. A guide to the genera and species of Parnassiinae (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Entomology. 31: 71-105, plates 1-15.pdf
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