59 | | 15th century | Oct. [Lection aus Reg. III)
| Univ. Libr., BE 7{{sup|b}}. 10
| [[Glasgow]]| U. Kingdom|-| 60| | 10th century| Par.| Univ. Libr., Ff. I. 24| Cambridge| U. Kingdom|-| 62| | 11th century| XII + IV proph., Mac. I-IV| New Coll., 44| Oxford| U. Kingdom|-| 64| | 10th century| Oct., Reg., Par., Esdr., Est., Tob., Idt., Mac. I-III| BnF, Gr 2| Paris| France|-| 65| | 14th century| Ps. Od.| Uni.-Bibl., Gr. 4| Leipzig| Germany|-| 66| | 15th century| PS. Od.| Coll., Bk. 6.2| Eton, Berkshire| U. Kingdom|-| 67| | 16th century| Ps.Od.| Corp. Chr. Coll., 19| Oxford| U. Kingdom|-| 68| | 15th century| OT + NT| Bibl. Marc., Gr. 5| Venice| Italy|-| 69| | 12th century| Ps.Od.| Magdalen Coll., Gr. 9| Oxford| U. Kingdom|-| 71| | 13th century| Oct., Reg., Par., Esdr., Mac. I-IV, Est., Idt., Tob.| BnF, Gr. 1| Paris| France|-| 72| | 13th century| Oct.| Bodleian Library, Canonic. gr. 35| Oxford| U. Kingdom|-| 73| | 11th/12th century| Cat. in. Oct.| Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 746| Vatican City||-| 74| | 13th century| Oct., Reg., Par., Esdr., Mac. I-IV, Est., Idt., Tob.| Laurentian Library, S. Marco 700| Florence| Italy|-| 75| | 1125| Oct.| Univ. Coll., 52| Oxford| U. Kingdom|-| 76| | 13th century| Oct., Est., Idt., Tob.| BnF, Gr. 4| Paris| France|-| 77| | 13th/14th century| Cat. in. Oct.| Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 748| Vatican City||-| 78| | 12th century| Cat. in Gen. and Exod.| Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 383| Vatican City||-| 79| | 12th/13th century| Cat. in Gen.| Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1668| Vatican City||-| 80| | 11th/12th century| Ps.Od.| Christ Church, 44| Oxford| U. Kingdom|-| 81| | 1184| Ps.Od.| Christ Church, 42| Oxford| U. Kingdom|-| 82| | 12th century| Oct., Reg.| BnF, Coisl. 3| Paris| France|-| 83| | 16th century| Cat. in Pent.| Archivo da Torre do Tombo, 540. 669. 668. 671. 670.| Lisbon| Portugal|-| 84| | 10th/11th century| Oct.| Vatican Library, Vat., gr. 1901| Vatican City||-| 85| | 10th century| Oct.| Vatican Library, Vat., gr. 2058| Vatican City||-| 86| | 9th/10th century| XII, Is., Jer., Cat. in Ez.,| Vatican Library, Barber. gr. 549| Vatican City||-| 87| | 10th century| Cat. in. XII + IV proph.| Vatican Library, Chis. R. VIII 54| Vatican City||-| 88| Codex Chisianus 87| 10th century| Jeremias, Daniel (version LXX), Ezekiel, Isaiah| Vatican Library, Chis. R. VII 45| Vatican City||-| 90| | 11th century| Cat. Nicandae in IV proph.| Laurentian Library, Plut. V 5| Florence| Italy|-| 91| | 11th century| Cat. in XII + IV proph.| Vatican Library, Ottob gr. 452| Vatican City||-| 92| | 11th century| Reg.| BnF, Gr. 8| Paris| France|-| 93| | 13th century| Ruth, Reg., Par., Esdr. II, Est. (L), Mac. I-III, Est. (O), Is.| BL, Royal 1 D. II| London| U. Kingdom|-| 96| | 11th century| XII + IV proph.| Kgl. Bibl., Ny Kgl. Saml., 4°, Nr. 5| Copenhagen| Denmark|-| 97| | 12th/13th century| Cat. in XII + IV proph.| Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1153 i 1154| Vatican City||-| 98|| 13th century| Cat. in Reg., Par., Esdr., Est., Tob., Idt., Mac. I-II| Real Bibl., Σ-II-19| El Escorial| Spain|-| 99| | 12th century| Ps.Od.| Trinity Coll., 78| Oxford| U. Kingdom|-| 100| | 12th century| Ps.Od.| Christ Church, 41| Oxford| U. Kingdom|-| 101| | 13th century| Ps.Od.| Christ Church, 61| Oxford| U. Kingdom|-| 102| | 12th century| Ps.Od.| Christ Church, 43| Oxford| U. Kingdom|-| 103| | 15th century| Prov.| ÖNB, Theol. gr. 238| Vienna| Austria|-| 104| | 15th century| Cat. in Is. (Comm. in Ps 1-9)| ÖNB, Theol. gr. 229| Vienna| Austria|-| 106| | 14th century| OT + NT| Bibl. Comun., 187 I-III| Ferrara| Italy|-| 107| | 1334| Oct., Reg., Par., Esdr., Mac. I-IV, Est., Idt., Tob.| Bibl. Comun., 188 I| Ferrara| Italy|-| 108| | 13th century| Oct., Reg., Par., Esdr., Idt., Est (L-u, O-tekst), Tob.| Vatican Library, Vat., gr. 330| Vatican City||-| 109| | c. 1235| Cat. in Prov., Cat in Andreae in Is.| ÖNB, Theol. gr. 24| Vienna| Austria|-| 110| | 1549| Job| ÖNB, Theol. gr. 230| Vienna| Austria|-| 111|| 9th/10th century| Ps.Od.| Biblioteca Ambrosiana, + 24 sup.| Milan| Italy|-| 112|| c. 960| Cat. in Ps.Od.| Biblioteca Ambrosiana, F. 12 sup.| Milan| Italy|-| 113|| c. 966| Cat. in Ps.Od.| Biblioteca Ambrosiana, B. 106 sup.| Milan| Italy|-| 118| | 11th/12th century| Oct.| BnF, Gr. 6| Paris| France|-| 119| | 10th century| Reg., Par., Esdr.| BnF, Gr. 7| Paris| France|-| 120| | 11th century| Oct., Reg., Par., Esdr., Mac I-IV, Est.| Bibl. Marc., Gr. 4| Venice| Italy|-| 121| | 10th century| Oct., Reg., Par., Esdr.| Bibl. Marc., Gr. 3| Venice| Italy|-| 122| | 15th century| OT + NT| Bibl. Marc., Gr. 6| Venice| Italy|-| 125|| 14th century| Oct., Reg., Par., Esdr., Mac. I-IV, Est., Idt., Tob., Prov., Eccl., Cant., Sap.| State Historical Museum, Syn. gr. 30| Moscow| Russia|-| 126|| 1475| Cat. in Gen. and Exod., Lev.-Jg, Idt., Tob.| State Historical Museum, Syn. gr. 19| Moscow| Russia|-| 127|| 10th century| Oct., Reg., Par.| State Historical Museum, Syn. gr. 31| Moscow| Russia|-| 128| | 11th century| Oct.| Vatican Library, Vat., gr. 1657| Vatican City||-| 129| | 11th/12th century| Oct.| Vatican Library, Vat., gr. 1252| Vatican City||-| 130|| 12th/13th century| OT + NT| ÖNB, Theol. gr. 23| Vienna| Austria|-| 131| | 10th? century| Oct.| ÖNB, Theol. gr. 57| Vienna| Austria|-| 134| | 11th century| Oct., Reg., Par., Esdr., Mac. I| Laurentian Library, Plut. 5.1| Florence| Italy|-| 135| | 10th century| Cat. in Gen. and Exod.| Univ.-Bibl., A. N. III. 13| Basel| Switzerland|-| 137|| 9th/10th century| Cat. in Job| Biblioteca Ambrosiana, D. 73 sup.| Milan| Italy|-| 138|| 11th century| Cat. in Job.| Biblioteca Ambrosiana, M. 65 sup.| Milan| Italy|-| 139|| 10th/11th century| Cat. in Prov., and Eccl., and Cant., and Job| Biblioteca Ambrosiana, A. 148 inf.| Milan| Italy|-| 140| | 12th century| Ps.Od.| Univ.-Bibl., B. X. 33| Basel| Switzerland|-| 141|| 13th? century| Ps.Od.| Bibl. Naz., B. V. 22| Turin| Italy|-| 142| | 10th/11th century| Cat. in Ps.| ÖNB, Theol. gr. 8| Vienna| Austria|-| 143| | c. 1162| Ps.Od.| ÖNB, Theol. gr. 177| Vienna| Austria|-| 144| | XV| Ps.Od.| ÖNB, Theol. gr. 228| Vienna| Austria|-| 145| | 12th century| Ps.Od| Vatican Library, Borgian., gr. 10| Vatican City||-| 146|| 11th/12th century| Ps.Od.| Bibl. Nac., Vit. 26-5| Madrid| Spain|-| 147| | 12th century| Cat. in Prov. and Eccl. and Cant. and Job, XII + IV proph| Bodleian Library, Laud. gr. 30| Oxford| U. Kingdom|-| 148| | 11th century| Dan.| Vatican Library, Vat., gr. 2025| Vatican City||-| 149| | 11th century| Cat. in Job and Prov., Eccl., Cant., Wis., Ps.Sal., Sir.| ÖNB, Theol. gr. 11| Vienna| Austria|-| 150| | 15th century| Ps.Od.| Bibl. Comun., 114| Ferrara| Italy|-| 151|| 13th century| Ps.Od.| Staatl. Mus. Kupferstichkabinandt, Ham. 119| Berlin| Germany|-| 152| | c. 1080| Ps.Od.| Bibl. Marc., Append. I 32| Venice| Italy|-| 154|| 15th century| Ps.Od.| Staatsbibl., Phill. 1486| Berlin| Germany|-| 155|| 11th century| Eccl., Cant., Wis., Sir.| Bodleian Library, Auct. T. 2. 4.| Oxford| U. Kingdom|-| 156| | 9th century| Ps.| Univ.-Bibl., A. VII. 3| Basel| Switzerland|-| 157| | 12th century| Job, Prov., Eccl., Cant., Wis., Sir.| Univ.-Bibl., B. VI. 23| Basel| Switzerland|-| 158| | 13th century| Reg., Par.| Univ.-Bibl., B. VI. 22| Basel| Switzerland|-| 159| | 10th/11th century| Eccl., Prov., Cant.| SR Archiv, A. 107| Moscow| Russia|-| 160| | 14th/15th century| Job| Sächs. Landesbibl., A. 66| Dresden| Germany|-| 161| | 14th century| Prov., Eccl., Cant., Job| SR Archiv, A. 170| Moscow| Russia|-| 162| | 13th century| Ps.Od.| BnF, Gr. 24| Paris| France|-| 163| | 13th century| Ps.Od.| BnF, Gr. 26| Paris| France|-| 164| | 14th century| Ps.Od.| BL, Harl. 5533| London| U. Kingdom|-| 165| | 14th century| Ps.Od.| BL, Harl. 5534| London| U. Kingdom|-| 166| | 1284| Ps.Od.| BL, Harl. 5535| London| U. Kingdom|-| 167| | 14th century| Ps.Od.| BL, Harl. 5553| London| U. Kingdom|-| 168| | 11th century| Ps.Od.| BL, Harl. 5570| London| U. Kingdom|-| 169| | 12th century| Ps.Od.| BL, Harl. 5571| London| U. Kingdom|-| 170| | 12th century| Ps.Od.| BL, Harl. 5582| London| U. Kingdom|-| 171| | 14th century| Ps.Od.| BL, Harl. 5653| London| U. Kingdom|-| 172| | 1478| Ps.Od.| BL, Harl. 5737| London| U. Kingdom|-| 173| | 16th century| Ps.Od.| BL, Harl. 5738| London| U. Kingdom|-| 174| | 1153| Ps.| BL, Harl. 5786| London| U. Kingdom|-| 175| | 11th century| Ps.Od.| BL, Royal 2. A. VI| London| U. Kingdom|-| 176| | 13th century| Ps.Od.| BL, Harl. 5563| London| U. Kingdom|-| 177| | 13th century| Ps.Od.| BnF, Gr. 27| Paris| France|-| 178| | 1059| Ps.Od.| BnF, Gr. 40| Paris| France|-| 179| | 12th century| Ps.Od.| BnF, Gr. 41| Paris| France|-| 180| | 12th century| Ps.Od.| BnF, Gr. 42| Paris| France|-| 181| | 12th century| Cat. Nicandae in Ps.| FLB, Membr. I 77| Gotha| Germany|-| 182| | 13th century| PS.Od.| Vatican Library, Chis., R. IV. 3| Vatican City||-| 183| | 15th century| PS.Od.| Vatican Library, Chis., R. IV. 4| Vatican City||-| 186| | 15th century| Ps.Od.| ÖNB, Theol. gr. 298| Vienna| Austria|-| 187| | 10th century| Ps.Od.| BnF, Coisl. 10| Paris| France|-| 188| | 7th century| Ps 18:14–71:19| BnF, Coisl. 186, Bl. 156ff| Paris| France|-| 189| | 1304| Ps.Od.| BnF, Coisl. 13| Paris| France|-| 190| | 10th century| Cat. in Ps.Od.| BnF, Coisl. 187| Paris| France|-| 191| | 994| Cat. in. Ps.Od.| RBN Gr. 64 (earlier Paris, Coisl. 188)| Petersburg| Russia|-| 192| | 12th/13th century| Ps.Od.| BnF, Gr. 13| Paris| France|-| 193| | 12th century| Ps.Od.| BnF, Gr. 21| Paris| France|-| 194| | 12th century| Ps.Od.| BnF, Gr. 22| Paris| France|-| 195| | 12th century| Ps.Od.| BnF, Gr. 23| Paris| France|-| 196| | 12th century| Ps.Od.| BnF, Gr. 25| Paris| France|-| 197| | 14th century| Ps.Od.| BnF, Gr. 29| Paris| France|-| 198| | 9th century| XII proph., Is.–Ez.| BnF, Gr. 14| Paris| France|-| 199|| 11th? 15th?| Ps.Od.| Bibl. Estense, Gr. 37| Modena| Italy|-| 200|| 12th century| Ps.Od.| Bodleian Library, Barocc. 15| Oxford| U. Kingdom|-| 201|| 15th/16th century| Ps.Od.| Bodleian Library, Barocc. 107| Oxford| U. Kingdom|-| 202|| 1404| Ps.Od.| Bodleian Library, Cromwell 5| Oxford| U. Kingdom|-| 203|| 1336| Ps.Od.| Bodleian Library, Laud. gr. 2| Oxford| U. Kingdom|-| 204|| 11th century| Ps.| Bodleian Library, Laud. gr. 1 (C. 38)| Oxford| U. Kingdom|-| 205| | 13th? century| Ps.Od.| Trinity Coll., O. 2. 38| Oxford| U. Kingdom|-| 206| | 15th century| Ps.Od.| Gonville and Casius Coll., 348| Oxford| U. Kingdom|-| 208|| 16th century| Ps.Od| WLB., Cod. bibl. Q. 4| Stuttgart| Germany|-| 211| | 12th century| Ps.Od.| Vatican Library, Vat., gr. 1541| Vatican City||-| 212| | 10th century| Ps.| Vatican Library, Vat., gr. 1542| Vatican City||-| 213| | 12th century| Ps.Od.| Vatican Library, Vat., gr. 1848| Vatican City||-| 214| | 13th century| Ps.Od.| Vatican Library, Vat., gr. 1870| Vatican City||-| 215| | 1011| Ps.Od.| Vatican Library, Vat., gr. 1873| Vatican City||-| 216| | 12th century| Ps.Od.| Vatican Library, Vat., gr. 1927| Vatican City||-| 217| | 1021| Ps.Od.| Vatican Library, Vat., gr. 341| Vatican City||-| 219| | c. 1076| Ps.Od.| ÖNB, Theol. gr. 336| Vienna| Austria|-| 222| | 1509| Ps.Od.| ÖNB, Theol. gr. 241| Vienna| Austria|-| 223| | 16th century| Ps.Od.| ÖNB, Theol. gr. 234| Vienna| Austria|-| 224|| 1303| Ps.Od.| Bibl. Naz., Naples ex Vindob. gr. 22| Naples| Italy|-| 225|| 14th?| Ps.Od.| Bibl. Univ., 2925| Naples| Italy|-| 226| | 13th century| Ps.Od.| Vatican Library, Barber. gr. 372| Vatican City||-| 227| | 12th century| Ps.Od.| Vatican Library, Barber. gr. 322| Vatican City||-| 228| | 13th century| XVI proph. c. cat. (excerpta), Cat. in Job| Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1764| Vatican City||-| 230| | 10th/11th century| Dan.| Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1641| Vatican City||-| 231| | 10th/11th century| XII + IV proph.| Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1670| Vatican City||-| 232| | 10th century| Dan.| Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 2000| Vatican City||-| 233| | 10th century| XII + IV proph.| Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 2067| Vatican City||-| 235| | 10th/11th century| Sus.| Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 2048| Vatican City||-| 236| | 11th century| Cat. in Ios-Ruth and Reg., Par., Esdr., Est., Idt., Tob., Mac. I-IV| Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 331| Vatican City||-| 239|| 1046| XII + IV proph.| Bibl. Univ., 2603| Bologna| Italy|-| 240| | 1285| Cat. in XII proph.| Laurentian Library, Plut. XI 22| Florence| Italy|-| 241| | c. 1640| Jos - Chr. Prov., Eccl., Cant.| British Museum, Harley MS 7522 A| London| U. Kingdom|-| 242| | 14th century| Cat. in Reg.| ÖNB, Theol. gr. 135| Vienna| Austria|-| 243| | 10th century| Cat. in Reg., Par., Esdr., Est., Tob., Idt., Mac. I-II| BnF, Coisl. 8| Paris| France|-| 244| | 11th century| Reg.| Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 333| Vatican City||-| 245| | 12th century| Reg., Esdr. I| Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 334| Vatican City||-| 246| | 1195| Oct., Reg., Par. II| Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1238| Vatican City||-| 247| | 12th century| Reg.| Vatican Library, Urbin. gr. 1| Vatican City||-| 248| | 13th century| Prov., Eccl., Cant., Job, Wis., Sir., Esdr., Est., Tob., Idt.| Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 346| Vatican City||-| 249| | 12th century| Cat. in Job, Wis., Sir., Est., Tob., Idt.| Vatican Library, Pii. II gr. 1| Vatican City||-| 250| | 13th century| Cat. in Job| BSB, gr. 148| Munich| Germany|-| 251| | 14th century| Cat. in Job| Laurentian Library, Plut. V 27| Florence| Italy|-| 252| | 10th century| Job, Prov., Eccl., Cant.| Laurentian Library, Plut. VIII 27| Florence| Italy|-| 253| | 11th century| Job, Prov., Eccl., Cant., Wis., Ps.Sam., Sir.| Vatican Library, Vat., gr. 336| Vatican City||-| 254| | 10th century| Job, Prov., Eccl., Cant., Wis., Sir.| Vatican Library, Vat., gr. 337| Vatican City||-| 255| | 10th century| Cat. in Job| Vatican Library, Vat., gr. 338| Vatican City||-| 256| | 13th century| Cat. in Job| Vatican Library, Vat., gr. 697| Vatican City||-| 257| | 10th century| Cat. in Job 11:1-40:31| Vatican Library, Vat., gr. 745| Vatican City||-| 258| | 9th century| Cat. in Job| Vatican Library, Vat., gr. 749| Vatican City||-| 259| | 10th/11th century| Cat. in Job| Vatican Library, Palat., gr. 230| Vatican City||-| 260| | 10th/11th century| Cat. in Job and Prov.–Cant., Wis., Ps. Sal., Sir.| Kgl. Bibl., Gamle Kgl. Saml., 6| Copenhagen| Denmark|-| 261| | 1323| Prov. (z. T. Cat.), Eccl., Wis., Job, Sir.| Laurentian Library, Plut. VII 30| Florence| Italy|-| 263 | | 15th century| Ps.| Kgl. Bibl., Gamle Kgl. Saml., 1311| Copenhagen| Denmark|-| 264| | 10th/11th century| Cat. in Ps.Od.| Vatican Library, Ottob., gr. 398| Vatican City||-| 265| | 12th/13th century| Ps.Od.| Vatican Library, Palat., gr. 381| Vatican City||-| 266| | 10th century| Ps.Od.| Vatican Library, Vat., gr. 2101| Vatican City||-| 267| | 14th century| Ps.Od.| Vatican Library, Ottob., gr. 294| Vatican City||-| 268| | 11th century| Cat. in Ps.Od.| Vatican Library, Vat., gr. 2057| Vatican City||-| 270| | 12th century| Ps.Od.| Vatican Library, Vat., gr. 1864| Vatican City||-| 271| | 10th/11th century| Cat. in Ps.Od.| Vatican Library, Vat., gr. 1747| Vatican City||-| 272| | 12th/13th century| Cat. Nicandae in Ps.| Vatican Library, Palat., gr. 247| Vatican City||-| 273| | 14th century| Ps.Od.| Vatican Library, Regin., gr. 40| Vatican City||-| 275| | 12th century| Ps.Od.| Vatican Library, Vat., gr. 1874| Vatican City||-| 277| | 14th century| Ps.Od.| ÖNB, Theol. gr. 327| Vienna| Austria|-| 278| | 12th century| Ps.Od.| Laurentian Library, Plut. V 23| Florence| Italy|-| 279| | 12th century| Ps.Od.| Laurentian Library, Plut. V 33| Florence| Italy|-| 280| | 11th century| Ps.Od.| Laurentian Library, Plut. V 5| Florence| Italy|-| 281| | 11th century| Ps.Od.| Laurentian Library, Plut. V 18| Florence| Italy|-| 282| | 15th century| Ps.Od.| Laurentian Library, Plut. V 25| Florence| Italy|-| 283| | 11th century| Ps.Od.| Laurentian Library, Plut. VI 36| Florence| Italy|-| 284| | 1403| Ps.Od.| Laurentian Library, Plut. V 17| Florence| Italy|-| 285| | 13th century| Ps.Od.| Laurentian Library, Plut. V 34| Florence| Italy|-| 286| | 1101| Comm. aut Cat. in Ps.Od.| Laurentian Library, Plut. V 30| Florence| Italy|-| 287| | 11th/12th century| Cat. in Ps.| Laurentian Library, Plut. V 14| Florence| Italy|-| 290| | 14th century| Ps.Od.| Laurentian Library, Aedil. 222| Florence| Italy|-| 291| | 11th century| Ps.Od.| Laurentian Library, Plut. V 39| Florence| Italy|-| 292| | 11th century| Cat. in Ps.Od.| Laurentian Library, Plut. VI 3| Florence| Italy|-| 293| | 15th century| Ps.Od.| Laurentian Library, Plut. V 37| Florence| Italy|-| 294| | 12th century| Ps.| Emmanuel Coll., III. 3. 22| Cambridge| U. Kingdom|-| 295| | 15th/16th century| Cat. (?) in Prov., Eccl., Cant.| Vatican Library, Ottobon., gr. 56| Vatican City||-| 296| | 11th century| Job., Prov., Eccl., Cant., Wis., Sir.| Vatican Library, Palat., gr. 337| Vatican City||-| 297| | 12th century| Cat. in Prov. [hom. [[Gregory of Nyssa ]] in Cant.]| Vatican Library, Vat., gr. 1802| Vatican City||-| 299| | 1202| Cat. in Eccl.| Vatican Library, Vat., gr. 1604| Vatican City||-| 301| | 9th century| Is.| ÖNB, Theol. gr. 93| Vienna| Austria|-| 305| | 15th century| Cat. in Is.| Kgl. Bibl., Gamle Kgl. Saml., 1319| Copenhagen| Denmark|-| 306|| 11th century| Is., Ez.| BnF, Gr. 16| Paris| France|-| 307| | 13th century| Sir.| BSB, gr. 129| Munich| Germany|-| 308| | 14th century| Is.| Vatican Library, Vat., gr. 1509| Vatican City||-| 309| | 10th/11th century| Cat. in Is.| Vatican Library, Vat., gr. 755| Vatican City||-| 310|| 13th century| Cat. in XII proph.| State Historical Museum, Syn. gr. 208| Moscow| Russia|-| 311|| 12th century| Prov., Eccl., Cant., Wis., Sir., XII + IV proph., Est., Idt., Tob., Mac. I-III| State Historical Museum, Syn. gr. 354| Moscow| Russia|}Part III: 312–800
Symbol | Name | Date | Content | Institution | City | Country |
312 | | 12th century | Mac. IV | Άγιας, 94 | Andros | Greece | 313 | | 11th century | Cat. in Oct. and Reg. | EBE, 43 | Athens | Greece | 314 | | 13th century | Oct., Reg., Par., Esdr., Est., Idt., Tob. | EBE, 44 | Athens | Greece | 315 | | 13th century | Sir., Cant. | EBE, 329 | Athens | Greece | 316 | | 11th century | Mac. IV | Staatsbibl., Graec. fol. 17 | Berlin | Germany | 317 | | 11th century | Mac. IV | Вατοπαιδίου, 84 | Mount Athos | Greece | 318 | | 10th/11th century | Oct., Est., Idt., Tob., Reg. | Вατοπαιδίου, 598 | Mount Athos | Greece | 319 | | 1021 | Oct., Est., Tob., Idt. | Вατοπαιδίου, 600 | Mount Athos | Greece | 320 | | 12th century | Cat. in Lev.-Ruth | Вατοπαιδίου, 602 | Mount Athos | Greece | 321 | | 14th century | Exod.-Ruth, Par. | Вατοπαιδίου, 603 | Mount Athos | Greece | 322 | | 12th century | Mac. IV | Διονυσίου, 54 | Mount Athos | Greece | 323 | | 14th century | Dan. | Διονυσίου, 159 | Mount Athos | Greece | 324 | | 15th century | Dan. | Διονυσίου, 167 | Mount Athos | Greece | 325 | | 14th century | Mac. IV | Διονυσίου, 181 | Mount Athos | Greece | 326 | | 16th century | Cant. | Διονυσίου, 282 | Mount Athos | Greece | 327 | | 1577 | Cant. | Έσφιγμένου, 131 | Mount Athos | Greece | 328 | | 11th century | Cat. in Jos-Ruth and. in Reg. | Ίβήρων, 15 | Mount Athos | Greece | 329 | | 13th century | Cat. Procopii in Prov. | Ίβήρων, 38 | Mount Athos | Greece | 330 | | 13th century | Cant. | Ίβήρων, 76 | Mount Athos | Greece | 331 | | 1452 | Cant. | Ίβήρων, 80 | Mount Athos | Greece | 332 | | 15th century | Tob., Job. Est., Mac. I-IV | Ίβήρων, 165 | Mount Athos | Greece | 333 | | 10th century | Cat. Procopii in Prov. | Ίβήρων, 379 | Mount Athos | Greece | 334 | | 1514 | Ruth, Reg. | Ίβήρων, 382 | Mount Athos | Greece | 335 | | 15th century | Mac. IV | Ίβήρων, 396 | Mount Athos | Greece | 336 | | 14th century | Job, Prov., Eccl., Cant., Wis., Sir., Ps.Sal. | Ίβήρων, 555 | Mount Athos | Greece | 337 | | 14th century | Job, Eccl. | Ίβήρων, 615 | Mount Athos | Greece | 338 | | 14th century | Cat. in Prov. and Eccl. | Ίβήρων, 676 | Mount Athos | Greece | 339 | | 11th century | Job. Prov., Eccl., Cant., Wis., Sir. | Κουτλουμουσίου, 8 | Mount Athos | Greece | 340 | | 11th century | Mac. I i IV, Esd. I | Κουτλουμουσίου, 39 | Mount Athos | Greece | 341 | | 11th century | Lect. (Rdz 1:5-13) | Κουτλουμουσίου, 82 | Mount Athos | Greece | 342 | | 13th century | Reg., Eccl. | Histor. u. andhnol. Gesellsch., 200 | Athens | Greece | 343 | | 11th century | Oct. | Λαύρα, 352 | Mount Athos | Greece | 344 | | 10th century | Oct., Par. II fragm. | Παντοκράτορος, 24 Patr.-Bibl., Τάφου 510 β | Mount Athos
| Greece
| 345 | | 11th century | Jer. fragm. | Παντοκράτορος, 48 | Mount Athos | Greece | 346 | | 1326 | Oct., Reg., Par. | Πρωτάτου, 53 | Mount Athos | Greece | 347 | | 13th century | Mac. II i III fragm. | Σταυρονικήτα, 29 | Mount Athos | Greece | 348 | | 16th century | Cat. Polychronii in Eccl. and Cant. | Univ.-Bibl., A. VII. 6 | Basel | Switzerland | 349 | | 13th century | Cat. in XII proph. and Ez. and Dan. | Univ.-Bibl., B. II. 14 | Basel | Switzerland | 350
| | c. 1540 | Tht. qu. in Oct. Reg. Par. | Staatsbibl., Phill. 1405 | Berlin | Germany | 351 | | c. 1540 | Cat. in Job | Staatsbibl., Phill. 1407 | Berlin | Germany | 352 | | c. 1540 | Cat. Procopii in Prov., Cat. in Eccl., Cat. Procopii in Cant. | Staatsbibl., Phill. 1411 | Berlin | Germany | 353 | | c. 1540 | Cat. in Prov. and Eccl. and Cant. | Staatsbibl., Phill. 1412 | Berlin | Germany | 354 | | c. 1540 | Cat. in Cant. | Staatsbibl., Phill. 1413 | Berlin | Germany | 355 | | 12th century | Cat. in Job | Bibl. Comun., A. I. 2 | Bologna | Italy | 356 | | 16th century | Cat. in Prov. | Bibl. Comun., A. I. 6 | Bologna | Italy | 357 | | 12th century | Eccl. | Bibl. Univ., 3640 | Bologna | Italy | 358 | | 12th century | Sir. | Corp. Chr. Coll., 486 | Cambridge | U. Kingdom | 359 | | 13th/14th century | Eccl., Cant., Sap. | Trinity Coll., O. I. 53 | Cambridge | U. Kingdom | 360 | | 11th? century | Cat. in Prov. and Cant. | Trinity Coll., O. I. 54 i 55 | Cambridge | U. Kingdom | 361 | | 16th century | Cat. in Cant. | Duke Univ. Libr., Phillipps 11609 | Durham | United States | 362 | | 15th/16th century | Cat. Olimp. in Job | YBR, Ms. gr. 257 (Phillipps 14041) | New Haven | United States | 363 | | 14th century | Cat. in Prov. | Βιβλ. τ. Άρχιεπισκοπής, 28 | Leucosia | Cyprus | [364] burnt | | 14th century | Oct. | Μέγα Σπελ. 68 | Kalavryta | Greece | 365 | | 15th century | Dan. | Ίωάννου τοὒ Θεολόγου, 21 | Lesbos | Greece | 366 | | 15th century | Mac. IV | Λυκ. Μυτ., 4 | Lesbos | Greece | 367 | | 11th century | Mac. IV | John Rylands Library, Gr. 8 | Manchester | U. Kingdom | 368 | | 11th century (1426) | Gen. fragm. | Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Q. 6 sup. | Milan | Italy | 369 | | 9th/10th century | Is. fragm. | Emmanuel Coll., III. 3. 3, Abt. VII | Cambridge | U. Kingdom | 370 | | XI-14th century | Oct., Reg., Esdr., Mac., Est., Idt., Tob. (with gaps) | Vatican Library, Chis. R VIII 61 | Vatican City | | 371 | | 16th century | Cat. in Eccl. and Cant. | Real Bibl., R-I-3 | El Escorial | Spain | 372 | | 12th century | Reg. II-IV | Real Bibl., R-II-2 | El Escorial | Spain | 373 | | 1586 | Cat. in Gen. and Exod. | Real Bibl., Σ-I-6 | El Escorial | Spain | 374 | | 1572 | Cat. Marcellini in Gen. | Real Bibl., Σ-II-17 | El Escorial | Spain | 375 | | 16th century | Cat. in Prov. | Real Bibl., Υ (griech.)-II-2 | El Escorial | Spain | 376 | | 15th century | Oct., Reg. I-II | Real Bibl., Υ (griech.)-II-5 | El Escorial | Spain | 377 | | 11th century | Cat. in Is. | Real Bibl., Υ (griech.)-II-12 | El Escorial | Spain | 378 | | 1573 | Cat. in Cant. | Real Bibl., Ψ-I-4 | El Escorial | Spain | 379 | | 16th century | Cat. in Reg., Par., Esdr., Est., Tob., Idt., Mac. I-II | Real Bibl., Ψ-I-8 | El Escorial | Spain | 380 | | 12th century | Ez., Dan., Mac. IV | Real Bibl., Ω-1-5 | El Escorial | Spain | 381 | | 11th century | Oct., Reg., Par., Esdr., Est., Tob., Idt., Mac. I-III | Real Bibl., Ω-1-13 | El Escorial | Spain | 382 | | 15th century | Cant. | Laurentian Library, S. Marco 694 | Florence | Italy | 383 | | 11th century | Dan. | Laurentian Library, Plut. IV 4 | Florence | Italy | 384 | | 12th century | Cat. Nicol. Muzani in Is. | Laurentian Library, Plut. V 8 | Florence | Italy | 385 | | 14th century | Mac. IV | Laurentian Library, Plut. IX 33 | Florence | Italy | 386 | | 13th/14th century | Cat. in Job | Laurentian Library, Plut. X 29 | Florence | Italy | 387 | | 14th century | Mac. IV | Laurentian Library, Plut. LXIX 10 | Florence | Italy | 388 | | 14th century | Mac. IV | Laurentian Library, Plut. LXIX 20 | Florence | Italy | 389 | | 16th century | Cat. in Cant. | Bibl. Riccard., 7 | Florence | Italy | 390 | | 1075 | Cat. in Prov. and Eccl. and Cant. | Bibl. Franz., 2 | Genoa | Italy | 391 | | 11th century | Mac. IV | Bibl. Franz., 35 | Genoa | Italy | 392 | | 10th century | Oct., Est., Tob., Idt. | A. γ. I | Grottaferrata | Italy | 393 | | 8th century | XII + IV proph. | A. γ. XV Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1658 | Grottaferrata
Vatican City
| Italy . | 394 | | 10th century | Oct. fragm. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 2306 A. δ. XXIII | Vatican City
| . Italy | 395 | | 10th century | Cat. in Job | Univ.-Bibl., XXV B 3 | Prague | Czech Republic | 396 | | 15th century | Sap. | Private Library Earl of Tollemache | Helmingham Hall | U. Kingdom | 397 | | 11th century | Mac. IV | EBE, Μετ. Τάφου, 14 | Athens | Greece | 398 | | 14th century | Cat. in XII proph. | EBE, Μετ. Τάφου, 17 | Athens | Greece | 399 | | 12th century | Cat. in Prov. | EBE, Μετ. Τάφου, 51 | Athens | Greece | 400 | | 11th century | Cat. in Gen. | EBE, Μετ. Τάφου, 224 | Athens | Greece | 401 | | 14th century | Dan. | EBE, Μετ. Τάφου, 244 | Athens | Greece | 402 | | 14th century | Tob. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 105 | Jerusalem | Israel | 403 | | 1542 | Am., Is., Ez. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 283 | Jerusalem | Israel | 404 | | 14th century | Sir. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 418 | Jerusalem | Israel | 405 | | 13th century | Dan. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 697 | Jerusalem | Israel | 406 | | 8th century | Cat. in Job | Patr.-Bibl., Σταυροὒ 36 | Jerusalem | Israel | 407 | | 9th century | Oct., XII + IV proph. | Patr.-Bibl., Τάφου 2 | Jerusalem | Israel | 408 | | 12th/13th century | Cat. in Gen. | Patr.-Bibl., Τάφου 3 | Jerusalem | Israel | 409 | | 13th century | Cat. in Job. | Patr.-Bibl., Τάφου 5 | Jerusalem | Israel | 410 | | 13th century | XII + IV proph. | Patr.-Bibl., Τάφου 36 RBN Gr. 261 | Jerusalem Petersburg | Israel Russia | 411 | | 16th century | Eccl., Cant., Wis., Prov. fragm. | Patr.-Bibl., Τάφου 370 | Jerusalem | Israel | 412 =344 | | 12th century | see item 344 | Patr.-Bibl., Τάφου 510 β | Jerusalem | Israel | 413 | | 12th century | Cat. in Oct. | Bibl. des Serail, 8 | Istanbul | Turkey | 414 | | 14th century | Cat. in Oct. | Bibl. Uniw., Voss. graec. in fol. 13 | Leiden | Netherlands | 415 | | 15th/16th century | Cat. in Cant. (two types), Cat. in Eccl. | Bibl. Uniw., Vulc. 50 | Leiden | Netherlands | 416 | | 14th century | Exod-Deut. | Uniw.-Bibl., Gr. 16, Bl 150-253 | Leipzig | Germany | 417 | | 1103 | Cat. in Lev.-Ruth | Archiepisc. Libr., 1214 | London | U. Kingdom | 418 | | 11th century | Reg. IV fragm. | SUB, Theol. 11 | Göttingen | Germany | 419 | | 1592 | Cat. in Gen and Reg. I-II Par. | Griech. Part.-Bibl., 228 | Alexandria | Egypt | 420 | | 1437 | IV + XII proph., Job | BL, Add. 21259 | London | U. Kingdom | 421 | | 1438 | Sir. excerpta | BL, Add. 34060 | London | U. Kingdom | 422 | | 12th century | Cat. in Oct. | BL, Add. 35123 | London | U. Kingdom | 423 | | 15th century | Cant. | BL, Arund. 520 | London | U. Kingdom | 424 | | 15th century | Cat. in Oct. | BL, Burn. 34 | London | U. Kingdom | 425 | | 14th century | Prov., Eccl., Cant. | BL, Royal 1 A. XV | London | U. Kingdom | 426 | | 11th century | Oct. | BL, Add. 39585 | London | U. Kingdom | 427 | | 15th century | Mac. IV | Bibl. pubbl., 1387 | Lucca | Italy | 428 | | 16th century | Cat. in Is. | Bibl. Nac., 4776 | Madrid | Spain | 429 | | 14th century | Sir. excerpta | Bibl. Nac., 4586 | Madrid | Spain | 430 | | 1574 | Cat. in IV proph. | Bibl. Nac., 4671 | Madrid | Spain | 431 | | 16th century | Cat. in Gen. | Bibl. Nac., 4773 | Madrid | Spain | 432 | | 10th century | XVI proph. | Χοζοβιωτίσσας 4 | Amorgos | Greece | 433 | | 16th century | Cat. in Is. | Bibl. Nac., 4705 | Madrid | Spain | 434 | | 16th? century | Cat. in Job | Bibl. Nac., 4716 | Madrid | Spain | 435 | | 16th century | Cat. in IV proph. | Bibl. Nac., 4717 | Madrid | Spain | 436 | | 1556 | Cat. Procopii in Cant. and Prov., Cat. Polychronii in Eccl., Sap. | Bibl. Nac., 4749 | Madrid | Spain | 437 | | 16th century | Cat. Procopii in Cant. and Prov., Cat. in Eccl., Sap. | Bibl. Nac., 4781 | Madrid | Spain | 438 | | 16th century | Cat. in Is. | Bibl. Univ., 17 | Salamanca | Spain | 439 | | 16th century | Cat. in Cant. (two types) | Bibl. Univ., 20 | Salamanca | Spain | 440 | | 16th century | Cat. Polychronii in Prov. | Bibl. Univ., 26 | Salamanca | Spain | 441 | | 11th century | Cat. in Is. | Bibl. Univ., 43 | Salamanca | Spain | [442] burnt | | 15th/16th century | Jud., Ruth, Reg., Par., Prov., Eccl., Cant., Esdr., Est., Wis., Idt., Tob., Mac. I-III | Arch. Hist. Univ., E 1. no 10 | Madrid | Spain | 443 | | 10th century | Prov., Eccl., Wis., Sir. | Biblioteca Ambrosiana, B. 68 sup. | Milan | Italy | 444 | | 13th century | Cat. in Job | Biblioteca Ambrosiana, B. 117 sup. | Milan | Italy | 445 | | 13th century | Jer. fragm. | Biblioteca Ambrosiana, C. 124 sup. | Milan | Italy | 446 | | 1073 | Mac. IV | Biblioteca Ambrosiana, C. 186 inf. | Milan | Italy | 447 | | 1568 | Cat. in Prov., Cat. Procopii in Cant. | Biblioteca Ambrosiana, C. 267 inf. | Milan | Italy | 448 | | 15th century | Mac. IV | 70 | Μηλέαι | Greece | 449 | | 10th/11th century | XII + IV proph. | Biblioteca Ambrosiana, D. 96 sup., A. 147 sup., H. 257 inf. | Milan | Italy | 450 | | 16th century | Cat. in Is. and Job fragm. | Biblioteca Ambrosiana, D. 473 inf. | Milan | Italy | 451 | | 12th century | Cat. in Nicol. Muzani in Is. | Biblioteca Ambrosiana, G. 79 sup. | Milan | Italy | 452 | | 14th century | Mac. IV, Est. | Biblioteca Ambrosiana, H. 11 sup. | Milan | Italy | 453 | | 15th century | Cat. in Is. | Biblioteca Ambrosiana, S. 12 sup. | Milan | Italy | 454 | | 16th century | Cat. in Job | Bibl. Naz. di Brera, AF. XIV. 13 | Milan | Italy | 455 | | 12th century | Mac. IV | Bibl. Univ., Salv. 3 | Messina | Italy | 456 | | 11th century | XVI proph. | Bibl. Univ., Salv. 7 andc. BL, Add 18212 Biblioteca Ambrosiana, D. 34 sup. Bodleian Library, Auct. T. inf. 2. 12., Bl 9 i 11 | Messina London Milan Oxford | Italy U. Kingdom Italy U. Kingdom | 457 | | 12th century | Mac. IV | Bibl. Univ., Salv. 49 | Messina | Italy | 458 | | 12th century | Oct. | Bibl. Univ., 62 | Messina | Italy | 459 | | 13th century | Dan. | Bibl. Univ., 63 | Messina | Italy | 460 | | 13th century | Reg. | Bibl. Univ., 101 | Messina | Italy | 461 | | 16th century | Oct., Reg., XII proph., Is.–Ez. | Μ. Μεταμορφώσεως, 216 | Meteora | Greece | 462 | | 1505 | Wis., Prov., Eccl., Job, Sir., Cant. | Bibl. Estense, Gr. 64 | Modena | Italy | 463 | | 16th century | Cat. in Cant. | Bibl. Estense, Gr. 154 | Modena | Italy | 464 | | 1550 | Cat. Procopii in Cant. and Prov., Cat. in Eccl., Sap. | Bibl. Estense, Gr. 155 | Modena | Italy | 465 | | 1560 | Cat. in Cant. | Bibl. Estense, Gr. 171 | Modena | Italy | 466 | | 15th/16th century | Sus. | École de médecine, 405 | Montpellier | France | 467 | | 1063 | Mac. IV | State Historical Museum, Syn. gr. 9 | Moscow | Russia | 468 | | 16th century | Cat in Is. | State Historical Museum, Syn. gr. 24 | Moscow | Russia | 469 | | 11th century | Cat. Nicol. Muzani in Is. | State Historical Museum, Syn. gr. 25 | Moscow | Russia | 470 | | 10th century | Dan. | State Historical Museum, Syn. gr. 124 | Moscow | Russia | 471 | | 13th/14th century | Cat. in Job and Prov, Eccl., Cant., Wis., Ps. Sal., Sir. | State Historical Museum, Syn. gr. 147 | Moscow | Russia | 472 | | 11th century | Mac. IV | State Historical Museum, Syn. gr. 160 | Moscow | Russia | 473 | | 11th century | Mac. IV | State Historical Museum, Syn. gr. 173 | Moscow | Russia | 474 | | 10th century | Cat. in Job | State Historical Museum, Syn. gr. 342 i 412 | Moscow | Russia | 475 | | 13th/14th century | Cat. in Prov. and Eccl. | State Historical Museum, Syn. gr. 355 | Moscow | Russia | 476 | | 12th century | Cat. in Prov. and Job | State Historical Museum, Syn. gr. 392 | Moscow | Russia | 477 | | 13th century | Cat. in Is. | Вατοπαιδίου, 661 | Mount Athos | Greece | 478 | | 15th century | Prov., Wis., Sir. | State Historical Museum, Syn. gr. 471 | Moscow | Russia | 479 | | 16th century | Cat. Nicol. Muzani in Is. | BSB, gr. 14 | Munich | Germany | 480 | | 16th century | Cat. in Prov. and Job | BSB, gr. 32 | Munich | Germany | 481 | | 16th century | Cat. in Is. and Prov. | BSB, gr. 38 | Munich | Germany | 482 | | 16th century | Cat. in Cant. | BSB, gr. 64 | Munich | Germany | 483 | | 16th century | Cat. in Gen. and. Exod. | BSB, gr. 82 | Munich | Germany | 484 | | 16th century | Cat. in Cant. | BSB, gr. 84 | Munich | Germany | 485 | | 1549 | Cat. Procopii. in Cant. and Prov., Cat. in Eccl., Sap. | BSB, gr. 131 | Munich | Germany | 486 | | 16th century | Cat. in Eccl. and Cant. | BSB, gr. 292 i 294 | Munich | Germany | 487 | | 15th century | Cat. Procopii in Cant. | BSB, gr. 369 | Munich | Germany | 488 | | 11th century | Jos–Ruth, Reg., Tob. | BSB, gr. 372 | Munich | Germany | 489 | | 10th century | Jos–Ruth, Reg., Par. | BSB, gr. 454 | Munich | Germany | 490 | | 11th century | XII + IV proph. | BSB, gr. 472 | Munich | Germany | 491 | | 13th century | Mac. IV | BSB, gr. 488 | Munich | Germany | 492 | | 16th century | Cat. in Job | BSB, gr. 491 | Munich | Germany | 493 | | 15th century | Sir. | BSB, gr. 551 | Munich | Germany | 494 | | 16th century | Cat. in Cant. | BSB, gr. 559 | Munich | Germany | 495 | | 16th century | Cat. in Prov. | BSB, gr. 561 | Munich | Germany | 496 | | 15th/16th century | Cat. Nicandae in Job | Bibl. Naz., II. B. 26 | Naples | Italy | 497 | | 15th century | Cat. Nicandae in Job | Bibl. Naz., II. B. 27 | Naples | Italy | 498 | | 1380 | Mac. IV | Bibl. Naz., II. C. 25 | Naples | Italy | 499 | | 15th century | Cat. in. Cant. | ÖNB, Suppl. gr. 201 | Vienna | Austria | 500 | | 11th/12th century | Cat. in. Oct. | ÖNB, Suppl. gr. 176 | Vienna | Austria | |
Symbol | Name | Date | Content | Institution | City | Country |
501 | | 15th century | XII + IV proph. | Stadtbibl., Solger. in fol. 14 | Nuremberg | Germany | 502 | | 16th century | Cat. in Cant. | Bodleian Library, Auct. E. 2. 8 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 503 | | 12th/13th century | Cat. in Job and Prov. and Eccl. and Cant. | Bodleian Library, Auct. E. 2. 16 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 504 | | 16th century | Cat. in Cant. (two types) and Eccl., Cat. Polychronii in Prov. | Bodleian Library, Auct. E. 2. 17 i 18 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 505 | | 14th century | Cat. in Job | Bodleian Library, Auct. E. 2. 19 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 506 | | 16th century | Cat. in Cant. | Bodleian Library, Auct. T. 1. 22 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 507 | | 14th century | Sir. 51, Cant. | Bodleian Library, Auct. T. 2. 5 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 508 | | c. 817 | OT excerpta | Bodleian Library, Auct. F. 4. 32 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 509 | | 9th/10th century | Oct., Reg I-III | Bodleian Library, Auct. T. inf. 2. 1 Univ. Libr., Add. 1879. 7 BL, Add. 20002 RBN Gr. 62 | Oxford
| U. Kingdom U. Kingdom U. Kingdom Russia | 510 | | 14th century | Reg. I-IV | Λαύρα, 762 (H 107) | Mount Athos | Greece | 511 | | 15th century | Dan. | Bodleian Library, Barocc. 148 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 512 | | 1562 | Cat. Nicandae in Job | Bodleian Library, Barocc. 176 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 513 | | 16th century | Cat. in Job | Bodleian Library, Barocc. 178 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 514 | | 15th century | Cat. Nic. in Job, Cat. in Prov. | Bodleian Library, Barocc. 195 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 515 | | 12th/13th century | Cat. in Job | Bodleian Library, Barocc. 201 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 516 | | 12th century | Libri Sap. | Λαύρα, 149 (B 29) | Mount Athos | Greece | 517 | | 15th century | Cat. in Prov. | Bodleian Library, Barocc. 232 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 518 | | 16th century | Cat. Nicol. Muzani in Is. | Bodleian Library, Canonic. gr. 59 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 519 | | 15th century | Prov. + Lect. | Λαύρα, 301 (Γ 61) | Mount Athos | Greece | 520 | | 1406 | Libri sap. | Λαύρα, 1571 (Λ 80) | Mount Athos | Greece | 521 | | 1579 | Psellos comm. in Cant. | March, Cat. in Cant. and Eccl. | Madrid | Spain | 522 | | 13th century | Cat. in Eccl., + Cant. | Trinity Coll., B. 7. 3 | Cambridge | U. Kingdom | 523 | | 13th century | Cat. in Job | Bodleian Library, Laud. gr. 20 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 524 | | 14th century | Mac. IV | Bodleian Library, Laud. gr. 41 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 525 | | 16th century | Cat. in Job | Bodleian Library, Laud. gr. 86 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 526 | | 16th century | Cat. in Is | New Coll., 41 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 527 | | 14th century | Oct., Reg., Par. | Bibl. de l'Arsenal, 8415 | Paris | France | 528 | | 1264 | Cat. in Lev.–Ruth | BnF, Coisl. Gr. 5 | Paris | France | 529 | | 13th century | Cat. in Lev.–Ruth | BnF, Coisl. Gr. 6 | Paris | France | 530 | | 12th/13th century | Cat. in Jos–Ruth | BnF, Coisl. Gr. 7 | Paris | France | 531 | | 15th century | Cat. in Job | BnF, Coisl. Gr. 9 | Paris | France | 532 | | 16th century | Cat. in Prov. | BnF, Coisl. Gr. 15 | Paris | France | 533 | | 13th century | Cat. in Ez. | BnF, Coisl. Gr. 17 | Paris | France | 534 | | 11th century | Idt., Mac. I-IV, IV + XII proph., Job, Prov., Cant., Eccl., Wis., Sir. | BnF, Coisl. Gr. 18 | Paris | France | 535 | | 10th century | Tob. | BnF, Coisl. Gr. 83 | Paris | France | 536 | | 12th century | Dan. | BnF, Coisl. Gr. 105 | Paris | France | 537 | | 13th century | Oct. | BnF, Coisl. Gr. 184 | Paris | France | 538 | | 12th century | XII + IV proph. | BnF, Coisl. Gr. 191 | Paris | France | 539 | | 11th century | Catenarum (Prov. and Eccl. Gen. and Exod.) excerpta | BnF, Coisl. Gr. 193 | Paris | France | 540 | | 13th century | Cat. in Prov. and Eccl. and Cant. and Job | BnF, Coisl. Gr. 194 | Paris | France | 541 | | 12th century | Dan. | BnF, Coisl. Gr. 258 | Paris | France | 542 | | 9th century | Tob., Prov., Job., Eccl., Cant., Wis., Sir., Sap. 1-47, Mac. I-IV, Est., Idt. | BnF, Gr. 10 | Paris | France | 543 | | 1186 | Job., Prov., Eccl., Cant., Sap., Sir. | BnF, Gr. 11 | Paris | France | 544 | | 11th century | XII + IV proph. | BnF, Gr. 15 | Paris | France | 545 | | 13th century | Job, Porv., Eccl., Cant. Wis., Sir. | BnF, Gr. 18 | Paris | France | 546 | | 16th century | Job | BnF, Gr. 19 | Paris | France | 547 | | 13th century | Prov., Eccl., Cant., Wis., Sir. | BnF, Gr. 35 | Paris | France | 548 | | 14th/15th century | Prov., Sir., Eccl., Wis., Cant. | BnF, Gr. 36 | Paris | France | 549 | | 11th century | Eccl., Wis., Cant., Prov. | BnF, Gr. 57 | Paris | France | 550 | | 12th century | Cat. in Oct. | BnF, Gr. 128 | Paris | France | 551 | | 13th century | Cat. in Gen.–Jg. | BnF, Gr. 129 | Paris | France | 552 | | 16th century | Cat. in Oct. | BnF, Gr. 130 i 132 | Paris | France | 553 | | 16th century | Cat. in Exod. | BnF, Gr. 131 | Paris | France | 554 | | 14th century | Cat. in Reg. Par. | BnF, Gr. 133 | Paris | France | 555 | | 13th century | Cat. in Job | BnF, Gr. 134 | Paris | France | 556 | | 1362 | Cat. in Job | BnF, Gr. 135 | Paris | France | 557 | | 15th century | Cat. in Job | BnF, Gr. 136 | Paris | France | 558 | | 16th century | Cat. in Job fragm. | BnF, Gr. 137 | Paris | France | 559 | | 16th century | Cat. in Job | BnF, Gr. 138 | Paris | France | 560 | | 13th century | Cat. in Prov. and Eccl. and Cant. and Job. | BnF, Gr. 151 | Paris | France | 561 | | 13th century | Cat. in Eccl. and Cant. | BnF, Gr. 152 | Paris | France | 562 | | 11th/12th century | Cat. Procopii in Cant. and Prov. | BnF, Gr. 153 | Paris | France | 563 | | 12th century | Cat. Proc. Cant. & Prov., Cat in Eccl., Sap. | BnF, Gr. 154 | Paris | France | 564 | | 10th century | Cat. in Is. | BnF, Gr. 155 | Paris | France | 565 | | 10th century | Cat. in Is. | BnF, Gr. 156 | Paris | France | 566 | | 12th century | Cat. in Is. | BnF, Gr. 157 | Paris | France | 567 | | 12th century | Cat. in Jer. | BnF, Gr. 158 | Paris | France | 568 | | 13th century | Cat. in XII + IV proph. | BnF, Gr. 159 | Paris | France | 569 | | 13th century | Cat. in Gen. | BnF, Gr. 161 | Paris | France | 570 | | 13th century | Cat. in Job | BnF, Gr. 162 | Paris | France | 571 | | 16th century | Cat. Procopii in Cant. and Prov., Cat. in Eccl., Sap. | BnF, Gr. 172 | Paris | France | 572 | | 16th century | Cat. in Cant. (two types) | BnF, Gr. 173 | Paris | France | 573 | | 10th/11th century | Cat. in Prov. and Ez., and Dan. excerpta | BnF, Gr. 174 | Paris | France | 574 | | 16th century | Cat. in Eccl. | BnF, Gr. 176 | Paris | France | 575 | | 13th century | Ecloge XVI proph., Cant., Job, Sir. excerpta | BnF, Gr. 396 | Paris | France | 576 | | 10th century | Mal. | BnF, Gr. 513 | Paris | France | 577 | | 11th century | Mac. IV | BnF, Gr. 548 | Paris | France | 578 | | 12th century | Sir. | BnF, Gr. 905 | Paris | France | 579 | | 13th century | Sap. fragm. | BnF, Gr. 854 | Paris | France | 580 | | 16th century | Cat. in Cant. (two types) | BnF, Gr. 948 | Paris | France | 581 | | 1272 | Cat. in Prov. | BnF, Gr. 999 | Paris | France | 582 | | 14th century | Cat. in Pov. | BnF, Gr. 1002 | Paris | France | 583 | | 14th century | Tob., Est., Idt. | BnF, Gr. 1087 | Paris | France | 584 | | 11th century | Dan. | BnF, Gr. 1173 | Paris | France | 585 | | 10th/11th century | Mac. IV | BnF, Gr. 1053 | Paris | France | 586 | | 12th century | Mac. IV | BnF, Gr. 1176 | Paris | France | 587 | | 11th century | Mac. IV | BnF, Gr. 1177 | Paris | France | 588 | | 11th century | Dan. | BnF, Gr. 1179 | Paris | France | 589 | | 13th/14th century | Cat. in Is. | YBR, 241 | New Haven | United States | 590 | | 11th century | Dan. | BnF, Gr. 1463 | Paris | France | 591 | | 11th century | Mac. IV | BnF, Gr. 1474 | Paris | France | 592 | | 11th century | Mac. IV | BnF, Gr. 1475 | Paris | France | 593 | | 11th century | Dan. | BnF, Gr. 1478 | Paris | France | 594 | | 11th century | Mac. IV | BnF, Gr. 1516 | Paris | France | 595 | | 12th century | Mac. IV | BnF, Gr. 1527 | Paris | France | 596 | | 12th century | Mac. IV | BnF, Gr. 1528 | Paris | France | 597 | | 12th century | Mac. IV | BnF, Gr. 1548 | Paris | France | 598 | | 1493 | Dan. | BnF, Gr. 1612 | Paris | France | 599 | | 15th century | Dan. fragm. | BnF, Gr. 1625 | Paris | France | 600 | | 8th/9th century | Prov., Cant., Sir. fragm. | BnF, Gr. 2466 | Paris | France | |
Symbol | Name | Date | Content | Institution | City | Country |
601 | | 15th century | Eccl., Cant. | BnF, Gr. 2509 | Paris | France | 602 | | 15th century | Deut., Lev. fragm., Prov., Cant., Eccl. | BnF, Gr. 2511 | Paris | France | 603 | | 16th century | Sir. (XIII), Ps.Od. | BnF, Gr. 2747 | Paris | France | 604 | | 10th/11th century | Job. fragm. | BnF, Gr. 2841 | Paris | France | 605 | | 1477 | Dan. | BnF, Gr. 2981 | Paris | France | 606 | | 1419 | Wis., Ps.Sal., Sir. | BnF, Gr. 2991 A | Paris | France | 607 | | 15th century | Mac. IV | BnF, Gr. 3010 | Paris | France | 608 | | 12th century | Cat. Nicandae in Job | BnF, Suppl. gr. 153 | Paris | France | 609 | | 16th century | Eccl., Cant. | BnF, Suppl. gr. 500 | Paris | France | 610 | | 14th century | Oct., Reg., Par., Esdr., Mac. I-IV, Est., Idt., Tob. | BnF, Suppl. gr. 609 | Paris | France | 611 | | 16th century | Ez. fragm. | BnF, Suppl. gr. 1254 | Paris | France | 612 | | 7th/8th century | Cat. in Job | Ίωάννου τοὒ Θεολόγου, 171 | Patmos | Greece | 613 | | 13th century | Ps.Od., Prov., Eccl., Cant., Wis., Sir., Job, XII + IV proph. | Ίωάννου τοὒ Θεολόγου, 209 | Patmos | Greece | 614 | | 11th century | Cat. in Is | Ίωάννου τοὒ Θεολόγου, 214 | Patmos | Greece | 615 | | 11th century | Cat. in Pent. | Ίωάννου τοὒ Θεολόγου, 216 | Patmos | Greece | 616 | | 11th century | Cat. in Num.–Ruth | Ίωάννου τοὒ Θεολόγου, 217 | Patmos | Greece | 617 | | 11th century | Mac. IV | Ίωάννου τοὒ Θεολόγου, 258 | Patmos | Greece | 618 | | 13th century | Oct. | Ίωάννου τοὒ Θεολόγου, 410 | Patmos | Greece | 619 | | 15th century | Pent. | Ίωάννου τοὒ Θεολόγου, 411 | Patmos | Greece | 620 | | 13th century | Cat. in Job | Ίωάννου τοὒ Θεολόγου, 419 | Patmos | Greece | 621 | | 16th century | Dan. | Ίωάννου τοὒ Θεολόγου, 672 | Patmos | Greece | 622 | | 16th century | Cat. in Cant. | Bodleian Library, Holkham Gr. 35 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 623 | | 16th century | Cat. in Oct. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1520 | Vatican City | | 624 | | 5th/6th century | Num. (with gaps) | RBN Gr. 5 | Petersburg | Russia | 625 | | 8th/11th century | Reg. II 22:38–23:10, Reg. III 13:4–23, 16:31–33, 17:1–17 (with gaps) | RBN Gr. 24 | Petersburg | Russia | 626 | | 9th century | Sap. and Sir. fragm. | RBN Gr. 42 | Petersburg | Russia | 627 | | 10th century | Reg. III frag. | RBN Gr. 63 | Petersburg | Russia | 628 | | 13th century | Cat. in Oct. | RBN Gr. 124 | Petersburg | Russia | 629 | | 13th century | Cat. in Ps.Od., Ps.Sal. | Bibl. Casanat., 1908 | Rome | Italy | 630 | | 10th century | Oct. | RBN Gr. 673 | Petersburg | Russia | 631 | | 14th century | Est., Idt., Mac. I-IV, Tob., IV + XII proph., Prov., Eccl., Cant., Job, Wis., Sir. | Nat.-Bibl., E. VI. f. 19 | Prague | Czech Republic | 632 | | 16th century | Cat. in Prov. and Eccl. and Cant. and Job | Bibl. Angel., Gr 113 | Rome | Italy | 633 | | 16th century | Cat. in Gen. | Bibl. Angel., Gr 114 | Rome | Italy | 634 | | 16th century | Cat. in Prov. | Bibl. Casanat., 39, Bl. 159-206 | Rome | Italy | 635 | | 16th century | Cat. in Prov. | Bibl. Casanat., 39, Bl. 207-274 | Rome | Italy | 636 | | 16th century | Cat. Procopii in Cant., Cat. in Prov. | Bibl. Casanat., 203 | Rome | Italy | 637 | | 11th century | Job, Prov., Eccl., Cant., Wis., Sir. | Bibl. Casanat., 241 | Rome | Italy | 638 | | 12th century | Cat. in Is. | Vatican Library, Chis. R. V. 28 | Vatican City | | 639 | | 12th century | Mac. IV. | Vatican Library, Chis. R. VII. 50 | Vatican City | | 640 | | 11th century | Mac. IV | Bibl. Vallicell., Gr. 2 | Rome | Italy | 641 | | 14th century | Mac. IV fragm. | Bibl. Vallicell., Gr. 8 | Rome | Italy | 642 | | 12th century | Lev. fragm. | Bibl. Vallicell., Gr. 10 | Rome | Italy | 643 | | 10th century | Cat. in Job | Bibl. Vallicell., Gr. 37 | Rome | Italy | 644 | | 11th century | Job | Vatican Library, Barber. gr. 369 | Vatican City | | 645 | | 13th century | Cat. in Eccl. and Cant. | Vatican Library, Barber. gr. 388 | Vatican City | | 646 | | 12th century | Cat. in Oct. | Vatican Library, Barber. gr. 474 | Vatican City | | 647 | | 12th/13th century | Sus. | Vatican Library, Barber. gr. 517 | Vatican City | | 648 | | 16th century | Cat. in Is. | Vatican Library, Barber. gr. 536 | Vatican City | | 649 | | 12th century | Dan. | Vatican Library, Barber. gr. 537 | Vatican City | | 650 | | 1561 | Cat. in Cant. | Vatican Library, Barber. gr. 567 | Vatican City | | 651 | | 16th century | Cat. in Gen. | Vatican Library, Barber. gr. 569 | Vatican City | | 652 | | 1543 | Cat. in Is. | Vatican Library, Ottob. gr. 7 | Vatican City | | 653 | | 16th century | Cat. in Job | Vatican Library, Ottob. gr. 9 | Vatican City | | 654 | | 1553 | Cat. in Job | Vatican Library, Ottob. gr. 24 | Vatican City | | 655 | | 16th century | Ps.Sal. | Vatican Library, Ottob. gr. 60 | Vatican City | | 656 | | 13th century | Mac. IV | Vatican Library, Ottob. gr. 87 | Vatican City | | 657 | | 16th century | Cat. in Prov. | Vatican Library, Ottob. gr. 117 | Vatican City | | 658 | | 16th century | Cat. in Prov. Eccl. Cant. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1521 | Vatican City | | 659 | | 16th century | Ps.Sal. | Vatican Library, Ottob. gr. 384 | Vatican City | | 660 | | 16th century | Cat. in Os. and Joel | Vatican Library, Ottob. gr. 437 | Vatican City | | 661 | Joshua Roll | 9th/10th century | Jos excerpta | Vatican Library, Palat. gr. 431 | Vatican City | | 662 | | 9th century | Pent. fragm. | Vatican Library, Pii. II. gr. 15 | Vatican City | | 663 | | 12th century | Dan. | Μ. Βλατ., 51 | Thessaloniki | Greece | 664 | | 14th century | Pent. | Vatican Library, Pii. II. gr. 20 | Vatican City | | 665 | | 10th/11th century | Dan. | Vatican Library, Pii. II. gr. 22 | Vatican City | | 666 | | 15th century | Cat. in Gen. fragm., Cat. in Cant. | Vatican Library, Regin. gr. 7 | Vatican City | | 667 | | 10th century | XII proph. and Ez. fragm. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 316 | Vatican City | | 668 | | 13th/14th century | Mac. IV | Vatican Library, Urbin. gr. 125 | Vatican City | | 669 | | 14th century | Num.–Ruth, Tob. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 332 | Vatican City | | 670 | | 14th century | Est., Idt., Tob., Dan. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 335 | Vatican City | | 671 | | 15th century | Mac. I-III | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 348 | Vatican City | | 672 | | 14th century | Sir. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 432 | Vatican City | | 673 | | 14th century | Sir. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 509 | Vatican City | | 674 | | 16th century | Cat. in Dan. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 561 | Vatican City | | 675 | | 16th century | Cat. in Cant. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 620 | Vatican City | | 676 | | 16th century | Cat. in Cant. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 621 | Vatican City | | 677 | | 11th century | Mac. IV | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 679 | Vatican City | | 678 | | 16th century | Cat. in Cant. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 728 | Vatican City | | 679 | | 13th century | Sir. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 742 | Vatican City | | 680 | | 10th century | Cat. in Job | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 750 | Vatican City | | 681 | | 13th century | Cat. in Job | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 751 | Vatican City | | 682 | | 11th/12th century | Mac. IV | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 819 | Vatican City | | 683 | | 11th century | Mac. IV | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 823 | Vatican City | | 684 | | 15th/16th century | Bel and Dr., Jer. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1069 | Vatican City | | 685 | | 15th/16th century | Mac. IV | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1147 | Vatican City | | 686 | | 1542 | Mac. IV | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1190 | Vatican City | | 687 | | 12th century | Cat. in Job | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1231 | Vatican City | | 688 | | 16th century | Cat. in Cant. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1442 | Vatican City | | 689 | | 11th/12th century | Dan. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1652 | Vatican City | | 690 | | 10th century | Mac. IV | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1671 | Vatican City | | 691 | | 16th century | Cat. in Gen. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1684 | Vatican City | | 692 | | 16th century | Cat. in Prov. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1770 | Vatican City | | 693 | | 12th century | Dan. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1843 | Vatican City | | 694 | | 12th century | Sir. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1871 | Vatican City | | 695 | | 14th century | Mac. IV | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1882, Bl. 89-92 | Vatican City | | 696 | | 14th century | Bel and Dr. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1887 | Vatican City | | 697 | | 16th century | Cat. in Job | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1909 | Vatican City | | 698 | | 10th/11th century | Eccl., Cant. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1974 | Vatican City | | 699 | | 11th century | Mac. IV | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 2043 | Vatican City | | 700 | | 10th/11th century | Reg. II and IV fragm. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 2115 | Vatican City | | |
Symbol | Name | Date | Content | Institution | City | Country |
701 | | 15th century | Cat. in Cant. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 2129 | Vatican City | | 702 | | 10th century | Cat. in Exod.–Num. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 2131 | Vatican City | | 703 | | 13th century | Cat. in Job | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 2227 | Vatican City | | 704 | | 16th century | Cat. in Cant. | Bibl. Univ., M 75 | Salamanca | Spain | 705 | | 13th/14th century | Cat. in Job, Sir., Wis., Cat. in Prov., Eccl., Cat. in Cant. fragm., Cant. fragm. | EBE, 2410 | Athens | Greece | 706 | Codex Atheniensis; (or, Codex Athens)[9] [10] [11] | 914 | Job, Prov., Eccl., Cant., Sir., Sap. | EBE, 2641 | Athens | Greece | 707 | | 10th/11th century | Oct., Reg. | Cod. gr. 1; RBN, Gr. 260 | Sinai; Petersburg | Egypt
| 708 | | 12th century | Cat. in Gen.–Lev. | Cod. gr. 2 | Sinai | Egypt | 709 | | 13th century | Cat. in Job | Cod. gr. 4 | Sinai | Egypt | 710 | | 10th century | XII proph., Is.–Ez. | Cod. gr. 5 | Sinai | Egypt | 711 | | 11th century | XII proph. | Cod. gr. 6 | Sinai | Egypt | 712 | | 1571 | Cat. Procopii in Cant. | Cod. gr. 312 | Sinai | Egypt | 713 | | 11th/12th century | Mac. IV | Cod. gr. 516 | Sinai | Egypt | 714 | | 12th century | Mac. IV | Cod. gr. 517 | Sinai | Egypt | 715 | | 13th/14th century | Cat. in Is. | Bibl. Comm., Cod. 1141 | Treviso | Italy | [716] burnt | | 12th century | Cat. in Oct. | Εύαγγελ. Σχολή, A-1 | İzmir | Turkey | [717] burnt | | 15th century | Cat. Nicandae in Job | Εύαγγελ. Σχολή, A-31 | İzmir | Turkey | removed | | 18th century | Sir. | Mus. Ben., TA 201 | Athens | Greece | 719 | | 9th/10th century | XII proph. | Bibl. Naz., B. I. 2 | Turin | Italy | 720 | | 1583 | Cat. Polychronii in Eccl. and Cant. | Bibl. Naz., B. II. 8 | Turin | Italy | 721 | | 16th century | Cat. in Cant. | Bibl. Naz., B. II. 16 | Turin | Italy | 722 | | 11th century | Mac. IV | Bibl. Naz., B. II. 24 | Turin | Italy | 723 | | 16th century | Cat. in Oct. | Bibl. Naz., B. III. 15 | Turin | Italy | 724 | | 11th century | Mac. IV | Bibl. Naz., B. IV. 8 | Turin | Italy | 725 | | 1562 | Cat. in Job | Bibl. Naz., C. III. 1 | Turin | Italy | 726 | | 12th century | Mac. IV | Bibl. Naz., C. IV. 19 | Turin | Italy | 727 | | 16th century | Cat. Procopii in Cant. | Bibl. Naz., C. VI. 28 | Turin | Italy | 728 | | 14th/15th century | Par., Esdr., Est., Tob., Idt., Mac. I-IV, Job, Prov., Eccl., Cant., Wis., Sir., (XI/XII), Cat. in Ps. | Bibl. Marc., Append I 13 | Venice | Italy | [729] removed | | | Does not contain the biblical text | Bibl. Marc., earlier Gr. 16 (renaming) | Venice | Italy | 730 | | 10th century | Cat. in Oct. | Bibl. Marc., Gr. 15 | Venice | Italy | 731 | | 14th century | Cat. in Reg., Par., Esdr., Est., Tob., Idt., Mac. I-IV | Bibl. Marc., Gr. 16 | Venice | Italy | 732 | | 10th/11th century | Cat. in Prov. and Eccl. and Cant. and Job. | Bibl. Marc., Gr. 21 | Venice | Italy | 733 | | 12th century | Cat. in Prov. and Eccl. and Cant. | Bibl. Marc., Gr. 22 | Venice | Italy | 734 | | 10th/11th century | Cat. in Cant. and Prov. | Bibl. Marc., Gr. 23 | Venice | Italy | 735 | | 8th/9th century | Prov. 23,21-30(24),12(35) fragm. | Bibl. Marc., Gr. 23 (renumbering) | Venice | Italy | 736 | | 12th/13th century | Cat. in Is. | Bibl. Marc., Gr. 25 | Venice | Italy | 737 | | 13th century | Cat. in Is. | Bibl. Marc., Gr. 87 | Venice | Italy | 738 | | 10th/11th century | Mac. IV | Bibl. Marc., Gr. 360 | Venice | Italy | 739 | | 10th century | Cat. in Oct. | Bibl. Marc., Gr. 534 | Venice | Italy | 740 | | 905 | Cat. in Job. | Bibl. Marc., Gr. 538 | Venice | Italy | 741 | | 11th/12th century | Mac. IV | ÖNB, Hist. gr. 45 | Vienna | Austria | 742 | | 12th/13th century | Dan. | ÖNB, Hist. gr. 114 | Vienna | Austria | 743 | | 15th/16th century | Sir. | ÖNB, Jurid. gr. 16 | Vienna | Austria | 744 | | 16th century | Sir. | ÖNB, Philos. gr. 271 | Vienna | Austria | 745 | | 12th/13th century | Esdr. I fragm. | Uniw.-Bibl., Gr. 16, Bl. 322-325 | Leipzig | Germany | 746 | | 13th/14th century | Tob. | Uniw.-Bibl., Gr. 16, Bl. 326-327 | Leipzig | Germany | 747 | | 10th/11th century | Mac. IV | Uniw.-Bibl., Gr. 37 | Leipzig | Germany | 748 | | 13th/14th century | Cat. in Job | Byz. Mus., 2871; Univ.–Bibl. XXV B.3, Bl. „279” + „280” | Athens
| Greece
Czech Republic
| 749 | | 16th century | Cat. Nicandae in Job | ÖNB, Suppl. gr. 16 | Vienna | Austria | 750 | | 15th/16th century | Cat. Nicandae in Job | ÖNB, Theol. gr. 73 | Vienna | Austria | 751 | | 14th/15th century | Mac. IV | ÖNB, Theol. gr. 104 | Vienna | Austria | 752 | | 15th century | Job, Prov., Cant., Cat. in Eccl. | ÖNB, Theol. gr. 115 | Vienna | Austria | 753 | | 13th/14th century | Sir., Excerpta ex Prov. and Eccl. and Job | ÖNB, Theol. gr. 128 | Vienna | Austria | 754 | | 11th century | Job, Prov., Eccl., Cant., Wis., Sir. | ÖNB, Theol. gr. 147 | Vienna | Austria | 755 | | 16th century | Wis., Cant., Prov., Sir., Job | ÖNB, Theol. gr. 199 | Vienna | Austria | 756 | | 15th/16th century | Cat. in Cant. | ÖNB, Theol. gr. 258 | Vienna | Austria | 757 | | 14th century | Cat. in Cant. | ÖNB, Theol. gr. 314 | Vienna | Austria | 758 | | 15th century | Cat. in Cant. | Vatican Library, Rossian. X. 6 | Vatican City | | 759 | | 15th/16th century | Mac. IV | Vatican Library, Rossian. XI. 47 | Vatican City | | 760 | | 1587 | Cat. Procopii in Cant. | Virgen del Pilar, 1230 | Saragossa | Spain | 761 | | 13th century | Cat. in Oct. | Zentralbibl., C 11 | Zürich | Switzerland | 762 | | 10th century | Reg., Par., Esdr., Est., Idt., Tob. | Вατοπαιδίου, 559 | Mount Athos | Greece | 763 | | 11th century | XII + IV proph. | Вατοπαιδίου, 601 | Mount Athos | Greece | 764 | | 13th/14th century | XII + IV proph. | Λαύρα, 169 | Mount Athos | Greece | 765 | | 14th? century | Cat. in Job | Λαύρα, 220 | Mount Athos | Greece | 766 | | 12th century | Prov., Wis., Eccl. | Λαύρα, 355 | Mount Athos | Greece | 767 | | 13th/14th century | Lev.–Jos | Λαύρα, 603 | Mount Athos | Greece | 768 | | 16th? century | Prov., Wis., Sip., Sus., Bel and Dr., Idt., Mac. IV | Λαύρα, 1085 | Mount Athos | Greece | 769 | | 14th century | Od., Ps.Sal. | Λαύρα, 1485; Mus. Ben., Μπ 5 (4) | Mount Athos
| Greece | 770 | | 12th century | XII proph. (with gaps), IV proph., Job, Prov., Eccl. | Λαύρα, 234 (B 114) | Mount Athos | Greece | 771 | | 10th century | inter alia Mac. I-IV | Вατοπαιδίου, 290 + 1213 Bl. 13-51; BnF, Suppl. gr. 682, Bl. 2-22; RBN, 346 | Mount Athos
Paris Petersburg
| Greece
| 772 | | 16th century | Mac. IV | Patr.-Bibl., Fonds Chalki III: Θεολ. Σχολή 40 | Istanbul | Turkey | 773 | | 12th century | Mac. fragm. | Bodleian Library, Clark. Gr. 50 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 774 | | 13th century | Mac. IV fragm. | Vatican Library, Chis. Gr. 27 (R. V. 33) | Vatican City | | 775 | | 16th century | Mac. IV | EBE, 998 | Athens | Greece | 776 | | 1042 | Mac. IV | Ίβήρων, 16 | Mount Athos | Greece | 777 | | 1551 | Mac. IV | Κουτλουμουσίου, 206 | Mount Athos | Greece | 778 | | 11th/12th century | Mac. IV | Λαύρα, 429 (Δ 53) | Mount Athos | Greece | 779 | | 12th century | Mac. IV | Λαύρα, 644 (Ε 182) | Mount Athos | Greece | 780 | | 11th century | Mac. IV | Mus. Ben., TA 141 (66) | Athens | Greece | 781 | | 12th century | Mac. IV | Griech. Part. Bibl., 35 | Alexandria | Egypt | 782 | | 11th century | Mac. IV | Μ. Μεταμορφώσεως, 552 | Meteora | Greece | 783 | | 13th century | Mac. IV | Ίωάννου τοὒ Θεολόγου, 256 | Patmos | Greece | 784 | | 1481 | Mac. IV | Bibl. Marc., II 168 | Venice | Italy | 785 | | 13th/14th century | Sir. fragm. | Byz. Mus., 2801 | Athens | Greece | 786 | | 14th century | Mac. IV | Griech. Nationalschule 62 | Istanbul | Turkey | 787 | | 12th century | Mac. IV | EBE, 989 | Athens | Greece | 788 | | 10th century | Libri sap. | Δημ. Βιβλ., 25 | Tyrnavos | Greece | 789 | | 11th century | Mac. IV | Cod. gr. 520 | Sinai | Egypt | 790 | | 11th century | Mac. IV | Λαύρα, 434 (Δ 58) | Mount Athos | Greece | 791 | | 14th century | Mac. IV | Φιλοθέου, 87 | Mount Athos | Greece | 792 | | 13th century | Mac. IV | Σταυρονικήτα, 18 | Mount Athos | Greece | 793 | | 16th century | Mac. IV | Ξηροποτάμοὒ, 236 | Mount Athos | Greece | 794 | | 14th century | Mac. IV | Bibl. Marc., Appendix VII 32 | Venice | Italy | 795 | | 12th/13th century | Job, Prov., Eccl., Cant., Sir. | Λαύρα, 291 (Γ 51) | Mount Athos | Greece | 796 | | 11th & 16th century | Cat. in Job | Griech. Part.-Bibl., 100 | Alexandria | Egypt | 797 | | 13th/14th century | Job, Prov., Eccl., Cant., Wis., Sir. | Mus. Ben., TA 72 (53) | Athens | Greece | 798 | | 14th century | Cat. in Prov. and Eccl., Prov., Eccl., Comm. in Cant. / Sap. / Sir. | Coll., gr. 16 | Rome | Italy | 799 | | 1280 | Oct., Reg. I–IV | EBE, 2491 | Athens | Greece | 800 | | 12th century | Mac. IV | AdW, gr. 17 | Sofia | Bulgaria | |
Part IV: 801–1000
Symbol | Name | Date | Content | Institution | City | Country |
801 | 4Q119 (4Q LXXLev) | 1st century BCE | fragments of Leviticus 26:2–16 | Rockefeller Museum, Gr. 1004 [4Q119] | Jerusalem | Israel | 802 | 4Q120 (4Q LXXLev) | 1st century BCE | fragments of Leviticus 1:11, 2:3–6:5 | Rockefeller Museum, 4Q120 | Jerusalem | Israel | 803 | 4Q121 (4Q LXXNum) | 1st century BCE | fragments of Numbers 3:39–4:16 | Rockefeller Museum, Gr. 265 [4Q121] | Jerusalem | Israel | 804 | 7Q2 (7QLXXEpJer) | 1st century BCE | fragments of Baruch 6:43–44 | Rockefeller Museum, Gr. 789 [7Q2] | Jerusalem | Israel | 805 | 7Q1 (7Q LXXEx) | 1st century BCE | fragments of Exodus 28:4–7 | Rockefeller Museum, Gr. 789 [7Q1] | Jerusalem | Israel | 806 | | 5th century | Gen. 27:43–28:6 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 26101 | Vienna | Austria | 807 | | 5th century | Gen. 43:16–17, 20–21 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 26112 | Vienna | Austria | 808 | | 5th century | Exod. 16:32, 17:1–2 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 39210 | Vienna | Austria | 809 | | 6th century | Lev. 8:14–15, 17–19 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 19893 | Vienna | Austria | 810 | | 5th/6th century | Prov. 26:11, 16–18 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 3077 | Vienna | Austria | 811 | | 5th century | Prov. 27:10–11, 15–16 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 39209 | Vienna | Austria | 812 | | 5th/6th century | Prov. 30:32–31:1, 3–6 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 30135 | Vienna | Austria | 813 | | 5th century | Dan. o' 3:23–25 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 29255 | Vienna | Austria | 814 | The Yale Genesis fragment[12] [13] | Between 1st. and 3rd. centuries.[14] | Gen. 14:5–8, 12–15 fragm. | YBR, P. CtYBR Inv. 419 | New Haven | United States | 815 | | 4th/5th century | Gen. 41:48–57 fragm. | Univ.-Bibl., P. Erl. Inv. 2 | Erlangen | Germany | 816 | P.Schøyen 2648 | 2nd century | Jos 9:27–11:3 (with gaps) | Schøyen Coll., MS 2648 | Oslo | Norway | 817 | | 4th century | Jer. 17:26–27, 18:8–11, 46:14–47:1, 7–9 fragm. | University of Paris, Inv. 2250 | Paris | France | 818 | | 3rd century | Eccl.3:17f, 21f, 6:3–5, 8–11 fragm. | UML, P. Mich. Inv. 27; Univ. S. Cuore, P. Med. Inv. 151 | Ann Arbor
| United States
| 819 | 4Q122 (4Q LXXDeut) | 2nd century BCE | fragments of Deut 11:4 | Rockefeller Museum, Gr. 265 [4Q122] | Jerusalem | Israel | [820] missing | | 9th? century | Gen. 10:12–13 | Om.-Mosch., Treu Nr. I | Damascus | Syria | [821] missing | | 5th/6th century | Reg. III 18:26–22:10 (with gaps) | Om.-Mosch., Treu Nr. II | Damascus | Syria | [822] missing | | 5th/6th century | Est. 8:10-E4 | Om.-Mosch., Treu Nr. III | Damascus | Syria | [823] missing | | 5th/6th? century | Idt. 2:19 | Om.-Mosch., Treu Nr. IV | Damascus | Syria | [824] missing | | 5th century | Prov. 4:26–5:8, 6:8a–16 | Om.-Mosch., Treu Nr. VI | Damascus | Syria | [825] missing | | 4th/5th century | Cant. 2:1–6, 2:17–3:2, 5:8–13 | Om.-Mosch., Treu Nr. VII | Damascus | Syria | [826] missing | | 5th/6th century | Sap. 10:19–11:11 | Om.-Mosch., Treu Nr. VIII | Damascus | Syria | [827] missing | | 6th? century | Jer. 25:10–12 | Om.-Mosch., Treu Nr. IX | Damascus | Syria | 828 | | 3rd/4th century | Sir. 29:15–18, 25–27 fragm. | Int. Pap., "G. Vitelli", Inv. 531 | Florence | Italy | 829 | | 3rd century | Excerpta Os. 2:10–9:6, Am. 2:8–10, 15 | BL, P. Inv. Nr. 10825 | London | U. Kingdom | 830 | | 2nd century | Lev. 10:15–13:6, 23:20–30, 25:30–40 (with gaps) | Schøyen Coll., MS 2649 | Oslo | Norway | 831 | | c. 500 | Gen. 36:14–15, 24–25 fragm. | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 17035 | Berlin | Germany | 832 | | 4th century | Gen. 13:7–8, 10–11 fragm. | UML, P. Mich. Inv. 2724 | Ann Arbor | United States | 833 | | 8th/9th century | Gen. 10:20–13:3, Num. 3:43–4:7 | Bibl. Univ., S. Salv. 140+126 | Messina | Italy | 834 | | 5th/6th century | Job 31:32–34, 31:39–32:1 fragm. | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 6788 | Berlin | Germany | 835 | | 4th century | Exod. 5:14–17, 6:22–25, 7:15–17 fragm. | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 11766 + 14046 | Berlin | Germany | 836 | | 3rd/4th century | Exod. 34:35–35:8 fragm. | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 14039 | Berlin | Germany | 837 | P. Berlin 17212 | 3rd century | Jeremiah 2:2–3, 8–9, 16–19, 24–26, 30–32, 37; 3:1, 6–7, 12–13, 18, 24–25 | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 17212 | Berlin | Germany | 838 | | 4th century | Cant. 5:13–6:4 fragm. | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 18196 | Berlin | Germany | 839 | | 7th/8th century | Jos 4:3–11 | Westm. Coll., Cod. Clim. Rescr., Bl. 5 | Cambridge | U. Kingdom | locked | | | | Bibl. Univ., S. Salv. 126: s. 833 | Messina | Italy | 841 | | 6th/7th? century | Esdr.I 2:10, 9:21–24 fragm. | MMA, Inv. 12.180.184 | New York | United States | 842 | | 4th century | Reg. I 23:28–24:2, 6–8, 12–13, 18–20 fragm. | Coll. Univ., P. Feinberg 1 | New York | United States | 843 | | 4th/5th century | Exod. 4:4–6 | Bodleian Library, Gr. bibl. g. 2 (P) | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 844 | | 3rd century | Is. 23:4–7, 10–13 | LoC, 4082 B | Washington, D.C. | United States | 845 | | 4th century | Reg. I 13:16–18, 20–21; 13:23–14:1, 3–4; 18:8–25 | ÖNB, Suppl. Gr. 187; Laurentian Library, PL Inv. III/957 | Vienna
| Austria
| 846 | | 4th/5th century | Reg. I 24:11–17; 24:20–25:20; 31:12– II 2:4 fragm. | YBR, MS 544 | New Haven | United States | 847 | Papyrus Fouad 266 | 2nd/1st century BCE | Deuteronomy 10:22; 11:1, 10,11, 16; 31:26–19; 32:2,4; 33:14–19, 22–23, 26–27 | Sociandé Royale de Papyrologie, Gr. P. 458 | Cairo | Egypt | 848 | Papyrus Fouad 266 | 2nd/1st century BCE | Deuteronomy 17:14 to 33:29 (with gaps) | Sociandé Royale de Papyrologie, Gr. P. 458 | Cairo | Egypt | 849 | | 7th/8th century | Job 7:8–11 fragm. | John Rylands Library, P. Ryl. Copt. 3 | Manchester | U. Kingdom | 850 | | 3rd/4th century | Is. 48:6–18 fragm. | Gr.-Röm. Mus., P. Alex. Inv 203 | Alexandria | Egypt | 851 | | 4th century | Jer. 5:10–6:10 | Bibl. Publ. and Univ., P. Gen. gr. Inv. 252 | Geneva | Switzerland | 852 | | 5th century | Is. 1:22–2:2 fragm. | IfA, P.Colon. Inv. 2420 | Cologne | Germany | 853 | | 6th/7th century | Dan. 6:20 | Bodleian Library, Gr. bibl. c. 2 (P) | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 854 | | 3rd century | Job 9:2, 12–13 fragm. | Chester Beatty Library, P. Ch. Beatty XVIII | Dublin | Ireland | 855 | | 6th century | Job 7:9–10:14 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 35767 | Vienna | Austria | 856 | | 4th century | Sap. 4:17–5:1 fragm. | P.Oxy. 4444 | Oxyrhynchus | | 857 | P. Oxyrhynchus 3522 | 1st century | Job 42:11–12 | Sackler Library, P.Oxy.L 3522 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 858 | | 3rd century | Lev. 19:16–19, 31–33 fragm. | IfP, P. Heid. Inv. G 954 | Heidelberg | Germany | 859 | | 4th century | Sap. 17:5–20 fragm. | IfA, P.Colon. Inv. 5849 | Cologne | Germany | 860 | | 5th century | Reg. III 2:30–31, 35 fragm. | Univ.-Bibl., P. Amst. Inv. 45 | Amsterdam | Netherlands | 861 | | 3rd/4th century | Sus., Dan. 1:1–20 fragm. | Bodmer Library, P. Bodm. XLV/XLVI | Cologny (Canton of Geneva) | Switzerland | locked | | 3rd/4th century | | Bodmer Library, P. Bodm. XLVI s:861 | Cologny (Canton of Geneva) | Switzerland | 863 | | 4th/5th century | Sir. 29:13–26 fragm. | private collections of Fackelmann, P. A. Fackelmann 12 | Vienna | Austria | 864 | | 4th/5th century | Sir. 26:1–2, 5–7; 27:29–28:2, 5–8 fragm. | Laurentian Library, PL Inv. III/424 | Florence | Italy | 865 | P.Deissmann | 3rd century | Exod. 4:2–6, 14–17 fragm. | private collections of Horsley | Bundoora | Australia | 866 | | 4th century | Exod. 4:16–7:21; 33:11–35:4 lukami) | Schøyen Coll., MS 187; Gal. F. Antonovich; NLH Nr. III | Oslo
| Norway
| 867 | | 7th century | Reg. I 4:6, 9, 13, 15–16 fragm. | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 21291 | Berlin | Germany | 868 | | 6th/7th century | Reg. IV 20:5–6, 10–12 fragm. | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 21289 | Berlin | Germany | 869 | | 3rd/4th century | Est. 4:4–5, 8–11 fragm. | Sem. Pap., P. Palau Rib. Inv. 163 | Barcelona | Spain | 870 | | 4th/5th century | quotes of Eccl. 1–4, 7–8; Cant. 4; Sir. 48.50f fragm. | Sem. Pap., P. Palau Rib. Inv. 225r | Barcelona | Spain | 871 | | 4th/6th? century | Prov 7:3–13 | UML, P. Mich. Inv. 768 | Ann Arbor | United States | 872 | | 4th century | Jer. 41:3, 1–11; 42:9–10, 16–17 | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 19891 | Vienna | Austria | 873 | | 5th century | Jer. 31:15–17, 22, 25–27 | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 26072 | Vienna | Austria | 874 | | 6th century | Jer. 24:9–10; 25:16–17 fragm. | Int. Pap., "G. Vitelli" PSI Inv. 74 | Florence | Italy | 875 | | 3rd century | Dan. o' 1:2–5, 6–10 fragm. | NLH Nr. II | ? | | 876 | | 5th? century | Jg. 3:15, 20; 13:10, 11, 16; 16:6–8, 11–12, 21–23, 26 fragm. | PML, Pap. G. 198 | New York | United States | 877 | | 5th century | Exod. 21:27–28, 36 fragm. | Laurentian Library, PL Inv. III/310B | Florence | Italy | 878 | | 3rd century | Tob. 12:6–11 | Int. Pap., "G. Vitelli" PSI Inv. 2666 | Florence | Italy | 879 | | 4th century | Gen. 34:21–22, 25 fragm. | Ägypt. Mus., S. R. 3805 (9) | Cairo | Egypt | 880 | | 7th century | Par. I 25:26–29; 26:30(?); II 4:6–8; 6:19–20; 29:3 | P. Sinai Gr. 1 (= Π 1) | Sinai | Egypt | 881 | | 3rd century | Is. 33:7–8, 17–19; 40:13–14, 24–26 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 23164 + 17417 | Vienna | Austria | [882] missing | | 5th? century | Sir. 1:25–2:11 | NLH Nr. I | ? | | 883 | | 5th/6th century | Gen. 37:3–4, 8–9 fragm. | Bibl. publ. and univ., P. Gen. gr. Inv. 99 | Geneva | Switzerland | [884] destroyed | | 5th/6th century | Deut. 24:15–21; 25:3, 6–8; 27:4–8, 11–12, 21–26; 28:20, 24, 29, 32; 29:22–24 fragm. | Univ. Bibl., P. 19, Nr. 1–9, + P. 13 + P. 22 + P. 26 | Gießen | Germany | 885 | | 5th/6th century | Exod. 9:1–2, 6–8, 10–11, 14 fragm. | Bodleian Library, Gr. bibl. f. 4 (P) | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 886 | | 5th century | Gen. 25:19–22; 26:3–4; Exod, 3:2–8, 12–13, 16–19 fragm. | BNU, Pap. Gr. 748; Univ., Inv. P. Lange 32 A | Strasbourg
| France
| 887 | | 4th century | Num. 6:22–23, 25–27, 24 | Byz. Mus., ? | Thessaloniki | Greece | 888 | | c. 700 | Sap. 10:8–9, 17 | Bibl. Univ., Khirband Mird PAM 21 a+b | Leuven | Austria | 889 | | 4th century | Sap. 4:12(?); 11:19; Sir 25:16; Ps 7:12 | P.Oxy. 2073 | Oxyrhynchus | | 890 | | 7th century | quotes from Prov. 10–14, 16, 18 and NT | UML, P. Mich. 3718 | Ann Arbor | United States | 891 | | 4th/5th century | Gen. 27:30–28:10 | Neue Slg., ΜΓ 76 | Sinai | Egypt | 892 | | 7th century | Sir. 10 and 13 (with gaps) | Neue Slg., ΜΓ 77 | Sinai | Egypt | 893 | | 8th century | Sir. 33:13; 34:1–37:5 | Neue Slg., ΜΓ 107 | Sinai | Egypt | 894 | | 5th/6th century | Gen. 36:11–12, 18–19 fragm. | IfP, P. Heid. Inv. G 5148 | Heidelberg | Germany | 895 | | 5th century | Ps. 118:2; Thr. 3:27–31 / quotes of NT | UML, P. Mich. 1574 | Ann Arbor | United States | 896 | | 3rd century | Exod. 22:27; 22:31–23:2, 14–16 | Woodbr. Coll., OLCR, P. Inv. 54 c | Birmingham | U. Kingdom | 897 | | 4th century | Jer. 14:3–5, 7–9 | private collections of | Cambridge | U. Kingdom | |
Symbol | Name | Date | Content | Institution | City | Country |
901 | | 7th century | Gen. 5:10–13, 28–30 fragm. | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 6770 | Berlin | Germany | 902 | | 4th century | Is. 36:16–20; 37:1–6 fragm. | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 6772 | Berlin | Germany | 903 | | 3rd/4th century | Gen. 27:29–30, 37–39; 28:1–5 fragm. | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 9778 | Berlin | Germany | 904 | | 4th century | Is. 49:16–18 fragm. | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 13422 | Berlin | Germany | 905 | P. Oxyrhynchus 656 | 2nd/3rd century | fragments of Genesis 14:21–23, 15:5–9, 19:32–20:11, 24:28–47, 27:32, 33, 40–41 | Bodleian Library, Ms. Gr. Bibl. d 5 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 906 | P. Oxyrhynchus 846 | 6th century | Amos 2:6–12 | The University Museum, E 3074 | Philadelphia | United States | 907 | P. Oxyrhynchus 1007 | 3rd century | Genesis 2:7–9, 16–19, 23 – 3:1, 6–8 | BL, Inv. 2047 | London | U. Kingdom | 908 | | 3rd century | Exod. 31:13–14; 32:7–8 fragm. | P.Oxy. 1074 | Oxyrhynchus | | 909 | Papyrus 909 | 3rd/4th century | Exodus 40:26 the end of the chapter | BL, Inv. 2053v | London | U. Kingdom | 910 | | 6th century | Tob. 2:2–5:8 | P.Oxy. 1076 | Oxyrhynchus | | 911 | | 3rd. century | Genesis 1:16–38:5 (with gaps) | Inst. Arch. UW, P.Berlin G 2a-17b, u 46-61 | Warsaw | Poland | 912 | Papyrus 12 | 3rd century | Genesis 1:1–5 sec. o' and a' | Morgan Library & Museum, Pap. Gr. 3; P. Amherst 3b | New York | United States | 913 | | 6th/7th century | Job 1:15–22; 2:3; 5:24–6:9; 14:1–5, 12–14; 25:4–5; 26:5–8 fragm. | John Rylands Library, Gr. P. 2; BL, P. Inv. Nr. 1859 B; PML, Pap. G. 4, Pap. G. 201, Fragm. 4 and 8 | Manchester
New York
| U. Kingdom
U. Kingdom
United States
| 914 | | 6th century | Exod. 19:1–2, 5–6 fragm. | PML, Pap. G. 191, Fragm. 1 | New York | United States | 915 | | 6th century | Is. 58:11–14 fragm. | PML, Pap. G. 191, Fragm. 2 | New York | United States | 916 | | 6th century | Deut. 32:3–6, 8–11 fragm. | PML, Pap. G. 192 | New York | United States | 917 | | 6th century | Prov. 10:18–29 fragm. | PML, Pap. G. 193 | New York | United States | 918 | Codex Dublinensis | 6th century | Is. 30:2–31:7; 36:17–38:1 | Trinity Coll., K. 3. 4 | Dublin | Ireland | 919 | | 6th/7th century | Zach. 4–14; Mal. (with gaps) | IfP, P. Heid. Inv. G 600 | Heidelberg | Germany | 920 | | 4th century | Deut. 2:37-3:1, 3–5, 8–10, 12–13 fragm. | John Rylands Library, P. Gr. 1 | Manchester | U. Kingdom | 921 | | 4th/5th century | Bel and Dr. 20-41 fragm. | Bodleian Library, Gr. bibl. d. 2 (P) | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 922 | | 3rd/4th century | Ez. 5:12–6:3 fragm. | Bodleian Library, Gr. bibl. d. 4 (P) | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 923 | | 4th/5th century | Zach 12:10–11; 13:3–5. | Bodleian Library, Gr. bibl. e. 4 (P) | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 924 | | 7th/8th century | Cant. 1:6–9 fragm. | Bodleian Library, Gr. bibl. g. 1 (P) | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 925 | | 4th century | Dan. 1:17–18 | BL, Or. 7594 | London | U. Kingdom | 926 | | 7th/8th century | Is. 3:8–14; 5:2–14; 29:11–23; 44:26–28; 45:1–5 | RBN Gr. 23 | Petersburg | Russia | 927 | | 6th century | Ez. 4:9–5:12; 21:6–17; 28:25–29:19; 39:8–18; 40:13–25 (with gaps) | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 2519, Bl. 25–32 + 35–38 | Vatican City | | 928 | | 3rd century | Prov 5:2–10:18; 19:10–20:9 (with gaps); Sap. 11:19–22; 12:8–11; Sir. 45:14–14, 20–22 fragm. | Sackler Library, P. Ant. 8 + 210 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 929 | | 6th/7th century | Sir. prol.19–3:11 fragm. | Patr.-Bibl., Τάφου 2, Bl. 56 and 27 | Jerusalem | Israel | 930 | | 7th? century | Mac. IV 8:5–6, 12–13, 15, 29; 9:28–32 | RBN Gr. 225 (połączony) | Petersburg | Russia | 931 | | 4th century | Lev. 22:3–23:22 | Haris Nr. 15 | Sinai | Egypt | 932 | | 4th century | Jg. 20:22–26.28; Ruth 2:19–23; 3:1–7 | Haris Nr. 2 and 3 | Sinai | Egypt | 933 | | 7th century | Num. 32:29–30 | Haris Nr. 1 | Sinai | Egypt | 934 | | 4th/5th century | Reg. II 15:34–16:5 fragm. | BNU, Pap. Gr. 911 + 1027 | Strasbourg | France | 935 | | 4th century | Gen. 37:35; 38:1, 5, 9 fragm. | BSB, gr. 610 Nr. 1 | Munich | Germany | 936 | | 5th century | Lev. 1:14–15; 2:10–12 fragm. | BSB, gr. 610 Nr. 2 | Munich | Germany | 937 | | 7th century | Jg. 5:8–12 | BSB, gr. 610 Nr. 3 | Munich | Germany | 938 | | 5th century | Sir. 42:17–19 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 26782 | Vienna | Austria | 939 | | 6th/7th century | Gen. 40:3–4, 6–7; 41:8, 10–12, 39–41, 43–44 fragm. | Univ. Libr., Or. 1287; Ertzabtei. Vitr. 46 | Cambridge
| U. Kingdom
| 940 | | 8th century | Gen. 21:12–22:5; 24:15–44 fragm. | BnF, Gr. 1397.2, Bl. 9–10 + 14–15 | Paris | France | 941 | | 7th century | Od. 1 (Exod. 15), 1–19 short; Od. 3 (Reg. I 2), 1 | IfP, P. Heid. Inv. G 1362 | Heidelberg | Germany | 942 | Papyrus Fouad 266 | 2nd/1st century BCE | Genesis 3:10–12; 4:5–7, 23; 7:17–20; 37:34–38:1; 38:10–12 | Sociandé Royale de Papyrologie, Gr. P. 458 | Cairo | Egypt | 943 | Se2grXII (LXX) | 1st century | fragments of minor prophets | Rockefeller Museum, Gr. Se2grXII | Jerusalem | Israel | 943a | 8HevXII a (LXX) | 1st century | fragments of minor prophets | Rockefeller Museum, 8HevXII a | Jerusalem | Israel | 943b | 8HevXII b (LXX) | 1st century | Zechariah 8:18–9:7 | Rockefeller Museum, 8HevXII b | Jerusalem | Israel | 944 | | 3rd century | Gen. 6:8–12 fragm. | P.Oxy. 1166 | Oxyrhynchus | | 945 | | 4th century | Gen. 31:42–53 fragm. | P.Oxy. 1167 | Oxyrhynchus | | 946 | | 4th century | Jos 4:23–24; 5:1 fragm. | P.Oxy. 1168 | Oxyrhynchus | | 947 | | 4th century | Lev. 16:33–34 fragm. | P.Oxy. 1225 | Oxyrhynchus | | 948 | | 3rd century | Is. 38:3–5, 13–16 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 2320 | Vienna | Austria | 949 | | 4th/5th century | Gen. 38:23, 25, 28–29; 39:1; 40:1–3, 11–12 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 39769 a, b, c | Vienna | Austria | 950 | | 4th/5th century | Sap. 1:1–2, 6–8 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 39770 | Vienna | Austria | 951 | | 5th century | Jer. 12:9–10, 14–16 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 39771 | Vienna | Austria | 952 | | 3rd/4th century | Cant. 5:12–6:11 | BL, P. Inv. Nr. 2486, Bl. 1; SBO, P. Monts./II Inv. 84 | London
| U. Kingdom
| 953 | | c. 300 | Gen. 46:28–32; 47:3–5 | BL, P. Inv. Nr. 2557 | London | U. Kingdom | 954 | | 4th century | Lev. 12:15–16, 19–20, 24 fragm. | P.Oxy. 1351 | Oxyrhynchus | | 955 | | 4th century | Job 1:19–2:1, 6–9b fragm. | Laurentian Library, PSI 1163 | Florence | Italy | 956 | | 4th century | Jon. 1:10–4:1 | Laurentian Library, PSI 1164; Ägyptisches Museum, P. 16354 | Florence
| Italy
| 957 | Papyrus Rylands 458 | 2nd century BCE | Deut 23:24(26)–24:3; 25:1–3; 26:12; 26:17–19; 28:31–33; 27:15; 28:2 | John Rylands Library, Gr. P. 458 | Manchester | U. Kingdom | 958 | | 4th century | Gen. 26:13–14; Deut. 28:8, 11; Par. II 1:12; Is. 42:3–4; 52:15–53:3, 6–7, 11–12; 66:18–19 fragm. | John Rylands Library, Gr. P. 460; Univ.-Bibl., P. Inv. 22a/b | Manchester
| U. Kingdom
| 959 | | 4th/5th century | Gen. 13:3–6, 8–9 fragm. | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 16353 | Berlin | Germany | [960] missing | | 5th/6th century | Exod. 23:10–13; 31:12–13 fragm. | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 13994 | Berlin | Germany | 961 | | 4th century | Gen. 9:1–15:14; 17:7–44:22 fragm. | Chester Beatty Library, P. Ch. Beatty IV | Dublin | Ireland | 962 | Papyrus Chester Beatty V | 3rd century | Gen. 8:13–9:2; 24:13–25:21; 30:20–35:16; 39:3–40:13; 41:9–46:33 fragm. | Chester Beatty Library, P. Ch. Beatty V | Dublin | Ireland | 963 | Papyrus Chester Beatty VI | 2nd century | Num. 5:12–8:19; 13:4–6, 17–18; 25:5–36:13; Deut. 1:20–7:20; 9:26–12:17; 18:22–19:16; 27:6–32:14 with gaps | Chester Beatty Library, P. Ch. Beatty VI; UML, P. Mich. Inv. 5554 | Dublin
Ann Arbor
| Ireland
United States
| 964 | | 4th century | Sir. 36:28–37:23; 46:6–11; 46:16–47:2 fragm. | Chester Beatty Library, P. Ch. Beatty XI | Dublin | Ireland | 965 | | 3rd century | Is. 8:18–19:13; 38:14–45:5; 54:1–60:22 with gaps | Chester Beatty Library, P. Ch. Beatty VII + P. Merton 2; Laurentian Library, PSI 1273 | Dublin
| Ireland
| 966 | P. Chester Beatty VIII | 2nd/3rd century | Jer. 4:30–5:1, 9–14, 23–24 fragm. | Chester Beatty Library | Dublin | Ireland | 967 | Papyrus 967 | c. 200 CE | Ezechiel, Daniel (prehexaplaric version LXX), Ester with gaps | Chester Beatty Library, P. Ch. Beatty IX + X; IfA, P.Colon. theol. 3-40; CSIC, P.Matr. bibl. 1; SBO, P. Monts./II Inv. 42, 43; Univ. Libr., John H Scheide P. 3 | Dublin
| Ireland
. United States
| 968 | | 3rd century | Jg 1:10–19 | Laurentian Library, PSI 127 | Florence | Italy | [969] destroyed | | 6th/7th century | Prov. 31:2, 6–7; Eccl. 5:4, 2:17, 4:17–5:1, 3:11, 4:1–3 | Laurentian Library, PSI 1297 | Florence | Italy | 970 | P. Baden 56b | 2nd century | Exod 8:3, 5–20; Deut. 28:36–39; 29:15–26, 28; 30:5–7 fragm. | IfP, P. Heid. Inv. G 8 + 1020a | Heidelberg | Germany | 971 | | 3rd century | Par. II 24:17–24 | BL, P. Egerton 4 | London | U. Kingdom | 972 | | 4th century | Exod. 29:21–24 fragm. | Univ. Statale, Pap. gr. 22 | Milan | Italy | 973 | | 4th/5th century | Is. 21:3–22:1 fragm. | John Rylands Library, P. Gr. 459 | Manchester | U. Kingdom | 974 | | c. 220 | Job. 33:23–24; 34:10–15 fragm. | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 11778v | Berlin | Germany | locked | | | see item 956 | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 16354 | Berlin | Germany | 976 | | 7th century | Is. 25:4–9 fragm. | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 3603 | Berlin | Germany | 977 | | 5th/6th century | Gen. 29:17–21 fragm. | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 16989 | Berlin | Germany | 978 | | 4th century | Exod. 34:18–20 | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 16990 | Berlin | Germany | 979 | | 5th/6th century | Prov. 23:26–27, 31–32 fragm. | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 16991 | Berlin | Germany | 980 | | 5th/6th century | Jer. 13:16–18, 22–25 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 26093 | Vienna | Austria | 981 | | 6th century | Prov. 8:22–25 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 29245 + 29454 + 29830 | Vienna | Austria | 982 | | 5th/6th century | Is. 6:3 | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 19887 | Vienna | Austria | 983 | | 2nd/3rd century | Par. II 29:32–35; 30:2–5 fragm. | SBO, P. Monts./II Inv. 3 | Montserrat | | 984 | | 4th century | Jer. 18:15–16, 19–20 fragm. | SBO, P. Monts./II Inv. 5 | Montserrat | | 985 | | 6th/7th century | Is. 1:18–29 fragm. | Sackler Library, P. Ant. 52 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 986 | | 6th/7th century | Is. 28:30–31, 35–36, 58; 28:63–29:1; 30:2–4, 7–9; 31:39–41; 32:2–3 fragm. | Sackler Library, P. Ant. 53 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 987 | | 3rd century | Prov. 2:9–15; 3:13–17 fragm. | Sackler Library, P. Ant. 9 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 988 | | 4th century | Ez. 33:27–31; 34:1–5, 18–24, 26–30 fragm. | Sackler Library, P. Ant. 10 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | locked | | | see item 818 | Univ. S. Cuore, P. Med. Inv. 151 | Milan | Italy | 990 | | 3rd/4th century | Tob. 12:14–19 fragm. | P.Oxy. 1594 | Oxyrhynchus | | 991 | | 6th century | Sir 1:1–9 | P.Oxy. 1595 | Oxyrhynchus | | 992 | | 5th/6th century | Eccl. 6:6–8 6:12–7:1 fragm. | P.Oxy. 2066 | Oxyrhynchus | | 993 | | IIIA | Exod. 20:10–22 fragm. | P.Oxy. 4442 | Oxyrhynchus | | 994 | Papyrus 62 | 4th century | Daniel 3:50–54 | Univ. Bibl., Inv. 1661 | Oslo | Norway | 995 | P. Berlin 17213 | 3rd century | Genesis 19:11–13, 17–19 | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 17213 | Berlin | Germany | 996 | | 1st/2nd century | Est. E16–8:17; 9:2–3 fragm. | P.Oxy. 4443 | Oxyrhynchus | | 997 | | 4th century | Gen. 41:48–51, 55–57 fragm. | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 18131 | Berlin | Germany | 998 | | c. 300 | Acts Pauli / Eccl. (Greek), Cant., Thr. and Eccl. (Coptic) | SUB, P. bil. 1 | Hamburg | Germany | 999 | | 3rd century | Idt. 15:2–7 fragm. | IFAO, Ostr. 215 | Cairo | Egypt | 1000 | | 3rd century | Exod. 40:5–13, 19–25 fragm. | University of Paris, Inv. 2266 | Paris | France | |
Part V: 1001–1400
Symbol | Name | Date | Content | Institution | City | Country |
1001 | | 12th century | Ps. | Νικολάου, 39 | Andros | Greece | 1002 | | XII | Ps. | Byz. Mus., 2138 | Athens | Greece | 1003 | | 10th century | Cat. in Od. | EBE, 1 | Athens | Greece | 1004 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | EBE, 3 | Athens | Greece | 1005 | | 12th century | Ps. | EBE, 5 | Athens | Greece | 1006 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | EBE, 6 | Athens | Greece | 1007 | | 10th/11th century | Ps.Od. | EBE, 7 | Athens | Greece | 1008 | | 11th century | Ps. | EBE, 47; RBN, Gr. 264 | Athens
| Greece
| 1009 | | 12th century | Ps. | Вατοπαιδίου, 760 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1010 | | c. 1087 | Ps. | Вατοπαιδίου, 761; Walters Art Gall., 530b | Mount Athos
| Greece
United States
| 1011 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | Вατοπαιδίου, 851 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1012 | | 12th century | Ps. | Γρηγορίου, 157 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1013 | | 1037 | Ps. | Διονυσίου, 86 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1014 | | 12th century | Ps. | Διονυσίου, 93 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1015 | | 12th century | Ps. | Διονυσίου, 585 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1016 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | Διονυσίου, 640 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1017 | | 12th century | Ps. | Δοχειαρείου, 57 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1018 | | 12th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Ίβήρων, 17 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1019 | | 12th century | Ps. | Ίβήρων, 22 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1020 | | 11th century | Ps. | Ίβήρων, 70 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1021 | | 11th century | Cat. in Ps. | Ίβήρων, 597 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1022 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | Bryn Mawr Coll. Libr., Gordan MS 9 | Philadelphia | United States | 1023 | | 12th century | Ps. | Κουτλουμουσίου, 87 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1024 | | 11th/12th century | Ps.Od. | Λαύρα, 13 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1025 | | 1084 | Ps.Od. | Λαύρα, 146 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1026 | | 984 | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Λαύρα, 446 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1027 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | Παντελεήμωνος, 19 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1028 | | 1193 | Ps. | Παντελεήμωνος, 20 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1029 | | 12th century | Ps. | Παντελεήμωνος, 21 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1030 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | Παντελεήμωνος, 22 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1031 | | c. 1083 | Ps.Od. | Research Libr., 3; Mus. Ben., Μπ. 66 (31); Mus. of Art, 50.154; Tretyakov Gallery, 2580 | Dumbarton Oaks
| United States
United States
| 1032 | | 9th and 13th century | Ps.Od. | Παντοκράτορος, 61 RBN, Gr. 265 ? | Mount Athos
| Greece
| 1033 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | Σταυρονικήτα, 46 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1034 | | 12th century | Ps. | Φιλοθέου, 49 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1035 | | 12th century | Ps. | Φιλοθέου, 50 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1036 | | 12th century | Ps. | Φιλοθέου, 54 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1037 | | 909 | Ps.Od. | Kgl. Bibl., A. I. 14 | Bamberg | Germany | 1038 | | 11th century | Ps.Od. | JL, Ms. Berlin graec. oct. 8 | Kraków | Poland | [1039] destroyed | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | Staatsbibl., Graec. qu. 58 | Berlin | Germany | 1040 | | 9th century | Ps.Od. | Staatsbibl., Graec. Ham. 552 | Berlin | Germany | [1041] destroyed | | 11th century | Ps.Od. | Univ., Christl.-archäol. Sammlg., Inv. 3807 | Berlin | Germany | 1042 | | 11th century | Ps.Od. | Univ. Libr., Dd. IV. 49 | Cambridge | U. Kingdom | 1043 | | 9th/10th century | Ps | Bibl. des Spitals, 9 | Bernkastel-Kues | Germany | 1044 | | 9th/10th century | Ps | Bibl. des Spitals, 10 | Bernkastel-Kues | Germany | 1045 | | 10th century | Cat. in Ps. | Βιβλ. τ. Άρχιεπισκοπής, 25 | Leucosia | Cyprus | [1046] missing | | 8th/9th century | Ps. 77:20–31, 51–61 | Om.-Mosch., Cod. Violand | Damascus | Syria | 1047 | | 11th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Real Bibl., Υ (griech.)-II–14 | El Escorial | Spain | 1048 | | 12th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Real Bibl., Ψ-I-2 | El Escorial | Spain | 1049 | | 11th century | Ps.Od. | Münsterpfarrei | Essen an der Ruhr | Germany | 1050 | | 11th century | Ps.Od. | Laurentian Library, Conv. soppr. 35 | Florence | Italy | 1051 | | 10th century | Ps.Od. | Laurentian Library, Conv. soppr. 36 | Florence | Italy | 1052 | | 11th century | Cat. in Od. | Laurentian Library, S. Marco 696 | Florence | Italy | 1053 | | 9th/10th century | Ps.Od. | Stiftsbibl., 17 | St. Gallen Cathedral | Switzerland | 1054 | | 9th/10th century | Ps. fragm. | Stiftsbibl., 1395 | St. Gallen Cathedral | Switzerland | 1055 | | 11th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Bibl. Franz., 3 | Genoa | Italy | 1056 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | A. γ. IV | Grottaferrata | Italy | 1057 | | 12th century | Ps. | A. γ. V | Grottaferrata | Italy | 1058 | | 12th century | Ps. | A. γ. VIII | Grottaferrata | Italy | 1059 | | 10th century | Ps. | A. γ. IX | Grottaferrata | Italy | 1060 | | 12th century | Ps. | A. γ. XI | Grottaferrata | Italy | 1061 | | 12th century | Ps. | A. γ. XIII | Grottaferrata | Italy | 1062 | | 12th century | Ps. | BL, Add. 47674 | London | U. Kingdom | 1063 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | BnF, Suppl. gr. 1335 | Paris | France | 1064 | | ? | Ps. fragm. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 63 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1065 | | 11th century | Ps.Od. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 165 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1066 | | ? | Ps. fragm. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 208 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1067 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 609 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1068 | | 12th century | Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 698 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1069 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | Patr.-Bibl., Σταυροὒ 88 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1070 | | 9th century | Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Σταυροὒ 96; RBN, Gr. 263 | Jerusalem
| Israel
| 1071 | | 11th century | Ps.Od. | Patr.-Bibl., Σταυροὒ 107 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1072 | | 11th century | Cat. in Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Τάφου 45 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1073 | | 12th century | Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Τάφου 51 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1074 | | 1054 | Ps.Od. | Patr.-Bibl., Τάφου 53; RBN, Gr. 266 | Jerusalem
| Israel
| 1075 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | Patr.-Bibl., Τάφου 55 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1076 | | 9th/10th century | Cat. in Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Nέα Συλλ. Φωτίου 29 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1077 | | 11th/12th century | Ps.Od. | Manuskript Bibl., des Doms, 8 | Cologne | Germany | [1078] missing | | 10th century | Ps.Od. | Μονή Κοσινίτσης, 125 | Drama | Greece | 1079 | | 10th century | Ps.Od. | Bibl. Uniw., Perizon. in qu. 1 A | Leiden | Netherlands | 1080 | | 12th century | Ps. | Bibl. Uniw., Perizon. in qu. 36 | Leiden | Netherlands | 1081 | | 11th century | Cat. Nicandae in Ps. | Bibl. Uniw., Voss. graec in fol. 42 | Leiden | Netherlands | 1082 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | Griech. Part.-Bibl., 344 | Alexandria | Egypt | 1083 | | 12th century | Ps. | Univ. Bibl., Graec. 3 | Leipzig | Germany | 1084 | | 10th/11th century | Cat. in Ps. | Λειμώνος, 49 | Lesbos | Greece | 1085 | | 10th/11th century | Ps.Od. | Λειμώνος, 65 | Lesbos | Greece | 1086 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | Stiftsbibl., Theol. 8 | Linköping | Sweden | 1087 | | 11th century | Ps.Od. | BL, Add. 11836 | London | U. Kingdom | 1088 | | 1066 | Ps.Od. | BL, Add. 19352 | London | U. Kingdom | 1089 | | c. 1090 | Ps.Od. | BL, Add. 36928 | London | U. Kingdom | 1090 | | 10th/11th century | Ps.Od. | BL, Add. 39586 | London | U. Kingdom | 1091 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | BL, Add. 39587 + 39588 | London | U. Kingdom | 1092 | | 12th century | Ps. | BL, Add. 39589 | London | U. Kingdom | 1093 | | 12th century | Ps. 96 ... 115:4.6 (wersandy z 43 psalmów) | BL, Or. 5465 | London | U. Kingdom | 1094 | | 12th century | Cat. Nicandae in Ps. | Bibl. Nac., 4582 | Madrid | Spain | 1095 | | 12th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Biblioteca Ambrosiana, C 98 sup. | Milan | Italy | 1096 | | 9th/10th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Biblioteca Ambrosiana, M 47 sup. | Milan | Italy | 1097 | | 11th century | Ps.Od. | Biblioteca Ambrosiana, M 54 sup. | Milan | Italy | 1098 | Ambrosiano O 39 sup. | 9th century (end) | fragments of Psalms of Hexapla | Biblioteca Ambrosiana, O 39 sup. | Milan | Italy | 1099 | | 11th century | Ps.Od. | John Rylands Library, Gr. 11 | Manchester | U. Kingdom | 1100 | | 1116 | Ps.Od. | Bibl. Univ., Salv. 117 | Messina | Italy | |
Symbol | Name | Date | Content | Institution | City | Country |
1101 | Chludov Psalter | 9th century | Psalter | State Historical Museum, MS. D.129 | Moscow | Russia | 1102 | | 9th century | Ps. fragm. | R. Staats-Bibl., Norov 74 | Moscow | Russia | 1103 | | 10th/11th century | Ps. Od. | R. Staats-Bibl., Norov 77 | Moscow | Russia | 1104 | | 11th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | State Historical Museum, Syn. gr. 194 | Moscow | Russia | 1105 | | 10th century | Cat. in Od. | State Historical Museum, Syn. gr. 213 | Moscow | Russia | 1106 | | 11th century | Ps.Od. | State Historical Museum, Syn. gr. 341 | Moscow | Russia | 1107 | | 10th century | Ps.Od. | State Historical Museum, Syn. gr. 356 | Moscow | Russia | 1108 | | 11th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | State Historical Museum, Syn. gr. 358 | Moscow | Russia | 1109 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | State Historical Museum, Syn. gr. 407 | Moscow | Russia | 1110 | | 10th century | Ps.Od. | State Historical Museum, Syn. gr. 251 | Moscow | Russia | 1111 | | 11th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | BSB, gr. 251 | Munich | Germany | 1112 | | 11th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | BSB, gr. 252 | Munich | Germany | 1113 | | 11th century | Cat. in Ps. | BSB, gr. 359 | Munich | Germany | 1114 | | 12th century | Cat. in Ps. fragm. and Cat. in Od. | BSB, gr. 478 | Munich | Germany | 1115 | | 10th century | Ps.Od. | BSB, gr. 556 | Munich | Germany | 1116 | | 10th century | Od. | Bodleian Library, Auct. D. 3. 17 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 1117 | | 11th century | Ps.Od. | Bodleian Library, Auct. D. inf. 2. 18 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 1118 | | 10th century | Ps.Od. | Bodleian Library, Auct. T. 4. 19 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 1119 | | 9th/10th century | Ps. 117:10–14; 131:10–12 | BnF, Copt. 12919, Bl. 36; Vatican Library, Borgian. copt. 96 | Paris
Vatican City
| France
| 1120 | | 1143 | Tht. comm. in Ps., Od., Cat. in Od. fragm. | Bodleian Library, Barocc. 132 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 1121 | | 11th century | Cat. in Ps. | Bodleian Library, Barocc. 235 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 1122 | | 12th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Bodleian Library, Canonic. gr. 62 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 1123 | | c. 1077 | Ps.Od. | Bodleian Library, E. D. Clarke 15 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 1124 | | 12th century | Cat. in Od. | Bodleian Library, Laud. gr. 42 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 1125 | | 10th/11th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Bodleian Library, Roe 4 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 1126 | | 10th century | Ps. fragm. | Christ Church, 15 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 1127 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | Lincoln Coll., Gr. 31 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 1128 | | 11th century | Ps.Od. | Bibl. Naz, I. A. 2 | Palermo | Italy | 1129 | | 9th century | Ps.Od. | Bibl. de l'Arsenal, 8407 | Paris | France | 1130 | | 11th century | Cat. in Od. | BnF, Coisl. 81 | Paris | France | 1131 | | 11th century | Cat. in Od. | BnF, Coisl. 275 | Paris | France | 1132 | | 12th century | Ps. | BnF, Coisl. 360 | Paris | France | 1133 | Paris Psalter | 10th century | Cat in Ps.Od. | BnF, Gr. 139 | Paris | France | 1134 | | 10th century | Cat in Ps.Od. | BnF, Gr. 140 | Paris | France | 1135 | | 11th century | Cat in Ps.Od. | BnF, Gr. 141 | Paris | France | 1136 | | 11th century | Cat in Od. | BnF, Gr. 141 A | Paris | France | 1137 | | 12th century | Cat in Ps.Od. | BnF, Gr. 143 | Paris | France | 1138 | | 10th century | Cat in Ps.Od. | BnF, Gr. 146 | Paris | France | 1139 | | 11th century | Cat in Ps.Od. | BnF, Gr. 163 | Paris | France | 1140 | | 1070 | Cat in Ps.Od. | BnF, Gr. 164 | Paris | France | 1141 | | 11th century | Cat in Od. | BnF, Gr. 843 | Paris | France | 1142 | | 11th century | Cat in Od. | BnF, Gr. 844 | Paris | France | 1143 | | 1105 | Ps.Od. | BnF, Nouv. acq. lat. 2195 | Paris | France | 1144 | | 12th century | Ps. | BnF, Suppl. gr. 100 | Paris | France | 1145 | | 12th century | Ps. | BnF, Suppl. gr. 260 | Paris | France | 1146 | | c. 1026 | Ps.Od. | BnF, Suppl. gr. 343 | Paris | France | 1147 | | 11th century | Ps.Od. | BnF, Suppl. gr. 610 | Paris | France | 1148 | | 10th century | Ps. fragm. | BnF, Suppl. gr. 1155 | Paris | France | 1149 | | 10th/11th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | BnF, Suppl. gr. 1157 | Paris | France | 1150 | | 1131 | Cat. in Od. | Bibiloteca Palatina, Fondo Palat. 16 | Parma | Italy | 1151 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | Ίωάννου τοὒ Θεολόγου, 269 | Patmos | Greece | 1152 | | 10th century | Ps. fragm. | Cod. gr. 45; RBN, Gr. 77 + 92 | Sinai; Petersburg | Egypt
| locked | | | see item 1152 | RBN, Gr. 92 | Petersburg | Russia | 1154 | | 11th century | Ps. | RBN, Gr. 200 | Petersburg | Russia | 1155 | | 10th century | Ps. | RBN, Gr. 214 | Petersburg | Russia | 1156 | | 862 | Ps.Od. | RBN, Gr. 216 | Petersburg | Russia | 1157 | | 12th century | Ps. | RBN, Gr. 544 | Petersburg | Russia | 1158 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | RBN, Papad.-Keram. 19 | Petersburg | Russia | 1159 | | 11th century | Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Barber. gr. 285 | Vatican City | | 1160 | | 11th century | Ps. | Vatican Library, Barber. gr. 299 | Vatican City | | 1161 | | 11th century | Ps. | Vatican Library, Barber. gr. 312 | Vatican City | | 1162 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Barber. gr. 320 | Vatican City | | 1163 | | 12th century | Ps. fragm. | Vatican Library, Barber. gr. 332 | Vatican City | | 1164 | | 10th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Barber. gr. 340 | Vatican City | | 1165 | | 11th/12th century | Cat. in Od. | Vatican Library, Barber. gr. 453 | Vatican City | | 1166 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Palat. gr. 288 | Vatican City | | 1167 | | 10th century | Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Regin. gr. 13 | Vatican City | | 1168 | | 11th century | Ps. | Vatican Library, Regin. gr. 188 | Vatican City | | 1169 | | 9th/10th century | Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Regin. lat. 1595 | Vatican City | | 1170 | | c. 1087 | Cat. in Od. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 342 | Vatican City | | 1171 | | c. 1014 | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 619 | Vatican City | | 1172 | | 10th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 744 | Vatican City | | 1173 | | c. 1075 | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 752 | Vatican City | | 1174 | | 11th century | Cat. in Ps. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 753 | Vatican City | | 1175 | | 10th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 754 | Vatican City | | 1176 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1071 | Vatican City | | 1177 | | 10th/11th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1422 | Vatican City | | 1178 | | 10th century | Cat. in Ps. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1789 | Vatican City | | 1179 | | 12th century | Ps. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1812 | Vatican City | | 1180 | | 10th/11th century | Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1964 | Vatican City | | 1181 | | 11th century | Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1966 | Vatican City | | 1182 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 2161 | Vatican City | | 1183 | | 12th century | Ps. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 2295 | Vatican City | | 1184 | | 10th century | Cat. in Od. | Cod. gr. 21 | Sinai | Egypt | 1185 | | 9th century | Ps. | Cod. gr. 28 | Sinai | Egypt | 1186 | | 9th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 29 | Sinai | Egypt | 1187 | | 9th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 30 | Sinai | Egypt | 1188 | | 9th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 31 | Sinai | Egypt | 1189 | | 9th/10th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 32 | Sinai | Egypt | 1190 | | 8th/9th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 33 + Neue Slg., ΜΓ 33, 1. Lage; RBN, Gr. 262 | Sinai; Petersburg | Egypt
| 1191 | | 9th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 34 | Sinai | Egypt | 1192 | | 9th/10th century | Ps. | Cod. gr. 35 | Sinai | Egypt | 1193 | | 9th/10th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 36 + Neue Slg., ΜΓ 9 | Sinai | Egypt | 1194 | | 9th/10th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 37 + Staatsbibl., graec. oct. 2; Bibl. RAdW, Cod. Nr. 3 | Sinai; Berlin; Petersburg | Egypt
| 1195 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | Neue Slg., ΜΓ 7 + ΜΓ 51 + Cod. gr. 39 | Sinai | Egypt | 1196 | | 11th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 41 | Sinai | Egypt | 1197 | | c. 1121 | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 44; RBN, Gr. 268 | Sinai; Petersburg | Egypt
| 1198 | | c. 1074 | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 48; RBN, Gr. 267 | Sinai; Petersburg | Egypt
| 1199 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 56 | Sinai | Egypt | 1200 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 57 + Neue Slg., Μ 31 | Sinai | Egypt | |
Symbol | Name | Date | Content | Institution | City | Country |
1201 | | 11th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 59 + Neue Slg., ΜΓ 19; RBN, Gr. 837 | Sinai; Petersburg | Egypt
| 1202 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 60 | Sinai | Egypt | 1203 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 65 | Sinai | Egypt | 1204 | | c. 1002? | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 68 | Sinai | Egypt | 1205 | | 5th? century | Ps. fragm. | Alte Slg., Cod. gr. 237 | Sinai | Egypt | 1206 | | 10th century | Ps. | Stadtbibl., 7 | Trier | Germany | 1207 | | 1049 | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Bibl. Naz., B. I. 22 | Turin | Italy | 1208 | | 8th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. [fragm.] | Bibl. Naz., B. VII. 30 | Turin | Italy | 1209 | | 10th century | Cat in Ps | Bibl. Naz., C. II. 6 | Turin | Italy | 1210 | | 12th century | Ps.Od | Bibl. Mun., 14 | Valenciennes | France | 1211 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | Bibl. Marc., Append. I 12 | Venice | Italy | 1212 | | 10th/11th century | Cat. in Ps. | Bibl. Marc., Append. I 30 | Venice | Italy | 1213 | | 10th/11th century | Ps.Od. | Bibl. Marc., Append. I 49 | Venice | Italy | 1214 | | 11th century | Ps.Od. | Bibl. Marc., Append. II 113 | Venice | Italy | 1215 | | 10th/11th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Bibl. Marc., Gr. 17 | Venice | Italy | 1216 | | 11th century | Cat. in Od. | Bibl. Marc., Gr. 19 | Venice | Italy | 1217 | | 10th century | Ps. 11-23 | BL, Add. 34602.2 | London | U. Kingdom | 1218 | | 12th century | Cat. in Ps. Od. | Bibl. Capit., CXVIII | Verona | Italy | 1219 | | 4th/5th century | Ps.Od. (with gaps) | SIL Freer Gall., Inv. Nr. 06.273 | Washington, D.C. | United States | 1220 | | 6th/7th? century | Ps. 3–68 (with gaps) | ÖNB, P. Vindob. K 9907-9971b | Vienna | Austria | 1221 | | 7th/8th century | Ps. 9:33–13:5; 21:4–15; 24:16–25:4; 32:21–33:9; 34:6–15 | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 39773 a–q | Vienna | Austria | 1222 | | 11th century | Ps. | Bibl. Naz., Naples ex Vindob. gr. 20 | Naples | Italy | 1223 | | 12th century | Ps. | Bibl. Naz., Naples ex Vindob. gr. 21 | Naples | Italy | 1224 | | 11th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | ÖNB, Theol. gr. 297 | Vienna | Austria | 1225 | | 9th/10th century | Ps. | Bischöfl. Klerikalsem., Membr. o. 1 | Würzburg | Germany | 1226 | | 11th century | Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1210 | Vatican City | | 1227 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | Corp. Christ. Coll., 480 | Cambridge | U. Kingdom | 1228 | | 11th century | Ps.Od. | Kgl. Bibl., Ny Kgl. Saml., 8°, Nr. 5 | Copenhagen | Denmark | 1229 | | 11th/12th century | Cat. in Od. | Patr.-Bibl., Τάφου 50 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1230 | | | position in the list but not reported | | | | 1231 | | | position in the list but not reported | | | | 1232 | | | position in the list but not reported | | | --> | [1233] missing | | 10th/11th century | Ps. 17:34-35; 88:20 | John Rylands Library, P. Ryl. Copt. 32 | Manchester | U. Kingdom | 1234 | | 10th/11th century | Ps. 83:8-9 | John Rylands Library, P. Ryl. Copt. 33 | Manchester | U. Kingdom | 1235 | | 10th/11th century | Ps. 67:3; 106:31m 32, 41–43 | John Rylands Library, P. Ryl. Copt. 36v | Manchester | U. Kingdom | 1236 | | 10th/11th century | Ps. 78:1–3 | John Rylands Library, P. Ryl. Copt. 29 | Manchester | U. Kingdom | 1237 | | 10th/11th century | Ps. 103:24 | John Rylands Library, P. Ryl. Copt. 30 | Manchester | U. Kingdom | 1238 | | 10th/11th century | Ps. 98:1 | John Rylands Library, P. Ryl. Copt. 31 | Manchester | U. Kingdom | 1239 | | 10th/11th century | Ps. 75:12; 84:2; 28:1 | John Rylands Library, P. Ryl. Copt. 58 | Manchester | U. Kingdom | [1240] missing | | 9th/10th century | Ps. 143:7–13; 145:8–146:6; Od. 1:8–15; 2:32–39 | Om.-Mosch., Treu Nr. V | Damascus | Syria | [1241] missing | | 10th/11th century | Ps. 13:6–15:9; 17:50–18:fin. 73:13–74:9; 77:6–25 | Om.-Mosch., Treu Add. 1 | Damascus | Syria | 1242 | | | position in the list but not reported | | | --> | 1243 | | 9th/10th century | Ps. 98 | IfP, P. Heid. Inv. G 558 | Heidelberg | Germany | 1244 | | 10th? century | quotes of Ps. 15–133 | Kopt. Mus., Inv. 3877 | Cairo | Egypt | 1245 | | 10th/12th century | Ps. 8:6–7; 20:4–5 | BL, Or. 6801 | London | U. Kingdom | 1246 | | c. 895 | Ps. 11:8; 64:6; 118:148–149, 169–176; 133; 137:8 | PML, MS 574 | New York | United States | 1247 | | 10th/11th century | Ps. 148:1–4; 150; Od. 8:57–74 | Bodleian Library, Ms. Clar. Press B.3, Nr. 17 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 1248 | | 10th century | Ps. 2:6–8; 102:19–22 | BnF, Copt. 12919, Bl. 73; Vatican Library, Borg. copt. 97 | Paris
Vatican City
| France
| 1249 | | IXE | Od. 4:2–8, 14–16; 7:27–29, 31–40 fragm. | Biblioteca Ambrosiana, L. 120 sup., Bl. 125 andc. | Milan | Italy | 1250 | | 10th/11th century | Ps.Od. (quotes) | Nat.-Bibl., Gr. I 27 | Prague | Czech Republic | 1251 | | (XI) 1231 | Cat. in Ps.Od. | EBE, 2988 | Athens | Greece | 1252 | | 12th century | Ps. | Hist. Ges., 296 | Athens | Greece | 1253 | | 11th century | Ps.Od. | MIAND – Βιβλ. Πεζάρου, 50 | Athens | Greece | 1254 | | 11th century (however Parpulov XIII) | Ps.Od. | Mus. Ben., 9 | Athens | Greece | 1255 | | 12th century (however Parpulov XIII) | Ps.Od. | Mus. Ben., 17 | Athens | Greece | 1256 | | ? | XII – Ps.Od. X (P XI) | Mus. Ben., 33 | Athens | Greece | 1257 | | 14th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Вατοπαιδίου, 660 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1258 | | ? | Cat. in Ps.Od. (Verz.: Comm.; P. Cat) | Παντελεήμωνος, 33 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1259 | | 12th century | Ps. 1–10 | Вατοπαιδίου, 625 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1260 | | 11th century | Ps. | Вατοπαιδίου, 1231 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1261 | | 12th century | Ps. | Διονυσίου, 586 B, Bl. 2-6 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1262 | | 11th century | Ps.Od. | Καυσοκαλυβ, Ms. 87 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1263 | | 12th century (Richard XI) | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Κουτλουμουσίου, 36 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1264 | | 10th century | Cat. in Ps. | Λαύρα, 89 (Α 89) | Mount Athos | Greece | 1265 | | 10th century | Ps.Od. | Λαύρα, 147 (Β 27) | Mount Athos | Greece | 1266 | | 11th/12th century | Cat. in Ps. | Λαύρα, 203 (Β 83) | Mount Athos | Greece | 1267 | | 11th century | Ps.Od. | Λαύρα, 421 (Δ 45) | Mount Athos | Greece | 1268 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | Staatsarchiv., A 246. Nr. 20 I-III | Bamberg | Germany | 1269 | | 11th century | Ps.Od. | Univ.-Bibl., B. XI. 25 | Basel | Switzerland | 1270 | | X | Cat. in Ps. | Bibl. Acad. Rom. 931; Patr.-Bibl., Καμαρ. 9 | Bucharest
| Romania
| 1271 | | 1105 | Ps.Od. | Houghton Libr., gr. 3 | Cambridge (USA) | United States | 1272 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | Phillipps 6565 | Cheltenham | U. Kingdom | 1273 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | Slg. Willoughby, s.n. | Chicago | United States | 1274 | | XII (1232) | Ps.Od. | Duke Univ. Libr., Ms. Gr. 17 | Durham | United States | 1275 | | 10th century | Ps.Od. | Μονή Όλυμπ., 30 + 128 | Elassona | Greece | 1276 | | X (P X/XI) | Ra. Comm / Parp. Cat. in Ps.Od. | A. γ. VI | Grottaferrata | Italy | 1277 | | 11th century | Ps.Od. | BL, Add. 40731 | London | U. Kingdom | 1278 | | 11th/12th century | Ps.Od. | BL, Add. 40753 | London | U. Kingdom | 1279 | | 11th century | Ps. | BL, Add. 61891, Bl. 43-44 | London | U. Kingdom | 1280 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | R. Staats-Bibl., Φ. 270 (Sevastianov) 2 (467) | Moscow | Russia | 1281 | | 12th century | Ps. fragm. | R. Staats-Bibl., Φ. 270 (Sevastianov) 72 (528) Nr. 5 | Moscow | Russia | 1282 | | ? | Ps. fragm. | R. Staats-Bibl., Φ. 270 (Sevastianov) 73 (529) Nr. 1 | Moscow | Russia | 1283 | | c. 900 | Cat. in Ps.Od. | YBR, 249 | New Haven | United States | 1284 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | MMA, 2001.730 | New York | United States | 1285 | | XIIA | Ps.Od. | Publ. Bibl., Spencer gr. 1 | New York | United States | 1286 | | 11th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Antiqu. Baer, Cat. 750, Nr. 819, NLH Nr. I | ? | | 1287 | | 11th century | Ps.Od. | private collections of B. S. Cron, Ms. 4, NLH Nr. III | London | U. Kingdom | 1288 | | 12th century | Ps. fragm. | Bibl. RAdW, RAIK 7 | Petersburg | Russia | 1289 | | 11th/12th century | Ps.Od. fragm. | RAdW Inst. Or., C. 686 | Petersburg | Russia | 1290 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | RAdW Inst. Or., B No 1215 | Petersburg | Russia | 1291 | | 9th century | Ps. fragm. | RBN, Gr. 216, Bl. 347f. | Petersburg | Russia | 1292 | | 12th century | Ps. fragm. | RBN, Gr. 229, Bl. 104-118 | Petersburg | Russia | 1293 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | gr. 663 | Petersburg | Russia | 1294 | | 10th century | Ps. fragm. | gr. 768 | Petersburg | Russia | 1295 | | 11th century | Ps.Od. | Free Libr., Lewis 189 | Philadelphia | United States | 1296 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | Art Mus., y 1930-20 | Princeton | United States | 1297 | | 12th century | Ps.Gall. greco-latini; | Vatican Library, Vat. lat. 81 (= Fischer 263) | Vatican City | | 1298 | | 11th/12th century | Ps. | Kath.-Bibl., 105 | Samos | Greece | 1299 | | (11th/12th century) 1242 | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 2054 | Sinai | Egypt | 1300 | | 8th/9th century | Ps.Od. | Neue Slg., ΜΓ 16 | Sinai | Egypt | |
Symbol | Name | Date | Content | Institution | City | Country |
1301 | | 7th century | Ps. fragm. | Neue Slg., ΜΓ 24 | Sinai | Egypt | 1302 | | 9th century | Ps.Od. | Neue Slg., ΜΓ 33 partim | Sinai | Egypt | 1303 | | 8th/9th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., ΜΓ 39 | Sinai | Egypt | 1304 | | 9th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., ΜΓ 96 | Sinai | Egypt | 1305 | | 9th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., ΜΓ 98 | Sinai | Egypt | 1306 | | 10th century | Ps.Od. | Neue Slg., ΜΓ 106 | Sinai | Egypt | 1307 | | 11th/12th century | Ps.Od. | Neue Slg., Μ 2 | Sinai | Egypt | 1308 | | 12th/13th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., Μ 6 | Sinai | Egypt | 1309 | | 12th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., Μ 15 | Sinai | Egypt | 1310 | | 12th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., Μ 26 | Sinai | Egypt | 1311 | | 11th/12th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., Μ 36 | Sinai | Egypt | 1312 | | 11th/12th century | Ps.Od. | Neue Slg., Μ 43 | Sinai | Egypt | 1313 | | 11th/12th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., Μ 52 | Sinai | Egypt | 1314 | | 11th/12th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., Μ 56 | Sinai | Egypt | 1315 | | 11th/12th century | Od. | Neue Slg., Μ 108 | Sinai | Egypt | 1316 | | 11th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., Μ 119 | Sinai | Egypt | 1317 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | Neue Slg., Μ 121 | Sinai | Egypt | 1318 | | 12th/13th century | Ps.Od. | Neue Slg., Μ 132 | Sinai | Egypt | 1319 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | Neue Slg., Μ 147 | Sinai | Egypt | 1320 | | 12th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., Μ 208 | Sinai | Egypt | 1321 | | 12th/13th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., X 120 | Sinai | Egypt | 1322 | | 12th/13th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., X 121 | Sinai | Egypt | 1323 | | 12th/13th century | Ps.Od. | Neue Slg., X 150 | Sinai | Egypt | 1324 | | 12th/13th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., X 161 | Sinai | Egypt | 1325 | | 12th/13th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., X 208 | Sinai | Egypt | 1326 | | 12th/13th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., X 209 | Sinai | Egypt | 1327 | | 12th/13th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., X 211 | Sinai | Egypt | 1328 | | 12th/13th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., X 212 | Sinai | Egypt | 1329 | | 12th/13th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., X 213 | Sinai | Egypt | 1330 | | 12th/13th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., X 216 | Sinai | Egypt | 1331 | | 12th/13th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., X 217 | Sinai | Egypt | 1332 | | 12th/13th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., X 231 | Sinai | Egypt | 1333 | | 11th century | Cat. in Ps. | ZSBS, Dujčev 117 | Sofia | Bulgaria | 1334 | | 11th century | Ps.Od. | ZSBS, Dujčev 238 | Sofia | Bulgaria | 1335 | | 11th century | Ps.Od. | Μ. Βλατ., 87 | Thessaloniki | Greece | 1336 | | 11th century | Ps.Od. | Ζάβορδα, Νικαν. 10 | | Greece | |
Part VI: 1401–2000
Symbol | Name | Date | Content | Institution | City | Country |
1401 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Άγιας, 6 | Andros | Greece | 1402 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Άγιας, 10 | Andros | Greece | 1403 | | 14th century | Ps.Od. | Νικολάου, 26 | Andros | Greece | 1404 | | 16th century | Ps. | Νικολάου, 27 | Andros | Greece | 1405 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Abgeordnetenhaus, 104 | Athens | Greece | 1406 | | 14th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | EBE, 8 | Athens | Greece | 1407 | | 1535 | Ps.Od. | EBE, 12 | Athens | Greece | 1408 | | 15th century | Ps. | EBE, 14 | Athens | Greece | 1409 | | 14th century | Ps. | EBE, 15 | Athens | Greece | 1410 | | 15th century | Ps. | EBE, 16 | Athens | Greece | 1411 | | 1577 | Ps. | EBE, 18 | Athens | Greece | 1412 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | EBE, 19 | Athens | Greece | 1413 | | 1493 | Ps.Od. | EBE, 122 | Athens | Greece | 1414 | | 1550 | Ps. | EBE, 23 | Athens | Greece | 1415 | | 14th century | Ps.Od. | EBE, 26 | Athens | Greece | 1416 | | 1578 | Ps.Od. | EBE, 32 | Athens | Greece | 1417 | | 14th century | Ps. | EBE, 33 | Athens | Greece | 1418 | | 1543 | Ps.Od. | EBE, 34 | Athens | Greece | 1419 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | EBE, 35 | Athens | Greece | 1420 | | 13th century | Cat. in Ps. | EBE, 45 | Athens | Greece | 1421 | | 15th century | Ps. | EBE, 48 | Athens | Greece | 1422 | | 15th century | Ps. | EBE, 49 | Athens | Greece | 1423 | | 16th century | Ps. | EBE, 50 | Athens | Greece | 1424 | | 14th century | Ps. | EBE, 51 | Athens | Greece | 1425 | | 16th century | Ps. | EBE, 55 | Athens | Greece | 1426 | | 13th/16th century | Ps. 148–150; Od. 8 | BnF, Copt. 68 | Paris | France | 1427 | | 13th century | Ps. 44:13–17 | BnF, Copt. 12919, Bl. 65 | Paris | France | 1428 | | 14th century | Ps. 135 and 150 | Kopt. Mus., Inv. 20 | Cairo | Egypt | 1429 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Вατοπαιδίου, 762 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1430 | | 13th century | Ps. | Γρηγορίου, 4 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1431 | | 16th century | Cat. Nicetae in Ps. | Γρηγορίου, 5 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1432 | | 13th century | Ps. | Διονυσίου, 33; RBN Gr. 270? | Mount Athos
| Greece
| 1433 | | 13th century | Ps. | Διονυσίου, 60 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1434 | | c. 1312 | Ps. | Διονυσίου, 65 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1435 | | 13th century | Cat. in Ps. | Διονυσίου, 114 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1436 | | 16th century | Ps. | Διονυσίου, 226 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1437 | | 1487 | Ps. | Διονυσίου, 385 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1438 | | 1571 | Ps. | Διονυσίου, 389 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1439 | | 16th century | Ps. | Διονυσίου, 391 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1440 | | 1498 | Ps. | Διονυσίου, 394 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1441 | | 16th century | Ps. | Διονυσίου, 397 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1442 | | 16th century | Ps. | Διονυσίου, 398 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1443 | | 1546 | Ps. | Διονυσίου, 431 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1444 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Διονυσίου, 602 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1445 | | 14th century | Ps. | Δοχειαρείου, 50 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1446 | | 13th century | Ps. | Δοχειαρείου, 53 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1447 | | 16th century | Ps. | Δοχειαρείου, 144 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1448 | | 15th century | Ps. | Δοχειαρείου, 145 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1449 | | 13th century | Ps. fragm. | Έσφιγμένου, 27 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1450 | | 13th century | Cat. in Ps. | Έσφιγμένου, 73 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1451 | | 1558 | Ps. | Έσφιγμένου, 188 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1452 | | 16th century | Ps. | Έσφιγμένου, 196 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1453 | | 15th century | Ps. | Έσφιγμένου, 200 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1454 | | 16th century | Ps. | Ζωγράφου, 2 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1455 | | 13th century | Ps. | Ήλίου, 1 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1456 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Ίβήρων, 58 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1457 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Ίβήρων, 74 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1458 | | 16th century | Ps. | Ίβήρων, 503 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1459 | | 14th century | Ps. | Ίβήρων, 554 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1460 | | 16th century | Ps. | Ίβήρων, 559 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1461 | | 14th century | Ps. fragm. | Ίβήρων, 612 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1462 | | 16th century | Ps. | Ίβήρων, 626 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1463 | | 15th century | Ps. | Ίβήρων, 627 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1464 | | 1550 | Ps. | Ίβήρων, 631 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1465 | | 15th century | Ps. | Ίβήρων, 633 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1466 | | 16th century | Ps. | Ίβήρων, 773 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1467 | | 15th century | Ps. | Ίβήρων, 774 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1468 | | 1518 | Ps. | Ίβήρων, 809 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1469 | | 15th century | Ps. | Ίβήρων, 815 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1470 | | 15th century | Ps. | Ίβήρων, 830 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1471 | | 1548 | Ps. | Ίβήρων, 846 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1472 | | 16th century | Ps. | Ίβήρων, 877 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1473 | | 16th century | Ps. | Ίβήρων, 899 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1474 | | 16th century | Ps. | Ίβήρων, 907 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1475 | | 1562 | Ps. | Ίβήρων, 908 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1476 | | 16th century | Ps. | Ίβήρων, 909 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1477 | | 1598 | Ps. | Ίβήρων, 918 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1478 | | 1408 | Ps. | Ίβήρων, 924 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1479 | | 16th century | Ps. | Ίβήρων, 940 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1480 | | 1346 | Ps.Od. | Ίβήρων, 1384 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1481 | | 15th century | Ps. | Καρακάλλου, 140 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1482 | | 15th century | Ps. | Καρακάλλου, 152 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1483 | | 1512 | Ps. | Καρακάλλου, 154 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1484 | | 13th century | Cat. in Ps. fragm. | Κουτλουμουσίου, 17 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1485 | | 14th century | Ps. | Κουτλουμουσίου, 86 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1486 | | 13th century | Ps. | Κουτλουμουσίου, 88 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1487 | | 15th century | Cat. Nicetae in Ps. | Κουτλουμουσίου, 123 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1488 | | 16th century | Ps. | Κουτλουμουσίου, 198 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1489 | | 16th century | Ps. | Κουτλουμουσίου, 258 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1490 | | 16th century | Ps. | Κουτλουμουσίου, 267 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1491 | | 16th century | Ps. | Κουτλουμουσίου, 333 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1492 | | 1526 | Ps. | Κουτλουμουσίου, 352 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1493 | | 16th century | Ps. | Κουτλουμουσίου, 353 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1494 | | 1543 | Ps. | Κουτλουμουσίου, 361 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1495 | | 15th century | Ps. | Κουτλουμουσίου, 373 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1496 | | 15th century | Ps. | Κωνσταμονίτου, 74 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1497 | | 13th century | Ps. | Κωνσταμονίτου, 107; Bibl. RAdW, Cod. Nr. 32 | Mount Athos
| Greece
| 1498 | | 14th century | Ps.Od. | Λαύρα, 90 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1499 | | 14th/15th century | Ps. | Λαύρα, 132 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1500 | | 1309 | Ps. | Λαύρα, 133 | Mount Athos | Greece | |
Symbol | Name | Date | Content | Institution | City | Country |
1501 | | 1351 | Ps. | Λαύρα, 143 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1502 | | before 1494 | Ps. | Λαύρα, 144 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1503 | | ? | Ps.Od. | Λαύρα, 156 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1504 | | 12th? century | Ps.Od. | Λαύρα, 164 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1505 | | 12th/13th century | Ps. | Λαύρα, 166 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1506 | | 13th? century | Ps. | Λαύρα, 167 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1507 | | 12th? century | Ps. | Λαύρα, 170 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1508 | | 15th century | Ps. | Λαύρα, 835 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1509 | | 15th? century | Ps.Od. | Λαύρα, 850 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1510 | | 1303 | Comm. in Ps.Od. | Ξενοφώντος, 5 + 7 | Mount Athos | Greece | locked | | | see item 1510 | Ξενοφώντος, 7 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1512 | | 16th century | Ps. | Ξηροποτάμοὒ, 69 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1513 | | 16th century | Ps. | Ξηροποτάμοὒ, 128 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1514 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Παντελεήμωνος, 23 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1515 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Παντελεήμωνος, 303 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1516 | | 16th century | Ps. | Παντελεήμωνος, 358 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1517 | | 1521 | Ps. | Παντελεήμωνος, 402 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1518 | | 16th century | Ps. | Παντελεήμωνος, 403 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1519 | | 16th century | Ps. | Παντελεήμωνος, 404 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1520 | | 16th century | Ps. | Παντελεήμωνος, 405 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1521 | | 16th century | Ps. | Παντελεήμωνος, 411 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1522 | | 16th century | Ps. | Παντελεήμωνος, 412 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1523 | | 16th century | Ps. | Παντελεήμωνος, 413 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1524 | | 1554 | Ps. | Παντελεήμωνος, 414 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1525 | | 16th century | Ps. | Παντελεήμωνος, 452 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1526 | | 1513 | Ps. | Παντελεήμωνος, 702 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1527 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Παντελεήμωνος, 707 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1528 | | 16th century | Ps. | Παντελεήμωνος, 708 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1529 | | 16th century | Ps. | Παντελεήμωνος, 840 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1530 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Παντοκράτορος, 43 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1531 | | 14th century | Ps. | Παντοκράτορος, 177 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1532 | | 13th century | Ps. | Παντοκράτορος, 234 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1533 | | 13th century | Ps. | Σταυρονικήτα, 57 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1534 | | 1588 | Ps. | Σταυρονικήτα, 100 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1535 | | 16th century | Ps. | Σταυρονικήτα, 130 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1536 | | 13th century | Ps. | Φιλοθέου, 29 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1537 | | 16th century | Ps. | Φιλοθέου, 69 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1538 | | 15th century | Ps. | Φιλοθέου, 75 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1539 | | 16th century | Ps. | Φιλοθέου, 161 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1540 | | 15th century | Ps. | Φιλοθέου, 203 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1541 | | 15th century | Ps. | Φιλοθέου, 231 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1542 | | 15th century | Ps. | Φιλοθέου, 238 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1543 | | 13th century | Ps. | Χιλανταρίου, 4 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1544 | | 15th century | Ps. | Χιλανταρίου, 12 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1545 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | JL, Ms. Berlin graec. oct. 7 | Kraków | Poland | 1546 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | JL, Ms. Berlin graec. oct. 13 | Kraków | Poland | 1547 | | 15th century | Or.Man | JL, Ms. Berlin graec. qu. 19 | Kraków | Poland | 1548 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | JL, Ms. Berlin graec. qu. 43 | Kraków | Poland | 1549 | | c. 1540 | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Staatsbibl., Phill. 1409 | Berlin | Germany | 1550 | | 15th/16th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Staatsbibl., Phill. 1462 | Berlin | Germany | 1551 | | c. 1056 lub 13th/14th? | Ps.Od. | Bibl. publ., 44 | Besançon | France | 1552 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Bibl. Royale, 11336 | Brussels | Belgium | 1553 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Corp. Chr. Coll., 468 | Cambridge | U. Kingdom | 1554 | | 12th/13th century | Ps. 68 | Univ. Libr., MS 125 | Chicago | United States | 1555 | | 14th/15th century | Ps.Od. | Trinity Coll., B. 10. 11 | Chicago | United States | 1556 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Trinity Coll., O. 3. 14 | Chicago | United States | 1557 | | 16th century | Cat. Nicetae in Ps. | Trinity Coll., O. 3. 15 | Chicago | United States | 1558 | | 1557 | Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Καμαρ. 32 | Istanbul | Turkey | 1559 | | 13th century | Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Καμαρ. 77 | Istanbul | Turkey | 1560 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Patr.-Bibl., Καμαρ. 133 | Istanbul | Turkey | 1561 | | ? | Ps. fragm. | Bibl. Mun., 1754, art. 4 | Chartres | France | 1562 | | 1540 | Ps.Od. | Sächs. Landesbibl., A. 304 | Dresden | Germany | 1563 | | 16th century | Cat. Nicetae in Ps. | Trinity Coll., A. 3. 16 (część druga) | Dublin | Ireland | 1564 | | 15th/16th century | Ps.Od. | Trinity Coll., K. 4. 24 | Dublin | Ireland | 1565 | | 1504 | Ps.Od. | Klosterbibl., 19 | Einsiedeln | Switzerland | 1566 | | 14th century | Cat. Nicetae in Ps. fragm. | Real Bibl., Υ (griech.)-II-1 | El Escorial | Spain | 1567 | | 16th century | Cat. in Od. fragm. | Real Bibl., Ψ-I-3 | El Escorial | Spain | 1568 | | 16th century | Cat. in Od. | Real Bibl., Ψ-IV-19 | El Escorial | Spain | 1569 | | 1570 | Cat. in Od. | Real Bibl., Ω-IV-6 | El Escorial | Spain | 1570 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Real Bibl., Ω-IV-8 | El Escorial | Spain | 1571 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Laurentian Library, Conv. soppr. 14 | Florence | Italy | 1572 | | 1447 | Ps.Od. | Laurentian Library, Conv. soppr. 34 | Florence | Italy | 1573 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Laurentian Library, S. Marco 708 | Florence | Italy | 1574 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Laurentian Library, Plut. V 21 | Florence | Italy | 1575 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Laurentian Library, Plut. XVII 13 | Florence | Italy | 1576 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Bibl. Naz., Centr. 52 | Florence | Italy | 1577 | | 13th century | Ps. | Feldinv.-Nr. Add. 97/150 | Alt-Dongola | | 1578 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Bibl. Riccard., 74 | Florence | Italy | 1579 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Reguliertes Chorherrenstift, XI. 459 A | Florence | Austria | 1580 | | 16th century | Ps. | Bibl. publ. and univ., 21 | Geneva | Switzerland | 1581 | | 14th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Bibl. Franz., 22 | Genoa | Italy | 1582 | | 1282 | Ps.Od. | A. γ. II | Grottaferrata | Italy | 1583 | | 1329 | Ps.Od. | A. γ. VII | Grottaferrata | Italy | 1584 | | 13th century | Ps. | A. γ. X | Grottaferrata | Italy | 1585 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | A. γ. XIV | Grottaferrata | Italy | 1586 | | 14th century | Ps. fragm. | A. δ. XI, Nr. I | Grottaferrata | Italy | 1587 | | 13th century | Ps. fragm. | A. δ. XI, Nr. V | Grottaferrata | Italy | 1588 | | ? | Ps. fragm. | A. δ. XI, Nr. IX | Grottaferrata | Italy | 1589 | | 13th century | Cat. in Ps. | B. α. LVIII | Grottaferrata | Italy | 1590 | | 15th century | Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Άβραάμ 19 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1591 | | 14th century | Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Μικρά Γαλ. 8 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1592 | | c. 1481 | Ps. | EBE, Μετ. Τάφου, 386 | Athens | Greece | 1593 | | 1548 | Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 45 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1594 | | 15th century | Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 59 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1595 | | 1685 | Cat. in aliqout Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 88 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1596 | | 15th century | Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 162 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1597 | | 16th century | Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 164 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1598 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 211 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1599 | | 1338 | Cat. Nicandae in Ps.Od. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 231 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1600 | | 15th century | Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 285 | Jerusalem | Israel | |
Symbol | Name | Date | Content | Institution | City | Country |
1601 | | 15th century | Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 293; RBN, Gr. 393 | Jerusalem
| Israel
| 1602 | | ? | Cat. in Ps. fragm. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 308 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1603 | | 16th century | Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 313 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1604 | | 16th century | Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 314 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1605 | | 15th century | Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 317 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1606 | | 16th century | Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 346 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1607 | | 15th century | Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 394 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1608 | | 1557 | Ps.Od. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 396; K. öff Bibl, Gr. 392 | Jerusalem
| Israel
| 1609 | | 13th century | Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 409 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1610 | | 16th century | Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 435 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1611 | | 16th century | Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 564 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1612 | | 16th century | Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 565 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1613 | | 15th century | Ps. fragm. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 605α | Jerusalem | Israel | 1614 | | 13th century | Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 608 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1615 | | 16th century | Ps. fragm. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 613 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1616 | | 14th century | Ps. fragm. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 617β | Jerusalem | Israel | 1617 | | 1570 | Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 622; RBN, Gr. 394 | Jerusalem Petersburg | Israel
| 1618 | | 15th century | Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 623 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1619 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 634 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1620 | | 15th century | Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 636 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1621 | | 12th/13th century | Ps.Od. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 643 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1622 | | 1595 | Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 668; RBN, Gr. 395 | Jerusalem
| Israel
| 1623 | | 13th century | Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 677 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1624 | | 13th/14th century | Ps. fragm. | Patr.-Bibl., Σάβα 704 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1625 | | 14th/15th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Patr.-Bibl., Σταυροὒ 1 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1626 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Patr.-Bibl., Σταυροὒ 69 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1627 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Patr.-Bibl., Σταυροὒ 81 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1628 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Patr.-Bibl., Σταυροὒ 99 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1629 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Patr.-Bibl., Σταυροὒ 103α | Jerusalem | Israel | 1630 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Patr.-Bibl., Σταυροὒ 105 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1631 | | 16th century | Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Τάφου 70 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1632 | | 1502 | Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Τάφου 86 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1633 | | 16th century | Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Τάφου 410 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1634 | | 1470 | Ps.Od. | Patr.-Bibl., Τάφου 537 | Jerusalem | Israel | 1635 | | 1507 | Ps. | Griech. Part.-Bibl., 341 (earlier 449) | Alexandria | Egypt | 1636 | | 1483 | Ps. | Griech. Part.-Bibl., ? (earlier 925) | Alexandria | Egypt | 1637 | | 1597 | Ps. | Geistl. Akad., Kirchl.-archäol. Mus, 1 | Kiev | Ukraine | 1638 | | 14th/15th century | Ps. fragm. | Geistl. Akad., Kirchl.-archäol. Mus, 5 | Kiev | Ukraine | 1639 | | 16th century | Ps. fragm. | Geistl. Akad., Kirchl.-archäol. Mus, 6 | Kiev | Ukraine | 1640 | | 15th/16th century | Ps.Od. | Kgl. Bibl., Gamle Kgl. Saml., 4° Nr. 6 | Copenhagen | Denmark | 1641 | | 14th/15th century | Ps. | Univ.-Bibl., Fabric. 94 in 8° | Copenhagen | Denmark | [1642] missing | | 16th century | Ps. | А-γ. Λαυρ., 4 | Pilio | Greece | 1643 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Univ. Bibl., Graec. 5 | Leipzig | Germany | 1644 | | 13th century | Ps. | Λειμώνος, 30 | Lesbos | Greece | 1645 | | 16th century | Ps. | Λειμώνος, 115 | Lesbos | Greece | 1646 | | 16th century | Ps. | Λειμώνος, 140 | Lesbos | Greece | 1647 | | 1527 | Ps. | Λειμώνος, 220 | Lesbos | Greece | 1648 | | 1581 | Ps. sine Od. | Bibliothèque, 1 | Lille | France | 1649 | | 13th/14th century | Ps. 140-141, 129 (reduced) | IfP, without number (P. Baden V 129) | Heidelberg | Germany | 1650 | | 12th/13th century | Ps.Od. | BL, Add. 40656 | London | U. Kingdom | 1651 | | 13th century | Cat. in Ps. | BL, Add. 10068 | London | U. Kingdom | 1652 | | 14th century | Ps.Od. | BL, Add. 11752 | London | U. Kingdom | 1653 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | BL, Add. 11835 | London | U. Kingdom | 1654 | | 15th century | Ps. | BL, Add. 14063 | London | U. Kingdom | 1655 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | BL, Add. 21030 | London | U. Kingdom | 1656 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | BL, Add. 28819 | London | U. Kingdom | 1657 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | BL, Burn. 14 | London | U. Kingdom | 1658 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | BL, Burn. 15 | London | U. Kingdom | 1659 | | 16th century | Ps. fragm. | BL, Burn. 276, Bl. 7-14 | London | U. Kingdom | 1660 | | 16th century | Ps. | BL, Harl. 2427 | London | U. Kingdom | 1661 | | 14th century | Ps.Od. | BL, Harl. 5541 | London | U. Kingdom | 1662 | | ? | Ps. fragm. | BL, Harl. 5597 | London | U. Kingdom | 1663 | | 15th century | Cat. Nicetae in Ps. | BL, Harl. 5677 | London | U. Kingdom | 1664 | | 14th century | Ps. | BL, Harl. 5723 | London | U. Kingdom | 1665 | | 13th? century | Ps.Od. | Bibl, Pubbl., 2502 | Lucca | Italy | 1666 | | 16th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Bibl. Nac., 4670 | Madrid | Spain | 1667 | | 1556 | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Bibl. Nac., 4702-4704 | Madrid | Spain | 1668 | | 1563 | Cat. in Od. | Bibl. Univ., 15 | Salamanca | Spain | 1669 | | 14th/15th century | Cat. in Od. | Bibl. Univ., 29 | Salamanca | Spain | 1670 | | 14th/15th century | Ps.Od. | Arch. Hist. Univ., E. 1, no 30 | Madrid | Spain | 1671 | | ??? | Ps.Od. | Biblioteca Ambrosiana, B. 1 sup. | Milan | Italy | 1672 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Biblioteca Ambrosiana, C. 13 inf. | Milan | Italy | 1673 | | 16th century | Cat. in Ps. | Biblioteca Ambrosiana, C. 264 inf. | Milan | Italy | 1674 | | 15th century | Ps. fragm. | Biblioteca Ambrosiana, D. 58 sup. | Milan | Italy | 1675 | | 16th century | Cat. in Ps. | Biblioteca Ambrosiana, F. 126 sup. | Milan | Italy | 1676 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Biblioteca Ambrosiana, G. 12 sup. | Milan | Italy | 1677 | | 14th century | Ps. | Biblioteca Ambrosiana, G. 36 sup. | Milan | Italy | 1678 | | 1464 | Ps.Od. | Biblioteca Ambrosiana, G. 94 sup. | Milan | Italy | 1679 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Biblioteca Ambrosiana, H. 60 sup. | Milan | Italy | 1680 | | 13th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Biblioteca Ambrosiana, H. 112 sup. | Milan | Italy | 1681 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Biblioteca Ambrosiana, I. 14 sup. | Milan | Italy | 1682 | | 13th century | Ps. | Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Q. 15 sup. | Milan | Italy | 1683 | | 12th/13th century | Ps.Od. | Bibl. private, Trivulzio, 340 | Milan | Italy | 1684 | | 15th century | Ps. | Bibl. private, Trivulzio, 2161 | Milan | Italy | 1685 | | 1547 | Ps.Od. | R. Staats-Bibl., Sevast. 25 | Moscow | Russia | 1686 | | 1275 | Cat. in Ps. | State Historical Museum, Syn. gr. 197 | Moscow | Russia | 1687 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | State Historical Museum, Syn. gr. 357 | Moscow | Russia | 1688 | | 14th/15th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | State Historical Museum, Syn. gr. 414 | Moscow | Russia | 1689 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | State Historical Museum, Syn. gr. 417 | Moscow | Russia | 1690 | | 1550 | Cat. in Ps.Od. | BSB, Gr. 12 and 13 | Munich | Germany | 1691 | | 16th century | Cat. in Od. | BSB, Gr. 66 | Munich | Germany | 1692 | | 16th century | Cat. in Od. | BSB, Gr. 296 | Munich | Germany | 1693 | | 15th century | Cat. in Od. | BSB, Gr. 527 | Munich | Germany | 1694 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Bibl. Naz., II. A. 1 | Naples | Italy | 1695 | | 14th century | Ps.Od. | Bibl. Naz., II. A. 2 | Naples | Italy | 1696 | | 16th century | Cat. in Od., Cat. in Ps. fragm. | Bibl. Naz., II. B. 11 | Naples | Italy | 1697 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Stadtbibl., Solger. in duodec. 1 | Nuremberg | Germany | 1698 | | 13th/14th century | Ps. | Nat.-Mus., 20 (Inv. 20) | Ohrid | North Macedonia | 1699 | | 13th lub 14th century | Ps. | Nat.-Mus., 22 (Inv. 59) | Ohrid | North Macedonia | 1700 | | 14th/15th century | Ps. | Nat.-Mus., 21 (Inv. 30) | Ohrid | North Macedonia | |
Symbol | Name | Date | Content | Institution | City | Country |
1701 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Nat.-Mus., 23 | Ohrid | North Macedonia | 1702 | | 16th century | Cat. in. Ps. | Bodleian Library, Auct. E. 1. 5 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 1703 | | 15th century (or younger) | Ps. fragm. | Bodleian Library, Auct. T. 2. 11 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 1704 | | 14th century | Ps. | Bodleian Library, Barocc. 25 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 1705 | | 15th century | Cat. in Ps. | Bodleian Library, Barocc. 154 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 1706 | | 15th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Bodleian Library, Barocc. 223 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 1707 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Bodleian Library, Canonic. gr. 17 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 1708 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Bodleian Library, Canonic. gr. 18 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 1709 | | 1453 | Ps.Od. | Bodleian Library, Canonic. gr. 31 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 1710 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Bodleian Library, Canonic. gr. 37 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 1711 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Bodleian Library, Canonic. gr. 63 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 1712 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Bodleian Library, Canonic. gr. 114 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 1713 | | 15th century | Cat. in Ps. | New. Coll., 31 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 1714 | | 14th/15th century | Ps. (hebr. -gr. -arab. - syr.) | Univ. Libr., Or. 929 | Cambridge | U. Kingdom | 1715 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Bibl. Univ., 1321 | Padua | Italy | 1716 | | 12th/13th century | Ps.Od. | Mus. Naz, Ms. 4; Free Libr., Lewis 353 | Palermo
| Italy
United States
| 1717 | | 14th century | Cat. in Ps. | BnF, Coisl. 12 | Paris | France | 1718 | | 15th century | Cat. in Ps. | BnF, Coisl. 189 | Paris | France | 1719 | | 13th century | Cat. Nicetae in Ps. | BnF, Coisl. 190 | Paris | France | 1720 | | 13th century | Ps. | BnF, Coisl. 358 | Paris | France | 1721 | | 1419 | Ps.Od. | BnF, Gr. 12 | Paris | France | 1722 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | BnF, Gr. 28 | Paris | France | 1723 | | 1438 | Ps.Od. | BnF, Gr. 30 | Paris | France | 1724 | | 1469 | Ps.Od. | BnF, Gr. 31 | Paris | France | 1725 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | BnF, Gr. 32 | Paris | France | 1726 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | BnF, Gr. 33 | Paris | France | 1727 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | BnF, Gr. 34 | Paris | France | 1728 | | 14th century | Ps.Od. | BnF, Gr. 43 | Paris | France | 1729 | | 14th century | Ps.Od. | BnF, Gr. 44 | Paris | France | 1730 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | BnF, Gr. 45 | Paris | France | 1731 | | 15th century | Psalms poenitentiales | BnF, Gr. 46 | Paris | France | 1732 | | 1364 | Ps.Od. | BnF, Gr. 47 | Paris | France | 1733 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | BnF, Gr. 106 A | Paris | France | 1734 | | 16th century | Cat. in Ps. | BnF, Gr. 148 | Paris | France | 1735 | | 14th century | Cat. in Ps. | BnF, Gr. 166 and 167 | Paris | France | 1736 | | 14th century | Cat. in Ps. | BnF, Gr. 169 | Paris | France | 1737 | | 16th century | Cat. in Ps. fragm. | BnF, Gr. 171 | Paris | France | 1738 | | 15th century | Od. | BnF, Gr. 269 | Paris | France | 1739 | | 11th-14th century | Ps. fragm. | BnF, Gr. 328 | Paris | France | 1740 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | BnF, Gr. 336 | Paris | France | 1741 | | 13th century | Psalms graduales | BnF, Gr. 352 | Paris | France | 1742 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | BnF, Gr. 2743 | Paris | France | 1743 | | 14th-16th century | Ps. fragm. | BnF, Gr. 1100 | Paris | France | 1744 | | 15th century | Ps. | BnF, Gr. 2500 | Paris | France | 1745 | | 12th/13th century | Ps. | BnF, Lat. 15198 | Paris | France | 1746 | | 16th century | Ps. | BnF, Suppl. gr. 117 | Paris | France | 1747 | | 13th century | Ps. | BnF, Suppl. gr. 188 | Paris | France | 1748 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | BnF, Suppl. gr. 473 | Paris | France | 1749 | | 15th century | Ps. fragm. | BnF, Suppl. gr. 774 | Paris | France | 1750 | | 15th century | Ps. | BnF, Suppl. gr. 801 | Paris | France | 1751 | | 15th century | Ps. | BnF, Suppl. gr. 802 | Paris | France | 1752 | | 14th century | Ps. fragm. | BnF, Suppl. gr. 1000 | Paris | France | 1753 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | BnF, Suppl. gr. 1032 | Paris | France | 1754 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | BnF, Suppl. gr. 1227 | Paris | France | 1755 | | 1458 | Ps.Od. | BnF, Suppl. gr. 1272 | Paris | France | 1756 | | 13th century | Cat. in Ps. | Ίωάννου τοὒ Θεολόγου, 215 | Patmos | Greece | 1757 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Ίωάννου τοὒ Θεολόγου, 268 | Patmos | Greece | 1758 | | 12th? century | Cat. in Ps. | Ίωάννου τοὒ Θεολόγου, 420 | Patmos | Greece | 1759 | | 14th century | Ps.Od. | Bibl. Comun, L. 31 | Perugia | Italy | 1760 | | 14th century | Ps. | RBN Gr. 115 | Petersburg | Russia | 1761 | | 13th century | Ps. fragm. | RBN Gr. 271 | Petersburg | Russia | 1762 | | 14th century | Ps. | RBN Gr. 518 | Petersburg | Russia | 1763 | | 1510 | Ps.Od. | RBN Gr. 545 | Petersburg | Russia | 1764 | | 1540 | Ps.Od. | Geistl. Akad., Sof. Bibl., 78 | Petersburg | Russia | 1765 | | 16th century | Ps.Od., Excerpta e Sap. and Sir. | Geistl. Akad., Sof. Bibl., 79 | Petersburg | Russia | 1766 | | 1422 | Psalms graduales | Bibl. Angel., Gr. 59 | Rome | Italy | 1767 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Bibl. Casanatense, 240 | Rome | Italy | 1768 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Chis. R. IV. 5 | Vatican City | | 1769 | | 15th century | Cat. in Ps. | Bibl. Vallicell., Gr. 58 | Rome | Italy | 1770 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Bibl. Vallicell., Gr. 68 | Rome | Italy | 1771 | | 16th century | Ps. fragm. | Vatican Library, Barber. gr. 289 | Vatican City | | 1772 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Barber. gr. 321 | Vatican City | | 1773 | | 15th century | Ps. fragm. | Vatican Library, Barber. gr. 366 | Vatican City | | 1774 | | 15th century | Ps. | Vatican Library, Barber. gr. 406 | Vatican City | | 1775 | | 16th century | Cat. in Od. | Vatican Library, Barber. gr. 548 | Vatican City | | 1776 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Vat. Palat. Gr. 87 | Vatican City | | 1777 | | 14th/15th century | Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Vat. Palat. Gr. 107 | Vatican City | | 1778 | | 1452 | Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Vat. Palat. Gr. 225 | Vatican City | | 1779 | | 15th century | Cat. in Ps. | Vatican Library, Pii II. gr. 26 | Vatican City | | 1780 | | 13th century | Ps. | Vatican Library, Regin. gr. 187 | Vatican City | | 1781 | | 15th century | Ps. | Vatican Library, Vat. arab. 581 | Vatican City | | 1782 | | 15th century | Ps. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 340 | Vatican City | | 1783 | | 16th century | Cat. in Ps. 1, Tht. comm. in Ps. / Cat. in Od. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 617 | Vatican City | | 1784 | | 1341? | Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 695 | Vatican City | | 1785 | | 14th century | Ps. fragm. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 773 | Vatican City | | 1786 | | c. 1390 | Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 778 | Vatican City | | 1787 | | 1291 | Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1070 | Vatican City | | 1788 | | 15th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Borgian. gr. 2-4 | Vatican City | | 1789 | | 16th century | Cat. in Od. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1232 | Vatican City | | 1790 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1399 | Vatican City | | 1791 | | 16th century | Ps. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1460 | Vatican City | | 1792 | | 16th century | Cat. in Od., Cat. in Ps. fragm. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1493 | Vatican City | | 1793 | | 16th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1617 | Vatican City | | 1794 | | 16th century | Cat. in Od. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1664 | Vatican City | | 1795 | | 16th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1677 and 1678 | Vatican City | | 1796 | | 16th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1682 and 1683 | Vatican City | | 1797 | | 16th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1685 | Vatican City | | 1798 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1866 | Vatican City | | 1799 | | 15th? century | Ps. fragm. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1882, Bl. 1-9 | Vatican City | | 1800 | | 15th century | Ps. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1896, 2296I (Bl. 51-100) and 2297 | Vatican City | | |
Symbol | Name | Date | Content | Institution | City | Country |
1801 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1952 | Vatican City | | 1802 | | 14th century | Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 2012 | Vatican City | | 1803 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 2263 | Vatican City | | 1804 | | 13th century | Ps. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 2296I, Bl. 9-50 | Vatican City | | 1805 | | 12th/13th century | Ps. fragm. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 2296II, Bl. 111-114 | Vatican City | | 1806 | | 12th/13th century | Ps. | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 2296II, Bl. 115-146 | Vatican City | | 1807 | | paper | Cat. in Ps. | Henneberg. Gymn. | Schleusingen | Germany | 1808 | | perg. | Ps. | EBE, 2485 | Athens | Greece | 1809 | | perg. | Ps. | EBE, 2415 | Athens | Greece | 1810 | | perg. | Ps. | EBE, 2494 | Athens | Greece | 1811 | | ? | Ps. | Cod. gr. 22 | Sinai | Egypt | 1812 | | 14th century | Cat. in Ps. | Cod. gr. 23 | Sinai | Egypt | 1813 | | 1452 | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 27 | Sinai | Egypt | 1814 | | 13th/14th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 38; RBN, Gr. 269 | Sinai; Petersburg | Egypt
| 1815 | | 14th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 40 | Sinai | Egypt | 1816 | | ? | Ps. | Cod. gr. 43 | Sinai | Egypt | 1817 | | 14th/15th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 46 | Sinai | Egypt | 1818 | | 12th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 47 + Neue Slg., Μ 125 | Sinai | Egypt | 1819 | | ? | Ps. | Cod. gr. 49 | Sinai | Egypt | 1820 | | ? | Ps. | Cod. gr. 50 | Sinai | Egypt | 1821 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 51 | Sinai | Egypt | 1822 | | 12th/13th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 52 | Sinai | Egypt | 1823 | | 14th century | Ps. | Cod. gr. 53 | Sinai | Egypt | 1824 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 54 | Sinai | Egypt | 1825 | | 1344 | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 55; RBN, Gr. 272 | Sinai; Petersburg | Egypt
| 1826 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 58 | Sinai | Egypt | 1827 | | c. 1273 | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 61 | Sinai | Egypt | 1828 | | 13th century | Ps. | Cod. gr. 62 | Sinai | Egypt | 1829 | | 13th/14th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 63 | Sinai | Egypt | 1830 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 64 | Sinai | Egypt | 1831 | | 13th/14th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 66 | Sinai | Egypt | 1832 | | 13th/14th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 67 | Sinai | Egypt | 1833 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 70 | Sinai | Egypt | 1834 | | 1550 | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 71 | Sinai | Egypt | 1835 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 75 | Sinai | Egypt | 1836 | | 1565 | Ps. | Cod. gr. 87 | Sinai | Egypt | 1837 | | 1566 | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 90 | Sinai | Egypt | 1838 | | 1563 | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 92 | Sinai | Egypt | 1839 | | 1293 | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 94; RBN, Gr. 391 | Sinai; Petersburg | Egypt
| 1840 | | 1532 | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 95 | Sinai | Egypt | 1841 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 96 | Sinai | Egypt | 1842 | | 1517 | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 97 | Sinai | Egypt | 1843 | | 1499 | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 99 | Sinai | Egypt | 1844 | | 1534 | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 101 | Sinai | Egypt | 1845 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 102 | Sinai | Egypt | 1846 | | 1532 | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 103 | Sinai | Egypt | 1847 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 104 | Sinai | Egypt | 1848 | | 1506 | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 105 | Sinai | Egypt | 1849 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 106 | Sinai | Egypt | 1850 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 107 | Sinai | Egypt | 1851 | | 13th/14th century | Ps. | Cod. gr. 108 | Sinai | Egypt | 1852 | | 15th/16th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 109 | Sinai | Egypt | 1853 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 110 | Sinai | Egypt | 1854 | | 15th/16th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 111 | Sinai | Egypt | 1855 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 112 | Sinai | Egypt | 1856 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 113 | Sinai | Egypt | 1857 | | 15th/16th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 114 | Sinai | Egypt | 1858 | | 15th/16th century | Ps. | Cod. gr. 115 | Sinai | Egypt | 1859 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 116 | Sinai | Egypt | 1860 | | 1544 | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 117 | Sinai | Egypt | 1861 | | 1580 | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 118 | Sinai | Egypt | 1862 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 119 | Sinai | Egypt | 1863 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 120 | Sinai | Egypt | 1864 | | 16th? century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 122 | Sinai | Egypt | 1865 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 123 | Sinai | Egypt | 1866 | | 1565 | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 124 | Sinai | Egypt | 1867 | | 14th? century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 125 | Sinai | Egypt | 1868 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 126 | Sinai | Egypt | 1869 | | 14th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 127 | Sinai | Egypt | 1870 | | 1548 | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 128 | Sinai | Egypt | 1871 | | 1356 | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 129 | Sinai | Egypt | 1872 | | 1203 | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 130; RBN, Gr. 390 | Sinai; Petersburg | Egypt
| 1873 | | 14th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 131 | Sinai | Egypt | 1874 | | 14th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 132 | Sinai | Egypt | 1875 | | 14th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 133 | Sinai | Egypt | 1876 | | 1500 | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 134 | Sinai | Egypt | 1877 | | 14th century | Ps. | Cod. gr. 135 | Sinai | Egypt | 1878 | | 1542 | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 136 | Sinai | Egypt | 1879 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 137 | Sinai | Egypt | 1880 | | 15th/16th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 139 | Sinai | Egypt | 1881 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 140 | Sinai | Egypt | 1882 | | 12th lub 14th century | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 259 | Sinai | Egypt | 1883 | | 13th century | Ps. | Cod. gr. 550 | Sinai | Egypt | 1884 | | 1564 | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. without number | Sinai | Egypt | 1885 | | 15th century | Ps. | Σουμελἄ, 28 | Trabzon | Turkey | 1886 | | 16th century | Ps. | Σουμελἄ, 39 | Trabzon | Turkey | 1887 | | 14th century | Ps. | Σουμελἄ, 64 | Trabzon | Turkey | 1888 | | 16th century | Ps. | Σουμελἄ, 73 | Trabzon | Turkey | 1889 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Bibliothèque, 1699 | Troyes | France | 1890 | | 13th century | Cat. Nicetae in Ps. | Bibl. Naz., B. I. 5 | Turin | Italy | 1891 | | 13th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Bibl. Naz., B. I. 8 | Turin | Italy | 1892 | | 15th century | Ps. | Bibl. Naz., B. IV. 10 | Turin | Italy | 1893 | | 13th century | Ps. | Bibl. Naz., B. V. 8 | Turin | Italy | 1894 | | 13th century | Ps. | Bibl. ex.-Reale, 378 | Turin | Italy | 1895 | | 1369 | Ps.Od. | Univ.-Bibl, Gr. 10 | Uppsala | Sweden | 1896 | | 15th? century | Ps.Od. | Univ.-Bibl, Gr. 24 | Uppsala | Sweden | 1897 | | 1446 | Ps.Od. | Bibl. Marc., Append. I 2 | Venice | Italy | 1898 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Bibl. Marc., Append. I 16 | Venice | Italy | 1899 | | 14th century | Ps.Od. | Bibl. Marc., Append. I 26 | Venice | Italy | 1900 | | 16th century | Ps. | Bibl. Marc., Append. I 27 | Venice | Italy | |
Symbol | Name | Date | Content | Institution | City | Country |
1901 | | 16th century | Cat. in Ps. | Bibl. Marc., Append. I 41 | Venice | Italy | 1902 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Bibl. Marc., Append. I 62 | Venice | Italy | 1903 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Bibl. Marc., Append. II 127 | Venice | Italy | 1904 | | 14th century | Ps.Od. | Bibl. Marc., Gr. 505 | Venice | Italy | 1905 | | 14th century | Cat. in Ps. | Bibl. Marc., Gr. 536 | Venice | Italy | 1906 | | 13th century | Cat. in. Ps. | ÖNB, Theol. gr. 59 | Vienna | Austria | 1907 | | c. 1231 | Cat. in. Od. | ÖNB, Theol. gr. 159 | Vienna | Austria | 1908 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | ÖNB, Theol. gr. 175 | Vienna | Austria | 1909 | | 1370 | Psalms aliquot | ÖNB, Theol. gr. 236 | Vienna | Austria | 1910 | | 16th century | Cat. in Ps. fragm. | ÖNB, Theol. gr. 252 | Vienna | Austria | 1911 | | 1234 | Cat. in Ps.Od. | ÖNB, Theol. gr. 299 | Vienna | Austria | 1912 | | 15th century | Cat. in Od. | ÖNB, Theol. gr. 329 | Vienna | Austria | 1913 | | paper | Ps. | Biblioteka private, Peckover, 20 | Wisbech | U. Kingdom | 1914 | | c. 1510 | Ps. | Staatl. Wiss. Bibl., M 364 | Olomouc | Czech Republic | 1915 | | 1591 | Ps. | Univ. Libr., Laing 12 | Edinburgh | U. Kingdom | 1916 | | 12th/13th century | Ps. | Bibl. Abbaziale, BB 467 | Monte Cassino | Italy | 1917 | | 1242 | Ps.Od. | Cod. gr. 2123 | Sinai | Egypt | 1918 | | 11th & 16th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Griech. Part.-Bibl., 7 + 11 | Alexandria | Egypt | 1919 | | 16th? century | Ps. | Griech. Part.-Bibl., 120 | Alexandria | Egypt | 1920 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Griech. Part.-Bibl., 259 | Alexandria | Egypt | 1921 | | 16th century | Ps. | Griech. Part.-Bibl., 408 | Alexandria | Egypt | 1922 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Griech. Part.-Bibl., 416 | Alexandria | Egypt | 1923 | | 15th/16th century | Ps. | Χοζοβιωτίσσας 69 | Amorgos | Greece | 1924 | | 1406 | Ps. | Χοζοβιωτίσσας 90 | Amorgos | Greece | 1925 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Millî Kütüphane, 59 | Ankara | Turkey | 1926 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | UML, gr. 65 | Ann Arbor | United States | 1927 | | 1470 | Ps.Od. | UML, gr. 66 | Ann Arbor | United States | 1928 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | UML, gr. 81 | Ann Arbor | United States | 1929 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | UML, gr. 172 | Ann Arbor | United States | 1930 | | 1587 | Ps.Od. | EBE, 2203 | Athens | Greece | 1931 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | EBE, 2365 | Athens | Greece | 1932 | | 1340 | Ps.Od. | EBE, 2478 | Athens | Greece | 1933 | | 16th century | Ps. | EBE, 2586 | Athens | Greece | 1934 | | 14th century | Ps.Od. | EBE, 2699 | Athens | Greece | 1935 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Σιν. Μετ., 2 | Athens | Greece | 1936 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Αννης, 52 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1937 | | 16th century | Ps. | Вατοπαιδίου, 981 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1938 | | 1538 | Ps.Od. | Вατοπαιδίου, 985 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1939 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Вατοπαιδίου, 1222 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1940 | | 14th century | Ps. | Вατοπαιδίου, 1223 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1941 | | 1578 | Ps. | Вατοπαιδίου, 1225 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1942 | | 14th century | Ps. | Вατοπαιδίου, 1226 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1943 | | 14th century | Ps. | Вατοπαιδίου, 1227 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1944 | | 1345 | Ps. | Вατοπαιδίου, 1228 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1945 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Вατοπαιδίου, 1230 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1946 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Вατοπαιδίου, 1234 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1947 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Вατοπαιδίου, 1235 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1948 | | 15th century | Ps. | Вατοπαιδίου, 1236 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1949 | | 16th century | Ps. | Вατοπαιδίου, 1237 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1950 | | 16th century | Ps. | Вατοπαιδίου, 1238 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1951 | | 16th century | Ps. | Вατοπαιδίου, 1240 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1952 | | 16th century | Ps. | Вατοπαιδίου, 1241 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1953 | | 16th century | Ps. | Вατοπαιδίου, 1242 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1954 | | 1592 | Ps. | Вατοπαιδίου, 1245 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1955 | | 15th century | Ps. | Вατοπαιδίου, 1246 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1956 | | 13th century | Ps. | Διονυσίου, 586 B, Bl. 1 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1957 | | 14th century | Ps. | Διονυσίου, K-348/663 - Euth. 592 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1958 | | 14th century | Ps. | Διονυσίου, K-349/664 - Euth. 656 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1959 | | 16th century | Ps. | Έσφιγμένου, Inv.-Nr. 79 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1960 | | 13th century | Cat. in Ps.Od. | Ίβήρων, 53 (4173) | Mount Athos | Greece | 1961 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Ίβήρων, 65 (4185) | Mount Athos | Greece | 1962 | | XIVA | Ps.Od. | Ίβήρων, 1572 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1963 | | 1302 | Ps. | Κωνσταμονίτου, 110 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1964 | | 13th century | Ps. | Λαύρα, 123 (Β 3) | Mount Athos | Greece | 1965 | | 1302 | Ps. | Λαύρα, 135 (Β 15) | Mount Athos | Greece | 1966 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Λαύρα, 917 (Θ 55) | Mount Athos | Greece | 1967 | | 16th century | Ps. | Λαύρα, 1164 (Ι 80) | Mount Athos | Greece | 1968 | | 15th century | Ps. | Λαύρα, 1222 (Ι 138) | Mount Athos | Greece | 1969 | | 15th century | Ps. | Λαύρα, 1313 (Κ 26) | Mount Athos | Greece | 1970 | | 1562 | Ps. | Λαύρα, 1359 (Κ 72) | Mount Athos | Greece | 1971 | | 1598 | Ps. | Λαύρα, 1567 (Λ 76) | Mount Athos | Greece | 1972 | | 15th century | Ps. | Λαύρα, 1667 (Λ 176) | Mount Athos | Greece | 1973 | | undated | Ps. | Λαύρα, 1694 (М 3) | Mount Athos | Greece | 1974 | | undated | Ps. | Λαύρα, 1740 (М 49) | Mount Athos | Greece | 1975 | | undated | Ps. | Λαύρα, 1741 (М 50) | Mount Athos | Greece | 1976 | | 16th century | Cat. in Ps. | Λαύρα, 1887 (Θ 76β) | Mount Athos | Greece | 1977 | | 1566 | Ps.Od. | Ξηροποτάμοὒ, 247 | Mount Athos | Greece | 1978 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Walters Art Gall., W.733 | Baltimore | United States | 1979 | | ??? | Cat. in Ps.Od. (??) missing | Orthodox, Ms. 11 | Berat | Albania | 1980 | | ??? | Cat. in Ps.Od. (??) missing | Orthodox, Ms. 37 | Berat | Albania | 1981 | | ??? | Ps.Od. | Kath.-Bibl., 5 | Veria | Greece | 1982 | | 15th/16th century | Ps.Od. | Kath.-Bibl., 6 | Veria | Greece | 1983 | | ? | Ps. | Bibl. Royale, IV 54 | Brussels | Belgium | 1984 | | 16th century | Ps. | Bibl. Royale, IV 100 | Brussels | Belgium | 1985 | | 1460-70 | Ps. | Bibl. Royale, IV 602 | Brussels | Belgium | 1986 | | 1591 | Ps. | Bibl. Royale, IV 733 | Brussels | Belgium | 1987 | | c. 1200 | Ps.Od. | Duke Univ. Libr., Ms. Gr. 34 | Durham | United States | 1988 | | 1434 | Ps.Od. | Duke Univ. Libr., Ms. Gr. 55 | Durham | United States | 1989 | | 16th century | Cat. in Ps. | Μονή Όλυμπ., 54 | Elassona | Greece | 1990 | | 15th century | Cat. in Ps. | Μονή Όλυμπ., 182 | Elassona | Greece | 1991 | | 15th century | Ps. | Matenadaran, gr. 77 | Yerevan | Armenia | 1992 | | 16th? century | Ps. | Μονή Γεωργ. Хουτ.; 3 ε | Gümüşhane | Turkey | 1993 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Ζάβορδα, Νικαν. 47 | | Greece | 1994 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Ζάβορδα, Νικαν. 56 | | Greece | 1995 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Ζάβορδα, Νικαν. 71 | | Greece | 1996 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Ζάβορδα, Νικαν. 79 | | Greece | 1997 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Ζάβορδα, Νικαν. 112 | | Greece | 1998 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Ζάβορδα, Νικαν. 128 | | Greece | 1999 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Ζάβορδα, Νικαν. 131 | | Greece | 2000 | | 1516 | Ps.Od. | Δημ. Βιβλ., 7 | Hinterland | Greece | |
Part VII: 2001–3000
Symbol | Name | Date | Content | Institution | City | Country |
[2001] missing | | 9th/10th century | Ps. 1?–2? | Ägyptisches Museum, P. ? (Blaß Nr. IV) | Berlin | Germany | 2002 | | 5th century | Ps. 105:38–45; 106:2–10 fragm. | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 5011 | Berlin | Germany | [2003] missing | | 7th century | Ps. 39:16–40:11 fragm. | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 5018 | Berlin | Germany | [2004] missing | | 3rd/4th century | Ps. 79:2–16 | Staatl. Mus., Antiqu., Misc. 8630 | Berlin | Germany | 2005 | | 7th century | Ps. 21:15–28 sec. Hexapla fragm. | Univ. Libr., T-S 12. 182 | Cambridge | U. Kingdom | 2006 | | 6th century | Ps. 143:1–144:6 fragm. | Univ. Libr., T-S 16. 320 | Cambridge | U. Kingdom | 2007 | | 5th/6th century | Ps. 22:6–23:2; 24:2–5 fragm. | Philol. Sem. | Jena | Germany | 2008 | | 5th/6th century | Ps. 5:6–12 fragm. | PML, Pap. G. 5 | New York | United States | 2009 | | 7th? century | Ps. 107:14–108:2, 12–13; 118:115–122, 126–135; 135:18–140:4 (with gaps) | PML, Pap. G. 6 and 2000 | New York | United States | 2010 | | 5th century | Ps. 58:7–13; 58:16–59:3 fragm. | PML, Pap. G. 7 | New York | United States | 2011 | | 8th century | Ps. 135:13–136:9; 140:1–142:1 fragm. | Westm. Coll., Cod. Clim. Rescr., Bl. 26f | Cambridge | U. Kingdom | 2012 | | 4th century | Ps. 14:1-5 | Luwr, MA 3373 | Paris | France | 2013 | | 4th century | Psalms 30–55 | Univ. Bibl. P., Inv. Nr. 39 Univ. Bibl., P. Bonn 147v | Leipzig
| Germany | 2014 | P.Leipzig inv. 170 | 2nd/3rd century | Ps. 118:27–63(?) fragm. | Univ. Bibl. P., Inv. Nr. 170 | Leipzig | Germany | 2015 | | 5th/6th century | Ps. 9:3–118:112; 146:9–11 (with gaps) | British Library, Add. 34274, Bl. 51 + Or. 3579 A (17); Kopt. Mus., Inv. 3855 + 3857 + 3859 + 3865; PML, M 706 c; BnF, Copt. 1292, Bl. 1, 2, 33, 98, 105-112; + Copt. 1322, Bl. 18 and 51; + Copt. 1323, Bl. 177 and 202; + Copt. 1331, Bl. 57, 57a and 58; ÖNB, P. Vindob. K 31; + P. Vindob. K 902; + P. Vindob. K 8343; + P. Vindob. K 9851; + P. Vindob. K 9871; + P. Vindob. K 9872 | London
New York
| U. Kingdom
United States
| 2016 | | 6th/7th century | Ps. 76:5–15; 77:8–16; 85:8–86:5 | BL, Add. 34473, art. 7 | London | U. Kingdom | 2017 | | 7th/8th century | Ps. 64:7–65:2; 68:14–21; 106:43–107:10; 129:3–137:8 | BL, Add. 34602.1 (= Bl. 1-9); Bodleian Library, Ms. Gr. (bibl.) d. 3 (P); BnF, Suppl. gr. 1092 | London
| U. Kingdom
| locked | | | see item 2015 | British Library, Or. 3579 A (17) | London | U. Kingdom | 2019 | | 3rd century | Ps. 11:7–14:4 | BL, P. Inv. Nr. 230 (recto) | London | U. Kingdom | 2020 | | 5th/6th century | Ps. 90:5–16 | John Rylands Library, P. Gr. 3 | Manchester | U. Kingdom | 2021 | | 5th century | Ps. 25:7–26:7 fragm. | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 9754 | Berlin | Germany | 2022 | | 6th/7th century | Ps. 50:14–20 fragm. | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 10501 | Berlin | Germany | 2023 | | 7th/8th century | Ps. 118:132–134 fragm. | Bodleian Library, Ms. copt. g. 3 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 2024 | | 7th century | Ps. 1:3 | Bodleian Library, Gr. th. g. 6 (P) | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 2025 | | 3rd/4th century | Ps. 7:9–12; 8:1–4 fragm. | P.Oxy. 1226 | Oxyrhynchus | | locked | | | see item 2017 | BnF, Suppl. gr. 1092 | Paris | France | 2027 | | 4th/5th century | Ps. 141:7–142:3; 144:7–13 | RBN Gr. 4 | Petersburg | Russia | 2028 | | 6th century | Ps. 78:5–8.39f | RBN Gr. 15 | Petersburg | Russia | 2029 | | 4th century | Ps. 101:3–4; 102:5–8; 105:34–43; 106:27–34; 108:15–21; 113:18–26; 114:3–115:2 | Harris Nr. 4 | Sinai | Egypt | 2030 | | 6th century | Ps. 26 | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 8022 | Vienna | Austria | 2031 | | 4th century | Ps. 90:1–2 / quotes of NT | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 2312 | Vienna | Austria | 2032 | | 10th/11th century | Ps. 98:5–8; 148:1–4, 7; 150:1–4 | BnF, Copt. 12919, Bl. 64; ÖNB, P. Vindob. K 9722 | Paris
| France
| locked | | | see item 2015 | ÖNB, P. Vindob. K 9851 | Vienna | Austria | locked | | | see item 2015 | ÖNB, P. Vindob. K 9871 | Vienna | Austria | locked | | | see item 2015 | ÖNB, P. Vindob. K 9872 | Vienna | Austria | 2036 | | 6th century | Od. fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. K 8706 | Vienna | Austria | 2037 | | 4th century | Ps. 18:15–19:3; 20:1–4 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 39772 | Vienna | Austria | 2038 | | 6th century | Ps. 33:5–10, 12–18 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 39774 | Vienna | Austria | 2039 | | 5th century | Ps. 72:11–15, 20–23; 88:51–89:1, 5–8 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 39775 a, b | Vienna | Austria | 2040 | | 5th/6th century | Ps. 105:20–21, 25–26; 106:25–27, 30–32 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 39776 | Vienna | Austria | [2041] missing | | 5th century | Ps. 1:1 (?) | ÖNB, AN 26 | Vienna | Austria | 2042 | | 4th/5th century | Ps. 68:30–37; 70:3–8 fragm. | P.Oxy. 845 | Oxyrhynchus | | [2043] missing | | 7th/8th century | Ps. 90:1–6 fragm. | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 3601 | Berlin | Germany | 2044 | | 5th century | Ps. 103:2–20 | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 5874 | Berlin | Germany | 2045 | | 4th/5th century | Ps. 28:6–11; 29:3–8 fragm. | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 5875 | Berlin | Germany | 2046 | | 4th century | Ps. 35:12–36:10, 14–25 | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 6747 + 6785 | Berlin | Germany | 2047 | | 8th century | Ps. 67:2–28 fragm. | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 7954 | Berlin | Germany | 2048 | | 6th century | Ps. 90:1–7, 10–13 | Bibl. publ. and univ., Ms. gr. 50 | Geneva | Switzerland | 2049 | | 4th century | Ps. 82:6–83:4 fragm. | P.Oxy. 1352 | Oxyrhynchus | | 2050 | | 4th century | Ps. 39:15–41:5 | University of Paris, Inv. 827 | Paris | France | 2051 | | 3rd century | Ps. 2:3–12 | BL, P. Inv. Nr. 2556 | London | U. Kingdom | locked | | | see item 2015 | ÖNB, P. Vindob. K 31 | Vienna | Austria | 2053 | | 4th century | Ps. 9:12–14, 16–17, 18–25 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 30893 + P. Vindob. G 40405 + P. Vindob. G 29525 + P. Vindob. G 30465 + P. Vindob. G 39786 | Vienna | Austria | 2054 | | 2nd/3rd century | Ps. 77:1–18 fragm. | Gr.-Röm. Mus., P. Alex. Inv. 240 | Alexandria | Egypt | 2055 | | 3rd/4th century | Ps. 143:14–148:3 | Laurentian Library, PSI 980 | Florence | Italy | 2056 | | 4th century | Ps. 111:1; 73:2 | Univ. Bibl., P. 305 | Gießen | Germany | 2057 | | 6th century | Ps. 3:4–9; 44:3; 62:2, 4–5 | John Rylands Library, P. Gr. 461 | Manchester | U. Kingdom | 2058 | | 6th/7th century | Ps. 148:9–14; 149:1–9; 150 fragm. | John Rylands Library, P. Gr. 462 | Manchester | U. Kingdom | 2059 | | 4th century | Ps. 17:45, 47–51; 18:2–4 fragm. | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 11682 | Berlin | Germany | 2060 | | 4th century | Ps. 103:18–19, 26–27; 105:17–18, 25–26 | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 16390 | Berlin | Germany | 2061 | | 6th/7th century | Ps. 51:4–7; 52:2–5 fragm. | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 16703 | Berlin | Germany | 2062 | | 7th/8th century | Ps. 90:1–13 | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 3642 + 3639 | Berlin | Germany | 2063 | | 7th/8th century | quotes of Ps. 61–138 | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 11763 | Berlin | Germany | 2064 | | 4th century | Ps. 36:5–24 | Laurentian Library, PSI 1371 | Florence | Italy | 2065 | | 7th century | Ps. 141:2–6 | Int. Pap., "G. Vitelli" PSI Inv. 1372 | Florence | Italy | 2066 | | 5th century | Ps. 3:4–8 | UML, P. Mich. Inv. 1573 | Ann Arbor | United States | 2067 | | 3rd century | Ps. 8:3–9; 9:1, 7–17 fragm. | UML, P. Mich. Inv. 22 | Ann Arbor | United States | 2068 | | 7th century | Ps. 109:1–4 | Mus. Royaux, E 370 | Brussels | Belgium | 2069 | | 6th century | Ps. 49:1–7 fragm. | Kekelidze Inst., Inv. Nr. 220 | Tbilisi | Georgia | 2070 | | 4th/5th century | Ps. 83:9–13; 84:2 fragm. | P.Oxy. 2386 | Oxyrhynchus | | 2071 | | 6th/7th century | Ps. 20:2–5 fragm. | Or. Inst. Mus., O. Medinet Habu 1269 | Chicago | United States | 2072 | | 7th/8th century | Ps. 30:3–8 fragm. | Or. Inst. Mus., O. Medinet Habu 1175 | Chicago | United States | 2073 | P. Oxyrhynchus 1779 | 4th century | Psalm 1:4–6 | United Theological Seminary, P. Oxy. 1779 | Dayton | United States | 2074 | | 5th century | Ps. 90:1–4 fragm. | Laurentian Library, PSI 759v | Florence | Italy | 2075 | | 4th/5th century | Ps. 90:1 + quotes of NT | Laurentian Library, PSI 719 | Florence | Italy | 2076 | | before 650 | quotes of Ps. 18–36 | Rijksmus. v. Oud., MS Insinger 41 | Leiden | Netherlands | 2077 | | 2nd century | Ps. 81:1–4; 82:4–9, 16–17 fragm. | Sackler Library, P. Ant 7 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 2078 | | 10th/11th century | Ps. 77:65–69 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. K 9730 | Vienna | Austria | locked | | | see item 2015 | ÖNB, P. Vindob. K 8343 | Vienna | Austria | locked | | | see item 2017 | Bodleian Library, Ms. Gr. (bibl.) d. 3 (P) | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 2081 | | 5th/6th century | Ps. 90:13–16 fragm. | Bodleian Library, Gr. bibl. e. 6 (P) | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 2082 | | 2nd/3rd century | Ps. 48:20–21; 49:1–3, 17–21 fragm. | Bodleian Library, Gr. bibl. g. 5 (P) | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 2083 | | 7th century | Ps. 140:1–8, 10 fragm. | University of Paris, Inv. 2136 | Paris | France | locked | | | see item 2015 | BnF, Copt. 1292, Bl. 1 etc. | Paris | France | 2085 | | 6th century | Ps. 2:7; 64:2; 86:2.5; 109:3 | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 27290 A | Vienna | Austria | locked | | | see item 2053 | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 29525 + 30465 | Vienna | Austria | 2087 | | 6th century | Ps. 11:9–12:3; 12:6–13:1 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 35772 | Vienna | Austria | 2088 | | 7th/8th century | Ps. 16:15; 17:3 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 3090 | Vienna | Austria | 2089 | | 6th/7th century | Ps. 17:7–11 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 26047 | Vienna | Austria | 2090 | | 4th/5th century | Ps. 32:9–15 | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 29274 | Vienna | Austria | 2091 | | 6th/7th century | Ps. 34:1–8, 11–14 | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 26205r + G 26607r | Vienna | Austria | 2092 | | 7th century | Ps. 54:2–8, 15–20 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 26113 | Vienna | Austria | 2093 | | 5th/6th century | Ps. 3:5–6; 62:2–3 | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 26166 | Vienna | Austria | 2094 | | 3rd century | Ps. 67:35–68:4, 8–14 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 26035 B | Vienna | Austria | 2095 | | 6th/7th century | Ps. 68:3–5, 9–12 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 35782 | Vienna | Austria | 2096 | | 7th century | Ps. 77:1–8 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 19920 | Vienna | Austria | 2097 | | 5th century | Ps. 91:15–92:1; 93:1 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 3093 | Vienna | Austria | 2098 | | 7th century | Ps. 92:1–4 | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 26228 B | Vienna | Austria | 2099 | | 6th century | Ps. 92:1; 103:10–12 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 26781 | Vienna | Austria | 2100 | | 9th century | Ps. 105:16; 117:17 | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 19809 | Vienna | Austria | 2101 | | 6th century | Ps. 118:122–123, 130–132 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 3080 | Vienna | Austria | 2102 | | 5th/6th century | Ps. 3:2–4; 118:155–160 | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 26786 | Vienna | Austria | 2103 | | 6th/7th century | Ps. 135:10–13, 19–21 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 35887 | Vienna | Austria | 2104 | | 6th century | Ps. 138:17–139:1, 3–8 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 26100 | Vienna | Austria | 2105 | | 5th/6th century | Ps. 90:5–10 fragm. | P.Oxy. 2065 | Oxyrhynchus | | 2106 | | 5th/6th century | Ps. 90:1–16 | P.Oxy. 1928 | Oxyrhynchus | | [2107] missing | | 4th century | Ps. 117:19–20 | NLH Nr. V | ? | | 2108 | | 4th century | Ps 40:20–23 fragm. | Woodbr. Coll., OLCR, P. Inv. 182 i | Birmingham | U. Kingdom | 2109 | | before 650 | Ps. 45:11–12 fragm. | MMA, Mon. Epiph. 580 | New York | United States | 2110 | | 2nd/4th century | Ps. 17:45–118:44 (with gaps) | Bodmer Library, P. Bodm. XXIV | Washington, D.C.[15] | United States | 2111 | | 7th century | Ps. 42:3 | Ashm. Mus., Gr. Inscr. 2912 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 2112 | | 7th century | Ps. 67:2–3 fragm. | Ashm. Mus., Gr. Inscr. 2926 a + b | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 2113 | | 4th century | Ps. 33:2–34:17 | Bodmer Library, P. Bodm. IX | Cologny (Canton of Geneva) | Switzerland | 2114 | | 6th/7th century | Ps. 28:3 | Mus. Royaux, E 6801 | Brussels | Belgium | 2115 | | 4th century | Ps. 90:1–4 fragm. | Univ. Bibl., Inv. 1644 | Oslo | Norway | 2116 | | 5th/6th century | Ps. 91:14–16 fragm. | Eleph.-Mus., O. Eleph.DAIK Nr. 165 | Aswan | Egypt | 2117 | | 3rd century | Ps. 144:1–10, 16–145:4 fragm. | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 21265 | Berlin | Germany | locked | | | see item 2015 | ÖNB, P. Vindob. K 902 | Vienna | Austria | 2119 | | 6th century | Ps. 149:1–6 | Ostr. Inv. n. 43 | Deir el Giza-z | Egypt | 2120 | | 7th century | Od. 8:62–73 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 25199 + 41406 + 41407 + 41413 | Vienna | Austria | 2121 | | 6th century | Ps. 21:19 (par. NT) | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 29418 | Vienna | Austria | 2122 | | 2nd/3rd century | Ps. 1:2–3 fragm. | Int. Pap., "G. Vitelli" PSI Inv. 1989 | Florence | Italy | 2123 | | 6th/7th century | Ps. 65:9–20; 98:1–8; 103:3–24; 108:4–11, 14–17, 24–31; 117:12–20; Ps. 103–135 (Incipits) | Kopt. Mus., P. Naqlun I, 1–5 | Cairo | Egypt | 2124 | | 5th century | Ps. 90:1–9 | Inst. Pap., Inv. 501 | Leiden | Netherlands | 2125 | | 6th/7th century | Od. 8:57–62(?) fragm. | MMA, Inv. 12.180.334 | New York | United States | 2126 | | 6th century | Ps. 71:12, 16–17 fragm. | Sackler Library, P. Ant. 51 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 2127 | | 5th/6th century | Ps. 8:1, 3–4, 7–8; 12:2–3, 5–6; 120:1–2, 5–7 | private collections, without number | South Salem | United States | 2128 | | 8th century | Ps. 100:1–4; 100:8–101:3 | University of Paris, Inv. 2125 | Paris | France | 2129 | | 5th century | Ps. 15:1–4; 16:2–5 fragm. | Univ.-Bibl., P. Inv. 83 | Amsterdam | Netherlands | 2130 | | 5th/6th century | Ps. 1:3–6; 2:6–9 | Sem. Pap., P. Palau Rib. Inv. 33 | Barcelona | Spain | 2131 | | 6th/7th century | quotes of Ps. 17, 90, 117 and NT | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 6096 | Berlin | Germany | 2132 | | 6th/7th century | Od. 1:1–2 | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 16158 | Berlin | Germany | 2133 | | 5th/6th century | Ps. 1:1–2 | Int. Pap., "G. Vitelli" Inv. 533 | Florence | Italy | 2134 | | 5th/6th century | Ps. 114:5–8 fragm. | Univ., IFC, PUG I 2 | Genoa | Italy | 2135 | | 10th century | Ps. 70:20–72:12 | IfP, P. Heid. Inv. G 2071 | Heidelberg | Germany | locked | | | see item 2015 | Kopt. Mus., Inv. 3855 + 3857 + 3859 + 3865 | Cairo | Egypt | 2137 | | 10th/11th century | Ps. 46:1–6 | Kopt. Mus., Inv. 3856 | Cairo | Egypt | 2138 | | before 650 | Ps. 33:2–5 fragm. | Ägypt. Mus., Inv. 44674.162 | Cairo | Egypt | 2139 | | 4th/5th century | Ps. 30:14–18 fragm. | BL, P. Inv. Nr. 0507e | London | U. Kingdom | 2140 | | 5th century | Ps. 14:1–3 fragm. | IfA, P.Colon. Inv. 525 | Cologne | Germany | 2141 | | 5th/6th century | Od. 1 | Rijksmus. v. Oud., Inv. I, 451 (A.AL 161) | Leiden | Netherlands | 2142 | | 3rd/5th century | Ps. 19:7–8 fragm. | John Rylands Library, Add. Box III, without number | Manchester | U. Kingdom | 2143 | | before 650 | Od. 8:57–66, 71, 72 fragm. | MMA, Inv. 14.1.203 | New York | United States | 2144 | | 4th century | Ps. 1:1 fragm. | Mus. Egizio, P. Taur. Inv. 27 | Turin | Italy | 2145 | | 6th/7th century | Ps. 9:4–13 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 3084 | Vienna | Austria | 2146 | | Byzantium | Ps. 39:3–6 fragm. | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 17098 | Berlin | Germany | 2147 | | 8th/9th century | Od. 8:64–66, 71 fragm. | Kunsthist. Mus., Inv. 8585 | Vienna | Austria | 2148 | | 6th century | Ps. 50:9–12 fragm. | John Rylands Library, Add. Box III, folder no 11 | Manchester | U. Kingdom | 2149 | | 4th century | Ps. 72:6–75:13; 77:1–88:2 z. T. fragm. | Chester Beatty Library, P. Ch. Beatty XIII (Ac 1501) | Dublin | Ireland | 2150 | | 4th century | Ps. 2:1–8; 26:1–6, 8–14; 31:8–11 fragm. | Chester Beatty Library, P. Ch. Beatty XIV (Ac 1501[!]) | Dublin | Ireland | 2151 | | 4th century | Ps. 1:1–4:2 (with gaps) | Chester Beatty Library, P. Ch. Beatty XV | Dublin | Ireland | 2152 | | 6th century | Ps. 5:12; 6:9–10 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 36022 | Vienna | Austria | 2153 | | 6th century | Od. 8:57, 86–87 / quotes of NT | Coll. Lais, P. Lais | Rome | Italy | 2154 | | IVE | Od. 8 fragm. | UML, P. Mich. 6427v | Ann Arbor | United States | 2155 | | 7th/8th century | Od. 5:9 | UML, P. Mich. 1572 | Ann Arbor | United States | 2156 | | 7th? century | Od. 4:8–10 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 36114 | Vienna | Austria | 2157 | | 3rd/4th century | Ps. 21:20–28, 31–32; 22:1–6; 23:1 fragm. | Univ., IFC, PUG I 1 | Genoa | Italy | 2158 | | 3rd century | Ps. 1:1–2 fragm. | Laurentian Library, PL Inv. II/34 | Florence | Italy | 2159 | | 6th/7th century | Ps. 31:9–10 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 29491 | Vienna | Austria | 2160 | | 2nd century | Ps. 14:3–5 | SBO, P. Monts./II Inv. 2 | Montserrat | | 2161 | | 7th/8th century | Ps. 106:35 | UML, P. Mich. 6577 | Ann Arbor | United States | 2162 | | 3rd century | Ps. 119:7 | SBO, P. Monts./II Inv. 10 | Montserrat | | 2163 | | 7th century | Ps. 98:4–5 fragm. | Sem. Pap., P. Palau Rib. Inv. 212v | Barcelona | Spain | 2164 | | 6th century | Ps. 129:2–6; 140:9–10; 141:2–3 fragm. | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 21270 | Berlin | Germany | 2165 | | 4th century | Ps. 50:3–14 fragm. | Laurentian Library, PL Inv. II/39 | Florence | Italy | 2166 | | 4th century | Ps. 90:1–6 fragm. | Laurentian Library, PL Inv. III/501 | Florence | Italy | 2167 | | 5th century | Ps. 148:6–13 fragm. | Int. Pap., "G. Vitelli", PSI Inv. 1510r | Florence | Italy | 2168 | | 5th/6th century | Ps. 30:20–24; 43:2–6 fragm. | Univ., IFC, PUG I 3 | Genoa | Italy | 2169 | | 4th century | 148:7–8 fragm. | Univ. S. Cuore, P. Med. Inv. 71.86c | Milan | Italy | 2170 | | 5th century | Ps. 67:20; 92:1 fragm. | IfA, P.Colon. Inv. 2609 | Cologne | Germany | 2171 | | 6th/7th century | Ps. 132 | BL, P. Inv. 120 (3) | London | U. Kingdom | 2172 | | 4th/5th century | Ps. 15:4–11; 16:3–11 fragm. | BSB, P. gr. mon. 333 | Munich | Germany | 2173 | | 6th/7th century | Ps. 91:1 fragm. | MMA, Inv. 14.1.481 | New York | United States | 2174 | | 4th century | Ps. 92:1–5 | Luwr, MND 552 E, F | Paris | France | 2175 | | 4th century | Ps. 146:1–147:1 | Luwr, MND 552 I and H | Paris | France | 2176 | | 7th century | Ps. 28:1–29:7 | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 2657 | Vatican City | | 2177 | | 4th century | Ps. 117:26–27 fragm. | private collections of Fackelmann, P. A. Fackelmann 10 | Vienna | Austria | 2178 | | 4th/5th century | Ps. 118:22–40 fragm. | private collections of Fackelmann, P. A. Fackelmann 11 | Vienna | Austria | 2179 | | 6th/7th century | Ps. 90:1–16 / quotes of NT | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 348 | Vienna | Austria | 2180 | | 6th century | Ps. 79:13–15; 80:11–13 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 3115 | Vienna | Austria | 2181 | | 5th/6th century | Ps. 1:1–3 | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 25949 | Vienna | Austria | 2182 | | 4th century | Ps. 77:48–52, 61–66 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 35781 | Vienna | Austria | 2183 | | 7th century | Ps. 31:1–3 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 41050 Verso | Vienna | Austria | 2184 | | 6th century | Od. 3:3–7 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 40776 Verso | Vienna | Austria | 2185 | | 6th/7th century | Od. 12:3–5 | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 17097 | Berlin | Germany | 2186 | | 4th? century | Od. 8:51–52 fragm. | BSB, Gr. 610 Nr. 7 | Munich | Germany | 2187 | | 4th/5th century | Od. 8:57, 59 | CSIC, P.Matr. bibl. 2 | Madrid | Spain | 2188 | | 7th/8th century | Od. 8:61–66 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. K 503 (KO 503) | Vienna | Austria | 2189 | | 7th century | Od. 8:77–88 | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 37 Verso | Vienna | Austria | 2190 | | 10th century | Od. 8:57–81 | Baptistery | Kasr al-Wizz | | 2191 | | Byzantium | Ps. 103:1–6 | BL, EA 32884 | London | U. Kingdom | 2192 | | Byzantium | Ps. 117:26–27 | BL, EA 32966 | London | U. Kingdom | 2193 | | 7th/8th century | Ps. 80:4; 117:19–20 | BL, EA 35123 | London | U. Kingdom | 2194 | | 7th? century | Od. 8:57–88 | Kopt. Mus., Ostr. 3151 | Cairo | Egypt | 2195 | | 6th/7th century | Od. 8:73–76, 78 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 29523 | Vienna | Austria | 2196 | | 6th century | Od. 8:52–56 | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 19934, Fragm. Ia | Vienna | Austria | 2197 | | 5th century | Ps. 50:17–20 | SCL, P. Duk. Inv. 661v | Durham | United States | 2198 | | 3rd century | Ps. 88:4–8, 15–18 | SCL, P. Duk. Inv. 740 | Durham | United States | 2199 | | 4th century | Ps. 90 | SCL, P. Duk. Inv. 778 | Durham | United States | 2200 | | 5th/6th century | Ps. 80:2.4 | IfP, P. Heid. Inv. G 1367 + 2259 | Heidelberg | Germany | 2201 | | 7th/8th century | Ps. 135:1–18, 21–26 | IfP, P. Heid. Inv. G 2104 | Heidelberg | Germany | 2202 | | Sixth century | Od. 4 (Hab 3):16–19; 5 (Is. 26):10–11, 14–15 | IfP, P. Heid. Inv. G 2258 + 2748 | Heidelberg | Germany | 2203 | | 5th/6th century | Ps. 36:25–26 fragm. | IfP, P. Heid. Inv. G 2260 | Heidelberg | Germany | 2204 | | 6th century | Ps. 118:169–176; 133 | YBR, P. CtYBR Inv. 488 | New Haven | United States | 2205 | | 6th/7th century | Ps. 148:6–9; 149:1–4 fragm. | YBR, P. CtYBR Inv. 3082 | New Haven | United States | 2206 | | 5th/6th? century | Ps. 150:3–6 fragm. | Col. Univ., P. Col. Inv. 97 | New York | United States | 2207 | | before 650 | Ps. 88:4–5 / quotes of NT | MMA, Inv. 14.1.202 | New York | United States | 2208 | | 6th/7th century | Od. 8:88; 9:46–47, 54–55 | Sin.-Tr. S. 369, Abb. 9 | Sinai | Egypt | 2209 | | 7th/8th century | Ps. 9:12–27 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 1128 | Vienna | Austria | 2210 | | 6th/7th century | Ps. 1:3–4; 4:2 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 3089 | Vienna | Austria | 2211 | | 6th/7th century | Ps. 40:3–6 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 14289 | Vienna | Austria | 2212 | | 6th century | Ps. 23:1 | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 17087 | Vienna | Austria | 2213 | | 7th century | Ps. 142:2–8, 10–12 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 17961 | Vienna | Austria | 2214 | | 6th/7th century | Ps. 9:38–10:3 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 20541v | Vienna | Austria | 2215 | | 5th/6th century | Ps. 24:15; 49:1.2 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 29435 | Vienna | Austria | 2216 | | 7th/8th century | Ps. 96:1; 117:2 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 35763 | Vienna | Austria | 2217 | | 6th/7th century | Ps. 53:3–9 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 38624 + 41738 | Vienna | Austria | 2218 | | 4th/5th century | Ps. 43:21–24; 43:27–44:2 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 39205 | Vienna | Austria | 2219 | | 7th/8th century | Od. 1:10, 12, 15–16, 18; 5:9, 10, 12, 14–15, 17–18 | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 40404 | Vienna | Austria | 2220 | | 5th/6th century | Od. 7:35–37, 43–44 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 41449 | Vienna | Austria | 2221 | | 8th century | Ps. 91:13 | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 43283 | Vienna | Austria | 2222 | | 5th/6th century | Ps. 117:5–6, 9; 22:1, 3 | Ägyptisches Museum, P. 2791 | Berlin | Germany | 2223 | | 6th century | Ps. 17:36–38; 49:3–4, 6–7 | Univ. Statale, T. Mil. Vogl. inv. 2 and 3 | Milan | Italy | 2224 | | 4th century | Ps. 12:3–5 | Univ. Statale, T. Mil. Vogl. inv. 5 | Milan | Italy | 2225 | | 6th century | Ps. 7:4–10 fragm. | IfA, P.Colon. Inv. 1612 | Cologne | Germany | 2226 | | 4th/5th century | Ps. 30:3–4 fragm. | ÖNB, P. Vindob. G 40580 | Vienna | Austria | 2227 | P. Oxyrhynchus 5101 | 50 to 150 CE | Psalms 26:9–14; 44:4–8; 47:13–15; 48:6–21; 49:2–16; 63:6–64:5 | Sackler Library, 20 3B.36/J(4)B + 27 3B.38/N(1)B + 27 3B.41/J(1–2)c | Oxford | U. Kingdom | |
Part VIII: 3001-5000
Symbol | Name | Date | Content | Institution | City | Country |
3001 | | ? | Cat. in Job | Chester Beatty Library, W 136 | Dublin | Ireland | 3002 | | 13th century | Mac. III-IV | Cod. gr. 1342 | Sinai | Egypt | 3003 | | 12th century | Cat. in. Job | Bodleian Library, Holkham Gr. 65 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 3004 | | XVIE | Cat. in Job | Bibl. Univ., 32 (1-2-1) | Salamanca | Spain | 3005 | | 9th/10th century | Cat. in Job | Bibl. Durazzo - Giustiniani, A I. 10. | Genoa | Italy | 3006 | | 11th century | Cat. in Job | Cod. gr. 3 | Sinai | Egypt | 3007 | | 1510 | Cat. in Eccl., Cant and Job | Cod. gr. 311 | Sinai | Egypt | 3008 | | 12th/13th century | Cat. in Job | Вατοπαιδίου, 590 | Mount Athos | Greece | 3009 | | 16th century | Cat. in Jer., Ez., Hab., Is and in Dan. | Vatican Library, Pii. II 18 | Vatican City | | 3010 | | 7th/8th century | Libri sap. | Nat. Bibl., Cod. C.V.25 c. 53, Palimpsest | Turin | Italy | 3011 | | ??? | Libri sap. | Vallic. gr. E 21 | Rome | Italy | 3012 | | ??? | Libri sap. | Coll. gr. 7 | Rome | Italy | 3013 | | 10th century | parts of Exod.-Lev. | Bodleian Library, T. 4. 21, Palimpsest | Oxford | U. Kingdom | |
Part X: 7001–xxxx
Symbol | Name | Date | Content | Institution | City | Country |
7001 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Patr.-Bibl., Καμαρ. 3 | Istanbul | Turkey | 7002 | | 1506 | Ps.Od. | Patr.-Bibl., Καμαρ. 71 | Istanbul | Turkey | 7003 | | 1298 | Ps.Od. | Patr.-Bibl., Καμαρ. 134 | Istanbul | Turkey | 7004 | | 1597 | Ps.Od. | Patr.-Bibl., Καμαρ. 135 | Istanbul | Turkey | 7005 | | 1305 | Ps.Od. | Patr.-Bibl., Τριάδος 19 | Istanbul | Turkey | 7006 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Patr.-Bibl., Τριάδος 20 | Istanbul | Turkey | 7007 | | 15th century | Od.Ps. | Patr.-Bibl., Τριάδος 21 | Istanbul | Turkey | 7008 | | 1341 | Ps.Od. | Patr.-Bibl., Τριάδος 22 | Istanbul | Turkey | 7009 | | ??? | Ps.Od. | Patr.-Bibl., Τριάδος 23 | Istanbul | Turkey | 7010 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Patr.-Bibl., Θεολ. Σχολή 10 | Istanbul | Turkey | 7011 | | 16th century | Ps. | Μονή Κορ. 36 | Karditsa | Greece | 7012 | | 16th century | Ps. | Μονή Κορ. 44 | Karditsa | Greece | 7013 | | 16th century | Ps. | Μονή Κορ. 57 | Karditsa | Greece | 7014 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Kath.-Bibl., 15 | Kastoria | Greece | 7015 | | 13th/14th century | Ps. | Βιβλ. Μητρ., 37 | Larnaca | Cyprus | 7016 | | 15th century | Ps. | Μ. Άγιας Τριάδος, 68 | Meteora | Greece | 7017 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Μ. Άγιας Τριάδος, 77 | Meteora | Greece | 7018 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Μ. Βαρλαάμ, 36 | Meteora | Greece | 7019 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Μ. Βαρλαάμ, 37 | Meteora | Greece | 7020 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Μ. Βαρλαάμ, 39 | Meteora | Greece | 7021 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Μ. Βαρλαάμ, 40 | Meteora | Greece | 7022 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Μ. Βαρλαάμ, 41 | Meteora | Greece | 7023 | | 1546 | Ps.Od. | Μ. Μεταμορφώσεως, 4 | Meteora | Greece | 7024 | | 1348 | Ps.Od. | Μ. Μεταμορφώσεως, 11 | Meteora | Greece | 7025 | | 1524 | Ps.Od. | Μ. Μεταμορφώσεως, 58 | Meteora | Greece | 7026 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Μ. Μεταμορφώσεως, 61 | Meteora | Greece | 7027 | | 14th century | Ps.Od. | Μ. Μεταμορφώσεως, 80 | Meteora | Greece | 7028 | | 1516 | Ps.Od. | Μ. Μεταμορφώσεως, 85 | Meteora | Greece | 7029 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Μ. Μεταμορφώσεως, 90 | Meteora | Greece | 7030 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Μ. Μεταμορφώσεως, 113 | Meteora | Greece | 7031 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Μ. Μεταμορφώσεως, 120 | Meteora | Greece | 7032 | | 15th century | Ps. | Μ. Μεταμορφώσεως, 159 | Meteora | Greece | 7033 | | 16th century | Ps. | Μ. Μεταμορφώσεως, 170 | Meteora | Greece | 7034 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Μ. Μεταμορφώσεως, 176 | Meteora | Greece | 7035 | | 1523 | Ps.Od. | Μ. Μεταμορφώσεως, 204 | Meteora | Greece | 7036 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Μ. Μεταμορφώσεως, 211 | Meteora | Greece | 7037 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Μ. Μεταμορφώσεως, 362 | Meteora | Greece | 7038 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Μ. Μεταμορφώσεως, 453 | Meteora | Greece | 7039 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Μ. Μεταμορφώσεως, 491 | Meteora | Greece | 7040 | NLH Nr. II | 14th century | Ps.Od. | Buchhdlg. Hiersemann, Cat. 1926. Nr. 33 | ? | | 7041 | NLH Nr. IV | 13th? century | Ps.Od. | Sotheby's, Dec. 1980. lot 73 | London | U. Kingdom | 7042 | | 13th/14th century | Ps.Od | Schøyen Coll., MS 1762 | Oslo | Norway | 7043 | | 14th century | Ps.Od. | Bodleian Library, Holkham Gr. 1 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 7044 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Bodleian Library, Holkham Gr. 2 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 7045 | | 1474 | Ps.Od. | Bodleian Library, Holkham Gr. 3 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 7046 | | 16th century | Cat. in Ps. | Bodleian Library, Holkham Gr. 45 | Oxford | U. Kingdom | 7047 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Bibl. RAdW, 15 | Petersburg | Russia | 7048 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Bibl. RAdW, 9 | Petersburg | Russia | 7049 | | 14th century | Ps. fragm. | RBN Gr. 75 | Petersburg | Russia | 7050 | | 14th century | Ps.Od. | Arch. Cap., E 16 | Rome | Italy | 7051 | | 15th century | Cat. in Ps.Od | Vatican Library, Borgian., gr. 2–4 | Vatican City | | 7052 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Bibl. Comm., Ms. X.VI.3 | Siena | Italy | 7053 | | 15th century | Ps. | Cod. gr. 11 | Sinai | Egypt | 7054 | | 16th century | Ps.Od | Cod. gr. 20 | Sinai | Egypt | 7055 | | Kamil XVI; CL 1638 | Ps.Od | Cod. gr. 69 | Sinai | Egypt | 7056 | | CL XVI; Kamil XVI/XVII | Ps.Od | Cod. gr. 80 | Sinai | Egypt | 7057 | | Kamil 1503; CL n.a. | Ps.Od | Cod. gr. 100 | Sinai | Egypt | 7058 | | Ben. III 1600; Kamil/CL 1601 | Ps.Od | Cod. gr. 2019 | Sinai | Egypt | 7059 | | 1434 | Ps. | Cod. gr. 2055 | Sinai | Egypt | 7060 | | 1545 | Ps. | Cod. gr. 2057 | Sinai | Egypt | 7061 | | 16th century | Ps.Od | Cod. gr. 2061 | Sinai | Egypt | 7062 | | 16th century | Ps.Od | Cod. gr. 2068 | Sinai | Egypt | 7063 | | 16th century | Ps.Od | Cod. gr. 2069 | Sinai | Egypt | 7064 | | 1242 | Ps. | Cod. gr. 2123 | Sinai | Egypt | 7065 | | 15th/16th century | Ps.Od | Cod. gr. 2130 | Sinai | Egypt | 7066 | | 14th century | Ps. | Cod. gr. 2132 | Sinai | Egypt | 7067 | | 1575 | Ps.Od | Cod. gr. 2133 | Sinai | Egypt | 7068 | | 16th century | Ps. | Cod. gr. 2150 | Sinai | Egypt | 7069 | | 14th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., M 14 | Sinai | Egypt | 7070 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Neue Slg., M 44 | Sinai | Egypt | 7071 | | 14th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., X 8 | Sinai | Egypt | 7072 | | 15th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., X 9 | Sinai | Egypt | 7073 | | 13th/14th century | Ps.Od. | Neue Slg., X 11 | Sinai | Egypt | 7074 | | 15th/16th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., X 15 | Sinai | Egypt | 7075 | | 14th/15th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., X 39 | Sinai | Egypt | 7076 | | 15th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., X 50 | Sinai | Egypt | 7077 | | 14th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., X 68 | Sinai | Egypt | 7078 | | 15th/16th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., X 80 | Sinai | Egypt | 7079 | | 16th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., X 91 | Sinai | Egypt | 7080 | | 16th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., X 106 | Sinai | Egypt | 7081 | | 14th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., X 113 | Sinai | Egypt | 7082 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Neue Slg., X 136 | Sinai | Egypt | 7083 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Neue Slg., X 149 | Sinai | Egypt | 7084 | | 13th/14th century | Ps.Od. | Neue Slg., X 163 | Sinai | Egypt | 7085 | | 16th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., X 196 | Sinai | Egypt | 7086 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | Neue Slg., X 227 | Sinai | Egypt | 7087 | | 15th/16th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., X 230 | Sinai | Egypt | 7088 | | 14th/15th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., X 232 | Sinai | Egypt | 7089 | | 15th century | Ps. | Neue Slg., X 266 | Sinai | Egypt | 7090 | | 15th century | Od. | Neue Slg., X 282 | Sinai | Egypt | 7091 | | 15th/16th century | Ps.Od. | St. Nikolaus, 6 | Skamneli | | 7092 | | 13th/14th century | Ps. | Rivas Nr 9 | Skiatos | Greece | 7093 | | 1509 | Ps.Od. | IfK, 314 [28] | Sofia | Bulgaria | 7094 | | 1558 | Ps.Od. | IfK, 321 [5] | Sofia | Bulgaria | 7095 | | 15th/16th century | Ps.Od. | IfK, 405 [1] | Sofia | Bulgaria | 7096 | | ??? | Ps. | IfK, 412 [33] | Sofia | Bulgaria | 7097 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Nat.-Bibl., Ms. gr. 19 | Sofia | Bulgaria | 7098 | | 14th century | Ps.Od. | Nat.-Bibl., Ms. gr. 20 | Sofia | Bulgaria | 7099 | | 15th century | Ps.Od. | ZSBS, Dujčev 41 | Sofia | Bulgaria | 7100 | | 14th century | Ps.Od. | ZSBS, Dujčev 44 (33) | Sofia | Bulgaria | 7101 | | 1525 | Ps.Od. | ZSBS, Dujčev 47 (34) | Sofia | Bulgaria | 7102 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | ZSBS, Dujčev 66 | Sofia | Bulgaria | 7103 | | 14th century | Ps.Od. | ZSBS, Dujčev 173 (32) | Sofia | Bulgaria | 7104 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | ZSBS, Dujčev 243 + 120 | Sofia | Bulgaria | 7105 | | 14th century | Ps.Od. | ZSBS, Dujčev 382 | Sofia | Bulgaria | 7106 | | 13th century | Ps.Od. | Μ. Βλατ., 41 | Thessaloniki | Greece | 7107 | | 14th century | Ps.Od. | Μ. Βλατ., 47 | Thessaloniki | Greece | 7108 | | 16th century | Ps.Od. | Kekelidze Inst., gr. 14 | Tbilisi | Georgia | 7109 | | 15th century | Ps. | Bibl. Comm., 2325 | Trento | Italy | |
See also