Schoeniparus Explained

Schoeniparus is a genus of passerine birds in the family Pellorneidae.


The species in genus Schoeniparus were until recently placed in the genus Alcippe with other fulvettas. Recent genetic analysis found that genus polyphyletic and Schoeniparus was resurrected for a group of seven species.

The genus currently contains the following seven species:

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Image Common Name Scientific name Distribution
Schoeniparus variegaticepsChina.
Schoeniparus cinereusChina.
Schoeniparus castanecepsIndia, Bhutan
Schoeniparus klossiVietnam.
Schoeniparus rufogularissoutheastern Asia from the Himalayas through Indochina to southwestern Cambodia.
Schoeniparus dubiusBhutan, China, India, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam.
Schoeniparus brunneusChina and Taiwan.