Satoru Nakamura (Japanese journalist) explained

Satoru Nakamura (仲村 覚, born in 1964) is a Japanese journalist and the president of the . He also serves as a director of the Free Press Association, an organization dedicated to protecting the public's right to know.

Born in Naha City, Okinawa, in 1964, during the U.S. administration of the region, Nakamura entered the in 1979. After graduation, he was assigned to an aviation unit. He retired from the military in 1991, worked for several companies, and in 2009, established the private organization "Okinawa Strategy Headquarters".[1]

As a journalist, Nakamura focuses on topics related to Okinawan politics, international relations, criticism of the Ryukyu independence movement,[2] [3] U.S.-Japan relations, security issues, and China.[4] [5] [6] He has also written and contributed to articles on North Korea's abduction issue.[7]

He has delivered lectures at the as well.[8]

Views on the Ryukyu Independence Movement

Notes and References

  1. iRONNA 執筆者 『日本沖縄政策研究フォーラム理事長』仲村覚
  2. News: 辺野古移設反対と不気味に連動 看過できぬ琉球独立運動 ジャーナリスト仲村覚氏 . . 2015-04-17 . 2018-03-11.
  3. News: 「沖縄県民は日本国民だ。知事は誇りを傷つけた」 照屋県議ら日本外国特派員協会で. . 2015-12-01 . 2018-03-11.
  4. News: 中国は、沖縄を「特別自治区」と思っている!? 沖縄対策本部代表 仲村覚 . . 2016-12-30 . 2018-03-11.
  5. News: 中国の「沖縄包囲網」は最終段階に入った . iRONNA . 2018-03-11.
  6. News: 中国、「列島線突破巡航」訓練本格化 「日本列島を一周する訓練を始める危険性も」 . . 2018-01-18 . 2018-03-11.
  7. News: 「特定失踪者」の拉致被害者認定と早期救出を 34人、全国で2番目に多い沖縄で一斉活動集会 . . 2017-11-26 . 2018-03-11.
  8. Web site: 沖縄はいつから日本なのか 仲村覚氏 世界日報 . 2022-09-11 . ja.
  9. News: ウーマン村本に知ってほしい「沖縄モヤモヤ史観」 . iRONNA . 2018-03-11.
  10. 2019年9月号 正論 歴史戦③ 狼煙上げた「琉球人大虐殺」説 中村 覚 P232-P239
  11. 「沖縄は中国工作の重要な現場。要員が民間企業の従業員や学者の身分で活動」 日本沖縄政策研究フォーラム 仲村氏、危機訴え
  12. 【我那覇真子「おおきなわ」#78】仲村覚~また国連か!ロバート梶原氏による「琉球トンデモ論」を検証する[桜R1/7/19]]
    • Regarding the relationship between China and the Ryukyu independence movement, Nakamura mentioned Chinese scholar Tang Chunfeng, who supports Ryukyu independence,[10] as well as the Chinese Ryukyu Special Autonomous Region, which claims Okinawa as Chinese territory.
    • Nakamura also argued that Chinese universities and think tanks engage in academic exchanges with Okinawan independence groups, and Chinese media repeatedly question Japan's sovereignty over Okinawa.[11] He claimed that the Ryukyu independence movement, anti-U.S. base protests, opposition to constitutional revision (Article 9), and left-wing peace activists are united, with support from China.

    See also

