San Domenico, Cesena Explained

San Domenico is a Roman Catholic church located on Viale Mazzoni, 32 in Cesena, region of Emilia-Romagna, Italy.


A church at the site was erected first in 1240, inspired by the sermons of San Pietro Martire. The original church stood against medieval walls. This was replaced by a reconstruction in 1383 patronized by Galeotto I Malatesta. Construction of the church we see today took place from 1706 to 1725 (or 1722), using designs of the architect Francesco Zondini.[1]

The painting was looted of much of its original collections, but acquired others from other suppressed institutions in the town, including paintings by Cristoforo Serra and Cristoforo Savolini.[2] Savolini painted the altarpiece of San Donnino.Other works in the church include a Miracle of St Aldebrando originally at church of Santa Croce in Rimini, by Andrea Mainardi;[3] a Madonna and Child, Saints Anne, Francis di Sales, and Carlo Borromeo by Felice Torelli; and a St Bishop and Martyr (circa 1660) by Guido Cagnacci.

Notes and References

  1. La patria; geografia dell' Italia: pte. 2. Provincie di Ravenna, Ferrara, Forli'
  2. Comune of Cesena, tourism office
  3. La chiesa di San Zenone a Cesena: storia e restauro