Saint symbolism: Saints (A–H) explained

Saint symbolism has been used from the very beginnings of the religion. Each saint is said to have led an exemplary life and symbols have been used to tell these stories throughout the history of the Church.[1] A number of Christian saints are traditionally represented by a symbol or iconic motif associated with their life, termed an attribute or emblem, in order to identify them. The study of these forms part of iconography in art history.[2] They were particularly used so that the illiterate could recognize a scene, and to give each of the Saints something of a personality in art. They are often carried in the hand by the Saint.

Attributes often vary with either time or geography, especially between Eastern Christianity and the West. Orthodox images more often contained inscriptions with the names of saints, so the Eastern repertoire of attributes is generally smaller than the Western. Many of the most prominent saints, like Saint Peter and Saint John the Evangelist can also be recognised by a distinctive facial type. Some attributes are general, such as the martyr's palm.[3] The use of a symbol in a work of art depicting a Saint reminds people who is being shown and of their story. The following is a list of some of these attributes.

Saints listed by name

See main article: Saint symbolism. Saints (I–P)

See main article: Saint symbolism: Saints (I–P). Saints (Q–Z)

See main article: Saint symbolism: Saints (Q–Z).


kneeling in prayer while angels bring wreaths of flowers[4]
in fur tunics
crosier brought to him by an angel
Abraham of Arbelasword near him
an old hermit clothed in skins and sporting a blowing beard; in his cell with his niece Mary in an adjoining cell[5]
bishop with a stag, raising a dead child to life[6]
Acathius of Melitenecrown of thorns
with Saint Victoria, his sister,[7] crowned with roses
AccursiusFranciscan with a sword in his breast
Adalard of CorbieBishop giving alms
Holding a church in his hand
spears, bishop clothes, book, paddle, Rarely even scales or Paladium of Bohemia[8]
Religious habit of the Marianist Sisters
Adjutorthrowing his chains into whirlpool
cassock with black zucchetto
Adrian of Batanealion by his side
in armor, holding a hammer and anvil
Ælfheah of Canterburyaxe
crozier of an abbot, holding a book
habit of a monk, on horseback
in royal attire, sometimes with swords[9]
holding a model of Ely Cathedral
being burned at the stake
tongs or shears, veil, bells, two breasts on a plate[10]
martyr's palm, soldier's attire with a bunch of thorns, in armor with standard and shield, with Theodore of Amasea
Habit of a Basilian monk
Lily and a lamb[11]
Agnes of Romelamb, martyr's palm, sword
Religious habit of a Sister of Divine Charity
martyr's palm
Angel touching monks with a staff
giving his horse to a poor man[12]
praying on the top of the walls of Orléans
Religious habit of the Sisters of Marie Madeleine Postel
Dominican habit
tall cross and a sword
holding his own head in his hands
priest's attire
Albert of LouvainCardinal seated with three swords on the ground before him
Carmelite habit, lily, book, devil, with Angelus of Jerusalem,
Dominican habit, dove
Jesuit habit, an old green van
Dominican habit, books and scrolls, writing with a quill
Dominican habit
episcopal robes, holding a cathedral
soldier, military standard, bearing white lily
man lying beneath a staircase
Vested wearing bishop's omophorion and patriarch's koukoulion. Sometimes holding a Gospel Book with his right hand raised in blessing
rosary, vexillium legionis
Religious habit of a Sister of the Most Precious Blood
Alfred the Greatcodex, crown, orb/scepter
Augustinian habit, crucifix
crucifix, lily
cassock, rosary
rosary, bible in hands
Dominican habit
clothed in his monastic habit, standing atop a pillar
bishop listening to an angel playing music[13]
holding an open book and with a crown on her head
holding a church building
pilgrim's staff
Franciscan habit, staff
bishop with axe and tree
clothed as a monk, sometimes holding a scroll
Ambrosebees, beehive, dove, ox, pen
priest with cloak
Religious habit of the Little Sisters of the Annunciation, crucifix
Dominican habit
Religious habit
palm branch, cross, medicine pot
Vested as a bishop with omophorion, holding a Gospel Book
holding a book and palm of martyrdom, head pierced by a wooden knife
Dominican habit
Servite habit
Franciscan habit
Franciscan habit, purple stole
priest's attire
clothed as an Orthodox monk, often shown holding an icon
Franciscan habit
priest's cassock
as a bishop, holding a gospel book or scroll, with his right hand raised in blessing, with a full head of grey hair and a long, tapering grey beard
Augustinian habit, bible, stole
soldier holding a pilum
a saltire[14]
curing a paralytic girl; sometimes shown appearing to a sleeping priest; Irish wolfhound
walnuts, eagle, chain, axe, rocks
clothed as a Russian Grand Prince, holding a three-bar cross in his right hand
laurel wreath as a symbol of martyrdom
Andronicus elderly, in the robes of a Roman citizen, with a spear, the companions with crosses or spears
her face scarred by leprosy[15]
Archangel carrying the Portuguese Shield
Religious habit, martyr's palm
cloak, ladder
Religious habit
flowers, wreath, rosary, crucifix, Carmelite habit
Franciscan habit
Augustinian habit
Augustinian habit, crucifix
Carmelite habit
Carmelite habit, sword through chest, book, palm, three crowns, lilies, roses
Martyr's palm, Lily flower, Rosary
Religious habit, crucifix
Religious habit
Religious habit
sun, bright globe, Triniatrian scapular
Anne, grandmother of Jesusdoor, book, with the Virgin Mary reading, red robe and green mantle[16]
bedridden with bandaged head and holding a crucifix
lily flower, rosary
Religious habit
Religious habit
Religious habit of the Rogationist Fathers[17]
Religious habit of the Sisters of Saint Dorothy of Cemmo
holding a cluster of dates, a heart with IHS or liver, martyr's palm, being boiled in oil or beheaded; banner bearing the arms of Siena;[18] baptismal cup; fountain
bishop with a barn near him; fruit and garden produce
holding a lamp lit by a divine hand
with a miraculous Refugium Peccatorum image of the Virgin Mary
bishop's robe, crozier, an open book, catechism, 2 students beside him at his side and having his bent arm pointing to the sky
Anthony of PaduaChrist Child, bread, book, white lily
Anthony the Greatbell, pig, T-shaped cross;[19] [20] Tau cross with bell pendant[21]
cassock, lily, cross, chalice, Eucharist
martyr's palm
martyr's palm
cassock, crucifix
religious habit of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd, martyr's palm
religious habit of the Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception,
martyr's palm, lily, rosary
religious habit of the Daughters of Our Lady of Mercy
Benedictine habit, holding a standard and the city wall
Habit of the Order of Friars Minor
Dominican habit
bishop's attire and insignia
cassock, rosary
Augustinian habit
Dominican habit, martyr's palm
Franciscan habit
veil, cross
holding his own head
tongs (sometimes with a tooth in them), holding a cross or martyr's palm or crown
sword through his neck
club in his hand, lighted taper or on a rack, limbs chopped off[22]
book of hours, cassock
Religious habit
deacon's vestments, holding the palm of martyrdom
bishop's attire, with a mash rake
rake in his hand
as a bishop with the gospel, or a monk carrying hot coals
Franciscan habit
Pharmacist's lab coat
Religious habit
long white beard, vested as a priest, holding the gospel book.
Athanasius of Alexandriabishop arguing with a pagan, bishop holding an open book, bishop standing over a defeated heretic
Athenagoras, the Athenian, Philosopher, and Christian (self-styled)
episcopal vestments or as a hermit
sword, funeral pyre, wheel[23] in the act of her father killing her[24]
Augustine of Hippodove, child, shell, pen, book, heart with a flame[25]
thrown into the sea with a millstone around her neck[26]
Religious habit, wolf
knight on horseback, sometimes with religious habit over his armor; with a man falling from a horse in front of him
cassock, holding the two-fingered sign of the cross
monk's or hermit's habit


Babylas of Antiochbishop with three small boys
Balthazarbearded black magus offering a covered cup to the Infant Jesus
a white rose[27]
Barbaratower (often with three windows), chalice, ciborium, cannon
ordering a tree cut down
Barnabaspilgrim's staff, olive branch
Basil of Ancyrawith a lioness at his side
dove perched on his arm
bishop preaching to geese, deer, and other animals[28]
sword, sceptre, hooded hawk
prayer rope
a monk holding a pen
Religious habit
Benedictbroken cup, raven, bell, crosier, bush, a bound bundle of sticks[29]
Papal vestments, Papal tiara, Dominican habit
Papal vestments, Papal tiara, Dominican habit
Benedict Biscopbishop holding crosier in one hand and open book in the other
beggar sharing alms with other poor
Priest's cassock, Crucifix
Dominican habit, rope
portrayed as a boy carrying a large stone on his shoulder
Franciscan habit
Martyr's palm, lily flower, rosary, book, pot jar, (occasionally) a knife
dog, key[30]
Man of Sacrifice to God
Servite habit
Benno of Meissenfish with keys in its mouth, book
nun's habit, with a cow and either a pruning hook or branch, sometimes portrayed with Saints Nona and Celsa[31]
Priest's cassock
Passionist habit
Bernard of Clairvauxpen, bees, instruments of the Passion
Franciscan habit
with the devil in chains at or under his feet
Franciscan habit, skull
Religious habit
Holding three green hills symbolic of monti di pietà[32]
Bernardino of Sienatablet or sun inscribed with IHS, three mitres
Priest's cassock
Priest's cassock
Dominican habit
Benedictine habit
Religious habit
Bishop vestments, small cross, hammer, chalice
a nun kneeling before an altar with her daughter
palm of martyrdom[33]
in a monk's habit with a fish.[34]
an ostrich feather[35]
Monastic habit, insignia of an abbot
bound to a pillar; dagger and palm
Blaisetwo crossed and lit candles, iron comb
bull, tied to a pillar with a lion and bear near her[36]
Dove, Martyr's palm, Religious habit
Bishop holding a fish
Religious habit
Servite habit, Banner, Cross
Bonaventurecommunion, ciborium, cardinal's hat
Bonifaceoak, axe, book, fox, scourge, fountain, raven, sword
in a cauldron of boiling oil
Co-foundress of the Servants of St. Joseph
monastic habit, insignia of an abbot
garments of a prince, holding swords or spears, or the cross of martyrs
Brendan the Navigatorwhale; priest celebrating Mass on board a ship while fish gather to listen; one of a group of monks in a small boat
Bridget of Sweden
Brigid of Kildarecow, crosier, Brigid's cross
Religious habit, crucifix
Priest's cassock
Religious habit
Priest's cassock
seated with mitre and crosier at his feet, an olive branch in his hand
Monk or abbot with cuckoo and/or the Nevern Cross
sword, boat, episcopal attributes


Bishop throwing a spear, crown at feet, sometimes accompanied by a stag, a pig or a mouse
Priest's cassock
ministering to the sick
Military attire
Cantius and Cantianus are depicted as two youths; Cantianilla as a girl; Protus as a tutor with a staff and faggot; sword; the group fleeing in a chariot; beheaded before an idol; palms and sword; Protus is sometimes depicted as a bishop
knight with a wreath, lance, and ciborium
in chain mail, church in one hand, spear in the other
Priest carrying his head
Religious habit
Religious habit
Military attire
Roses in her basket or dress
Casimir of Poland and Lithuaniaroyal attire of crown and red robe lined with ermine, white lily, cross, rosary; sometimes two right hands
Nun's habit, Book, Crucifix
crucifix, rosary, Religious habit
Religious habit, Heart, With the Blessed Sacrament
Religious habit
Daughters of Charity habit, Miraculous Medal
breaking wheel
sword; with a crown at her feet; hailstones; bridal veil and ring; dove; surrounded by angels, scourge; book; woman arguing with pagan philosophers[37]
carrying the Infant Jesus
habit and rochet as used by Augustinian Canonesses
Religious habit
Catherine of Ricciring, crown, crucifix
Catherine of Sienastigmata, cross, ring, lily, habit of the Dominican order
A hind at her side
Ceciliaorgan or other musical instrument, martyr's palm, roses, sword
Religious habit
Religious habit
Cerboniusgeese, bear licking his feet[38]
Vested as either a priest or bishop, holding a Gospel Book, with right hand raised in blessing.
Religious habit, prayer rope
Charles Borromeocardinal's robes, the Eucharist
White religious habit with a heart, crowned with a cross
Imperial attire, Medals
Passionist habit, Crucifix, Breviary, Biretta
Franciscan habit
Medal, Book, Priest's cassock
Christophergiant crudely dressed, torrent, tree, branch or large staff, carrying the Christ Child on shoulder
military attire; sword; standard of red Mauritian cross on white field; elm tree; horse
Wedding gown, Tau cross, Rosary
Dominican habit, Crucifix
Palm, Cross
pierced by three arrows
Martyr's palm, Cross
Religious habit
tree, branch, as a giant or ogre, carrying the Christ child, spear, shield, as a dog-headed man
Bearded young man dressed as a Roman military officer
Episcopal vestments, usually holding a staff or a Gospel.
Religious habit
Clare of Assisimonstrance or ciborium, habit of the Poor Clares, crozier of an abbess
Clare of Montefalcocross
Religious habit
Franciscan habit
Religious habit
Glagolitic alphabet, Cyrillic script
Augustinian habit
Sun, Stole, Cassock
Clementanchor, fish, Mariner's Cross
A Benedictine abbot giving his hood to a poor man as a halo emanates from his head; with royal insignia at his feet, or instructing the poor
Religious habit
Crown, Rosary, Imperial attire
as a praying queen and as a nun, with a crown on her head or beside her.[39]
suit-of-armour; upright sword; fleur-de-lis; three frogs (his attributed arms)
pilgrim monk with a rope in his hand, being hanged on a gibbet, tongs and rod, with a book and maniple.
Religious habit
Female carrying a palm branch and a sword, a dove hovering above
Dominican tertiary receiving the Eucharist from a hand reaching down from heaven; Dominican tertiary with a dove, lily, and book, or a wreath of roses, cross, lily, and a rosary
she-bear, crowned maiden in chains, with a dog or bear on a chain, holding a book and a peacock's feather, with an angel on a funeral pyre, or beheaded
Monk's robes, Celtic tonsure and crosier
represented as a bishop holding a chalice with a spider in it or over it.
with other Wallachian saints, all of them wearing golden cloaks
Imperial attire
Clothed as Grand Prince, holding a three-bar cross in his right hand
soldier's attire, bearing a banner with the Mauritian Cross and the palm of martyrdom; spade
episcopal attire
clothed as a pilgrim heading to Santiago of Compostella, sometimes with a scepter and crown at his feet.
bishop making a bear carry his luggage because it has eaten his mule; bishop with a bear and mule in the background; bishop with Duke Grimoald at his feet,[40] bear with a packsaddle [41]
fish; episcopal attire
Roman military garb
Franciscan habit
Vested as a bishop, or as a monk, holding a scroll with the words of one of his hymns
Cosmas and Damianbeheaded,, or with medical emblems (phials, box of ointment)
Nun's habit, Heart
Military attire, slaying a dragon
Saints Crispin and Crispinianholding shoes, millstones
Franciscan habit
Cassock, sacerdotal vestments, Bible, rosary, and palm of martyrdom
being beheaded or having his throat cut
An empress in imperial robes, sometimes holding a church.
Bishop holding a second crowned head in his hands; sometimes accompanied by seabirds and animals
deacon's vestments, book of exorcism, with Artemia
as a naked child riding on a wild boar
bishops' vestments, holding a church model, holding an icon of the Last Judgment.[42] Often, Cyril is depicted wearing a monastic habit and Methodius vested as a bishop with omophorion.
Eastern episcopal vestments, holding a Gospel Book or a crosier, big white beard
Carmelite habit
monastic habit, John is wearing court robes, holding martyrs' crosses or medicine boxes and medicine spoons which terminate in crosses


Article titleAttributes
King with a nail in his hand[43]
DanielOften in the lions' den
deacon's vestments, holding a towel and laver[44]
Psalms, Harp, Head of Goliath
David/Dewi Bishop with a dove, usually on his shoulder, sometimes standing, on a raised hillock
David of Scotlandking with sword or sceptre
Abbot's staff, book, biretta
military attire
as a hermit, a wild boar hunted by King Clothaire takes refuge at his feet
deacon's vestments, martyr's palm, crucifix, with a scorpion next to him
armour of a Roman soldier, spear, seated on a red horse
garments of a Christian virgin, martyr's palm, cross, with 40 other virgins
Discalced Carmelite habit
Christian Martyrdom, carrying his severed head in his hands; a bishop's mitre; city[46]
Martyr's palm, Crown of martyrdom
with hand stretching to thunder clouds or exorcising a woman[47]
Tied up in chains
Praying on knees before execution
crown of roses, dove, boat, coat-of-arms of the Principality of Monaco; dead maiden in a boat on the sea with a dove flying ahead of it
tunic full of roses
Vested as a bishop, right hand raised in blessing
Vested as a bishop, holding a Gospel Book
sword and helmet
SwordCrucifix, Samurai robes, Martyr's palm
Crucifix, Book of Hours, Priest's attire
Franciscan habit
Dominican habit
Trinitarian habit
rosary, lily in his hand, star over his head
Passionist Habit and Sign
hen and rooster, habit of a hermit, prayer beads, shepherd's crook[48]
his coat of mail lying on the ground
abbot surrounded by the Seven Virtues; mitred abbot enthroned with a book, a veil tied to his crozier, as proper to an abbot
with: sword, crown, idol in hands
bishop holding the city of Split or the Cathedral of Saint Domnius
dog, cup, martyr's palm; soldier's attire
episcopal dress, chalice, sword, fighting a dragon
bishop's attire with an Irish wolfhound at his feet, pointing out a church to his deacon Andrew the Scot
Roman armor; lightning bolt; martyr's palm; grapevine
Priest's cassock
Vested as a protopresbyter
Priest's cassock
Dorothea of Caesareabasket with flowers or fruits[49]
traditionally credited with an Acts of the Seventy Apostles
Benedictine with sheep, shepherd
holding two crosiers and an archiepiscopal cross[50]
Books, a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the moon on the chest of a Franciscan friar
Dunstanhammer, tongs
Dymphnacrown, sword, lily, lamp, princess with a fettered devil at her feet


crown, staff, book and sometimes a fish
Earconwaldbishop travelling in a chariot
Knife in chest, noose around neck
Irish Christian Brothers' Black Habit
Edmund the Martyrquiver of arrows
Edward the Confessorking crowned with a nimbus and holding a sceptre
bishop holding a fish and a key[51]
Religious habit, Crucifix
Martyr's palm, Lily flower, Rosary
Augustinian habit
Martyr's palm
Eligiusbishop portrayed with a crosier in his right hand, on the open palm of his left a miniature church of chased gold; with a hammer, anvil, and horseshoe; or with a horse
Elijahhabit and mantle of the Carmelites, cave, scroll, chariot of fire
Bishop's attire, with his head in his hands
Religious habit
Religious habit
Religious habit
Poor Clare habit
Servite habit, Lilies
Religious habit
Carmelite habit, hands folded in prayer
Elisabeth of Hungaryalms, flowers, bread, poor people, pitcher
Elisabeth of Portugalcrowns, roses, habit of a Third order Franciscan sister, crucifix
Religious habit
vine in leaf in winter
Discalced Carmelite habit, Crucifix, Palm, Mortar and pestle
knotted cord and lily; coronet at his feet
young woman with stones in her lap and lilies in her hand; young lady being stoned to death
Boar, Lily Stem, Sword
soldier's attire
Chaplain cross, combat boots, Mass vestments
martyr's palm, rosary
Dominican habit
Religious habit
Religious habit
Emilianusriding into battle in the robe of a hermit
Eurythimia Üffing (blessed) Religious habit of the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin and Our Lady of Sorrows
Mother of Saints
a ladder
episcopal robes; palm; supporting a crumbling wall or building
a crosier in one hand, with an upraised sword, in the other, piercing a crescent moon
a pilgrim abbot with a fountain springing under his staff.[52]
martyr's palm, crown; noble attire being flagellated
Religious habit
Priest's cassock
Priest's cassock
Priest's cassock
Christian Martyrdom
Vested as a bishop in omophorion, sometimes holding a scroll
Ephrem the SyriacVine and scroll, deacon's vestments and thurible; with Saint Basil the Great; composing hymns with a lyre
holds the model of a monastery
represented with his entrails wound on a windlass, or as a vested bishop holding a winch or windlass[53] [54]
Eric of Swedenking being martyred at Mass
African woman, blue eyes, facemask
episcopal attire; three stones
Religious habit
Religious habit
Priest's cassock
X-shaped cross[55]
cross, stake, and dove
Clothed as a pious woman with her head covered, surrounded by one or a few lions, often holding a wheel or a cross
Religious habit
episcopal attire
Religious habit
Priest's attire
Eustacehunting clothes, shining cross or crucifix between the antlers of a stag, bull, horn, oven
Poor Clare nun holding a cross
Crozier and Mitre
attire of a Roman centurion, martyr's palm, raising a cross with the word hodie ("today") on it in his right hand, with his left foot stepping on a crow, which is speaking the word cras ("tomorrow").[56]
banner, book
military attire


Faithcross, gridiron, rods, sword[57]
an angel saving them from drowning
martyr's palm and the shears used to cut off her breasts[58]
old bishop with holes bored through his feet and hands
sword and seven sons
Felix of Burgundyanchor
Capuchin holding the Baby Jesus[59]
white stag with cross between its horns
spade, basket of vegetables[60]
Military attire
sword; palm of martyrdom; heretics; the Morning Star; trampling on the word "heresy"; with a club set with spikes; with a whirlbat; with an angel carrying a palm of martyrdom; with Saint Joseph of Leonessa
Priest's attire
Religious habit
martyr's palm
Cross of Saint Florian
Armour of a Roman soldier; pitcher of water; pouring water over fire[62]
Florinus of Remüsbottle, glass of wine[63]
Represented with a crown at his feet to show that he despised the honors of the world
Military attire, bishop's vestments
Saints Acacius, Barbara, Blaise, Christopher, Cyriacus, Catherine of Alexandria, Denis, Erasmus of Formiae, Eustace, George, Giles, Margaret of Antioch, Pantaleon, and Vitus, shown as a group.
Priest's cassock
Priest's cassockZucchetto
Carmelite habit, Rosary, Ball and Chain
Capuchin habit
Priest's cassock
Priest's cassock, Crucifix, Theatine habit
Priest's cassock, Crucifix
Priest's cassock
Priest's cassock
Priest's cassock
Franciscan habit
Religious habit, Crucifix
Skull crowned with an emperor's diadem
Heart of Jesus, Crown of Thorns
Priest's cassock
Francis of Assisihabit of the Franciscans, wolf, birds, fish, skull, stigmata
Franciscan habit
Priest's cassock
Palm branch
Franciscan habit
Francis Xaviercrucifix, bell, vessel, crab with a crucifix
Franciscan habit, crossed spears
Dominican habit
Priest's cassock
Dominican habit
Religious habit
Carmelite habit, Crucifix, Crown
Franciscan habit
Rosary, Vexillium Legionis
Premonstratensian habit
rake, hoe
pastoral staff; a fountain; the ox
Monk with a stag
Ferraiolo, zucchetto, bishop's cassock
with two oxen at his feet, beholding a vision of angels, gazing at the flames of purgatory and hell
Admiral attire, telescope, scroll, medals


[64] Clothed in blue or white garments, carrying a white lily,[65] a trumpet, a shining lantern, a branch from Paradise, a scroll, and a scepter scroll stating "Ave Maria Gratia Plena"
Portrayed as an abbot blessing a bear that brings him a log of wood; may be shown holding a hermit's tau staff with the bear or carrying a loaf and a pilgrim's staff.[66]
Gallicanushanging his armor on a cross
Pictured as a Burgundian knight with a fountain springing under his sword. He holds a shield with a cross. He may also hold the spear with which he was murdered
Gaucho standing in front of a red cross, holding a bola or a red cross, red bandana, blue poncho, Prosopis caldenia
Bishop holding a model of a church
bishop, mitre on head, without his crosier, right hand lifted in a gesture of benediction and left folded upon his breast.
bishop giving his staff to a lame man
holding a Monstrance, Genuflecting or Kneeling to the Blessed Sacrament
a bishop holding a model of the town of Modena
Passionist robe, flowers (lilies and roses), crucifix, stigmata, heavenward gaze, passionist sign
a secretary throwing down his tablets
Genesiustheatre mask
Genevievelit candle, bread, keys, herd, cattle
Priest's cassock, crucifix
Religious habit, Scapular
Clothed as a crusader in plate armour or mail, often bearing a lance tipped by a cross, riding a white horse, often slaying a dragon. In the Greek East and Latin West he is shown with St George's Cross emblazoned on his armour, or shield or banner.
Priest's attire
Georgia of Clermonta flock of doves accompanying her corpse
Young man in a Redemptorist habit, skull
Bishop being killed by a spear
Franciscan habit, Habit of the Order of St. John, Maltese cross, staff, rosary, cherries
Franciscan habit
Stick with cherries, bowl with spoon
Palm and lance
attire of a knight or Roman legionary
Priest's attire
garments of a hermit, praying near his hermitage in a tree, with a donkey near him, thorn in his foot
A nun with a crosier and rats (now sometimes cats)
Benedictine habit, Crucifix
crown, lily, taper
the scourge, the club and the sword[67]
Palm branch
represented with a bear or bear's cub beside him, sometimes portrayed holding a church[68]
Dominican habit
Priest's cassock
Franciscan habit, staff, Crucifix
cross portate[69]
Monk holding a Celtic bell or writing in a book
Gilesarrow, crosier, hermitage, hind
Capuchin habit
Franciscan habit
Dominican habit
Dominican habit, Flowers
Nun's habit, Heart
Religious habit
Carmelite habit
Servite habit
Priest's attire, Crucifix
Cassock, Crucifix
Rosary, Christogram, Crucifix
Priest's cassock
Priest's attire
Franciscan habit
Priest's cassock, Palm branch
Dominican habit, crucifix
Priest's cassock, Stole
Priest's habit
Franciscan habit, staff, rosary
Priest's attire
Religious habit
Religious habit
Religious habit, Pendant of Jesus
Augustinian habit, Flowers
Religious habit, heart
Religious habit, Crucifix, Rosary
Religious habit
Religious habit of the Comboni Missionary Sisters
Franciscan habit
Sandals, sash
Priest's cassock
Dominican habit
Priest's cassock
Capuchin habit, Rosary, crucifix
White coat, stethoscope, cross
Cassock, crucifix
Capuchin habit
Discalced Carmelite habit
Religious habit
Religious habit
Priest's cassock
Hermit being given milk by three hinds; holding a pitcher; with the devil on his shoulder or under his feet; holding the church of Saint Goar am Rhein; hanging his hat on a sunbeam[70]
crown, well, being strangled[71]
Martyr's palm, Priest attire, book
with Monulph, both holding miniature churches
dragon; model of a church[72]
Celtic Rite
episcopal garb; head of Saint John the Baptist; bunch of grapes; bishop with lightning flashing near him
Augustinian habit, Franciscan habit, crucifix, iron ring around the waist
Gregory the Greatpapal tiara, crosier, dove (often portrayed at his ear)
balding with a bushy white beard, bishop's vestments, wearing an omophorion; holding a Gospel Book or scroll
long, tapering dark beard, bishop's vestments, holding a Gospel Book or scroll, right hand raised in benediction
bishop's vestments, driving demons out of a temple, presenting a bishop's mitre to Saint Alexander the Charcoal Burner
Passionist habit
lantern, which the devil tries to blow it out
Dominican habit, Holding a ball, Light shining on him
A peasant praying with an angel plowing a nearby field; a pilgrim with a book or with a hat, staff, rosary, and an ox at his feet
crowned warrior, carrying spear sometimes accompanied by an ox


a bowl of bread and potage (Daniel 14:33-49)[73]
Hedwig of Silesiaholding a church or a pair of shoes in her hands
Helenawearing a royal crown while supporting a cross
Helladius of Toledocarrying straw or firewood to an oven
Henry II, Holy Roman Emperorarmor and mantle, sceptre and sword
bishop's vestments
kneeling before a statue of the Virgin and Child and offering an apple
axe, crown, sword, and cross [74]
Franciscan habit
Priest's attire
Benedictine habit
Blind abbot being led by a wolf
episcopal vestments, crozier, beard, usually white and often long[75]
with a pastoral staff and carrying an abbey church.[76]
habit of a Benedictine nun, crozier, with flames above her head, writing in her Liber Scivias, sitting in a hermitage
lamp, candle
pilgrim's attire, with a staff, or ill in bed
pilgrim's cloak and staff, being stabbed
Hippolytus of Romepapal tiara
Hippolytus the soldiermilitary garb, horse's harness
Bag of money, merchant's robes
Franciscan habit
represented as a bishop over the island of Lérins with a phoenix below, or drawing water from a rock with his mitre near him [77]
Honoratus of Amiensbaker's peel or shovel; bishop with a large Host; bishop with three Hosts on a baker's shovel; loaves
palm of martyrdom
in the garb of a hermit or monk
bearded, raising his hand in benediction, holding a scroll with the words "Ex Egipto vocavi filium meum"
Martyr's palm, crown, cross
knight with a banner showing the stag's head and crucifix; stag; stag with a crucifix over its head; young courtier with two hounds
wearing a cowl over his episcopal vestments[78]
Hugh of Lincolnepiscopal vestments, crozier, swan
A star on his forehead; a bear carrying Humbert's baggage; with an angel making a cross on Humbert's brow; with an angel showing Humbert the Cross[79]
habit of the Vallombrosians
Sometimes represented kneeling at the feet of the pope
Holding a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary along with a monstrance or ciborium[80]
Religious habit

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Mayernik . David T. . 2018 . A Vast, Immeasurable Sanctuary: Iconography for Churches . Sacred Architecture Journal . 5 . 22.
  2. Web site: Eastern Orthodox and Catholic teaching about Icons. .
  3. Encyclopedia: Palm in Christian Symbolism . The Catholic Encyclopedia . 1911 . Hassett, M..
  4. St. Abanoub – martyred on the 24th Day of Abib
  5. Web site: Jones . Terry . Abraham the Poor . dead . . 10 February 2007 . 2007-02-28 . Patron Saints Index.
  6. Web site: Rabenstein . Katherine . April 1999 . Abundius of Como, Hermit (RM) . dead . . 29 April 2018 . 4 March 2007 . Saints O' the Day for April 2.
  7. Web site: Jones . Terry . Acislus . dead . . 2007-02-13 . 2007-03-07 . Patron Saints Index.
  8. Web site: Stracke . Richard . 2015-10-20 . Hungarian Saints: Adalbert, Martin, Stanislas, Emeric and Stephen . Christian Iconography.
  9. Web site: Rabenstein . Katherine . Ethelbert (Ædilberct, Ethelbricht) and Ethelred of Kent MM (AC) . . 2007-02-06 . 2007-03-08 . Saints O' the Day for October 17.
  10. Book: Delaney, John P. . Dictionary of Saints . Doubleday . 1980 . 0-385-13594-7 . Second . Garden City, NY.
  11. Stracke, Richard. "Saint Agnes of Montepulciano: The Iconography", Christian Iconography
  12. Husenbeth, Frederick Charles. Emblems of the Saints, Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts, 1860
  13. Web site: Saint Amabilis . dead . . 2012-02-07 . 2008-02-29 . Patron Saints Index.
  14. Cudith Calvert, "The Iconography of the St. Andrew Auckland Cross", The Art Bulletin 66.4 (December 1984:543–555) p. 545, note 12, citing Louis Réau, Iconographie de l'art chrétien III.1 (Paris) 1958:79.
  15. Book: Baudoin, Jacques . 2006 . fr . Grand livre des saints: culte et iconographie en Occident . Nonette, FR . Editions CRÉER . 90 . 9782848190419 .
  16. Web site: Fongemie . Pauly . SYMBOLS IN ART . 2019-01-15 . Catholic tradition.
  17. Schäfer, Joachim. Hannibal Maria di Francia, in Ökumenisches Heiligenlexikon, 5 July, 2024
  18. Web site: Saint Ansanus .
  19. Book: The Complete Dictionary of Symbols . Chronicle Books . 2005 . 0-8118-4767-5 . Jack Tresidder . San Francisco.
  20. Book: Cornwell . Hilarie . Saints, Signs, and Symbols . James Cornwell . Morehouse Publishing . 2009 . 978-0-8192-2345-6 . 3rd . Harrisburg.
  21. Book: Liechtenstein, the Princely Collections . Metropolitan Museum of Art . 1985 . 9780870993855 . New York . 276.
  22. Web site: Saint of the Day – January 12 . dead . . May 30, 2008 . January 12, 2022 . St. Patrick Catholic Church, Washington, D.C..
  23. Web site: 2008 . Saints of March 27 . September 2, 2011 . Saint Patrick Catholic Church Saint of the Day.
  24. Web site: 2011 . Saint Augusta of Treviso . dead . . July 31, 2011 . August 31, 2011 . Patron Saints Index.
  25. Book: Hall, James . Hall's Dictionary of Subjects and Symbols in Art . John Murray . 1996 . 0719541476 . 2nd . 35.
    Book: Daniel, Howard . Encyclopedia of Themes and Subjects in Painting. 35. 1971. Thames and Hudson . 0500181144.
  26. Web site: St. Patrick Catholic Church Saint of the Day . March 3, 2012 . St. Patrick Catholic Church.
  27. Book: Roeder, Helen . Saints and Their Attributes . Chicago . . 1956. 56013630 .
  28. Borrelli,Antonio. "San Baudolino di Alessandria", Santi e Beati, October 27, 2023
  29. Web site: Saint Benedict of Nursia: The Iconography .
  30. Drake, Maurice and Drake, Wilfred. Saints and their Emblems, London, T. Werner Laurie Ltd., 1916
  31. Web site: Saint of the Day, February 3 - Saint Blase BM Saint Ansgar . . 2016-01-16 . Saint Patrick Catholic Church.
  32. “Blessed Bernardine of Feltre”. New Catholic Dictionary. CatholicSaints.Info. 16 August 2012
  33. Web site: Antonio Borrelli . 2002-04-19 . San Bertario di Montecassino . 2009-05-18 . Santi e beati . it.
  34. "Bertold von Garsten" Domradio, Archdiocese of Cologne
  35. Web site: San Besso . Arduino, Fabio. 30 Nov 2006. Santi e Beati. December 30, 2008.
  36. Web site: Saint of the Day, June 2: Blandina . Saint Patrick Catholic Church.
  37. Web site: Liturgical Year : This Item Currently Unavailable .
  38. Web site: Saint Francis Borgia . dead . . 2019-08-04 . 2012-02-22.
  39. Book: Dunbar, Agnes B.C. . A Dictionary of Saintly Women . 1901 . George Bell & Sons . 1 . London . 191.
  40. Web site: Jones . Terry . Saint Corbinian . dead . . 2007-02-17 . 2007-01-04 . Patron Saints Index.
  41. News: 2005-04-28 . L'Osservatore Romano publishes new Papal coat of arms . Catholic News Agency . 2007-01-05.
  42. Web site: Jones . Terry . Methodius . dead . . 19 February 2007 . 18 February 2007 . Patron Saints Index.
  43. Web site: Saint Dagobert II . CatholicSaints.Info.
  44. "Saint Daniel of Padua: Martyr", The Portugal News, January 28, 2024
  45. Web site: Saint Dathus of Ravenna . CatholicSaints.Info.
  46. Web site: Jones . Terry . Denis . dead . . 2007-01-07 . 2007-01-16 . Patron Saints Index.
  47. O'Hanlon, John. Lives of the Irish saints, Vol. 6, 1873, p. 742
  48. Web site: Stracke . Richard . 2015-10-20 . Dominic de la Calzada . Christian Iconography.
  49. Web site: 2008-03-18 . Saint Dorothy of Caesarea . . 2008-03-18 . Patron Saints Index.
  50. Web site: Rabenstein . Katherine . March 1999 . Dubricius . 2012-03-02 . Saint of the Day, November 14.
  51. Web site: Egwin of Worcester . . June 8, 2011 . 2007-11-03 . Patron Saints.
  52. Roeder, H., Saints and Their Attributes: With a Guide to Localities and Patronage. Chicago: Henry Regnery Company. 1956
  53. Web site: Erasmus of Formia . 2012-03-07 .
  54. Web site: Saint Erasmus . 2012-03-07 .
  55. Santa Eulalia de Barcelona
  56. Craughwell, Thomas. "A patron saint for procrastinators", The Arlington Catholic Herald, April 11, 2012
  57. Web site: Jones . Terry H. . Saint Faith . dead . . 2008-03-18 . Star Quest Production Network.
  58. Web site: Febronia of Nisibis . . September 13, 2009 . Patron Saint Index.
  59. Pope John Paul II, Address to the Sisters of Saint Felix of Cantalice, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, June 16, 2000
  60. Web site: Stracke . Richard . 2015-10-20 . Saint Fiacre . Christian Iconography.
  61. "Obsequies of St. Fina", Feminae, University of Iowa
  62. Web site: Mendler . Mitch . Saint Florian - the patron saint of the fire service . 2019-01-16.
  63. Web site: Obervinschgau .
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  65. Book: Ronner, John . Know Your Angels: The Angel Almanac With Biographies of 100 Prominent Angels in Legend & Folklore-And Much More! . March 1993 . Mamre Press . 9780932945402 . Murfreesboro, TN . 70–72, 73 . 93020336 . 27726648 . "Artists like to show Gabriel carrying a white lily (Mary's flower), a scroll and a scepter." . 2013-11-15.
  66. Web site: Gall . . May 30, 2008 . 2012-03-08 . Saint of the Day, October 16 . St. Patrick Catholic Church.
  67. Web site: Stracke . Richard . 2015-10-20 . Gervasius and Protasius: The Iconography . Christian Iconography.
  68. A Few Words About Bears . New York Journal of Romance, General Literature, Science and Art . S. French . 1854 . New York . 175.
  69. Web site: St. Gilbert's Cross or Portate Cross . 2006-10-29 .
  70. Web site: Jones . Terry . Goar . dead . . 2007-11-19 . 2007-11-09 . Patron Saints Index.
  71. Web site: Stracke . Richard . 2015-10-20 . Saint Godelieve: The Iconography . Christian Iconography.
  72. Web site: Godehard (Gotthard) von Hildesheim - Ökumenisches Heiligenlexikon . de.
  73. Web site: Stracke . Richard . 2015-10-20 . Habakkuk: The Iconography . Christian Iconography.
  74. Web site: Stracke . Richard . 2015-10-20 . Saint Hermenegild: The Iconography . Christian Iconography.
  75. Web site: Stracke . Richard . 2015-10-20 . Saint Hilary: The Iconography . Christian Iconography.
  76. Web site: St. Hilda of Whitby. The Order of the Holy Paraclete . 8 May 2013 . . 23 June 2014 . dead .
  77. Web site: Honoratus of Arles . 2012-03-04 . Saint of the Day, January 16 .
  78. "Saint Hugh of Grenoble", Daily Compass, January 4, 2023
  79. Web site: Saint Humbert of Pelagius . Patron Saints Index.
  80. Web site: Stracke . Richard . 2015-10-20 . Saint Hyacinth: The Iconography . Christian Iconography.