In geometry and complex analysis, a Möbius transformation of the complex plane is a rational function of the formof one complex variable z; here the coefficients a, b, c, d are complex numbers satisfying .
Geometrically, a Möbius transformation can be obtained by first applying the inverse stereographic projection from the plane to the unit sphere, moving and rotating the sphere to a new location and orientation in space, and then applying a stereographic projection to map from the sphere back to the plane. These transformations preserve angles, map every straight line to a line or circle, and map every circle to a line or circle.
The Möbius transformations are the projective transformations of the complex projective line. They form a group called the Möbius group, which is the projective linear group . Together with its subgroups, it has numerous applications in mathematics and physics.
Möbius geometries and their transformations generalize this case to any number of dimensions over other fields.
Möbius transformations are named in honor of August Ferdinand Möbius; they are an example of homographies, linear fractional transformations, bilinear transformations, and spin transformations (in relativity theory).[1]
Stereographic projection identifies
The Möbius group is isomorphic to the group of orientation-preserving isometries of hyperbolic 3-space and therefore plays an important role when studying hyperbolic 3-manifolds.
In physics, the identity component of the Lorentz group acts on the celestial sphere in the same way that the Möbius group acts on the Riemann sphere. In fact, these two groups are isomorphic. An observer who accelerates to relativistic velocities will see the pattern of constellations as seen near the Earth continuously transform according to infinitesimal Möbius transformations. This observation is often taken as the starting point of twistor theory.
Certain subgroups of the Möbius group form the automorphism groups of the other simply-connected Riemann surfaces (the complex plane and the hyperbolic plane). As such, Möbius transformations play an important role in the theory of Riemann surfaces. The fundamental group of every Riemann surface is a discrete subgroup of the Möbius group (see Fuchsian group and Kleinian group). A particularly important discrete subgroup of the Möbius group is the modular group; it is central to the theory of many fractals, modular forms, elliptic curves and Pellian equations.
Möbius transformations can be more generally defined in spaces of dimension as the bijective conformal orientation-preserving maps from the n-sphere to the n-sphere. Such a transformation is the most general form of conformal mapping of a domain. According to Liouville's theorem a Möbius transformation can be expressed as a composition of translations, similarities, orthogonal transformations and inversions.
The general form of a Möbius transformation is given bywhere a, b, c, d are any complex numbers that satisfy .
In case, this definition is extended to the whole Riemann sphere by defining
If, we define
Thus a Möbius transformation is always a bijective holomorphic function from the Riemann sphere to the Riemann sphere.
The set of all Möbius transformations forms a group under composition. This group can be given the structure of a complex manifold in such a way that composition and inversion are holomorphic maps. The Möbius group is then a complex Lie group. The Möbius group is usually denoted
If, the rational function defined above is a constant (unless, when it is undefined):where a fraction with a zero denominator is ignored. A constant function is not bijective and is thus not considered a Möbius transformation.
An alternative definition is given as the kernel of the Schwarzian derivative.
The fixed points of the transformationare obtained by solving the fixed point equation . For, this has two roots obtained by expanding this equation toand applying the quadratic formula. The roots arewith discriminantwhere the matrixrepresents the transformation.Parabolic transforms have coincidental fixed points due to zero discriminant. For c nonzero and nonzero discriminant the transform is elliptic or hyperbolic.
When, the quadratic equation degenerates into a linear equation and the transform is linear. This corresponds to the situation that one of the fixed points is the point at infinity. When the second fixed point is finite and is given by
In this case the transformation will be a simple transformation composed of translations, rotations, and dilations:
If and, then both fixed points are at infinity, and the Möbius transformation corresponds to a pure translation:
Topologically, the fact that (non-identity) Möbius transformations fix 2 points (with multiplicity) corresponds to the Euler characteristic of the sphere being 2:
Firstly, the projective linear group is sharply 3-transitive – for any two ordered triples of distinct points, there is a unique map that takes one triple to the other, just as for Möbius transforms, and by the same algebraic proof (essentially dimension counting, as the group is 3-dimensional). Thus any map that fixes at least 3 points is the identity.
Next, one can see by identifying the Möbius group with
By contrast, the projective linear group of the real projective line, need not fix any points – for example
Möbius transformations are also sometimes written in terms of their fixed points in so-called normal form. We first treat the non-parabolic case, for which there are two distinct fixed points.
Non-parabolic case:
Every non-parabolic transformation is conjugate to a dilation/rotation, i.e., a transformation of the form with fixed points at 0 and ∞. To see this define a mapwhich sends the points (γ1, γ2) to (0, ∞). Here we assume that γ1 and γ2 are distinct and finite. If one of them is already at infinity then g can be modified so as to fix infinity and send the other point to 0.
If f has distinct fixed points (γ1, γ2) then the transformation
Solving for f gives (in matrix form):or, if one of the fixed points is at infinity:
From the above expressions one can calculate the derivatives of f at the fixed points: and
Observe that, given an ordering of the fixed points, we can distinguish one of the multipliers (k) of f as the characteristic constant of f. Reversing the order of the fixed points is equivalent to taking the inverse multiplier for the characteristic constant:
For loxodromic transformations, whenever, one says that γ1 is the repulsive fixed point, and γ2 is the attractive fixed point. For, the roles are reversed.
Parabolic case:
In the parabolic case there is only one fixed point γ. The transformation sending that point to ∞ isor the identity if γ is already at infinity. The transformation
Here, β is called the translation length. The fixed point formula for a parabolic transformation is then
Solving for f (in matrix form) givesNote that
\detak{H}(\beta;\gamma)=|ak{H}(\beta;\gamma)| =\det \begin{pmatrix} 1+\gamma\beta&-\beta\gamma2\\ \beta&1-\gamma\beta \end{pmatrix} =1-\gamma2\beta2+\gamma2\beta2=1
If :
Note that β is not the characteristic constant of f, which is always 1 for a parabolic transformation. From the above expressions one can calculate:
The point is called the pole of
The inverse pole is that point to which the point at infinity is transformed. The point midway between the two poles is always the same as the point midway between the two fixed points:
These four points are the vertices of a parallelogram which is sometimes called the characteristic parallelogram of the transformation.
A transform
This allows us to derive a formula for conversion between k and
The last expression coincides with one of the (mutually reciprocal) eigenvalue ratios of
A Möbius transformation can be composed as a sequence of simple transformations.
The following simple transformations are also Möbius transformations:
f(z)=z+b (a=1,c=0,d=1)
f(z)=az (b=0,c=0,d=1)
f(z)=1/z (a=0,b=1,c=1,d=0)
c ≠ 0
bc-ad | |
c2 |
Then these functions can be composed, showing that, if one hasIn other terms, one haswith
This decomposition makes many properties of the Möbius transformation obvious.
A Möbius transformation is equivalent to a sequence of simpler transformations. The composition makes many properties of the Möbius transformation obvious.
The existence of the inverse Möbius transformation and its explicit formula are easily derived by the composition of the inverse functions of the simpler transformations. That is, define functions g1, g2, g3, g4 such that each gi is the inverse of fi. Then the compositiongives a formula for the inverse.
From this decomposition, we see that Möbius transformations carry over all non-trivial properties of circle inversion. For example, the preservation of angles is reduced to proving that circle inversion preserves angles since the other types of transformations are dilations and isometries (translation, reflection, rotation), which trivially preserve angles.
Furthermore, Möbius transformations map generalized circles to generalized circles since circle inversion has this property. A generalized circle is either a circle or a line, the latter being considered as a circle through the point at infinity. Note that a Möbius transformation does not necessarily map circles to circles and lines to lines: it can mix the two. Even if it maps a circle to another circle, it does not necessarily map the first circle's center to the second circle's center.
Cross-ratios are invariant under Möbius transformations. That is, if a Möbius transformation maps four distinct points
If one of the points
The cross ratio of four different points is real if and only if there is a line or a circle passing through them. This is another way to show that Möbius transformations preserve generalized circles.
Two points z1 and z2 are conjugate with respect to a generalized circle C, if, given a generalized circle D passing through z1 and z2 and cutting C in two points a and b, are in harmonic cross-ratio (i.e. their cross ratio is −1). This property does not depend on the choice of the circle D. This property is also sometimes referred to as being symmetric with respect to a line or circle.
Two points z, z∗ are conjugate with respect to a line, if they are symmetric with respect to the line. Two points are conjugate with respect to a circle if they are exchanged by the inversion with respect to this circle.
The point z∗ is conjugate to z when L is the line determined by the vector based upon eiθ, at the point z0. This can be explicitly given as
The point z∗ is conjugate to z when C is the circle of a radius r, centered about z0. This can be explicitly given as
Since Möbius transformations preserve generalized circles and cross-ratios, they also preserve the conjugation.
The natural action of on the complex projective line CP1 is exactly the natural action of the Möbius group on the Riemann sphere
Here, the projective line CP1 and the Riemann sphere are identified as follows:
Here [''z''<sub>1</sub>:''z''<sub>2</sub>] are homogeneous coordinates on CP1; the point [1:0] corresponds to the point of the Riemann sphere. By using homogeneous coordinates, many calculations involving Möbius transformations can be simplified, since no case distinctions dealing with are required.
Every invertible complex 2×2 matrixacts on the projective line aswhere
The result is therefore
Which, using the above identification, corresponds to the following point on the Riemann sphere :
Since the above matrix is invertible if and only if its determinant is not zero, this induces an identification of the action of the group of Möbius transformations with the action of on the complex projective line. In this identification, the above matrix
az+b | |
cz+d |
This identification is a group isomorphism, since the multiplication of
For any field K, one can similarly identify the group of the projective linear automorphisms with the group of fractional linear transformations. This is widely used; for example in the study of homographies of the real line and its applications in optics.
If one divides
This allows showing that the Möbius group is a 3-dimensional complex Lie group (or a 6-dimensional real Lie group), which is a semisimple and non-compact, and that SL(2,C) is a double cover of . Since is simply-connected, it is the universal cover of the Möbius group, and the fundamental group of the Möbius group is Z2.
Given a set of three distinct points
It is easy to check that the Möbius transformationwith matrixmaps
0,1, and infty,
The stabilizer of
The equationis equivalent to the equation of a standard hyperbolain the
If we require the coefficients
The subgroup of all Möbius transformations that map the open disk to itself consists of all transformations of the formwith and . This is equal to the group of all biholomorphic (or equivalently: bijective, angle-preserving and orientation-preserving) maps . By introducing a suitable metric, the open disk turns into another model of the hyperbolic plane, the Poincaré disk model, and this group is the group of all orientation-preserving isometries of H in this model.
Since both of the above subgroups serve as isometry groups of H, they are isomorphic. A concrete isomorphism is given by conjugation with the transformationwhich bijectively maps the open unit disk to the upper half plane.
Alternatively, consider an open disk with radius r, centered at ri. The Poincaré disk model in this disk becomes identical to the upper-half-plane model as r approaches ∞.
A maximal compact subgroup of the Möbius group
Icosahedral groups of Möbius transformations were used by Felix Klein to give an analytic solution to the quintic equation in ; a modern exposition is given in .
If we require the coefficients a, b, c, d of a Möbius transformation to be integers with, we obtain the modular group, a discrete subgroup of important in the study of lattices in the complex plane, elliptic functions and elliptic curves. The discrete subgroups of are known as Fuchsian groups; they are important in the study of Riemann surfaces.
In the following discussion we will always assume that the representing matrix
Non-identity Möbius transformations are commonly classified into four types, parabolic, elliptic, hyperbolic and loxodromic, with the hyperbolic ones being a subclass of the loxodromic ones. The classification has both algebraic and geometric significance. Geometrically, the different types result in different transformations of the complex plane, as the figures below illustrate.
A non-identity Möbius transformation defined by a matrix
The set of all parabolic Möbius transformations with a given fixed point in
All non-parabolic transformations have two fixed points and are defined by a matrix conjugate towith the complex number λ not equal to 0, 1 or −1, corresponding to a dilation/rotation through multiplication by the complex number, called the characteristic constant or multiplier of the transformation.
The transformation is said to be elliptic if it can be represented by a matrix
A transform is elliptic if and only if and . Writing
For any
The transform is said to be hyperbolic if it can be represented by a matrix
A transform is hyperbolic if and only if λ is real and .
The transform is said to be loxodromic if
Historically, navigation by loxodrome or rhumb line refers to a path of constant bearing; the resulting path is a logarithmic spiral, similar in shape to the transformations of the complex plane that a loxodromic Möbius transformation makes. See the geometric figures below.
Transformation | Trace squared | Multipliers | Class representative | ||||
Circular | σ = 0 | k = −1 | \begin{pmatrix}i&0\ 0&-i\end{pmatrix} | z ↦ −z | |||
Elliptic | 0 ≤ σ < 4 \sigma=2+2\cos(\theta) | k | = 1 k=e\pm ≠ 1 | \begin{pmatrix}ei\theta/2&0\ 0&e-i\theta/2\end{pmatrix} | z ↦ eiθ z | ||
Parabolic | σ = 4 | k = 1 | \begin{pmatrix}1&a\ 0&1\end{pmatrix} | z ↦ z + a | |||
Hyperbolic | 4 < σ < ∞ \sigma=2+2\cosh(\theta) | k\in\R+ k=e\pm ≠ 1 | \begin{pmatrix}e\theta/2&0\ 0&e-\theta/2\end{pmatrix} | z ↦ eθ z | |||
Loxodromic | σ ∈ C \ [0,4] \sigma=(λ+λ-1)2 | k | \neq 1 k=λ2,λ-2 | \begin{pmatrix}λ&0\ 0&λ-1\end{pmatrix} | z ↦ kz |
Over the real numbers (if the coefficients must be real), there are no non-hyperbolic loxodromic transformations, and the classification is into elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic, as for real conics. The terminology is due to considering half the absolute value of the trace, |tr|/2, as the eccentricity of the transformation – division by 2 corrects for the dimension, so the identity has eccentricity 1 (tr/n is sometimes used as an alternative for the trace for this reason), and absolute value corrects for the trace only being defined up to a factor of ±1 due to working in PSL. Alternatively one may use half the trace squared as a proxy for the eccentricity squared, as was done above; these classifications (but not the exact eccentricity values, since squaring and absolute values are different) agree for real traces but not complex traces. The same terminology is used for the classification of elements of (the 2-fold cover), and analogous classifications are used elsewhere. Loxodromic transformations are an essentially complex phenomenon, and correspond to complex eccentricities.
The following picture depicts (after stereographic transformation from the sphere to the plane) the two fixed points of a Möbius transformation in the non-parabolic case:
The characteristic constant can be expressed in terms of its logarithm:When expressed in this way, the real number ρ becomes an expansion factor. It indicates how repulsive the fixed point γ1 is, and how attractive γ2 is. The real number α is a rotation factor, indicating to what extent the transform rotates the plane anti-clockwise about γ1 and clockwise about γ2.
If, then the fixed points are neither attractive nor repulsive but indifferent, and the transformation is said to be elliptic. These transformations tend to move all points in circles around the two fixed points. If one of the fixed points is at infinity, this is equivalent to doing an affine rotation around a point.
If we take the one-parameter subgroup generated by any elliptic Möbius transformation, we obtain a continuous transformation, such that every transformation in the subgroup fixes the same two points. All other points flow along a family of circles which is nested between the two fixed points on the Riemann sphere. In general, the two fixed points can be any two distinct points.
This has an important physical interpretation.Imagine that some observer rotates with constant angular velocity about some axis. Then we can take the two fixed points to be the North and South poles of the celestial sphere. The appearance of the night sky is now transformed continuously in exactly the manner described by the one-parameter subgroup of elliptic transformations sharing the fixed points 0, ∞, and with the number α corresponding to the constant angular velocity of our observer.
Here are some figures illustrating the effect of an elliptic Möbius transformation on the Riemann sphere (after stereographic projection to the plane):
These pictures illustrate the effect of a single Möbius transformation. The one-parameter subgroup which it generates continuously moves points along the family of circular arcs suggested by the pictures.
If α is zero (or a multiple of 2), then the transformation is said to be hyperbolic. These transformations tend to move points along circular paths from one fixed point toward the other.
If we take the one-parameter subgroup generated by any hyperbolic Möbius transformation, we obtain a continuous transformation, such that every transformation in the subgroup fixes the same two points. All other points flow along a certain family of circular arcs away from the first fixed point and toward the second fixed point. In general, the two fixed points may be any two distinct points on the Riemann sphere.
This too has an important physical interpretation. Imagine that an observer accelerates (with constant magnitude of acceleration) in the direction of the North pole on his celestial sphere. Then the appearance of the night sky is transformed in exactly the manner described by the one-parameter subgroup of hyperbolic transformations sharing the fixed points 0, ∞, with the real number ρ corresponding to the magnitude of his acceleration vector. The stars seem to move along longitudes, away from the South pole toward the North pole. (The longitudes appear as circular arcs under stereographic projection from the sphere to the plane.)
Here are some figures illustrating the effect of a hyperbolic Möbius transformation on the Riemann sphere (after stereographic projection to the plane):
These pictures resemble the field lines of a positive and a negative electrical charge located at the fixed points, because the circular flow lines subtend a constant angle between the two fixed points.
If both ρ and α are nonzero, then the transformation is said to be loxodromic. These transformations tend to move all points in S-shaped paths from one fixed point to the other.
The word "loxodrome" is from the Greek: "λοξος (loxos), slanting + δρόμος (dromos), course". When sailing on a constant bearing – if you maintain a heading of (say) north-east, you will eventually wind up sailing around the north pole in a logarithmic spiral. On the mercator projection such a course is a straight line, as the north and south poles project to infinity. The angle that the loxodrome subtends relative to the lines of longitude (i.e. its slope, the "tightness" of the spiral) is the argument of k. Of course, Möbius transformations may have their two fixed points anywhere, not just at the north and south poles. But any loxodromic transformation will be conjugate to a transform that moves all points along such loxodromes.
If we take the one-parameter subgroup generated by any loxodromic Möbius transformation, we obtain a continuous transformation, such that every transformation in the subgroup fixes the same two points. All other points flow along a certain family of curves, away from the first fixed point and toward the second fixed point. Unlike the hyperbolic case, these curves are not circular arcs, but certain curves which under stereographic projection from the sphere to the plane appear as spiral curves which twist counterclockwise infinitely often around one fixed point and twist clockwise infinitely often around the other fixed point. In general, the two fixed points may be any two distinct points on the Riemann sphere.
You can probably guess the physical interpretation in the case when the two fixed points are 0, ∞: an observer who is both rotating (with constant angular velocity) about some axis and moving along the same axis, will see the appearance of the night sky transform according to the one-parameter subgroup of loxodromic transformations with fixed points 0, ∞, and with ρ, α determined respectively by the magnitude of the actual linear and angular velocities.
These images show Möbius transformations stereographically projected onto the Riemann sphere. Note in particular that when projected onto a sphere, the special case of a fixed point at infinity looks no different from having the fixed points in an arbitrary location.
If a transformation
This can be used to iterate a transformation, or to animate one by breaking it up into steps.
These images show three points (red, blue and black) continuously iterated under transformations with various characteristic constants.
And these images demonstrate what happens when you transform a circle under Hyperbolic, Elliptical, and Loxodromic transforms. In the elliptical and loxodromic images, the value of α is 1/10.
In higher dimensions, a Möbius transformation is a homeomorphism of, the one-point compactification of, which is a finite composition of inversions in spheres and reflections in hyperplanes.[3] Liouville's theorem in conformal geometry states that in dimension at least three, all conformal transformations are Möbius transformations. Every Möbius transformation can be put in the form
^\varepsilon |
The orientation-preserving Möbius transformations form the connected component of the identity in the Möbius group. In dimension, the orientation-preserving Möbius transformations are exactly the maps of the Riemann sphere covered here. The orientation-reversing ones are obtained from these by complex conjugation.
The domain of Möbius transformations, i.e., is homeomorphic to the n-dimensional sphere
See main article: Lorentz transformation. An isomorphism of the Möbius group with the Lorentz group was noted by several authors: Based on previous work of Felix Klein (1893, 1897)[5] on automorphic functions related to hyperbolic geometry and Möbius geometry, Gustav Herglotz (1909) showed that hyperbolic motions (i.e. isometric automorphisms of a hyperbolic space) transforming the unit sphere into itself correspond to Lorentz transformations, by which Herglotz was able to classify the one-parameter Lorentz transformations into loxodromic, elliptic, hyperbolic, and parabolic groups. Other authors include Emil Artin (1957),[6] H. S. M. Coxeter (1965),[7] and Roger Penrose, Wolfgang Rindler (1984), Tristan Needham (1997)[8] and W. M. Olivia (2002).[9]
Minkowski space consists of the four-dimensional real coordinate space R4 consisting of the space of ordered quadruples of real numbers, together with a quadratic form
Borrowing terminology from special relativity, points with are considered timelike; in addition, if, then the point is called future-pointing. Points with are called spacelike. The null cone S consists of those points where ; the future null cone N+ are those points on the null cone with . The celestial sphere is then identified with the collection of rays in N+ whose initial point is the origin of R4. The collection of linear transformations on R4 with positive determinant preserving the quadratic form Q and preserving the time direction form the restricted Lorentz group .
In connection with the geometry of the celestial sphere, the group of transformations is identified with the group of Möbius transformations of the sphere. To each, associate the hermitian matrix
The determinant of the matrix X is equal to . The special linear group acts on the space of such matrices via
for each, and this action of preserves the determinant of X because . Since the determinant of X is identified with the quadratic form Q, acts by Lorentz transformations. On dimensional grounds, covers a neighborhood of the identity of . Since is connected, it covers the entire restricted Lorentz group . Furthermore, since the kernel of the action is the subgroup, then passing to the quotient group gives the group isomorphism
Focusing now attention on the case when is null, the matrix X has zero determinant, and therefore splits as the outer product of a complex two-vector ξ with its complex conjugate:
The two-component vector ξ is acted upon by in a manner compatible with . It is now clear that the kernel of the representation of on hermitian matrices is .
The action of on the celestial sphere may also be described geometrically using stereographic projection. Consider first the hyperplane in R4 given by x0 = 1. The celestial sphere may be identified with the sphere S+ of intersection of the hyperplane with the future null cone N+. The stereographic projection from the north pole of this sphere onto the plane takes a point with coordinates withto the point
Introducing the complex coordinatethe inverse stereographic projection gives the following formula for a point on S+:
The action of on the points of N+ does not preserve the hyperplane S+, but acting on points in S+ and then rescaling so that the result is again in S+ gives an action of on the sphere which goes over to an action on the complex variable ζ. In fact, this action is by fractional linear transformations, although this is not easily seen from this representation of the celestial sphere. Conversely, for any fractional linear transformation of ζ variable goes over to a unique Lorentz transformation on N+, possibly after a suitable (uniquely determined) rescaling.
A more invariant description of the stereographic projection which allows the action to be more clearly seen is to consider the variable as a ratio of a pair of homogeneous coordinates for the complex projective line CP1. The stereographic projection goes over to a transformation from to N+ which is homogeneous of degree two with respect to real scalings
which agrees with upon restriction to scales in which
In summary, the action of the restricted Lorentz group SO+(1,3) agrees with that of the Möbius group . This motivates the following definition. In dimension, the Möbius group Möb(n) is the group of all orientation-preserving conformal isometries of the round sphere Sn to itself. By realizing the conformal sphere as the space of future-pointing rays of the null cone in the Minkowski space R1,n+1, there is an isomorphism of Möb(n) with the restricted Lorentz group SO+(1,n+1) of Lorentz transformations with positive determinant, preserving the direction of time.
Coxeter began instead with the equivalent quadratic form .
He identified the Lorentz group with transformations for which is stable. Then he interpreted the x's as homogeneous coordinates and, the null cone, as the Cayley absolute for a hyperbolic space of points . Next, Coxeter introduced the variablesso that the Lorentz-invariant quadric corresponds to the sphere . Coxeter notes that Felix Klein also wrote of this correspondence, applying stereographic projection from to the complex plane Coxeter used the fact that circles of the inversive plane represent planes of hyperbolic space, and the general homography is the product of inversions in two or four circles, corresponding to the general hyperbolic displacement which is the product of inversions in two or four planes.
As seen above, the Möbius group acts on Minkowski space as the group of those isometries that preserve the origin, the orientation of space and the direction of time. Restricting to the points where in the positive light cone, which form a model of hyperbolic 3-space H, we see that the Möbius group acts on H as a group of orientation-preserving isometries. In fact, the Möbius group is equal to the group of orientation-preserving isometries of hyperbolic 3-space. If we use the Poincaré ball model, identifying the unit ball in R3 with H, then we can think of the Riemann sphere as the "conformal boundary" of H. Every orientation-preserving isometry of H gives rise to a Möbius transformation on the Riemann sphere and vice versa.