Rullia gens explained

The gens Rullia was an obscure plebeian family at ancient Rome. No members of this gens are mentioned in history, but a number are known from inscriptions.


The nomen Rullius is derived from the cognomen Rullus, a beggar. The surname is better known in its derivative form, Rullianus, from Quintus Fabius Maximus Rullianus, one of the greatest statesmen and generals of the Roman Republic, who as a young man defied the orders of the dictator Lucius Papirius Cursor by engaging the enemy while his commander was away, winning a famous victory, but was then obliged to beg the Roman people to spare his life, when Cursor declared it forfeit.[1] Chase classifies Rullius among those gentilicia that either originated at Rome, or cannot be shown to have come from anywhere else.[2]


The main praenomina of the Rulii were Gaius and Gnaeus, although there are also instances of Servius and Sextus. Servius was an uncommon name, although not especially rare; it tended to run in families. All of the others were quite common throughout Roman history.


See also


Notes and References

  1. Livy, viii. 31–36.
  2. Chase, pp. 111, 131.
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  4. Grelle & Pani, Le Epigrafi Romane di Canosa, 66.
  5. Grelle & Pani, Le Epigrafi Romane di Canosa, 65.
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  12. BCAR 1985, 393.
  13. Gregori, Comunale del Celio, 446.
  14. Grelle & Pani, Le Epigrafi Romane di Canosa, 64.
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