Robert Pestronk Explained

On May 8, 2023, Robert M. (Bobby) Pestronk was elected as a council member for the Village of Friendship Heights, Maryland, US. On May 15, 2023, he was elected chairman of the council. Council offices are located at the Friendship Heights Village Center, 4433 South Park Avenue, Chevy Chase, Maryland.

Bobby also serves as a trustee for the Ruth Mott Foundation, a charitable private philanthropy in Flint, Michigan, which advocates, stimulates, and supports community vitality in North Flint through grant making in the areas of youth, public safety, economic opportunity, and neighborhoods as well as the public use of Applewood, the former home of C.S. Mott's family and for the family's archives.


Bobby is the former executive director and a past president of the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) in Washington, DC serving from 2006-2014. NACCHO provides programs and services to represent and support America's 2600 local health departments. As the former health officer for Genesee County, Michigan, Pestronk enabled Genesee County's 430,000 citizens to protect, promote, and improve their health and quality of life in partnership with community resources.

As the director of the Genesee County Health Department from 1986–2008, he administered clinical, regulatory, and other human service programs in the areas of personal, community, behavioral, and environmental health. His leadership and novel partnerships helped establish the Genesee Health Plan, the Greater Flint Health Coalition, some of Michigan's earliest local regulations to prevent exposure to tobacco smoke and products, and to reduce African-American infant death. Prior to his tenure as a local health department director appointed by the Genesee County Board of Commissioners, he served as a consultant and administrator for statewide maternal and child health programs at the Michigan Department of Public Health.

Pestronk is a past board member of the Michigan Health Officers Association (of which he is a past president) and served on the Board of the Michigan Association for Local Public Health. He is a Primary Care Policy Fellow through the United States Department of Health and Human Services and trained as a scholar through the Public Health Leadership Institute. He is past president of the Primary Care Fellowship Society and past president of the Public Health Leadership Society Council. He was a member of the Institute of Medicine Public Health Roundtable and of the National Advisory Committee for Turning Point: Collaborating for a New Century of Public Health. He was the first president of the Public Health Law Association. Pestronk received the John H. Romani Outstanding Alumni Award from the University of Michigan School of Public Health Department of Public Health Policy and Administration and was presented the Distinguished Alumnus Award by the University of Michigan School of Public Health.

Pestronk is the founder of


Pestronk's published work includes articles in the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, the Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, the Journal of the American Public Health Association, Health Education and Behavior, Public Health Reports, NACCHO Exchange and the Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. Chapters in books include those published by the American Public Health Association and Oxford University Press.

Publication List


Service Activities


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