Róbert Gulya Explained

Róbert Gulya
Birth Place:Hungary

Róbert Gulya (born 10 November 1973) is a Hungarian-British composer. He composes contemporary classical music as well as film scores.


Robert Gulya studied at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest, the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna and attended a film scoring advanced program at the University of California, Los Angeles.[1] His scores are published by Swiss music publisher Éditions BIM.[2] Inter alia, he created several works for the Austrian guitarist Johanna Beisteiner, such as a Concert for guitar and orchestra, which was performed with the Budapest Symphony Orchestra.[3] Robert Gulya is the owner of the film music production company Interscore LTD.[4]

Honours and awards

List of works (incomplete)

Classical works

Film scores

Discography (incomplete)

List of albums containing works by Robert Gulya:




External links

Notes and References

  1. http://www.robertgulya.com/store/Gulya_Resume_English.pdf Resume of Robert Gulya
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ip1U37_qemw Interview with Robert Gulya
  3. http://www.interscore.hu Official website of Interscore LTD
  4. Web site: Ahol kinyílik a világ – Opera image film 2014 - YouTube . .
  5. https://www.cannescorporate.com/en/winners2014.php Winners 2014
  6. https://248b6353-63eb-412b-baf8-c557a6ae0414.filesusr.com/ugd/1f669b_85d01633b1d34a8f8884145c0c9c6eec.pdf Official AOF 2008 Results
  7. http://www.musicweb-international.com/classrev/2000/apr00/standford.htm Winners of the first international composers competition In memoriam Zoltán Kodály
  8. http://www.mdw.ac.at/isa Official Website of International Summer Academy Prague-Vienna-Budapest
  9. http://www.musicweb-international.com/classrev/2000/apr00/standford.htm CD review by Bob Barnett and detailed album information
  10. https://web.archive.org/web/20160303195515/http://www.magneoton.hu/Termek/SOS_Szerelem Album information