In commutative algebra, the Rees algebra or Rees ring of an ideal I in a commutative ring R is defined to be
The extended Rees algebra of I (which some authors[1] refer to as the Rees algebra of I) is defined as
infty R[It]=oplus n=0 Intn\subseteqR[t].
This construction has special interest in algebraic geometry since the projective scheme defined by the Rees algebra of an ideal in a ring is the blowing-up of the spectrum of the ring along the subscheme defined by the ideal.[2]R[It,t-1
infty ]=oplus n=-infty Intn\subseteqR[t,t-1].
The Rees algebra is an algebra over
Thus it interpolates between R and its associated graded ring grIR.grIR \leftarrow R[It] \to R.
The associated graded ring of I may be defined as
If R is a Noetherian local ring with maximal ideal\operatorname{gr}I(R)=R[It]/IR[It].
The Krull dimension of the special fiber ring is called the analytic spread of I.l{F}I(R)=R[It]/ak{m}R[It].