Reel to Real was a Canadian television series, which aired on the Rogers TV network of cable community channels, as well as nationally on Canada's Independent Film Channel. The series was hosted by a variety of Toronto-area film critics over the course of its run, including Christopher Heard, John Foote, Katrina Onstad, Richard Crouse and Geoff Pevere.[1]
Originally produced by Rogers Cable's division in Oshawa, the series premiered in 1992 and was picked up for provincewide distribution the following year.[2] Heard and Foote were the original hosts. The program later moved its production location from Oshawa into Toronto; later in the 1990s, the program's distribution was further expanded to all Rogers TV outlets across Canada.[3]
Although a weekly series for most of the year, beginning in 1997 the show ran daily during the annual Toronto International Film Festival.[4]
It was cancelled in 2008, after Bell Canada's new sponsorship deal with TIFF largely shut Rogers out from being able to offer any substantive coverage of the festival.