Acharya Ravisena was a seventh century Digambara Jain Acharya, who wrote Padmapurana (Jain Ramayana) in Sanskrit in 678 AD. In Padmapurana, he mentions about a ceremony called suttakantha, which means the thread hanging from neck.
Ravishena and his Padmapurana has been mentioned in Kuvalaya-mālā of Udyotana Suri (Vikram 835) and Jinasena in his Harivansha Purana (Vikram 840).[1]
Padmapurana is said to follow Paumachariya, although it sometimes departs from it. In the Jain tradition, Rama is a Balabhadra, who is non-violent. According to Padma Purana, Ravana was killed by Lakshmana. After having rules for many years, Rama, became a muni and eventually attained nirvana.[2]