In quantum information theory, a quantum channel is a communication channel which can transmit quantum information, as well as classical information. An example of quantum information is the general dynamics of a qubit. An example of classical information is a text document transmitted over the Internet.
Terminologically, quantum channels are completely positive (CP) trace-preserving maps between spaces of operators. In other words, a quantum channel is just a quantum operation viewed not merely as the reduced dynamics of a system but as a pipeline intended to carry quantum information. (Some authors use the term "quantum operation" to include trace-decreasing maps while reserving "quantum channel" for strictly trace-preserving maps[1])
We will assume for the moment that all state spaces of the systems considered, classical or quantum, are finite-dimensional.
The memoryless in the section title carries the same meaning as in classical information theory: the output of a channel at a given time depends only upon the corresponding input and not any previous ones.
Consider quantum channels that transmit only quantum information. This is precisely a quantum operation, whose properties we now summarize.
In ⊗ \Phi,
In ⊗ \Phi
The adjectives completely positive and trace preserving used to describe a map are sometimes abbreviated CPTP. In the literature, sometimes the fourth property is weakened so that
Density matrices acting on HA only constitute a proper subset of the operators on HA and same can be said for system B. However, once a linear map
The spaces of operators L(HA) and L(HB) are Hilbert spaces with the Hilbert–Schmidt inner product. Therefore, viewing
\Phi:L(HA) → L(HB)
It can be directly checked that if
So far we have only defined quantum channel that transmits only quantum information. As stated in the introduction, the input and output of a channel can include classical information as well. To describe this, the formulation given so far needs to be generalized somewhat. A purely quantum channel, in the Heisenberg picture, is a linear map Ψ between spaces of operators:
\Psi:L(HB) → L(HA)
that is unital and completely positive (CP). The operator spaces can be viewed as finite-dimensional C*-algebras. Therefore, we can say a channel is a unital CP map between C*-algebras:
\Psi:l{B} → l{A}.
Classical information can then be included in this formulation. The observables of a classical system can be assumed to be a commutative C*-algebra, i.e. the space of continuous functions
Therefore, in the Heisenberg picture, if the classical information is part of, say, the input, we would define
\Psi:L(HB) ⊗ C(X) → L(HA).
L(HB) ⊗ C(X)
For a purely quantum system, the time evolution, at certain time t, is given by
\rho → U\rho U*,
A → U*AU.
Consider a composite quantum system with state space
HA ⊗ HB.
\rho\inHA ⊗ HB,
the reduced state of ρ on system A, ρA, is obtained by taking the partial trace of ρ with respect to the B system:
\rhoA=\operatorname{Tr}B \rho.
The partial trace operation is a CPTP map, therefore a quantum channel in the Schrödinger picture. In the Heisenberg picture, the dual map of this channel is
A → A ⊗ IB,
where A is an observable of system A.
An observable associates a numerical value
f=\begin{bmatrix}f1\ \vdots\ fn\end{bmatrix}\inC(X)
to the quantum mechanical one
In other words, one integrates f against the POVM to obtain the quantum mechanical observable. It can be easily checked that
The corresponding Schrödinger map
\Psi(\rho)=\begin{bmatrix}\langleF1,\rho\rangle\ \vdots\ \langleFn,\rho\rangle\end{bmatrix},
where the inner product is the Hilbert–Schmidt inner product. Furthermore, viewing states as normalized functionals, and invoking the Riesz representation theorem, we can put
\Psi(\rho)=\begin{bmatrix}\rho(F1)\ \vdots\ \rho(Fn)\end{bmatrix}.
The observable map, in the Schrödinger picture, has a purely classical output algebra and therefore only describes measurement statistics. To take the state change into account as well, we define what is called a quantum instrument. Let
C(X) ⊗ L(H)
\Phi(\rho)=\begin{bmatrix}\rho(F1) ⋅ F1\ \vdots\ \rho(Fn) ⋅ Fn\end{bmatrix}.
f=\begin{bmatrix}f1\ \vdots\ fn\end{bmatrix}\inC(X).
The dual map in the Heisenberg picture is
\Psi(f ⊗ A)=\begin{bmatrix}f1\Psi1(A)\ \vdots\ fn\Psin(A)\end{bmatrix}
2 | |
M | |
i |
Notice that
\Psi(f ⊗ I)
describes the overall state change.
Suppose two parties A and B wish to communicate in the following manner: A performs the measurement of an observable and communicates the measurement outcome to B classically. According to the message he receives, B prepares his (quantum) system in a specific state. In the Schrödinger picture, the first part of the channel
\Phi1(\rho)=\begin{bmatrix}\rho(F1)\ \vdots\ \rho(Fn)\end{bmatrix}.
If, in the event of the i-th measurement outcome, B prepares his system in state Ri, the second part of the channel
\Phi2\left(\begin{bmatrix}\rho(F1)\ \vdots\ \rho(Fn)\end{bmatrix}\right)=\sumi\rho(Fi)Ri.
The total operation is the composition
Channels of this form are called measure-and-prepare or in Holevo form.
In the Heisenberg picture, the dual map
* | |
\Phi | |
1 |
* | |
\Phi | |
2 |
A measure-and-prepare channel can not be the identity map. This is precisely the statement of the no teleportation theorem, which says classical teleportation (not to be confused with entanglement-assisted teleportation) is impossible. In other words, a quantum state can not be measured reliably.
In the channel-state duality, a channel is measure-and-prepare if and only if the corresponding state is separable. Actually, all the states that result from the partial action of a measure-and-prepare channel are separable, and for this reason measure-and-prepare channels are also known as entanglement-breaking channels.
Consider the case of a purely quantum channel
\Psi:Cn → Cm.
By Choi's theorem on completely positive maps,
N | |
\sum | |
i=1 |
* | |
K | |
i |
where N ≤ nm. The matrices Ki are called Kraus operators of
In quantum teleportation, a sender wishes to transmit an arbitrary quantum state of a particle to a possibly distant receiver. Consequently, the teleportation process is a quantum channel. The apparatus for the process itself requires a quantum channel for the transmission of one particle of an entangled-state to the receiver. Teleportation occurs by a joint measurement of the sent particle and the remaining entangled particle. This measurement results in classical information which must be sent to the receiver to complete the teleportation. Importantly, the classical information can be sent after the quantum channel has ceased to exist.
Experimentally, a simple implementation of a quantum channel is fiber optic (or free-space for that matter) transmission of single photons. Single photons can be transmitted up to 100 km in standard fiber optics before losses dominate. The photon's time-of-arrival (time-bin entanglement) or polarization are used as a basis to encode quantum information for purposes such as quantum cryptography. The channel is capable of transmitting not only basis states (e.g.
Before giving the definition of channel capacity, the preliminary notion of the norm of complete boundedness, or cb-norm of a channel needs to be discussed. When considering the capacity of a channel
\|\Phi-Λ\|=\sup\{\|(\Phi-Λ)(A)\| | \|A\|\leq1\}.
However, the operator norm may increase when we tensor
To make the operator norm even a more undesirable candidate, the quantity
\|\Phi ⊗ In\|
may increase without bound as
n → infty.
\|\Phi\|cb=\supn\|\Phi ⊗ In\|.
The mathematical model of a channel used here is same as the classical one.
\Psi:l{B}1 → l{A}1
\Psiid:l{B}2 → l{A}2
{\hat\Psi}=D\circ\Phi\circE:l{B}2 → l{A}2
where E is an encoder and D is a decoder. In this context, E and D are unital CP maps with appropriate domains. The quantity of interest is the best case scenario:
with the infimum being taken over all possible encoders and decoders.
To transmit words of length n, the ideal channel is to be applied n times, so we consider the tensor power
⊗ n | |
\Psi | |
id |
=\Psiid ⊗ … ⊗ \Psiid.
{\hat\Psi} ⊗
The quantity
\Delta({\hat\Psi} ⊗ ,
⊗ n | |
\Psi | |
id |
is therefore a measure of the ability of the channel to transmit words of length n faithfully by being invoked m times.
This leads to the following definition:
A non-negative real number r is an achievable rate of
For all sequences
m\alpha → infty
⊗ m\alpha | |
\Psi} |
⊗ n\alpha | |
\Psi | |
id |
A sequence
The channel capacity of
From the definition, it is vacuously true that 0 is an achievable rate for any channel.
As stated before, for a system with observable algebra
The channel capacity of the classical ideal channel
This is equivalent to the no-teleportation theorem: it is impossible to transmit quantum information via a classical channel.
Moreover, the following equalities hold:
logn | |
logm |
The above says, for instance, an ideal quantum channel is no more efficient at transmitting classical information than an ideal classical channel. When n = m, the best one can achieve is one bit per qubit.
It is relevant to note here that both of the above bounds on capacities can be broken, with the aid of entanglement. The entanglement-assisted teleportation scheme allows one to transmit quantum information using a classical channel. Superdense coding. achieves two bit per qubit. These results indicate the significant role played by entanglement in quantum communication.
Using the same notation as the previous subsection, the classical capacity of a channel Ψ is
that is, it is the capacity of Ψ with respect to the ideal channel on the classical one-bit system
Similarly the quantum capacity of Ψ is
where the reference system is now the one qubit system
Another measure of how well a quantum channel preserves information is called channel fidelity, and it arises from fidelity of quantum states.
A bistochastic quantum channel is a quantum channel