Pyotr Nikolayevich Gruzinsky Explained

Pyotr Nikolayevich Gruzinsky should not be confused with Pyotr Aleksandrovich Gruzinsky.

Native Name:Пётр Николаевич Грузинский
Birth Date:19 December 1837
Birth Place:Kursk
Known For:Painting

Prince Pyotr Nikolayevich Gruzinsky (ru|Пётр Николаевич Грузинский; literally "Peter of Georgia"; 1837 - 1892) was a Russian painter of royal Georgian origin.[1] [2] [3] Pyotr painted landscapes and genre paintings, and was also known for his paintings of battle scenes from the Caucasus War.[4]

He was the son of Prince Nikoloz Gruzinsky and a scion of Mukhrani royal line of the Bagrationi dynasty that had moved to Imperial Russia in the 18th century. Pyotr Nikolayevich Gruzinsky was the last direct male descendant of King Vakhtang VI of Kartli and the last in the Mukhrani royal line.

Notes and References

  1. ბაგრატიონები - სამეცნიერო და კულტურული მემკვიდრეობა" - თბ. 2003 მუხრან-ბატონთა და ბაგრატიონ-მუხრანელთა გენეალოგია
  2. მუხრანბატონთა გენეალოგიური ტაბულა (იური ჩიქოვანი, სოსო ბიჭიკაშვილი, დავით ნინიძე) - კრებული "არტანუჯი" N 5 - 1996 წ. - გვ.28-36
  3. ქსე, ტ. 3, გვ. 281, თბ., 1978
  4. Грузинский, Пётр Николаевич. Russian Biographic Dictionary