Proto-Ryukyuan language explained

Target:Ryukyuan languages
Region:Japan, possibly in Kyushu or Tokara islands

Proto-Ryukyuan is the reconstructed ancestor of the Ryukyuan languages, probably associated with the Gusuku culture in the early second millennium AD.


See main article: Ryukyuan languages.

The modern Ryukyuan languages are spoken on the Ryukyu Islands, from the Amami Islands to Yonaguni. All Ryukyuan varieties are endangered; many speakers are aged late sixties or older, while younger speakers are only monolingual in Standard Japanese.


Pellard (2009:249-275) gives a list of innovations in mainland Japanese and Ryukyuan, with some redocumented by Pellard (2015:15). For instance, in Ryukyuan, the general word for 'body' is *do C, and has been grammaticalized into a reflexive pronoun. The Ryukyuan languages also exhibit a semantic shift 'intestines' > 'belly' of PJ *wata B. However, Japanese also has some innovations not in Ryukyuan, such as the word otoko 'man' < 'young boy', kami 'hair' < 'top'.

"Kyushu-Ryukyuan" hypothesis

There are some innovations shared with Ryukyuan and Kyushu dialects that have not been found in other mainland Japanese dialects. For instance, Yōsuke Igarashi (2018) claims that an innovation of Kyushu-Ryukyuan is to change kami-nidan verbs (-i(2)-) to shimo-nidan verbs (-e(2)-), a grammatical change of -kara from a ablative marker to a locative marker, and some vocabulary items (usually species) only found in such dialects. However, Pellard (2021) attempts refutes the hypothesis, citing typological and cross-linguistic reasons.



The following consonants can be reconstructed for Proto-Ryukyuan:

Proto-Ryukyuan consonants
Nasalpronounced as /
  • m
pronounced as /
  • n
Stoppronounced as /
  • p
/, pronounced as /
  • b
pronounced as /
  • t
/, pronounced as /
  • d
pronounced as /
  • k
Fricativepronounced as /
  • s
/, pronounced as /
  • z
  • pronounced as /r/ pronounced as /[ɾ]/
Approximantpronounced as /
  • w
pronounced as /
  • j

Reconstructing approximants


The following vowels can be reconstructed for Proto-Ryukyuan:

Proto-Ryukyuan vowels
Closepronounced as /
  • i
pronounced as /
  • u
Midpronounced as /
  • e
pronounced as /
  • o
Openpronounced as /
  • a

All Ryukyuan languages have raised the mid-vowels *e and *o, but not all have merged these sounds with *i and *u. It is even possible the mid-vowels were already raised in Proto-Ryukyuan, but still distinct from the original high vowels. The dialects go through different developments depending on the preceding consonant. In various Northern Ryukyuan dialects, *i will often palatalize the preceding consonant. To give an example, Shuri pronounced as /ʔitɕi/ 'pond' < PR pronounced as /

/, but Shuri pronounced as /ʔiku-/ 'how many?' < PR pronounced as / /.

Some Old Okinawan texts can preserve the distinction of Proto-Ryukyuan mid-vowels. For instance, the Old Okinawan anthology Omoro Sōshi records the word for 'snow, hail' as yoki 15 times, while yuki is only recorded once. This may suggest that the proto-form of such word had a mid-vowel *o.

Reflexes of PR *i, *e, *u, and *o
Proto-Ryukyuan Amami (Koniya) Okinawa (Nakijin-Yonamine) Miyako (Ōgami) Yaeyama (Ishigaki-Shika) Yonaguni
  • i
ʔi, N ˀi, ʲi, N ɿ, ɯ, s, N, ∅ ɿ, N, ∅ i, N, ∅
  • e
ʰɨ, i ʰi, i i i i
  • u
ˀu, N u, N u, N, ∅ u, N, ∅ u, N, ∅
  • o
ʰu u u u u
Examples of PR *i, *e, *u, and *o
Gloss Proto-Ryukyuan Amami (Koniya) Okinawa (Nakijin-Yonamine) Miyako (Ōgami) Yaeyama (Ishigaki-Shika) Yonaguni
  • piru
çiɾ pˀiɾuː psː-ma pɿːɾɿ tsˀuː
  • peru
ɸɨɾ pʰiɾuː piɯ piŋ çiɾu
  • uma
mˀaː mˀaː mmɑ mma mma
  • omi
ʔumi ʔumi im iŋ ~ umɿ iŋ ~ unnaga
  • su
ʔusɨ ʔuɕi us usɿ utɕi
  • kusori
kusuɾ kʰusui ffuɯ ɸuɕiɾɿ tsˀuɾi

Proto-Ryukyuan merged the Proto-Japonic diphthong *əi > *e, as in PJ *kəi 'tree' > PR *ke 'id.', PJ *əkəi- 'to get up' > PR *oke- 'id.'


Proto-Ryukyuan has at least three reconstructed tone classes, classified as class A, B, and C respectively. Class A regularly corresponds to the initial high register in Middle Japanese.

The correspondences of class B and C are somewhat complex. While both can regularly correspond to the initial low register in Middle Japanese, there exists a split that exists for the following low register accent classes in Middle Japanese: class 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.4, and 3.5. Accent classes 3.6 and 3.7 almost always correspond to class C in Ryukyuan.

Most dialects often have a penultimate tone on a class C noun, such as the Kametsu dialect in Toku-no-Shima, the Nakijin-Yonamine dialect of Nakijin, and the Tarama-Nakasuji dialect of Miyako (in carrier phrases only). On the other hand, some dialects, such as the Asama dialect in Toku-no-Shima, and the Shuri dialect in Okinawa, exhibit long vowels of the penultimate syllable; for Shuri, it is only exhibited in disyllables.

There has been no unproblematic explanation for why there has been a split in classes B and C in Proto-Ryukyuan for the aforementioned accent classes, so this split has been typically projected back to Proto-Japonic. The Kishima dialect of Saga has been reported to have a tonal split in class 2.5 nouns that correspond to the Ryukyuan tone class split.



Many Ryukyuan dialects have a conclusive and adnominal form that do not correspond straightforwardly to the Japanese ones. They are often palatalized, and such cases have been viewed to be derived from an infinitive *-i + *wor- 'to be; to stay'. Various scholars attempt to propose a common origin for this and the Japanese form -u, but it is problematic.

Basic forms of *kak- 'to write' in Northern Ryukyuan
Form Old Japanese Amami-Yamatohama Yoron-Higashiku Nakijin-Yonamine Shuri Kudaka
Negative kakanu kʰakaɴ kakannu hakaɴ kakaɴ hakaɴ
Infinitive kaki1 kʰaki kakki hatɕi- katɕi haki-
Conclusive kaku kʰakuɴ kakuɴhatɕuɴ katɕuɴ hakiɴ
Adnominal kaku kʰakuɾu kakjuɾuhatɕuːɾu katɕuɾu hakiɾu
Provisional kake2ba kʰakɨba kakiba hakiːba kakiwa hakiba
Imperative kake1 kʰakɨ kaki kaki haki haki

In some constructions in Northern Ryukyuan dialects, the word tends to use a different adnominal form, which can be compared to the Eastern Old Japanese and Hachijō adnominal -o, implying such could be reconstructed at the Proto-Japonic level.

Nakijin-Yonamine adnominal forms
Gloss adnominal old adnominal *-o c.f. other words with *u
'stand' tʰatɕuːnu tʰatu (†tʰatɕi) 'summer' nàtɕíː < *natu
'beat' kʰuɾuːɕunu kʰuɾuːɕu (†kʰuɾuːɕi) 'mortar' ʔúɕì < *su

The origins of the Southern Ryukyuan forms are more difficult to establish.


As with verbs, Ryukyuan adjectival forms are not cognate with the Japanese ones; they are derived from either the nominalizer *-sa ro *-ku + the auxiliary *-ar- 'to be'.


Thorpe (1983) reconstructs the following pronouns in Proto-Ryukyuan. For the first person, the singular and plural are assumed based on the Yonaguni reflex.

Ryukyuan numerals
Proto-RyukyuanAmami (Yuwan)Okinawa (Shuri)Yaeyama (Ishigaki)Miyako Yonaguni
1pronounced as /
  • pito
pronounced as /tïː-/pronounced as /tiː-/ pronounced as /pitiː-/ pitiː-pronounced as /tˀu-/
2pronounced as /
  • puta
pronounced as /taː-/pronounced as /taː-/ pronounced as /futaː-/ ftaː-pronounced as /tˀa-/
3pronounced as /
  • mi
pronounced as /miː-/pronounced as /miː-/ pronounced as /miː-/ miː-pronounced as /miː-/
4pronounced as /
  • yo
pronounced as /juː-/pronounced as /juː-/ pronounced as /juː-/ juː-pronounced as /duː-/
5pronounced as /
  • [i/e]tu
pronounced as /ɨtsɨ-/pronounced as /ici-/ pronounced as /itsɨ-/ itss-pronounced as /ici-/
6pronounced as /
  • mu
pronounced as /muː-/pronounced as /muː-/ pronounced as /muː-/ mm-pronounced as /muː-/
7pronounced as /
  • nana
pronounced as /nana-/pronounced as /nana-/ pronounced as /nana-/ nana-pronounced as /nana-/
8pronounced as /
  • ya
pronounced as /jaa-/pronounced as /jaa-/ pronounced as /jaː-/ jaa-pronounced as /daa-/
9pronounced as /
  • kokono
pronounced as /kuːnu-/pronounced as /kukunu-/ pronounced as /kukunu-/ kkunu-pronounced as /kuɡunu-/
10pronounced as /
  • towo
pronounced as /tuː/pronounced as /tuː/ pronounced as /tuː/tuːpronounced as /tuː/

Pellard (2015) reconstructs the following cultural vocabulary words for Proto-Ryukyuan:


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